HHH back to Raw?

I dont want to see Triple H back on RAW, really because I dont want to see a Orton/Triple H match at wrestlemania. Orton/HHH do not work well together, and Triple H will not make Orton look good. I really think it would just be a waste of a damn good Orton storyline if Triple H gets involved. I'd rather have a stroryline were Edge is nailing Stephanie McMahon. At least then we could have a good wrestlemania mainevent.
Ok, I think everyone is forgetting about ECW, who is hanging by a thread, only because they signed Christian back. Last year's draft blew up ECW; they were left with Matt Hardy, Morrison, Miz, and Finlay. What I potentially see is Morrison and Miz splitting, each going to a diffrent brand. And who knows, maybe that Edge-Christian thing could happen. When I saw the assault on Kingston by Edge, I knew Edge was going to go in and win the Raw Chamber. Everyone knows how Edge gets scared of Cena sometimes, right? Well, I say that Cena goes to SD! and starts following him around. Then when he gets the chance, Cena beats Edge up. Then Edge is given the chance to go to any brand he wants, he chooses ECW or Raw. Vickie doesn't hear about any of the beatdowns and thinks Edge is leaving SD! because of her. Then they file for divorce. =)

wat the hell does tht have 2 do with hhh goin back 2 raw? lol just wonderin
Triple H back to Raw? I sure don't hope so. I like him on SmackDown because he gets in matches like HHH vs. Edge or Taker or Hardy. Whereas on Raw, it's Cena vs. HHH year round. It got old a long time ago. However, seeing Cena go back to SmackDown wouldn't be bad because it might not always be him and Trips against each other. You got Hardy, 'Taker, Kozlov and many more. I hope Trips doesn't come back to Raw, and I don't think that he will. But if he does, I hope he brings 'Taker with him, and Cena goes to SmackDown.
I could see Stephanie turning on Triple H at Wrestlemania, it would be a major shock to everybody and would make me want to watch RAW or SmackDown! or whatever show it happens but I guess WWE wouldn't take that risk.

With that being said, as I predicted last week, Orton will fight Triple H at the Grandest Stage of Them All and Edge will be fighting Cena or even someone like Undertaker or Big Show.

At least they could go with someone more interesting like a Four Corners Match or even a Tag Team Match with both titles on the line: Cena vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H (or Cena and Triple H vs. Orton and Edge as a Tag Team Match) the rules would be interesting, the first contender to score a pinfall would be the champion and the champion needed also a pinfall to remain as champion, it would make more sense and would be something that would establish a great main-event, and with the draft so close could see someone walking out as new champion being drafted to a different brand.
Hey Guys, Phoenix making his debut to the WZ Forums after a while of viewing, I wanted to join the chats.

I was having a good think about theories for all that's going on and I thought, they want people to tune into Wrestlemania but they need to give a great match that hasn't been seen before, this is Wrestlemania 25 and prior to last night, we only had a feeling that we would see a repeat of Wrestlemania 24, no-one wants that.

Since reading the events of NWO, I think that if I was going by logic or best way to sell Wrestlemania, I have two methods. First is having Edge go to Raw. Why? Because in the last Smackdown, he felt that he shouldn't be able to compete in the Chamber match, he lost the title and was angry because his "wife" Vickie did nothing, he took it upon himself to become WHC and could leave for Raw as he's the ultimate opportunist, blaming Smackdown and Vickie for not looking after him and choosing to go to Raw because he will be looked after, then facing Randy Orton for the title.

The other idea is that Edge and Triple H both stay on Smackdown and Randy is asked by Stephanie to be Raw's saviour and bring their title back from Edge.

Reason why I'm behind the idea of Edge going over is because he's faced everyone possible for the title and he needs fresh competition, he's fueded with Taker, Jeff Hardy, Triple H & Koslov for the title and we've seen it too many times. Last time we saw Edge and Orton face (aside from MITB at WM23) was Vengeance for the IC Title and it was one hell of a match! Likewise, Triple H needs to stay because he hasn't fueded with everyone, while Trips can be involved with the Legacy programme, again we saw him with Randy for most of the last year, we don't want that to main event Wrestlemania, also I felt the Royal Rumble was the day he (Randy) officially got over Triple H as a top dog, it's not needed.

Now people mention how Randy is Raw's top heel and shouldn't change, but this could be his change to get the Face run that works for him, how often do they chant 'RKO' rather than boo him of late? He can make the turn similiar to the Rock back in 99 and be completely over even further, yes it could affect the Legacy, but they could turn face too and fued with the likes of Miz and Morrison, etc.

So if you put Edge and Randy together, who does that leave Triple H with? There's one opponent that would put people tuning into WM25....THE UNDERTAKER! Reason being, they had one hell of a match at WM X-Seven and they keep teasing a match, the last they had one, it ended in a DQ from interference. The only reason I say Taker, is because creatively, you know they will put on an excellent match, and Trips wants to be the man who puts the streak to rest (and revenge for X-Seven), you can't predict the outcome with so much creative controversy going into the match as Taker's streak is always the talk of 'Mania now.

Looking at matches, you'd have

WHC Title
Randy Orton vs. Edge

WWE Title
Undertaker vs. Triple H

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

Now that's a pretty impressive lineup so far as those matches would be over the top great! Where do you put Cena? Michaels? Possible match there given the involvement Cena in HBK's feud with JBL, yes would be a repeat of WM23, but potential money maker.

Just a theory for what could happen, but I love to hear your feedback
I don't know if anyone else has suggested this and if so correct me. By any chance do you think this could be a set up to WM25 and combining the Heavyweight titles as one. Having both superstars on Smackdown could set this up. Have a fatal four way with Edge, Triple H, Cena and Orton. Winner takes the Title.

IDK if they will do any sort of trade or something like that. I could see RAW saying that Edge has their title so he HAS to be on RAW now but to move Triple H before the draft doesn't make much logical sense. Not that WWE has ever cared bout logic.
As someone who, thanks to My network TV doesn't get to see Smackdown anymore I hope Edge goes to RAW and Cena goes to Smackdown for no apparent reason then you can turn HHH heal again and the balance is restored.
Isn't possible they set up a match Edge vs. Triple H to Unify the belts. But Randy Orton gets in the mix because of winning the rumble. Then at Wrestlemania its winner takes all and Orton Walks way with both Heavyweight titles
There will never be two champs on one show. This whole discussion is moot. Either one goes to Raw tonight (HHH traded for Cena so that Cena can go after Edge on Smackdown) or Cena wins the belt right back from Edge tonight (or another Raw guy wins) because they'll roll out the "he shouldn't have been in the match" clause.

Because we haven't seen that 100 times. And people wonder why wrestling doesn't even get half the ratings it used to. Say there were about 200,000 buys of the ppv last night. The moment Edge was eliminated FIRST in his match, 199,999 of them new that he would be walkin out with the other one.

Just somthing about a 190 pound man using a "spear" as a finishing move. Really adds to the believability of the show. Goldberg....Rhino............edge. Yeah, which one doesn't fit? You do the math.

And for anyone who, apparently is 12 years old and believes HHH will EVER be heel again, please stop wasting our time. Love him or hate him, no one can help but cheer him. He's stated 20 times now: as much as he hates it, he's a face for the rest of his career.
And for anyone who, apparently is 12 years old and believes HHH will EVER be heel again, please stop wasting our time. Love him or hate him, no one can help but cheer him. He's stated 20 times now: as much as he hates it, he's a face for the rest of his career.

Wow, he said that? Damn I didnt even know, he wasnt the best heel but clearly one of the greatest. Its a shame, putting Trips as a face forever...
I can see three possible senerios happening tonight. 1. Edge goes to RAW(I am hoping that happens cause I can't stand him & Vickie Guerrero being together), 2. Triple H goes to RAW & takes the WWE title with him. 3. Edge loses his World Heavyweight Title to either Cena or a RAW Superstar. Personally it would be better if Triple H stayed on Smackdown as he has plenty more feuds left for him over there & if he did switch then who would be one of the top faces besides Taker & Jeff Hardy?
Far fetched, but is it maybe the least bit possible that since a few weeks ago the entire RAW roster was against Randy for what he did to McMahon and with Steph being RAW's GM and without a world title that they may play off how all of a sudden RAW depends on Randy since he has the title shot and is RAW's only hope of getting a world title back on the show?
.....We cannot have Triple H on Raw again. Just can't. When he is...it's all about him. I would lose interest in Raw if he were to come back. In my honest opinion, Raw has become so much more better since he left it. Orton has finally gotten his chance to shine and is right now the best heel in wrestling. Not the WWE...wrestling period. While on Smackdown,Triple H has been a little more quiet and it's not just about him. I would not be surprised if Orton challenges both Triple H and Edge for WM 25.

I might sound insane but tell me you wouldn't want to see Orton with both belts right now. He could easily challenge both because they are on the same show. and if he doesn't unify them, he'll most certainly walk out with one of them (hopefully the WHC, that WWE title is horrible looking and needs to be melted down so Mr. T can have new chains.)

Also another way to do it could be this (it's only been done once)....a 2 Fall Double Title Match. Angle did it at WM XVI vs. Benoit and Jericho. I think that would be cool. Orton could win the WHC and Edge could get the WWE title back. Also, this could be a way to keep Triple H on SD! by having him go ultra-heel (cuz he's much better that way) and just snapping after WM because he "walked out empty-handed"

But of course....WWE would never do this.....nor would Triple H allow it. Wishful thinking I guess.
Of course HHH is coming to RAW to defend Steph, too bad she's gonna join Orton and blame all this on HHH. You really think they're going to wast there time with 2 of the top heels at Wrestlemania. Edge is a joke he's a 7 time champ (i think) that has ALWAYS one by cheating, of course he's the Ultimate Opportunist but this is getting old, almost as old as Edge & Vickie, how does Edge go from Lita to Vickie, she's a dog! I mean I'd rather see Mae Young! At least she has personality. The WWE is getting old with there shit and need to change writers but they won't fire creative since Stephanie is head of creative! So guess what you'll have HHH on Raw with his wife and Edge on Smackdown with his "wife" HOW LAME IS THAT SHIT! WWE IS TURNING INTO TNA SLOWLY BUT SURELY!!!
WM 25 matches that would be good

Orton vs Edge
HHH Vs Taker title vs streak
Flair as a manager(either his kid or a legend like piper) vs Jericho W/ Austin special ref
Hardy Vs Hardy
Dreamer vs Swagger (dreamer loses he's done)
Beth Phoenix and her friend vs Melina and Trish Stratus(or beth vs trish)
MITB ladder Match Mysterio/Punk/Mvp/HBK/Christian
Cena vs Mr Kennedy
The Legacy vs Miz/Morrison

Would need matches for Big Slow, Kane, Kozlov, JBL
I think it's going to be Edge that comes to RAW. His relationship with Vickie has started to get boring, and he needs a new start.

Triple H has been gone from RAW for less then a year so if he came back he'd be feuding with the exact same people that he was when he left. I really don't want to see another Triple H vs John Cena or Triple H vs. Randy Orton match.

If Edge came back he could feud with some guys that he's never feuded with. An Edge vs. Orton feud would be amazing, as would Edge vs HBK and Edge vs Jericho. Even Edge vs Cena hasn't been done for about three years, so I wouldn't mind seeing that again.
Unfortunately it appears that the WWE and Monday Night Raw is going to be saved once again by the Game Triple H and his wonderful 13 title reigns. We will be blessed with the savior of Raw as the evil Randy Orton has chosen to take down the McMahons, one at a time. Gasp, Vince and Shane are already taken out by the maniacal Randy Orton and his group of multi generation stars of Legacy, and only one McMahon remains, Stephanie.

When the world for Stephanie is at its darkest, and the evil Randy Orton and his cronnies are about to undo all that the McMahons have done and take over Raw, a savior will arrive on a celtic iron cross to save us all. His name is Hunter Hearst Helmsley, 13 time world champion, the man that in one year has defeated every single person on the Smackdown roster on Pay Per View in one way, shape or form, the man that single handedly derails any momentum Randy Orton garners. Yes, The savior of Raw will returned, and we will be blessed yet again by the might water spray of greatness.
i'd perfer to see edge on raw but i know hhh will come so blah. lol i think they should take the title off hhh give it back and do it a couple more times so he can get 17 reigns so he can beat the record and he doesn't have to keep winning it. keep it on the younger talent.
As I've just said in the WM thread, I reckon the way it'll work out is Edge vs. Big Show on SD and HHH vs. Orton on Raw. So Triple H will come out on Raw to stop Orton from punting Steph, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else in this thread has predicted!

Saying that the WWE's been throwing curveballs left, right and center recently, so maybe that's far too obvious..
I can see where you are coming from with Stephanie and Legacy being on Raw so Triple H would have to come to Raw and Orton wouldn't have to leave for SD and end legacy prematurely. The problem lies that they originally drafted HHH to Smackdown in the first place because he is a huge name who will get ratings for the network. But with Edge actually winning Raw's title I think it would be more likely that Edge would come over to Raw. I mean it would help Vickie test the waters as a heel without Edge. Orton could face Edge at Wrestlemania that would be intrigueing and its the possibility noone has thought of yet. But it is unlikely. Ultimately I think its more likely that Orton would go to Smackdown or stay on Raw and face Edge than Triple H come to Raw.
Considering the draft coming up, i don't think that Triple H will come to Raw, but i wouldn't be surprised if he did. I think Vince wants to shake things up again, considering most people think that one of the champions will jump ship. If i were writing for the WWE, i would make a good story out of this and have Orton not challenge one of the champions, but both of the champions having both titles on the line in the match.

Back to the question though, i do see this very possible, but if the WWE were smart they wouldn't move Triple H to Raw right now.
How about getting rid of the dam brands all together.. I never thought this was a good idea.. sure it makes it easier for the wwe as far as travel and booking goes.. but i dont care whats good for them.. This way u have no restraints on feuds and the hot ones can continue there storylines throughout the week and show what the people want... :flair:
If anyone remembers how many consecitive times HHH has defended or competed for the title at WM let me know. WWE should not be tailoring their company to HHH needs.

I believe who ever Orton chose to face should move to Raw. With that being said, he still can't be mad at HHH for the evolution thing, let's get over this. Although HHH has been Orton's main adversary, not now. I would have liked for Orton to attempt to defeat super Cena.

Let's have Orton face Edge. Toward the end of their partnership it looked like we may get this match but didn't. It hasn't been done yet and it will work. Edge has been a little more face-like and likeable since he went to "hell".
I believe what transpired last night def. has to do with the Orton/McMahon angle. If Triple H was going to be involved somehow, I believe there would have been some intereference in the Shane/Orton Match.

I think there are three possibilities

-Stephanie McMahon as a heel and joining Legacy. I thought Steph wanted to take out Vince & Shane to ensure she had Raw at 100% and have Orton as her right hand man. However, this is pretty much the angle on Smackdown with Vickie & Edge. Plus Steph did not come down to ringside last night.

-Edge was desperate to get his title back after losing it last night, but Vickie didn't do anything. Steph had to have let Edge into the match. Basically she needs to get back at Orton. A desperate man will take desperate measures. So it could be that Steph will ask Edge to take on Orton at WM in exchange for putting him in the Raw EC

-OR....it could be that Steph allowed Edge to be in the Raw EC provided Vickie would let Triple H come back to Raw. This would allow Steph to use Triple H to take out Orton.

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