RAW LD 1/10/11 - "Betrayal Most Foul"

You know Shawn so that kid with the fuzzy hat on his way down the ring and thought to himself, "Must... touch... fuzzy... hat..."
Lol that one superkick just gave ADR more of a rub than months of wrestling on the midcard.

Seriously! Speaks a great deal of the stock WWE puts in Del Rio to give him that spot with Michaels. Smart move, and classy by Shawn to make the trip and give a young heel the rub.
You know it's sad in a way. Shawn's provided us with so many great memories that it almost felt like he never left because he had left so much for us over his 25 year career. But you look at the current TV product and you can't help but feel that it's just a little less entertaining without The Showstopper. It was great to see Shawn Michaels announced for induction. It was even better to see Shawn make an appearance, and the icing on the cake was the interaction with Alberto Del Rio. Good segment. Solid Raw so far.
Flair went in before he retired. Why the hell shouldn't HBK the year after he retired?

I thought Flair going in before he even retired was a bad move, and I think HBK getting in now is a mistake. Let me be clear, he definatly deserves to be in the hall, no question. I just think It would ad some nastalga to the whole thing if he was inducted a couple of years down the road. I mean honestly, did you hear the crowd? Not as into it as they should have been, and i think a reason of that is because he just recently retired. Had they waited on inducting, I think the reaction would have been better.

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