RAW Superstars not getting the push they deserve

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Whether you like it or hate it,lately superstars like sheamus, the miz, legacy and kofi kingston have all been given pushes. There are some superstars on the raw brand that have worked hard and have generally became better wrestlers but still have not been given pushes.

So my questions are, do you think the less noticed RAW superstars will get the push they deserve now that other midcarders are becoming big?

And what superstars do think are being wasted on RAW?

Here are the main superstars that I believe deserve pushes:

Evan Bourne
: He was destined to win the ECW title last year before he got injured but ever since he got back, he has not really been in a storyline and has basically been jobbing. Evan Bourne could be the next Rey Mysterio if they would just give him a push or a least a fued.

MVP and Mark Henry: MVP and Mark Henry have worked very hard on trying to be face but nothing seems to be working. They are good wrestlers and could benefit from a heel turn if They wre just noticed
I'm not 100% sure that this belongs in this thread, but it deals with MVP and a push, so I'll go with it. What if they only took the title off of Cena so that they could have an up and coming face, such as MVP, challange and win the strap? I mean to have MVP vs Cena, one of them would lose their "face" standing, so by putting it on Sheamus, it opens the door for others to chase. Keep the belt on the Celtic Warrior for a few months to build him as a credible champion, and push somebody new into that spot. Just my thought...and maybe a little wishful thinking in there
dibiase definatly needs the push, they r going to turn him heel anyway so they may aswell give him a push and feud with orton.
evan bourne: deserves one, i dont like him but hes got alot of potential skill to be a wwe champ.
Kofi: doont like him either but is a good skilled competator (yes i no it dsnt make sense)
Biggest need of a push:
im not just saying this coz hes one of my favourite, just look at him he is so skilled and dominated on ECW, look at him, he reminds me of a young brock lesnar with a bit of kurt angle in him. they shouldve kept his winning streak going for the rest of the year so he can argue the point that he deserves a shot at the title (which he does anyway)
so by putting it on Sheamus, it opens the door for others to chase. Keep the belt on the Celtic Warrior for a few months to build him as a credible champion, and push somebody new into that spot.

Rather, what i think you meant is it opened the door for Randy Orton to win the title back. Which is why i assume they took it off of Cena in the first place to clear that ridiculous stipulation. I understand that they were trying to get things between Cena and Orton to cool, but it certainly hasn't, and the fans are no less sick of seeing the two of them. At least in the title hunt.

I think those on Raw that are being pushed deserve it. Sheamus, Kofi, Miz, Legacy (ish?). MVP got a raw deal (no pun intended) but he's just going to have to work that much harder in order to get his name to come up again. I have no doubts that it will.

Mark Henry...meh. He's getting the US Title push...meh. Rather see Masters, Carlito, Primo, Bourne, pretty much ANY of the undercard guys on the roster get the shot over him.

Evan Bourne is talent wasted. As is usually the case with indy talent-they light it up in the indies, get to WWE and get squashed-at best. Thank god Punk broke that mold. But yes, he does deserve a title, any title. Even tag team titles. Just something to recognize his talent.

Overall, I'm happy with the direction that RAW has gone in the past month. Kofi is way over, Sheamus is starting to draw legit heat (Albeit thanks to his win over Cena), Legacy is really starting to come into their own, and now Bourne is becoming more of a star (slowly). Miz has proven that he is no Marty Jannetty, and the Tag Titles are slowly gaining prestige. So overall, i think Raw has been really great lately....save for these lackluster guest hosts.

Is it bad that Dennis Miller was a bright spot among them recently?
I dont see Even Bourne getting a fair shake in the WWE ever. Vince simply does not like Cruiserweights and high flyers. Heck, the only reason why (IMO) Rey Mysterio got the push he did was because he was already a major success in WCW and Vince wanted to capitalize on his already-budded popularity. Once he did that, Mysterio hasnt really gotten much of a push sicne. Bourne unfortunately will never get the push he deserves in the WWE.

Mark Henry doesnt deserve any sort of "push" outside of what he's already getting. He's been in the WWE for how long now? 15 years? His time has come and gone.
No idea why you think Henry deserves a push. Not in the history of ever have I been excited for a Mark Henry match, and it seems like the audience agrees. Now I find him entertaining backstage... until that whole rapping tragedy that is. MVP, on the other hand, could use a push but he would have to go back to being that cocky heel he was on SD! Most likely by turning on Henry and beating him down (somehow). Bourne is always fun to watch but where can he be pushed to really? He's one of the reasons the cruiserweight title needs to return.

For my pick, I would have to say Carlito. Just listen to his stolen slammy victory speech. Hilarious stuff. He may just be the best mic worker currently to never be world champ. Also, Jack Swagger definitely needs to be pushed. Completely being wasted by the E right now. I'm assuming they dropped his no-losing promise so Cena could have it. Sigh, Cena does not need it! Swagger can actually use it to move on up
Biggest need of a push:
im not just saying this coz hes one of my favourite, just look at him he is so skilled and dominated on ECW, look at him, he reminds me of a young brock lesnar with a bit of kurt angle in him. they shouldve kept his winning streak going for the rest of the year so he can argue the point that he deserves a shot at the title (which he does anyway)

Exactly! Hey, I don't mind that The Miz got a title push before Swagger, he did it awesome, no pun intended. But Swagger ain't even on TV anymore, where is he last 2 weeks? I for one love the actual wrestlers in the business, great ring technicians. Swagger is one of them. Just look at how his match starts, he does that quick take down and in the manner of seconds he is in control. Not only he has the huge wrestling ability, Jack brings a certain Swagger to his name too, this time pun intended.

The cocky smile, the cocky strut to the ring, I mean this man knows he is better than most of them out there. I read on this forum not long ago that the reason he ain't getting the push is because he and some others didn't work out well on RAW in the creative "minds". Cuz of it, they bury the story of him winning for the rest of the year. Then they have a stint of him and Eve, they bury that as well. Kudos on the "creative" on both parts.
I expect Jack will be drafted to Smackdown 100 %. Expect the push then.
hmmmm...Raw pushes, seems like we have talked about this once or twice before. Well, this will just be an updated version.

I'm gonna start this out with a simple explanation on why a lot of these guys are not being pushed.....spam it if you want, but it's important.

I don't understand pushes that much anymore....I think most people buying merch are slow, I'll say that sparingly because in all likelihood it is right on the money. I'm just waiting to see a Masters Pec-Bouncing shirt...it's coming.

See whats I'm saying...Raw time at this point seems to be based on what people will laugh at and what people will buy.
DX....Merch galore
Cena...Merch capital
Horswaggle..new and stupid enough to be interesting i guess?

If it's stupid it will get time....big dick johnson...get the point yet?

Now that I've bounced that off my pec's

-Evan Bourne: needs to be on smackdown, his skills need to be shown in matches and not random mid-segment shooting star presses; thats the end of it.

-Masters: needs to be a little less dry in the ring; I would love to see him have his own hulk up moment with the pec bouncing, that would at least be funny and during an actual match.

-MVP: is in a rut, he is decent enough on the mic. I would not mind seeing him go heel, take out Mark Henry to go after US gold. Maybe even start up a new Nation of Domination. But, he needs to have more than 30sec a week on raw.

-Legacy: I see no really push without a breakup. They already had their fling with DX and it would get even older if they brought it back so soon.

-Chavo: move him to ECW, let him go after the title, give him some latino heat instead of sad romps in the lollipop guild.

-Swagger: is he dead? I haven't seen him in damn near forever. They need to make him somewhat of a spectacle, that undefeated streak would have done it for sure, but the Irish guy apparently needed all the attention Raw could spare. note* sadly this whole Sheamus thing seems to be going right back to putting more hype behind Cena.

The importantly sad thing to remember is that pushes on Raw are hard with all the crap that is taking away from the show. Maybe with DX on Raw and Smackdown (even though I think that's HBK's church night) we may have 10-45 extra minutes per Raw to give 2-8 guys some TV time so they don't fade into obscurity.

If Hogan doesn't kill TNA, Monday nights I know exactly what I'm watching live and which show is getting DVR'd for a possible run through later. If you can't decide which then enjoy your new horswaggle head band and don't worry I'm sure the hornswaggle chaps will be out in time for a holiday pre-order.

disclaimer...I'm not bashing the performers or even the company really. I'm bashing what they are giving me in exchange for my time. If wrestling fans are valued so low on Raw, I can't wait for some form of competition. Good Luck TNA, for all of us.
I think Kofi is getting a GREAT push with his rivalry against Orton. He's definitely showing intensity and a lot of balls. But to say Bourne needs a push...I have to say..he's a very exciting performer...and I like him...But how many wrestling moves have you seen him do? yeah, Flippidy dos and zippidy das (sorry, I had to) are great, but you can't compete with main carders if you don't have a single wrestling move to your name. With a little training, he could be a GREAT superstar...but without it....keep him at the bottom.

I also don't think Legacy should get a push....Dibiase..Yes....Goldust's brother (that's all he is to me) no. I think DiBiase is being held down by Rhodes.
Jack Swagger
After moving from ECW, Jack hasn't been used in the right way, somehow he was okay while he was in the US title range, but then, now he is lost in the middle of nowhere, he shouldn't have left ECW. He's got Talent.

Ted DiBiasi
The man has talent, nothing further to do, he needs to turn on Randy Orton, and perhaps move to Smackdown, to fight for the Intercontinental Title?
The only problem with your first question is that some of the superstars that are getting pushed were never a mid carder for instance Sheamus. I would have had no problem if the other wrestlers had gotten the push instead of him.. I honestly don’t know what is going to happen with the other superstars that are not getting pushed.

The wrestlers who I think are being wasted on Raw are pretty simple.

Carlito - This guy had some awesome promos. He knows how to play both heel and face very well but most of all, I think people are able to find him very entertaining.

Santino - I want WWE to actually start taking santino seriously. I am tired of his gimmick and comedy act and would like to see what Santino has to offer besides his “Comedy” act.

The Miz - I was disappointed when they didn’t move further with his feud with Cena but I think he has a lot of potential.
-Evan Bourne: needs to be on smackdown, his skills need to be shown in matches and not random mid-segment shooting star presses; thats the end of it.

Yeah, that might actually be a good idea because he could put on great matches with guys like Morrison or Ziggler.

-Masters: needs to be a little less dry in the ring; I would love to see him have his own hulk up moment with the pec bouncing, that would at least be funny and during an actual match.

Masters getting a push because of dancing using only his chest muscles is one of the most idiotic things that has happened in recent memory. I'm very disturbed by him (or anyone) doing that and he needs to stop. No one should get pushed for doing something like that, no matter how stupid or funny it is. He would have been better off restarting his Masterlock Challenges.

-MVP: is in a rut, he is decent enough on the mic. I would not mind seeing him go heel, take out Mark Henry to go after US gold. Maybe even start up a new Nation of Domination. But, he needs to have more than 30sec a week on raw.

I don't see why everyone wants him to go heel again. Him starting a new Nation of Domination might be interesting though. Kofi and Henry could be in it. Maybe Shelton too?

-Legacy: I see no really push without a breakup. They already had their fling with DX and it would get even older if they brought it back so soon.

Ted should have turned face a long time ago. It would have been a great way to help push his movie, which I have been looking forward to. These guys are entertaining though and they have that "it" factor needed to become a star, but they have been getting stale. I think the right feud can help them get more momentum.

-Chavo: move him to ECW, let him go after the title, give him some latino heat instead of sad romps in the lollipop guild.

Chavo is pretty much stuck right now. Other than Santino he is the last person on the roster that anyone will ever take seriously, and I don't really see a way to fix that. At this point he's better off doing comedic relief alongside Santino.

-Swagger: is he dead? I haven't seen him in damn near forever. They need to make him somewhat of a spectacle, that undefeated streak would have done it for sure, but the Irish guy apparently needed all the attention Raw could spare. note* sadly this whole Sheamus thing seems to be going right back to putting more hype behind Cena.

Apparently the rumors may have been true that they are ending his push. Swagger is awesome and could be the next Kurt Angle if they build him up correctly. I agree on your point here.

The importantly sad thing to remember is that pushes on Raw are hard with all the crap that is taking away from the show. Maybe with DX on Raw and Smackdown (even though I think that's HBK's church night) we may have 10-45 extra minutes per Raw to give 2-8 guys some TV time so they don't fade into obscurity.

Doubt it. They will just be on both shows for a while. I'm looking forward to them on Smackdown though. I bet that Punk or Jericho will have some interesting promos with them.

I can't think of many others who should get a push that aren't, or any who are getting one that shouldn't. The biggest problem I have with the current pushes is Masters and even his wouldn't bother me as much if he didn't dance with his chest muscles anymore. I've never been able to stand it when anyone does that because it is very disturbing.
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