General DX/Legacy discussion

Something tells me that phone call was not made to Shawn Michaels.. too obvious and the way the conversation was carried.. I would be willing to bet that he was actually calling X-Pac
I'd rather see Triple H and Shawn Michael join together as just themselves rather than DX. They don't need to be DX to take on Legacy. They are just two well-documented friends who are helping each other out. They can do some of their DX antics while the match goes on and maybe even leading up to it but they don't need to be full blown DX.

Why not do DX if they're teaming up? It gives you one entrance that you don't see often instead of the 2 singles entrances that you see all the time, plus that night you know DX merchandise will make a killing as opposed to just the normal HHH/HBK stuff. Plus, DX is just perpetually over with the crowd and you know they'll pop like all hell when given the chance.

As far as the phone call goes, I thought it was pretty stupid, especially the "I thought you didn't do jobs" part. Doesn't seem like HBK to me, seems more like HHH called himself. (Here's where someone points out that he lost that match against Legacy, but not mentioning the fact that it was a handicap match and he had to take both of their finishers and immediately after the match called them shit).

As far as DX/Legacy at SummerSlam (or SummerFest, lol such a shitty episode)...I don't want to see it, and it isn't because of DX, its because of HHH and Legacy. I do not care about HHH/Legacy anymore. I stopped caring MONTHS ago. HBK will class up the joint a lot and make it worth watching when he's in the ring, but other than that, its a spot on the card that frankly, I'd rather see devoted to a 7 minute still image of Big Show's missing mustache, as I don't have any interest in seeing HHH/Rhodes or HHH/DiBiase, or HHH/breathing oxygen lol.
Something tells me that phone call was not made to Shawn Michaels.. too obvious and the way the conversation was carried.. I would be willing to bet that he was actually calling X-Pac

dude thats exaclty what i was thinking! ok picture this:

next week on raw legacy in the ring, triple h walking down the ramp, talking about that phone call. crowd going wild waiting for hbk's return and then boom x pacs music goes off. dude the crowd will go freaking nuts and if that happens the ratings will shoot up so fast it will be unreal. guys face it triple h saying hes going to make a phone call is just way to obvious to be hbk. i have feeling its gonna be x pac since he was being rumored to return before.

ill mark out
its not goingto be x-pac, it'll be HBK, there just doin the whole hang up thing to drag it out, legacy will come out next week and mock hhh for failing to get help or somethin, he'll come out and just be like "i guess ill just have to do it alone" legacy will beat him down then hbk will save him
hhh did a good job in putting legacy over, i just wonder what kind of material are they gonna come up with, for the funny stuff now. as for the third member it will be cena tagging with them when it becomes a 6 man tag
One of the only highlights tonight for me was how they did do the HHH/Legacy stuff. HHH putting legacy over then the post match mic stuff where he was basically setting up dx/legacy from the start because we all knew it was "going to happen". I also liked the phone call, not only for the small "I thought you didn't do jobs" line to HBK hanging up on him, it does present a small cliff hanger, enough to make me want to tune in next week to see where it goes from here, and isn't that one of the main points of a wrestling show?
Sadly yes DX will be reuniting at Summerslam this year. I mean HHH already hinted at it, and HBK is on the poster for Summerslam; I hope that DX doesn't stay around for too long because what could DX possibly do in the PG Era? IMO its just best to leave DX in the past because they were amazing and bringing them back only hurts their legacy.
Of course DX wont be here for long, it is simply just to help Legacy get into a pace and make them look like the best tag team in the world for beating DX 3 times before finally loosing to them. I like DX, well I liked the old ones and the new one was ok but this time it simply wont be funny, only to the 13 year old kids out there that find it funny when they interupt other people and pretend a banana is a dick....
I saw this a mile away
its just a shame Shawn couldn't have a showstoping singles match at summerslam
their is one good thing about it
that is the things that will go down next week on raw
the guest host is slaughter
you remember what happend when slaughter was the commisioner
if you don't goto youtube and look up "dx slaughter"
the funniest momments in wrestling history
2006 all over again HHH gonna take charge against Legacy next week but they will begin to overpower the match then HBK is gonna come out and aid the Game. Then the 2 of them are gonna cut some lame promos before SummerSlam and seeing as this is the first form of DX in PG era im not expecting alot of cool stuff. Then SS and either DX Dominate or Legacy do what seems impossible and beat DX. But maybe this DX thing will get into HHH and Orton in the future you know a title match at one of the next PPVs HBK comes out and either aids HHH or turns heal who knows
you see what I'm thinking is maybe they'll bring DX back, but like i told the guys on you tube one of my Xbox 360 buddies who lives over in Europe said that the W.W.E is supposed to have a tour over there called the D.X invasion tour now yeah i know what you guys are saying about the kinda pg type humor and i agree although stuff like that still kinda made me laugh inside but what I'm thinking is maybe it'll be just HBK and HHH or maybe the W.W.E will be able to get the full D.X back together you never know or HBK and HHH make D.X by themselves and start recruiting superstars that are currently in the W.W.E roster right now like i can totally see hornswaggle being like the DX mascot or something
you see what I'm thinking is maybe they'll bring DX back, but like i told the guys on you tube one of my Xbox 360 buddies who lives over in Europe said that the W.W.E is supposed to have a tour over there called the D.X invasion tour now yeah i know what you guys are saying about the kinda pg type humor and i agree although stuff like that still kinda made me laugh inside but what I'm thinking is maybe it'll be just HBK and HHH or maybe the W.W.E will be able to get the full D.X back together you never know or HBK and HHH make D.X by themselves and start recruiting superstars that are currently in the W.W.E roster right now like i can totally see hornswaggle being like the DX mascot or something

That's correct, I live in the UK and every week for the past several months we've had a mention of the upcoming DX Invasion Tour in November, so I'd imagine they'll be around until then at least.
Its hbk but not because he's on the poster for summerslam, that could have been made months before but because of HHH promo backstage. I don't why people only remember the "I thought you don't do jobs " thing that HHH when he also said " you say you won't come back all the time" hinting a hbk return or referencing "if you aint down with that we got two words for ya" at the end of his promo with legacy. X pac would be a great swerve but highly unlikely and road dogg and billy gunn hate HHH guts so the likely choice is hbk. As I recall dx renited 2 other times after the 2006 spirit squad storyline, once against rated rko and another against miz and morrison. I definately believe legacy is going to job to dx which isn't a bad thing because it allow the fued between triple h vs legacy to continue and gives hbk something to do. I doubt hbk will job on his return especially to a team as terrible as legacy
The only way they can freshen up this angle is if HBK turns on HHH and joins Legacy. WWE needs a swerve to get interest back from their hardcore fans. There is no intensity from the characters and little depth. If its just another DX team up to beat Legacy at SummerSlam for them to eventually fade away and go their separate ways again...what's really the point?
I'm looking forward to DX again. They always get a good laugh out of me. Lol I still laugh at that joke HBK made of HHH's nose. haha And thank goodness HHH won't be feuding with Orton or the Title in any way. Well at least for Summerslam. One thing I would like though is if Legacy gets the win at Summerslam and they keep this program going for a while. Just too hopefully build Legacy up for a change. Let them do something more than being just lackey's. What about maybe even getting Jericho and Show involved at some point? that could get interesting. A triple threat DX vs Legacy vs Show & Jericho. Can someone please tell me how do i start a thread?
Its hbk but not because he's on the poster for summerslam, that could have been made months before but because of HHH promo backstage. I don't why people only remember the "I thought you don't do jobs " thing that HHH when he also said " you say you won't come back all the time" hinting a hbk return or referencing "if you aint down with that we got two words for ya" at the end of his promo with legacy. X pac would be a great swerve but highly unlikely and road dogg and billy gunn hate HHH guts so the likely choice is hbk. As I recall dx renited 2 other times after the 2006 spirit squad storyline, once against rated rko and another against miz and morrison. I definately believe legacy is going to job to dx which isn't a bad thing because it allow the fued between triple h vs legacy to continue and gives hbk something to do. I doubt hbk will job on his return especially to a team as terrible as legacy

Actually, didn't Triple H say: "I know you said you'd never come back" and "it's in the past". I don't remember exactly how X-Pac left the WWE but the way I saw the call, if done to X-Pac, is that Triple H wants him back and Pac wants nothing to do with the WWE. They could easily fool people a little more next week with Triple H cutting a promo, talking about Shawn hanging up on him except he would be talking about "Sean" and not "Shawn".

A DX reunion was done in the past with HBK, how about X-Pac joining this time. Nevermind Road Dogg and Bad Ass, Legacy are three, with HBK joining later on, we could have a feud beginning culminating at Survivor Series.
i think in the john cena vs randy orton legacy will come out to stop cena then triple h will come out a try to stop them and then hbk music will play and come out to help triple h and cena wins the wwe title.
it cant be x pac beacuse hbk is due to come back at summerslam and undertaker will reaturn at then new submission paper view (aka unforgiven)
I doubt X-PAC heads to WWE just for a DX reunion. The man's in AAA, and from I can see, if he hasn't come back now or a couple of years back, he won't at all.

Besides, odds are it will once again be HBK/HHH doing their "antics" and fight against Legacy. My only hope is that Legacy goes over them at least 2 matches out of 3 or something. At least give them space to make some promos against them, as they both can cut promos if they're not standing behind Orton.

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