How do you think the DX Storyline will play out?

as much as i would love to see hbk as a heel vs hhh, i do not think it will work you cannot bs the fans, everybody will know it is not real because they are very close friends

Why would it be any different than heel HHH vs HBK? It can be done with a proper build-up

The Hardy's made their feud believable and they are both horrible actors
If HBK is going to retire next year (big if, keep hearing it everywhere but not with anything substantial behind it) then HBK V HHH at Mania is the only logical choice. And as someone else said, if they do that, HBK will be the face, though tbh you could clearly get away with them both being faces a la HBK V Flair. If they are going to fight at Mania next year then count me in for ordering it already.
Are you kidding me? I'm 99% sure that this will lead to a HHH heel turn, possibly even at SummerSlam. I going to say that they will go on to beat Legacy (because really, who doesn't?) at SS and HHH will turn on Shawn either then or the next night on RAW saying something like "that's right Shawn I used you to help me get Legacy out of the way and now I'm going to get my belt back" and Shawn will say something like "oh yeah, well you brought back HBK and you turned on me, you're going to have to go through me first" leading to a feud between the two...again.

HHH has been a face for a while now. He prefers a heel character, and is better as a heel. Shawn is better as a face. that's just how I see this working out.
A very interesting thread with lots of good points being made. I just have two comments/questions regarding some of the points being made.

1. To those who talk about keeping DX together for a while to "put over" the younger guys such as the new Hart Foundation or Legacy, how do you propose this happening? Let's face it, DX doesn't put anyone over. Any feud involving DX ultimately ends with DX winning and celebrating in the ring, complete with crotch chops while their opponents lie in the ring. Putting these other guys over would involve swallowing your pride and actually losing to them. No matter how good the match is, or how good the opponents look in the match, an ultimate result of a DX win does not put the opponents over. Can anyone imagine DX reuniting at Summerslam, especially with HBK returning from a 4 month absence, to lose? I just can't see it happening. Keeping DX together may sell merchandise, promote PPV's, and provide lots of comedic skits, but does nothing to put younger talent over. Money aside, a long term DX reunion does not benefit the end result.

2. I have no idea when HBK will retire. Perhaps it will be at WM26, perhaps a later WM, or possibly some other time altogether. Whenever it happens, a final match with HHH seems appropriate. But why does anyone have to turn heel for this to happen? Why couldn't it be a face vs face match, like Flair/HBK? A show of respect between 2 friends and long time competitors. While a little redundant with the Flair storyline, why couldn't HBK's farewell match involve a respectful feud with his good friend HHH? My question is this: it's customary for people to lose their farewell match, sort of a symbolic passing of the torch. While this wouldn't apply to HHH/HBK as no torch would be passed here in either direction, will HBK's ego allow him to lose in his swan song match, regardless of who it's against, or will he buck the trend and win his final match?

Personally I would like HBK's final match to be at WM27, losing in a clean match with a clean decisive victory for his heir apparent, John Morrison. Still almost 2 years away, so Morrison will be "ready" by then (whatever the hell that means). Keeps with tradition by losing your finale, and would be a major push for Morrison who is really the only potential future breakout star on the WWE roster today. What a push, putting the showstopper out of the WWE on the grandest stage of them all, cleanly and decisively.
Regardless of how long DX reuniting goes for I expect it to be generally lack luster while having a few decent moments here and there.

I'm really not a fan of the whole bring back DX in general angle that they seem to pull every so often now. DX was a stable. Now they're just a tag team. IMO, it should be done right or not at all. No DX vs the job squad, no DX vs Legacy. Get 1-3 other people and make a new DX. Really center the show around them and have a stable feud for the championship belt.

Again, I feel like even if Legacy does go over "DX" at summerslam it hurts HBK/HHH a lot more than it benefits Legacy.
I know exactly how it will go. and don't ask how, i can predict WWE.
DX will be together briefly. then Triple h will try for the wwe championship, and he wins. Once he gets it, he won't need HBK's help anymore (triple h only wanted him back to destroy legacy) then he will turn on HBK. Triple h will be a heel. a feud similar to their earlier feud will go down, and HBK will retain the championship. thats what will Happen.:banghead:
I agree with a few posters here.

I think DX will reunite for a while. Things will be great. Then, there will be a heel turn. (Kind of like the Mega Powers!) Either HHH or Shawn will turn heel (I am guessing HHH) right before Wrestlemania. The main event will feature HHH against Shawn Michaels in what will be Michaels' last match.
DX will last right until HHH wins the WWE Title in October against Orton then HBK will get envious with Rage turning his back on HHH and challenge HHH for the title either at Survivor Series or Roayle Rumble hell even Armegedon. HHH will drop the title then keep feuding with HBK until WM were HBK will anounce it as his final WWE match were HHH wil regain his title and we all farewell HBK as we did Ric Flair in 2008
I see Orton losing the title to John Cena and then a long Legacy Vs DX feud.

Then after DX put some conclusion on Legacy after about 3 months, they will move on to Chris Jericho and Big Show, take the titles and feud with them like they would have Rated rKo

I expect DX to lose to some new team made of older stars. HHH should win the WWE title on the same night Shawn Michaels wins the Royal Rumble.

HHH then turns heel in a Ric Flaire-like beatdown.
I seriously hope they drop the DX angle. Look, it was good, but I've got a fear that this angle is just going to blow. They can't really get away with it anymore, and I didn't find anything funny from last week involving DX. Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, they should go their seperate ways. HHH needs to stay away from the WWE Title for a while, maybe he can go into a fued with Ted DiBiase. As for HBK, he could go for the Intercontinental Title, or just fued with someone like Cody Rhodes. He could be the man to elevate Cody to the next level. Either way, DX needs to finish after SummerSlam. Oh, and Legacy better win at SummerSlam.. seriously.

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