Unforgiven: World Tag Team Championship - Cryme Tyme vs Team Priceless

This could potentially be a good match if given time and if the titles are actually made to look important. I like both of these teams here, Cryme Tyme are charismatic, decent mic skills and play their characters well, though I do find them repetitive at times, they still entertain me. Some more character development though would be cool. And Team Priceless are the two young cocky heels that have (so far) never disappointed me. I happen to like heels and with the support of Randy, they will probably continue to impress me. They're loaded with potential, just need someone to help bring that out. Another factor that could be considered that since Orton is currently playing "motivator" while still injured. Cena could do the same for CT, adding different layers to a stroyline that I hope continues.

I'm hoping Priceless retains here for a rematch where CT could finally win after getting a shot like 2 years ago? The thing is, like Nofate said...after this feud is done...what the fuck will either team do?

This seems promising though.
Like many others I feel this is the first time in a long time that the WWE has really tried to create a good program with the tag team championships. In the beginning of this feud I found myself not that interested just looking at this match as a filler, but it has a story and I find myself interested in this feud. I think Priceless should hold on to the belts as it will add more fuel to the feud and for Priceless they cannot keep on losing the belts and then regaining them. I doubt there will be a clean finish in this match after what happened on RAW as I see Priceless close to losing and then using their belts to get DQ to add more to the feud.
You know, people would have you belive that Cryme Tyme were the faces in this, and Priceless were the heels. Wrong.

Priceless wins matches, while Cryme Tyme steals. Priceless simply want thier belts back, while Cryme Tyme cowwardly hides from them, spewing racist remarks, with stolen belts over their shoulders. But I guess its ok, since Cryme Tyme are black guys, so they are cool and shit, and allowed to say racist things and steal.

I hope Priceless whips the shit out of them, and takes thier belst rightfully back. Cryme Tyme are pretty much laborious, and have little else too them besides the cheap heat of stealing and saying cool racist stuff. Priceless actually has LOADS of talent between them, and could benefit from the win, wereas Cryme Tyme's popularity, and amount of overness, will be uneffected wether they have the belts or not. Priceless FTW
It’s hard to get psyched for this match seeing how they didn’t really promote it much this week on Raw, but that's no shock considering the state of the tag division. I expect 8-10 minutes of good tag team wrestling. The contrasting styles will be interesting. DiBiase and Rhodes are improving each time out and Shad is underrated IMHO. JTG will likely take the prolonged beatdown here like he usually does. I see Rhodes and DiBiase retaining via intentional DQ or countout, a la Randy Orton fashion. That type of finish gets more heat for Team Priceless and guarantees a rematch to continue the feud. Priceless needs to hold onto the belts awhile longer seeing as they already lost them just a month ago. And they have the momentum right now having reclaimed physical possession of the straps and proved themselves to Orton Monday night.
The mere fact that this is the first Tag Team title match to have a story behind in like, two years, has me at least slightly interested. Both of these teams are extremely over with the crowd in their respective roles. Cryme Tyme are a little weak in the ring, but since when has that ever been the main criteria to being major stars? And I think Team Priceless have the talent to pick up any slack in this match.

I see Team Priceless retaining in the first of a long series of matches. Not that that's a bad thing. Keeping having Cryme Tyme come close but get screwed by the wily heels, then give them "one last chance" to win. I call it "The Rockers Route of Booking". AWA had The Rockers chasing the tag titles for a year before they finally won them in thier "last chance". I'm not saying this fued could last a year, but a few months definitely. Maybe give Cryme Tyme the belts at Armageddon or the Royal Rumble. I would say Survivor Series, but I think they'll end up on opposing sides in a Survivor Series Elimination match.

Now that I really think about the prospect of this fued, I'm really getting a bit excited for this match. Good job WWE.

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