RAW's Priceless new Stable.

Mexican Geek

It's good to be back!
So, it finally happened. After a lot of speculation, management picked Afa Jr (presented in the Unforgiven PPV as "Manu"(sp?)) as the new member of the Priceless Stable. and who appears to be the spearhead? non other than the best Wrestler in the biz today, RKO.

I'm excited with this movement, it brings new storylines to the table, not to mention more TV time to young talent like Manu and Cryme Time, who IMO should ride the wave and get into a long feud with Priceless. Maybe Cryme Time should add someone like Kofi to his side, make a counter-group of young talent.
As for orton, I dont see him too involved in high profile matches with these guys, but using him as his new personal army, maybe beating Punk week after week (assuming that Punk could lead a Face Stable...).

This sounds like a great time to watch RAW, I just hope the youngsters doesn't drop the ball. Manu looks like he can grab a Mic, so let's wait and see him work in the mat. So far, "things are looking up..." Kudos to that.
It was long rumored and now it's here. Eh. Manu? I wasn't thrilled with him but I'll have to give him a chance. His look is horrendous and needs to change. The other three members are the reason this stable should have legs. Randy Orton must have taken mic work classes while he was injured because every time he picks up a mic these days, gold ensues and therefore he will make a great leader/spokesperson. Priceless have all of the makings of dominant heel tag team champs, even though it's not particularly difficult to dominate that division.

The idea behind the stable is great and the build-up with Orton challenging Priceless was a nice touch. Ultimately, it shows that the WWE is totally behind getting their young talent on television and giving them a chance to shine, which is always a good thing. I'm still hoping there's a spot for Snuka Jr. on this team. Any thoughts on what they'll be called if anything?
I really like the idea of a 2nd/3rd generation stable. Raw is definitely looking up. This stable is a great way to rejuvenate Orton who prior to going out with injury was getting a little stale. He looks and sounds like a veteran. Rhodes and DiBiase who respect no one want the former world champion’s approval. Manu sticks out like a sore thumb next to Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase. He looks like a bad Umaga knockoff. I'd guess he’ll be the group’s muscle.

They teased Orton vs. Punk on Raw then last night at Unforgiven Orton cost Punk the World Heavyweight Championship. That feud is so on now. I see Randy justifying his actions that he had to stop Punk from further degrading the world title and Raw. They can have a series of verbal exchanges leading up to their first match when Randy’s medically cleared.

Team Priceless will continue feuding with Cryme Tyme. The feud’s just getting started and there aren’t any other teams on Raw at the moment. Manu looks to feud with Kofi seeing as how Kingston came to Punk’s aid. Also they could make the argument that Kofi’s IC run was a fluke as well; he only beat Jericho because of outside distraction.

I'm still hoping there's a spot for Snuka Jr. on this team.
I don’t think Snuka Jr. (Deuce) would be a good fit seeing as Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, and Manu are all in their 20s. At 37, Deuce is an old man in comparison. This stable is for the young hotshots, tomorrow’s superstars.

Any thoughts on what they'll be called if anything?
They possess a natural inborn talent inherited from their fathers. Because wrestling is in their blood, they might go with a stable name like Young Blood or New Blood, something with blood in it. Since their claim is that greatness is their birthright and the potential is there to be bigger than their fathers, I could see them calling themselves something like Destiny.
Aside from the Jericho title win, the formation and action of this foursome last night was my favorite part of the show. For starters, provided they stay together long enough to make waves, DiBiase and Rhodes may be just what the WWE Tag Division needs right now - strong, heel team that can carry the belts legitimately. They remind me of a more athletic and more talented Money Inc.

This guy Manu, I am willing to bet you, is the real deal. The Wild Samoans team - Afa and Sika - are part of a long family lineage of amazing Samoan professional athletes. And with some work, this guy could be WWE's version of Samoa Joe - tough, strong, and athletic, but FINALLY breaking the Samoan Savage stereotype that WWE has clung to for WAY too long now. Manu stepped right up into the light last night.

Orton as the stable leaders gives these young kids the rub they need, and better still, Orton's promo last night was one of his finest ever. And suddenly, I cannot wait for Survivor Series, because I know that The 2nd Generation Stable is going to catch hell from Punk, Kingston, and whomever they recruit (Cryme Tyme?) to fill out the team.
You've got Orton, Team Priceless, and Manu and it looks like they will be feuding with Punk, Kingston, and Cryme Tyme. Orton and company got the upper hand last night so I could see Punk and his crew getting an advantage tonight. This has a chance to be a great feud. Right now the only titles involved are the tag titles so you could see those change hands a few times between Priceless and Cryme Tyme. I could also see the IC title being brought into the feud by either having Manu or Kofi taking it from Santino, but regardless this should be fun to watch.
We have stables in the WWE again freeeekin sweet... but in my opinion creative was forced to make this happen. With Cena's absence, Raw was missing a big time superstar with mic skills, combine that with the fact that ME heels are slim pickins in the WWE, creative had to bring Orton back. Think about it, how often do WWE superstars appear on tv while injured now days? Not to often! I would also like to give a shout out to who ever has been skoolin Orton on the mic. His skills have progressed tenfold.
My only problem is the fact that Punk looks like the leader in the other stable. IMO i do not think he has the mic skills to be the voice of a stable. Also i do not know who else would fit with Punk and Kofi. I don't think Cryme Tyme fit with Punk being Str8 Edge and all but who knows. Hopefully the WWE runs with it and even makes it where there are members in all three brands.
Hopefully this group sticks together long enough to make an impact on RAW just like Evolution did five years ago. This was the first time I saw Afa Jr., and to me he just looks like a slimmed down version of Umaga lol, but I guess we will see what he is made of tonight on RAW. I was predicting that Rhodes and Dibiase we're gonna join forces with Orton since day one and it finally happened, a stable made up of 2nd/3rd generation stars is brilliant and RAW will be worth watching if they are used correctly. In the very near future I see Afa winning the IC title and Orton winning the World title(sorry Jericho fans, but I honestly believe that Y2J is only a filler champion at the moment until Orton returns to the ring), then all four members will have gold ala Evolution 2003.
I can honestly say, that besides the Jericho fall out, this is easily the reason I want to watch RAW tonight, and am intrigued by it. Maybe I look too much into things, but it reminds me of children, really. The big kid who is actually INTO a bunch of bad shit, evil things(Orton), influencing the young kids who are just misguided. Just the way he talks to him. I mean this in the way that Dibiase, Rhodes, and Afa seem like just straight up heels while Orton seems genuinely EVIL. Not sure if thats the purpose, or if Orton is just that damn good. I love it, and cant wait for it, although it seems to me that Afa is really kind of out of place here, as I think DH Smith wouldve fit in with the cokcy pretty boy collection. "Oh thats dumb NorCal, he is their enforcer" you say. I understand that you twat. I just think they couldve found someone else, since Afa looks weird alongside them, IMO. I dont htink itll bother me TOO much though, and could be interesting if booked right, the relationship between Afa and all the rest of them. Cant wait to watch this.
I definitely see a feud with this stable and the group of CM Punk, Kofi and Cryme Tyme. After dropping the IC title, Kofi's in a sort of limbo right now and so maybe they're going to start a mini-feud with him and Afa Jr., while Cryme Tyme and Team Priceless continue to go at it for the titles and Punk and Orton settle their differences. This is a great stable an Orton, like you said NorCal, seems like he's going to play the evil leader who corrupts the young lads and shapes them into his mould, and at only 28 is going to be the veteran mouthpiece of the stable.
Ugh. "Manu" so doesn't fit in with this group of individuals. This could have worked very well if they put DH Smith instead of poor, poor Afa Jr.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking this new Wild Samoan, I just think he could have been better utilized with Umaga. He has a savage look to him and it would work well with Umaga. He could be the less wilder of the two, who acutally speaks. And the two would have made a nice addition to the lacking tag team division on SmackDown!

Meanwhile give the socially awkward looking DH Smith a lesson in looking cool, classy and cocky and he would fit the mold of this "Next Generation" stable much better. And if I remember correctly he was a big kid. If he hit the gym a bit harder he could have looked like a legitimate enforcer for the group.

But Manu is just going to be the groups weak spot. And again I don't mean to disrespect the man's talent. For all I know he may be a tremendously gifted athlete and the most skilled on the mic since The Rock. But in a group with Orton, Rhodes and DiBiasi he is just too out of place.
And as an addition to my previous post, an idea just popped into my head using DH Smith as the catalyst of what I feel would be an interesting storyline.

Cowboy Bob is alive, Ted Sr. is alive and Dusty is alive. Cowboy Bob and Ted were both pretty big heels, Dusty has pretty much mostly been a face for as far as I can remember. So while Ted and Randy have it in their blood to be heels and Cody just doesn't want to live in the shawdoy of The American Dream, where is DH's motivation?

He just wants to be part of something, looking to replace a vital part of his family that he lost when Davey passed. He knows his dad spent a portion of his career as a heel so he wants to emulate that. He can't form his own path because his father's not there to guide him.

He feels uncomfortable doing these drity tactics but nevetheless he does them to keep fitting in all while being disgusted. An appearance by Jim Neidhart telling DH its one thing to be dirty, but do it honorably, like Nattie. Nattie can move to Raw, maybe we can get Teddy Hart or some other Hart relative, and BAM! Hart Foundation 2.0 vs The Next Generation.

That's what I would do.
The idea behind the stable is great and the build-up with Orton challenging Priceless was a nice touch. Ultimately, it shows that the WWE is totally behind getting their young talent on television and giving them a chance to shine, which is always a good thing. I'm still hoping there's a spot for Snuka Jr. on this team. Any thoughts on what they'll be called if anything?

I knew last week when Orton challenged them that something would be up, Manu was a nice touch and as I've stated before, stables that are done correctly are a good move, and this seems to be the case. We have the main eventer, former champion, we have the tag team, and we have (presumably) the midcarder there, already causing trouble for Cryme Tyme, Kingston and CM Punk.

There are, however, a few problems I see;

1) Too much midcard talent, could go horrendously wrong!

2) What about Kingston? Why's he getting brought into this...I was enjoying his feud with Santino Marella.

3) Expansion? I can see one or two getting added, but really do I want to see Primo Colon or DH Smith in this stable, chances are...no.

Like NorCal said, I'm going to tune into Raw tonight, watching it live for the first time in a while, just to see what the fudge is going on!
This is crazy, but lately I've been looking forward to wrestling on Monday nights. I've been a WWE hater for the past 2 years, but the happenings over the past couple months have certainly grabbed my attention. I can even say that the WWE has earned some of my respect back.

I didn't see Unforgiven, but it sounds like I missed one hell of a show. I am in love with the pairing of Orton and DiBiase/Rhodes. The characters are all very similiar- solid in ring work, solid mic skills, good look, etc- and I think each guy, Orton included, is going to benefit from the alliance. Not too mention it's been too long since a legitimate stable was included in a good storyline.

FINALLY!!!!!!! That segmant is responsible for all on its own restoring my excitment for RAW again..... I won't be shy in saying that in my opinion the ratings drop for the WWE lately has been hugely due to the fact that it is getting STALE.... same guys same fueds all day long......
Last night at Unforgiven there were signs that could all be changing. I have sat back for so long and said that WWE needs to put some pressure on their young guys, give them the ball and see what they do with it. THEY DID...... That was the best being the Punk/Orton segmant. Everyone on here has already said enough but I will just add one thing. In the segment we saw Punk, Kofi, Team Priceless, and Manu who are all some of the WWE's young and talented FUTURE!!!! No Edge, Taker, HHH, Jericho, Michaels (who are all great, dont get me wrong), but it was nice to see WWE spending time building the guys who (injury sparing) will be around to watch for years and years to come.... Throw Cryme Tyme into the mix and you have a VERY exciting fued. Then you have Orton. WOW!!!! He has elevated his game like..... I'm speechless.
the young blood in the WWE has to up their game, but the same has to be said for some of the "main eventers" as well. Orton is doing just that. Edge has spent most of the last 2 years doing so. Last night their were signs or should i say "what I hope are signs" that we could be in for some MAJOR changes to the WWE as we know it. The Smackdown scramble seemed to have a few small hints at HHH/Hardy. I was pleasantly suprised at the match these to had at the end of 2007. It would be really awesome to see a fued with HHH as the heel and Jeff Hardy as the underdog contender. The only obsticle is Jeff's personal life/issues. You can say what you want, but the WWE has on several occasions been ready to give him the ball.... he just hasnt been ready to take it. There is no WWE personality I want to see have a title run more than Hardy!!! I guess ill just wait.
If taking time off to play in a rock band means that a guy can come back as strong as Jericho has... then WWE needs to start sending guys away FAST!!!!! Weeks of the most brilliant heel work in a VERY long time were capped off last night when he won the Raw Scramble.....AWESOME....
I guess the point i am slowly trying to get at is this:
Guys like Cena, Orton, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Kennedy, Mysterio have to BE THE SHOW.... be the guys that fans are tuning into see, on a MASSIVE level. A few already are and the others have to be given the chance to be. Then when you add the eger and thirsty youth like CM Punk, Kofi, Team Priceless, Kendrick, Morrison, and Bourne who want to take those number one spots, wrestling becomes very exciting again. then the ratings get topped off by veterans like HHH, Taker, Kane, Michaels, Jericho..... then you find yourself hurrying to be home for Raw every Monday. Saving every cent for PPV's at the end of the month......
Last night we got to see some of those pieces fall into place........ F%*$ YEAH!!!!!
I knew last week when Orton challenged them that something would be up, Manu was a nice touch and as I've stated before, stables that are done correctly are a good move, and this seems to be the case. We have the main eventer, former champion, we have the tag team, and we have (presumably) the midcarder there, already causing trouble for Cryme Tyme, Kingston and CM Punk.

There are, however, a few problems I see;

1) Too much midcard talent, could go horrendously wrong!

2) What about Kingston? Why's he getting brought into this...I was enjoying his feud with Santino Marella.

3) Expansion? I can see one or two getting added, but really do I want to see Primo Colon or DH Smith in this stable, chances are...no.

Like NorCal said, I'm going to tune into Raw tonight, watching it live for the first time in a while, just to see what the fudge is going on!

The Kingston puzzle has also got me thinking one thing...why? Why did Kofi Kingston get himself involved. I'm sure there will be some sort of explanation tonight but I certainly can't think of one. Shouldn't he be more worried about the IC title he just lost to Santino?

As for expansion, I say leave it alone, especially since this apparent "stable" has only been around for one night. We don't even know if it will work yet. Primo Colon and DH Smith could definitely be added to the mix down the road, but as of right now I'd prefer to see what these four can do.

As I've stated a few times already, I really was turned off by Manu's look last night. It's as if Carlito and Umaga somehow found a way to procreate. He looked awful. I am hoping that his look changes. As for the other three men, I couldn't be more excited for all of them, especially Dibiase Jr. In all actuality, Cody Rhodes has been the mouthpiece for Priceless. I really hope that Dibiase steps up big time as a result of this stable and eventually seperates himself down the road. As for Orton, who isn't happy to see him back? I'm looking forward to a nice, long feud between him and Punk.
As I've stated a few times already, I really was turned off by Manu's look last night. It's as if Carlito and Umaga somehow found a way to procreate.

Maybe it's the fad for this new stable since Rhodes and Dibiase look like they're the lovechild of Randy Orton and.. well, is it possible that Orton's capable of asexual reproduction? Seems like the most likely outcome. I swear, stick Dibiase's head on Rhodes' body and you have a clone of Randy Orton.

But I agree with you about Manu, he looks horrible and it seems as if he's gonna be using that headbutt he hit Kofi with as a special... which sucks. But let's wait and see, he's only been on TV for a combined 5 minutes.
Maybe it's the fad for this new stable since Rhodes and Dibiase look like they're the lovechild of Randy Orton and.. well, is it possible that Orton's capable of asexual reproduction? Seems like the most likely outcome. I swear, stick Dibiase's head on Rhodes' body and you have a clone of Randy Orton.

But I agree with you about Manu, he looks horrible and it seems as if he's gonna be using that headbutt he hit Kofi with as a special... which sucks. But let's wait and see, he's only been on TV for a combined 5 minutes.

Yea I'm certainly not burying the dude. I'm excited that this idea, this stable, is finally coming through and I'm also happy that the 4th member wasn't DH Smith, since everytime I saw him on television I was lulled to sleep. I'm really looking forward to Raw tonight, and aside from the Jericho fallout, this storyline has me waiting in anticipation.
This is a great idea and much needed for RAW IMO. I hope this new stable will have an Evolution-esque dominance of RAW, which really would go to help all those involved.

This new faction (I can see them being called The Next Generation by the way) helps each member greatly. Firstly, I'll start with the leader, Orton. Having him lead a strong stable on his return from injury helps solidify him as a main player as well as keep the momentum and focus on one of RAWs forgotten assets.

Rhodes and DiBiase, if they are to follow in Orton's footsteps, need this stable to elevate them. Until unforgiven, they had been pathetic champions, befitting of a pathetic tag team championship and tag team division. However, this new angle brings new possiblities and will help to elevate the tag team titles and hopefully the tag team division, with a strong feud with Cryme Tyme.

Manu may be the weak link in this stable, however this is yet to be seen. He has something Samoa Joe-ish in him, which I guess some people may like. But I've heard he is an awesome athlete, dating back to his football days. Plus, he looks like taking the enforcer role in this stable.

I also think there will be one more member of this group, I'm thinking of one of Carlito / DH Smith (the logical choice) / Natalya / Eddie Colon
I can't wait for tonights Raw to see what this new stable will bring. Between them and the Jericho fallout this could be one hell of a show. Now it would be perfect, if say Joe Hennig made an apperance tonight with the new guys. His father's dvd is released tomorrow and it would make great publicity to buy it. I can dream!
i think this stable is great idea. I don't think having Manu as the muscle is bad if the description everyone is giving him is accurate, in evolution i dont think bastisa fit that mold. My problem is Cm punk's face stable that will form too. Kofi and Crime time what a weird combo. I don't mind kofi but why not like evan bourne and colt cobanna w/e his name is on smackdown they seem to fit with CM punk a lot better and not because they are white guys. Their beef with the next generation could be that they didn't need their fathers to get them into the business.
Heh, I'm glad they finally decided to go with this. This will help not only us by entertaining us, but also the careers of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr.

At first, when Afa Jr. interfered at Unforgiven, I thought it was Ricky Ortiz. Seriously, they have the same hairdresser. But then I stopped drinking Jack Daniel's. This guy looks pretty menacing, but I'm not gonna make any assumption about him yet. He's a bonafide enforcer though.

This could be gold. Ted DiBiase is a future player and Cody Rhodes could go pretty far as well. Having Randy Orton involved in any way is good, and if this Manu guy is good as well, more power to 'em. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the stable.
This could be a very good thing. I hope they run with it for as long as they did with Evolution, because I'd hate for this to just be a few month thing. DiBiase and Rhodes could make the tag team division good, especially now that they have a powerful alliance. DiBiase and Rhodes blossoming careers will only improve with alligning themselves with Orton, much like how HHH helped Orton and Batista in Evolution. Orton now has something Edge didn't, a solid supporting crew behind him, and Orton is going to become champion soon because of them. Orton will be given his chance to shine as leader and think he will be successful at it. I don't know much about Afa Jr, but by the sounds of it he'll be their enforcer and that means he'll have a place, I've read people saying positive things, so I think he'll make a great middle carder. What does everyone think, is The Next Generation going to win all the titles like Evolution did, I think so.
I seriously thought JBL was gonna be the leader of the stable instead of Randy Orton... Priceless and JBL is such a good combination, but Randy Orton makes sense now. A third generation superstar who has made it leading a stable of up and coming/recently debuting second generation superstars (Cody Rhodes is the only person besides Randy Orton in the stable who has been there over a year, barely). We're getting Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, and A'noi all in one stable. I wonder who's gonna be the last member. Maybe he'll debut at No Mercy.
OK, so after Orton slapped Dibiase in the face last night, it seems like they're gonna stretch it out until the stable is actually official. I think it'll continue over the next few weeks with Orton "testing" Team Talentless and them continuing to try and get his respect and approval by doing his dirty work for him.
OK, so after Orton slapped Dibiase in the face last night, it seems like they're gonna stretch it out until the stable is actually official. I think it'll continue over the next few weeks with Orton "testing" Team Talentless and them continuing to try and get his respect and approval by doing his dirty work for him.

How can you call Priceless talentless? I have to wager that a lot of people would say that they are the absolute opposite, and we'll begin to see that over the next few weeks as they will be (hopefully) prominently featured on Raw in not only wrestling angles but promos and backstage segments as well. Even though they've had big parts in the recent past, they were either being booked to lose to John Cena or they were being booked to lose to John Cena and Batista. Now, it finally seems that they will be booked in a way that makes them look much better than the old way they were booked.

As for last night's Raw, I enjoyed that they didn't shoot their load on creating the stable just yet. They've created an interesting situation with Orton and the three kids and I'm glad they are taking their time with it.

As for Afa, I was down on him because of his look at Unforgiven, but I thought with the hair tied back he looked much better and last night, his work superceded whatever he looked like. I thought he was great. I particularly enjoyed the leaping headbutt. This stable, when finalized, will be an interesting force on Raw.

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