Did JeriShow and now DX as champions, really help the Tag Division?

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When Jericho and Edge got together, they finally got the tag team division into the mainevent picture however this was only because of the success as singles competators, there opponents wasn't anywhere near there level but running with the belts did get people noticing.

Luckily, they managed to maintain this by bringing in the Big Show (this could have drastically gone wrong when Edge was injured) But i dont think it was the best of moves giving the belts to DX.. The belts havn't given anything more to DX than they already had.

Sadly DX will loose the belts to a mid card tag team and the belts will soon again be forgotten about.

That is the sad thing about the tag team, these big teams like DX, Jerishow and Brothers of Destruction (occationally) bring big hype when they're involved in a match but they're not dedicated full time tag teams which will never permanantly adjust the tag team division, although there is a lot of fresh new talent, i dont believe there are tag teams out there that could carry a decent upper midcard match or draw the hype needed.

Its a shame tag team matches aren't booked as they used to. Excellent example was Austin & HHH Vs Undertaker & Kane with the tag titles on the line as well as the IC and WWE title - they hyped up and built this match up perfectly.. however recently there just doesn't seem to be that spark so it seems as if the tag team division is set to shrivel up and dissapear unless some of the succesful singles come together as a tag team and dedicate themselves in this for a while. Sad but true.
Jerishow didn't help the tag division DX aren't doing it either as of right now. They could have built something with the Hart Dynasty especially with Bret coming next week but they're going to be fighting Jerishow for the 100th time. What I prefer DX to do would to drop the belts to Legacy because they're the tag team that needs it the most and they've already beaten DX once so they proven they could do it again. DX doesn't seem to care about the tag belts so it's time to give them to somebody who would care like Legacy or a Cryme Tyme.
DX is doing the exact opposite. They're hurting the tag division. Do you people not see what WWE is pulling? I've quit watching RAW after that 3 hour abortion of a slammy special but I heard after little people's court, DX made Hornswoggle their official mascot. Now that annoying ass leprechaun can be on both shows. He was all over the christmas smackdown and I'm sure he'll be returning with or without DX. This whole thing was a conspiracy just to get that thing with shit on his face even more tv time. I'm praying TNA manages to beat WWE come 1/4 if only so that they can improve their product
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