RAW LD June 20, 2016 - The inmates are running the asylum.

So on the Stone Cold podcast tonight, do they make any specific reference to TNA, or do they only discuss everything else in his pre-WWE history?

I think he just might, you can't just ignore that gaping hole in his career like it doesn't exist. Unless they don't discuss how long he's been in the business and how many titles he's held.
That Reigns can wrestle? Quite well, in fact. A group of people decided they didn't like Reigns, because Vince does, and now, no matter what, he will be booed, because it's the 'cool' thing to do. I'd be willing to bet these same people will cheer a heel Reigns, just because. Stupid chants like that ruin the segments for the majority of fans who aren't douches.

Can't wait for "fans" to turn on Ambrose once Vince endorses him as the next "guy."
Isn't Arizona ungodly hot right now? The fans are probably just ornery after literally being baked alive for days. A Glacier return in this building would go over HUGE.
I do enjoy a Sami vs Kevin match or feud but they need to
Move on for now, if it was ROH matches with these two each week would fly well and did for a while on raw and smackdown

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