The DX Effect.

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
So Monday night the inevitable happened, D-Generation X Reformed after a semi-funny segment were Triple H finds that Shawn is Working as a "Chef".
He "convinced" Shawn to return as DX back to the WWE to face Legacy at Summerfest(Thats right Piven Summerfest will be shoved down your throat forever) Anyway.

So now as we expected it will be DX vs Legacy, and with a recent thread posted on here asking were DX goes from here, I saw that people are saying that most DX will probably hang around until Royal Rumble.

So if thats true, what effect will DX have on WWE?...What effect will it have on Tag Team Wrestling?

In My Opinion, DX coming back will do wonders for the Tag Team Division, think about it, now you have 4 marquee guys in the Tag Team Division (Big Show, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Triple H) and now those 4 people can/will feud with the younger Tag Teams, giving them good TV Time and possibly putting them over.These Tag Teams include:

Cryme Tyme
The Hart Foundation
The British Brawlers (Although Kinda old still a new Tag Team)

So I think that once these guys are done with Legacy they will go on to either win the Tag Titles so they can feud with Big Show/Y2J and then go on and put The Hart Foundation Over.

So whats your DX Effect?
whose the british brawlers regal and burchill? I hope they stay a team for longer this time around and hope for no injuries from michaels or helmsley. Thet would've been tag champs but trips got injured just go back n watch new years revo dx was supposed to beat rated rko but it ended up rated rko winnin by dq. so plz let them become tag team champs.
i thought the bit where the man come out shouting 'Hickenbottom Hickenbottom' and hhh saying 'Hickenbottom what kinda stupid name is that' was very funny since its hbks real surname

my thought that dx will have is a great efect, people say dx is old n boring and since the pg rating its going to get worse

i don't agree with that cause dx were always funny to me, its a matter of personal choice, but i find them funny now,, maybe some people like them showing thier dicks and backsides like back in the day but hey i dont swing that way, so i find them funnier now.

hhh is such a funny guy given the chance and i really think DX will bring something good to the wwe and maybe even the ratings

however i don't expect this to be a long dx run
Hopefully DX will have another good run and neither HHH Or HBK get hurt as I am a Huge DX Fan going all the way back to the Attitude Era. I could see a DX Feud with Y2J & Big Show (should they Retain at Summerslam against Cryme Tyme). Plus a Hart Dynasty Feud would be good for Kidd & DH Smith as well if DX goes on to eventually win the Tag Titles. So should be interesting to see what happens. BTW I like the Name for Regal/Burchill the British Brawlers.
Personally, I think the return of DX is a great thing and is happening just in time. What with Orton and Legacy having more or less taken over Raw and so far having been able to get away mostly with what they wanted, DX is the perfect medium for taking back Raw. In fact, I think they should go as far as they can with this.

First off, I laughed my scrawny white butt off at the Search for Shawn Michaels segments. In my opinion, Michaels is at his very best when he's just on the edge of going absolutely spare. Trembling with barely contained rage when talking to the annoying little girl and then having it end with that kick (I'm sure all of us who have ever worked in the fast food industry can relate to this at one time or another) caused a massive giggle-fit. If we can look forward to more comedy and more incredible wrestling action like that as we know HHH and HBK can provide, then I say "I'm Ready!"

However, I don't want them to stop there. At one point, I remember DX including several other members, not just HBK and HHH. I think the stable should form, bringing in other members. Who you might ask? Well, Hornswoggle was a member for one night during a reunion episode. I could see him taking a more active role. John Cena would be another possibility because, like HBK, he plays off of HHH so well for maximum hilarity and they make a killer tag team when called upon to work together. I don't know who else might join if such a stable were to form again. Perhaps the rest of you have some ideas.
Degeneration X sucks and has always sucked. They were a cheap nWo ripoff except very juvenile in the attitude era. And now that they're here in the PG era, they'll suck even more. DX is now being brought to us by Disney as I've read on other forums. No one wants a Disney version of Degeneration X. Lol.

DX will have 0 effect. They won't go in any tag division. They're tiring and past their time. They can only last for 2 weeks at best. I hope at Summerslam HBK turns heel and kicks HHH's head off his shoulders and breakup and end the DX antics for the umpteenth time.
I do think DX has been done to death but they are still popular. The merchandise and the dvds are probably the highest selling ever, next to Cena and Austin. I think with the weak tag team division WWE has currently, we will see a lot of DX. After the Legacy feud, we will probably see DX against Show/Jericho. I don't think it's a bad idea to reform DX, since they will help the younger talent.

I'm glad WWE is still poking fun at SummerFest. I wonder if the Miz is still banned from SummerFest?
I as well am very excited to see DX return. Say what you want about them but they bring ratings. They should quickly dispose of Legacy and turn their attention to Jericho and Show. Win the tag belts and then Trips could beat Orton for the title, and Shawn could beat Kofi for the U.S. title. It would also be interesting if they added some members as that would make them a little more fresh. Maybe Mickie James and then they could have all the titles and rule RAW. No way any of this happens but i'd like to see it.
your dam right these guys draw ratings. what will happen is Legacy will lose and this will lead to Ted face turn soon. then DX will feud with Big Show and Y2J. then they will take to Hart Dynasty. this is where they will drop the tittles as HHH will turn heel. Harts will make a good feud as we could see the Screwjob come about again. by the way great promo by DX. that was unlikely something new. HBK a chef that was classic. then superkick that arrgant little prick girl in the face. this was best DX promo in a long time.
Degeneration X sucks and has always sucked. They were a cheap nWo ripoff except very juvenile in the attitude era. And now that they're here in the PG era, they'll suck even more. DX is now being brought to us by Disney as I've read on other forums. No one wants a Disney version of Degeneration X. Lol.

DX will have 0 effect. They won't go in any tag division. They're tiring and past their time. They can only last for 2 weeks at best. I hope at Summerslam HBK turns heel and kicks HHH's head off his shoulders and breakup and end the DX antics for the umpteenth time.

The Attitude era itself was a ripoff of ECW, Stone Cold was a ripoff of Sandman, Evolution was a ripoff of The Four Horsemen, Ric Flair was a ripoff of Buddy Rogers, I guess being a ripoff is not a bad thing. DX's juvenile behavior sold more merchandise than the NWO ever did and was one of the main reasons for the ratings that the Attitude era brought in. I'll take DX's juvenile behavior over watching who the 1000th member of the NWO is going to be.
I prefer the non-PG era of DX but can deal with it for the most part. What bothers me is relegating the stable to tag team wrestling. HHH and HBK are at their best when going for titles and if HBK doesn't want to be champ anymore then why not become the sidekick for HHH? Its a simple reverse of how DX used to work back in the better days (minus Chyna of course).
The Attitude era itself was a ripoff of ECW, Stone Cold was a ripoff of Sandman, Evolution was a ripoff of The Four Horsemen, Ric Flair was a ripoff of Buddy Rogers, I guess being a ripoff is not a bad thing. DX's juvenile behavior sold more merchandise than the NWO ever did and was one of the main reasons for the ratings that the Attitude era brought in. I'll take DX's juvenile behavior over watching who the 1000th member of the NWO is going to be.

Go show me some numbers that show me that DX has sold more overall merchandise than the nWo. Your precious DX has ran it's course. They were a sideshow circus to Austin/McMahon. Only 12-13 year old kids and younger would find DX cool, so go right ahead and eat up the PG era and Disney version of your precious Degeneration X along with the Hannah Montana generation.:lmao:
It will be cool because Shawn Michaels will be back on TV, and they will be doing funny things. They will also put on good matches with the younger talent and maybe win the tag belts, so they can drop the belts to the young guys. I also think it will be different than 2006. Something is going to change because it won't just be a repeat of 2006.
DX will only have a effect with Merchindise sales.With their role on Raw theyll plug some boring Promos about Legacy then their match at Summerslam will come then even if HHH and HBK beat Leagacy they will still hang around for no reason whats so ever. There rely was no reason for Vince to bring back DX other than to generate money and bring HBK back to the ring
I got excited when triple H said what if I form my own group two weeks ago. I would love to see him lead a stable of young guys to compete with orton's stable. or like someone else said, put CTC back together. But, I wouldn't even mind if they threw one or two young guys into New DX and put someone over on the way to the top, thats how to create stars. Batista and Orton both were created this way.

If they did that who do you see as new DX members? I am thinking John Morrison
I really hope that in this match between DX and Legacy, Triple H and HBK put Cody and Ted over a lot. This is a great opportunity (if not the best) to
solidify this two young men into the Upper Midcard/Main event scene.

About the DX effect, I think it's pretty obvious the we will se a Triple H vs HBK match at Wrestlemania 26, so they will propably feud with Y2J and the Big Show for a short time, hen they will move up against Legacy until the Royal Rumble, and start HBK's last wrestlemania toryline from there.

DX can be a great way to put young superstars over, as they will take Triple H out of the main scene for now(or not), and they will probably give a boost to the ratings, as long as they keep being funny
i like that theory of dx winning the tag titles, it would be good for all the talent around ecw, and smackdown, and that means more viewership on the other 2 shows which we all know they need
Degeneration X sucks and has always sucked. They were a cheap nWo ripoff except very juvenile in the attitude era. And now that they're here in the PG era, they'll suck even more. DX is now being brought to us by Disney as I've read on other forums. No one wants a Disney version of Degeneration X. Lol.

DX will have 0 effect. They won't go in any tag division. They're tiring and past their time. They can only last for 2 weeks at best. I hope at Summerslam HBK turns heel and kicks HHH's head off his shoulders and breakup and end the DX antics for the umpteenth time.

DX is not an nWo ripoff the both were a branch of the Kliq. So people get over yourselves thinkin DX is a ripoff from the nWo or vice-versa they're both an extended form of the Kliq that's where the nWo/DX was formed.
I don't think they'll do wonders for anything. I think they'll take over the show much like this past Monday and take up 30 minutes of the entire Raw broadcast. I didn't find the Part for Vince the least bit entertaining, and the fact that it dragged on for 25+ minutes made it even worse.

Now I understand that Superstars was created so that the guys who were not used on Raw, Smackdown or ECW would get some On-Air time, and to build them up and further story lines, but the 25+ minutes on Raw used this past week for DX and Vince party could of easly been broken into two matches, and a 8 minute segment for Vinces party, rather than 25 minutes of absolute bullshit. The highlight of the entire segment was when Legacy attack Triple H and HBK, its just to bad it didnt happen 15 minutes earlier.

I think the DX effect is bad for everybody in the middle card.

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