RAW lost in this draft...


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
RAW now has HHH, Orton, Batista, Cena, Big Show, HBK. Now I ask you, is this a good thing or a bad thing? I say the viewers of RAW have gotten the short end of the stick.

When one of the straps goes over the SD! what will that leave us on RAW? I say it will leave us stale repetitive storylines with the same few guys for at least another year. SD! has a slew of new people to work with and push to true main event status. RAW does as well, but they have no shot at getting that chance.

I now look forward to a Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, John Morrison, and Chris Jericho title reign. I do not look forward to another HHH, Batista, Cena, or Orton title reign, because it will mean more of the same. Orton would be good, but he would be paired with the same old fucking people, so an Orton title reign would include defenses versus HHH, then Batista, then Cena, then HHH again. Fuck that, I'm watching Smackdown! and even ECW. At least I'll get to see something new.

The midcard and Divas don't count on RAW because they don't do anything, and I don't see them doing anything new on RAW other than The Colons, MVP and Kennedy...and how long will that be fun to watch? Mid Carders don't cut promos, they don't defend their titles, they don't get enough ring time, they don't fight on PPV's, and they constantly get buried by the main eventers.....and the Divas are barely watchable without Santino(a).

I'm done ranting...does anyone feel me on this? Smackdown! is not the "A" show, but it will be the show to watch.
As much as i wanna hope you are wrong everything you said seems dead on.Sure Raw got some new tag teams and get a few decent mid carder wrestlers(Hardy,MVP,to name a couple)but we've already seen that feud.Would switching Hardy heel and MVP face make it better?Maybe but the main event picture looks the most troubling.The same 4 or so guys that will obviously be chasing the title for the next year will get old and eventually lower the value of said title.

I can honestly see more entertaining U.S Title feuds in the coming year then i can the heavyweight/WWE title feuds.Only time will tell.Maybe one of the recent draft picks will mold into a main eventer himself and add a new face to the title picture but with all that ego and ass kissing on the show already i doubt anyone other then Cena Orton Batista or HHH will have had the title come Wrestlemanie next year.Orton is the only one i see having the title that wont hold other guys down but as long as Hunter Cena and Batista are around forget it mid carder's.
I don't know, I tend to disagree. After Orton/hhh, it may lead to hhh/batista, orton/cena. But i think the guys that got drafted to Raw got a chance to be with the big boys. Hardy, Miz, Festus, and I hate to say it, but Kennedy as well I think will get there chance here and there. It may take a while, but if they can prove that they can hang with the Main Eventers, I think it will benefit them more in the long run.
RAW lost, plain and simple. They traded great wrestlers like Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and CM Punk for garbage like Triple H, Big Show, and Matt Hardy. Did anybody else noticed how fat Hardy is getting... good lord. Smackdown has the best roster in the WWE right now, followed by ECW. RAW has become pretty bad...
I agree that for us, the IWC, it is kind of a loss. We are sick of seeing the same group of people fighting over the title. It seems that midcarders have a better chance of becoming main eventers on Smackdown than they do on Raw. I see MVP, Kennedy, and The Miz getting lost in the shuffle on Raw, while John Morrison CM Punk, and maybe even Mike Knox will thrive on Smackdown. The Brian Kendrick got the worst part of the deal. Not only did he lose his bodyguard, he is going to be overshadowed by the big names on Raw.

Although we may see it as a loss for Raw, the casual fan is going to view this as a great thing. They will get to see pretty much every big name the WWE has to offer on one show. The roster is stacked and it will draw in the casual wrestling fan, and ultimately, this means more to the WWE than making the IWC happy.
Raw lost as I think the same as the rest, its the same old same while Smackdown looks to be the show to watch as it has hope as some wrestlers can get a break or even longer run with the strap. The idea was to make Raw better and the show to watch and I think the WWE failed as we are not getting any new out of the draft with Raw as every storyline they can do with the main eventers has been done before. While smackdown has a chance for some really cool matches and storylines.

Jericho vS Taker? I mean this could be great with the whole legends trip Jericho is on. What about Morrison vS Undertaker. I just think Smackdown may have what looks to be the weaker of the talent, they have the better shot of putting on the better show, while Raw looks to be just plan boring with the same guys fighting for the belt. I said in one thread that in the new year that WWE is in, no wrestler on RAW who as never won the Big Title will win the title this year. It will just be traded between former champion to former champion. Sorry MVP fans, but it won't happen. Also WWE please turn MVP heel on RAW as he is the worst face in the WWE.

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