RAW Is Braun. 4-17-17 LD

I've seen Raging Bull at least 30. I watch everything over and over again to study everything.

I think this is actually time 3 for Rick and Morty, but whatever. Lol

I've seen That Thing You Do and Wrestlemania X7 at least 50 times each with no exaggeration.
I have it neck and neck with The Sting as the greatest movie of all time.

Managed to stay awake through the Sting. Fantastic movie, but I'm terrible for falling asleep. Except for Godzilla and Johnny Depp movies, I'll stay awake for those.
I love Otunga's commentary. We also went to the same middle school, grew up in the same town, and lived 3 neighborhoods away from each other.
And here lies WWE's problem with booking someone like Strowman.

Instead of running over people and looking incredible, Show is hanging with him. That makes Braun look like he has an equal instead of being unique, which misses the point by a mile.

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