Where's Legacy?

And I'm Awesome

Mr. Money in the Bank & US Champion
So...in the last two weeks on RAW, I saw Legacy for about what? 5 or 6 minutes last week? I'm starting to wonder what the point was in having DX lose to Legacy @ Breaking Point. I know DX won the "series" at HIAC, but why have Legacy go over at all when you're not going to continue to push them once their done w/ Trips & HBK?

I'm not saying I didn't want Legacy to go over; in fact, I was very hopeful of their push. I know that SS is Sunday, and anything could happen...but to me, Legacy as a team has no major heat heading into Sunday because...well, they haven't been on TV!

I feel like Creative might be dropping the ball a bit here. I mean, who's Legacy dealing with right now? We thought it might be Kofi after Bragging Rights, but he bypassed Ted & Cody and went straight to the big fish, Randy. Legacy isn't involved with anyone at the moment, and I think it's a criminal misuse of talent that was built up over the summer.

C'mon, WWE. Cut out the Piper Nostalgia Moments, the Vince @ The Garden stuff, and DX owning Hornswoggle. Did Santino really need to waste 3 minutes of TV time to pull off jerseys? Did Cena really need to take 4 minutes to push the Triple Threat that DX already plugged, and Cole/Lawler/Striker has been plugging all night? There's time to have Legacy be doing something, not just chilling backstage during the live broadcast. I'm disappointed, WWE. But not hardly surprised.
Ted Dibiase had a dark match victory over Primo so thats where he was. Really their isn't much for them to do when Orton is now feuding with Kofi Kingston.

Rhodes and Dibiase should be challenging for the tag team titles because they are a young, hungry team and proved that they can go toe to toe with Triple H and Shawn Michaels - DX. As singles wrestlers they have quite bland charachters so to keep them as a tag team and have a run with the titles would be something new especially as they are still so fresh onto the scene.
legacy seems to be in limbo rite now wile they work on sumthin, jus as it seems weve written off wwe creative they have pleasantly surprised me with the directrion of raw so im sure sumthin is in the works remember "the marine 2" will be coming out soon so look for either the legacy break up with ted goin face, personally i would love to see randy n cody recruit joe henning to fill the void of ted bein gone, or have them win the tag belts n fued wit the hart dynasty for whose has the better " legacy"
What i think is going on here is that they are trying to figure out a great way to turn Ted face now i think this could be done in a really good way (just my idea)

i think Orton should start "mentoring" the Hart Dynasty and Ted and Cody get all jealous and eventually Ted snaps and goes crazy. As for Cody i dont really care all taht much, he could either snap like Ted or stay with the "new legacy" aka the Hart Dynasty

This would be a great way for Ted to get over and since they blew it when Ted and Orton faced on Raw they now need a new direction

what do you think?
Not bad, but that puts the hart dynasty back where legacy was a few months ago which isnt good for them.

I think they'd benefit with a fued with legacy. Ted snapping may still happen. We got Survivor Series this week and expect some story-lines to pick up after that. We've got way more traditional Survivor Series matches than in the last few years. Look for many storylines to branch off from there. Remember they are also building a Jack Swagger/ Miz fued as well as Kofi/Randy. It be nice for Ted to snap and leave Randy in either fued with Legacy or Sheamus. I think that would b a good way to solidify Sheamus and start pushing Ted.
I guess you could say they're in a feud with MVP & Henry. Cody had a match with Henry last night for a Superstars taping. The week before dibiase face MVP. So I guess you could say they are feuding with Henry & MVP
Yeah! Where is Legacy? It seemed like they were pushing Dibiasi to feud with Orton at some point, and now it looks like Kofi has been given the nod, which I have no problem with, BTW.

I actually started liking Legacy. Here's why. Legacy has always tried to put themselves over as serious. DX did a fantastic, unselfish job of getting these kids over, and it wasn't like the Spirit Squad bullshit.

These guys showed they could outsmart DX, could beat up DX, and could genuinely make their lives a living hell.

Usually, you see heels being humiliated when they go up against DX, but there was no humor on the faces of Dibiasi and Rhodes.

I think both still need development, mostly on the mic. They're both pretty solid wrestlers, but promo wise, they're dead.

I hope WWE hasn't just given up on them. In fact, the Kofi push, even though it's being done very well, could be a very, very bad sign for Legacy. It's almost as if creative is saying that they didn't think Dibiasi/Orton would work, so Kofi gets the nod. Also, taking them off TV is a very bad sign.

I just don't understand WWE. Push the hell out of someone for a few months, and then make it like they don't even exist! Does anyone wonder why I became a TNA fan?
It is somewhat difficult to understand why Legacy have been demoted to Superstars when they are just coming off a huge program with DX. I really felt WWE was doing a good job with Rhodes and Dibiase, but their no show on RAW suggests Creative are trying to figure out what to do with them. No disrespect to Henry and MVP but its somewhat of a demotion for Legacy to go from feuding with DX to those two. I thought the DX feud was going to lead them to even greater heights but at the moment that's not happening. I wont get too stressed after just one RAW no-show but I'm not liking how they went from being one of RAW's main focal points just mere weeks ago to suddenly not featuring at all...that isn't the way to build new talent.
It is somewhat difficult to understand why Legacy have been demoted to Superstars when they are just coming off a huge program with DX. I really felt WWE was doing a good job with Rhodes and Dibiase, but their no show on RAW suggests Creative are trying to figure out what to do with them. No disrespect to Henry and MVP but its somewhat of a demotion for Legacy to go from feuding with DX to those two. I thought the DX feud was going to lead them to even greater heights but at the moment that's not happening. I wont get too stressed after just one RAW no-show but I'm not liking how they went from being one of RAW's main focal points just mere weeks ago to suddenly not featuring at all...that isn't the way to build new talent.

Poor Booking on WWE's part. But ironically enough, it isn't their booking NOW that is poor. It was their booking with DX that was poor. That should have NEVER transpired at this point. Never.

If WWE is going to go back to basics and grow superstars through the lower midcard to midcard to upper midcard and to Main Event status, this was a completely idiotic move to have Cody and Ted face DX this early in their careers in a high profile feud. Hell, neither of them have even held a Singles Midcard title yet.

I suppose it was filler, but it still should have been prolonged until a little later in their careers.

So putting them back to Superstars and midcard feuds on Raw would be best for them, to go through the ranks and earn the respect of the fans. To be frank, I doubt that feud with DX even accomplished that much at all for their careers, and perceptions of the fans. I'm sure the fans don't take these two seriously as Main Eventers or even Upper Midcarders at this point. They are simply too young, and they have been pushed too much, too soon.
Poor Booking on WWE's part. But ironically enough, it isn't their booking NOW that is poor. It was their booking with DX that was poor. That should have NEVER transpired at this point. Never.

If WWE is going to go back to basics and grow superstars through the lower midcard to midcard to upper midcard and to Main Event status, this was a completely idiotic move to have Cody and Ted face DX this early in their careers in a high profile feud. Hell, neither of them have even held a Singles Midcard title yet.

I suppose it was filler, but it still should have been prolonged until a little later in their careers.

So putting them back to Superstars and midcard feuds on Raw would be best for them, to go through the ranks and earn the respect of the fans. To be frank, I doubt that feud with DX even accomplished that much at all for their careers, and perceptions of the fans. I'm sure the fans don't take these two seriously as Main Eventers or even Upper Midcarders at this point. They are simply too young, and they have been pushed too much, too soon.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I think one of the main problems is that everything Legacy do is centred around them as a team. They need to go out on their own and have their own seperate feuds, while STILL being involved with Legacy. I'm still not sure just how helpful the DX feud was for them...on one hand they got great exposure on Raw and on PPV, they even got a chance to talk on the mic, while on the other hand prior to that feud they hadn't done much on their own (that's certainly true with Dibiase) and so whether fans accepted them in the main even of the Hell in a Cell PPV is up in the air.

What pisses me off though, is being lead down the road that Creative are going all out with new talent to suddenly then being in limbo about what to do with them next. Yes, a DX feud at such an early stage of their careers' was perhaps a bit premature and there's certainly nothing wrong with taking them back a step and going more slowly. In saying that though, I still believe they should have featured on Raw...save Hornswoggle and Santino Marella for Superstars and let two young future prospects have their time on Raw. Overall though I wont blow things out of proportion after just one no-show...
Poor Booking on WWE's part. But ironically enough, it isn't their booking NOW that is poor. It was their booking with DX that was poor. That should have NEVER transpired at this point. Never.

If WWE is going to go back to basics and grow superstars through the lower midcard to midcard to upper midcard and to Main Event status, this was a completely idiotic move to have Cody and Ted face DX this early in their careers in a high profile feud. Hell, neither of them have even held a Singles Midcard title yet.

I suppose it was filler, but it still should have been prolonged until a little later in their careers.

So putting them back to Superstars and midcard feuds on Raw would be best for them, to go through the ranks and earn the respect of the fans. To be frank, I doubt that feud with DX even accomplished that much at all for their careers, and perceptions of the fans. I'm sure the fans don't take these two seriously as Main Eventers or even Upper Midcarders at this point. They are simply too young, and they have been pushed too much, too soon.

I can agree with this. I enjoyed the Legacy/DX fued. Although DX inevitably came out on top, HHH and HBK did alot to put Rhodes and DiBiase over. With that being said, such a high profile fued so soon leaves Legacy with nowhere to go.

I think most fans buy into both Rhodes and DiBiase as sold midcard/upper midcard talent. However, no one really knows where they stand. Are they a tag team? Are they singles wrestlers? This may need to be defined so that creative can establish what direction they're going in.

Both guys are talented, and while I am a solid backer of DiBiase, I think both men will have great success in the future. The thing is, they should both be having success in the present as well. I tune in every Monday looking forward to seeing a few select people. DiBiase is one of them, so I certainly notice when Legacy is left out.
To be frank, I doubt that feud with DX even accomplished that much at all for their careers, and perceptions of the fans. I'm sure the fans don't take these two seriously as Main Eventers or even Upper Midcarders at this point.

I disagree. I think Legacy is a legitimate contender for the Tag Team titles, and if they split either could be a contender for the US title. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr went toe to toe with HHH and HBK and took them to the limit a few months ago. That doesn't make them world title contenders, but it puts them on a level with Kofi, Miz, MVP and Mark Henry on Raw and a litlle above Swagger.

But unless Legacy, Cody Rhodes or Ted Dibiase do something soon to capitalize on that, it will fade away. Right now, the win over DX is like three-day old leftovers--still useful, but not for long.

I'd vote for having Legacy win a quick series (3-5 weeks) against MVP/WSM (since there seems to be no plan to do anything with that team) and then start campaigning for a Tag Team Title shot at the Rumble. Pass the tag belts between Jerishow and Legacy until Edge is ready to come back and add Edge and Christian to the mix.

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