HHH vs Legacy....But where's HBK?

Maybe DX vs Legacy was a bit too strong. But for a storyline driven by somebody's family being attacked it only makes sense for that person's best friend to be involved. At least to protect his wife.

I too thought I heard some HBK chants, and thats really when this idea clicked in my head.

The story is far to personally driven for HBK not to be somewhat involved. HHH at least made an appearance in an HBK storyline. HBK should make an appearance here. Especially when HHH was nowhere to be found to defend his family.

And also HBK does have a long storied history with the McMahon's. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. And that's not something hidden from the fans.

Listen, you make a good point, an excellent point in fact, but you are using logic, that's where the fault lies. At the start of RAW, Flair got massacred and HHH, his friend and a man who considers him his mentor, never showed up to help, why ? Because he's in another feud. Worse yet, Jerry Lawler stood right there and never lifted a finger to help Flair, then challenged Jericho for next week's RAW, see the logic there ? I don't. You have to remember that in the WWE Universe the rules of simple logic do not apply.
A very simple way to go about this feud, is after wrestlemania you have orton as champion because Shane screwed over the family. Legacy lays a beat down on HHH and others for a few weeks. Hbk offers his aide and we have a tag match. Orton and Shane come out to interfere and out of no where comes one of HBK and Hunters friends whether it be Xpac, Regal, Batista, or to really shock Scott Hall. Now for a few weeks you have things even, but in a 6 man the friend turns on HHH/HBK. If it is Hall or Xpac you say its because HBK/HHH have not been there for them when there lives went to hell. If its regal you say he was only their friend to get a top spot. If Batista well hell the guy is boring as hell as a face. Ultimately Batista and Orton feud for control of Legacy, Rhodes and Teddy decide they don't need the older guys anymore and strike out on there own.
Listen, you make a good point, an excellent point in fact, but you are using logic, that's where the fault lies. At the start of RAW, Flair got massacred and HHH, his friend and a man who considers him his mentor, never showed up to help, why ? Because he's in another feud. Worse yet, Jerry Lawler stood right there and never lifted a finger to help Flair, then challenged Jericho for next week's RAW, see the logic there ? I don't. You have to remember that in the WWE Universe the rules of simple logic do not apply.

I guess you're right, logic doesn't work in the WWE Universe.

And in response to the guy who said HHH didn't help during the Y2J vs HBK feud, I think at that point HHH was on SD! and HBK was on Raw and the shows weren't crossing over as much at that point. But now everybody is every where and it makes no sense at all for them not to be helping each other.

HHH should have helped Flair, HBK should have helped HHH and everyone is right when they say these will never happen because than storylines will overlap.

As an aside, do you remember years ago when Undertaker was sacrificing everybody? Stone Cold still was fighting Vince and he still came out to save Stephanie because she didn't deserve to be sacrificed. This is the same sort of situation only instead of HBK coming out to help his best friend he ignored the whole thing. (and as another aside, as sick at HBK's promo was I'm supposed to believe it was live? It came across as way to heavily edited to be live. I know we're supposed to watch Raw with only the left sides of our brain, but c'mon who's editing this live out in a graveyard)
The question is - where was security and other wrestlers - when it's lesser people who are getting beat, they are always out there right away to try to break it up, but when this went down - no one was there except 1 ref on the outside.

If history of the WWE is any indication - who ever gets beat badly before a PPV, usually wins the PPV - so that should mean HHH wins in a huge fashion. And that would also mean Taker takes out HBK after the cheap shot he gave Taker last week.
A very simple way to go about this feud, is after wrestlemania you have orton as champion because Shane screwed over the family. Legacy lays a beat down on HHH and others for a few weeks. Hbk offers his aide and we have a tag match. Orton and Shane come out to interfere and out of no where comes one of HBK and Hunters friends whether it be Xpac, Regal, Batista, or to really shock Scott Hall. Now for a few weeks you have things even, but in a 6 man the friend turns on HHH/HBK. If it is Hall or Xpac you say its because HBK/HHH have not been there for them when there lives went to hell. If its regal you say he was only their friend to get a top spot. If Batista well hell the guy is boring as hell as a face. Ultimately Batista and Orton feud for control of Legacy, Rhodes and Teddy decide they don't need the older guys anymore and strike out on there own.

i was thinkin the same thing, once the jbl thng ended i told my buddy that sence theres 3 legacy that maby theyd bring x pac back and the 3 man dx like it should be, which he replied with "i was thinkin sence they dont really hide that hunter flair hbk and batista became real close during recent years thell probly do a gay evolution where hbk takes flairs spot" then i told him wouldnt it be nuts if thet brought back hall, but we both agreed that would never happen, so i told him the cool thing to do would be x pac than he turn on the kliq caue hes sick of them holding him down and hes ready to step in the spot light and be a top player as opposed to "the kid" they like to have around cause "they think its funny when he gets drunk and throws up on himself" as jim cornett once put it.

oh and we have been expecting shane or steph to join legacy sence before manu or snuka were even considered, and im sure which ever one joins will have been responsible for vinces "accident" a while back
Both Triple H and HBK have stated DX is done. It's fun on an occasional basis but serves no point anymore.

Anyway jsut cause someone is related or a friend doesn't mean they get involved. Hell for yrs Triple H and Stephanie have been married which is common knowledge, yet she never once came out to help him and Vince was trying to screw Triple H most of the time? all in the name of keeping it silent?

And how many times has HBK been brutilised and Triple H never came to te rescue even though he was at the show?

thebigbadfox covered the correct way. Offer help and HHH refuse as HBK isn't family and HBK and the McMahon characters aren't exactly on speaking terms either.

It's not real life and rarely makes sense, these guys play stubborn/self serving characters who don't want other peoples help, and if i recall when HBK was battling JBL he refused Triple H's help saying it just screws up friendships. That and yeah HBK vs Taker is getting a huge push and if he got involved in Orton too people would be moaning he's stealing the spotlight like they do everytime Triple H comes out
HBK and Triple H need to stay as far away from each other as possible. DX was great back in the late 90s and early 2000s but it needs to stay dead and buried. The last DX reunion angle showed both HBK and Triple H trying to behave like immature college kids, which was DX's schtick I know. The problem is that Michaels is now well into his 40s and Triple H will turn 40 this year. It worked great years back because they were both much younger and it was during a different time in wrestling. The Age of the Anti-hero was in full swing and everything that DX did was golden. Michaels also isn't the same person that he was 10 and 12 years ago and, to be honest, his Christian beliefs have taken away that edge he'd need to pull off the angle. Back in the day, Michaels was an arrogant creep that would do absolutely anything to put himself and whatever angle he was involved in over. He simply won't do it anymore. As for Triple H, seeing him together with HBK saw him fall right back in line as his old DX role as Michaels' second banana. Triple H's supreme control freak/super badass character that he's developed since most of the 2000s doesn't jive well with him trying to be funny. Most of his attemps at being funny over the past few years, at least for me, have fallen flat.

DX was great while it lasted, but seeing a couple of middle age men behave like drunken frat boys seems a little pathetic.
Yeah because, Instead of building both fueds up on the one show, HBK will Completley forget about his match with the undertaker. Just to help HHH. That would be a stupid move on the WWE's Behalf. HBK vs the Undertaker is the best match on the card and you people want HBK to help HHH? Personally i would love to see Him further his fued with the undertaker.

And second of all,

HHH, is Lyke Triple FUCKING H, He don't need no help. the only reason it has looked like Randy and legacy have beaten him down is to lure them into a false sence of security. You just watch. When the time is right....

Bam HHH Will strike.
HBK is nowhere near this fued, as it should be.

He's in a fued with Undertaker, which is fantastic. It's going to be a great match, no doubt and they need to devote Shawn's time to that. They could have him help Triple H, but then he's mixed into two fueds, which isn't right. Let him stick to his fued, and let Triple H sort out his business. I mean, not exactly making HHH look strong by getting his buddy for help every week, is it.

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