Randy Orton Injured?


The best heel in the business
@WWEInsider just tweeted:

BREAKING: @RandyOrton injured at #Smackdown in Indianapolis tonight. More details to follow on WWE.com as they become available.

Will update this thread as more information comes in.

Moderator's Note: This is being treated as a legit news story for now. No spoilers about the show or discipline will be handed out accordingly.
If this is true and Orton is legitimately injured, this is a huge blow to Smackdown. Orton is the biggest face on Smackdown, and one of the top three faces in the company. If Orton is forced to miss any substantial amount of time - I'm talking about several months - then it could prove disastrous to the blue brand. He has been at the center of two really good feuds since being drafted to Smackdown and has constantly put on great matches. Orton even seems like he is happy to elevate wrestlers into the main event given his latest feud with Barrett. Losing Orton for any length of time could only mean bad things for Smackdown, so I hope it's nothing serious and he's ready to go next week.
If Orton is injured then it is a great loss for not only Smackdown but also for the RAW. Orton has been constantly appearing on Raw for supershows enhancing the viewership to some extent. He and Wade Barret have been doing a great job against each other. I had hoped this for this fued to last longer but since this news has broken I doubt this will happen. Similarly, there is a high possibility of him being out for a long time in case the injury is serious. What if he gets severely injured and cannot appear at wrestlemania? It will be a great loss since there have been rumors for him to be a part of the world championship match. So, this indeed is a great loss since he is the top face of Smackdown. It will affect everything: Viewerships, ratings, matches,feuds etc. I hope this ain't serious.
WWE advertised this on Facebook and said Sheamus would replace him in the match against Barrett for SD!.

The question is: Is Orton really injured or is it an angle and if he is injured, how serious is it?

Losing the top face of SmackDown just three months out from Wrestlemania is a big blow. If it's a minor injury (or just an angle), then it probably doesn't matter. But if he's out past April.... Expect major shakeup. You could realistically have a face like Sheamus or Daniel Bryan going up against a someone like Barrett, Christian or maybe a current Raw heel who wins the Royal Rumble and chooses to challenge for the WHC. (or vice versa)

Interesting stuff.
I never bemoan injuries considering the top guys. Most of them could do with a break from TV. Orton being injured is a shame because he's easily been the best wrestler in WWE this year, but it leaves a spot open on Smackdown for somebody else to shine and it freshens up the whole main event scene. If Orton results a longer Daniel Bryan title reign and possibly feuds with Christian and Big Show then that is considerably better than any Orton feud which would likely have already been done before.

If he;s seriously injured I hope he returns some time after Mania. Not like that show will need him this year anyway.
You might want to update the OP - or rather, a moderator might - with a link showing it's on the WWE website and everything: http://www.wwe.com/inside/orton-injured-live-events

Not that the WWE website reporting on it makes it any more legitimate, of course. It's just a thing that happened in a long line of things that happen.

Assuming this is legit and not a work, this makes me a sad panda. There were a lot of things Orton did differently this year; he grew a beard (sort of); he wrestled great matches; he had great feuds. Indeed, he did enough to secure the coveted "Who shat in my crown?" Sammy Award for wrestler of the year. No easy feat. But apparently you can't help being made out of glass, and it's come back to haunt him. Why, I already have his returning promo mapped out in my head:

"Now that we know who you are... I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense. In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero, and most time's they're friends, like you and me. I should've known way back when. You know why, Christian? Because of the kids. They called me Mr. Glass. "
You might want to update the OP - or rather, a moderator might - with a link showing it's on the WWE website and everything: http://www.wwe.com/inside/orton-injured-live-events

I can't edit my post anymore, must be because a moderator edited it.

Hopefully he won't be injured for a long time he's a hard worker and his feud with Wade has been great to watch. Just have to wait and see what news comes out over the next few days.

According to this report I read a few minutes ago, the guess right now is that Orton suffered some injury to his back. My guess is that it'll be later today or possibly tomorrow before we really know what's what. The link reports that PWInsider is saying that it might have to do with at least one of the discs in Orton's back.

It's a shame if he's really hurt. At the same time, however, it opens the door for other things to be done. Sheamus has been spinning his wheels for a while so Orton being out, if he does take time off, could sort of step in for Orton and have a meaningful feud, possibly with Barrett. As for Barrett, this could be used to further elevate Barrett's standing. After all, Barrett putting one of the top stars in WWE for the past decade on the shelf as the result of, basically, a street fight pumps up Barrett's credibility.

As for whether it'll hurt the numbers of SD!, it's too early to tell. Orton wasn't exactly a draw for SD! during his time as WHC and while I'm sure that people do watch to see Orton, he really hasn't been THE guy on SD! for a while. He's been a dominant presence, of course, but he hasn't been the focus of the show really since his feud with Mark Henry ended. This also leaves the window for, potentially, a longer WHC run for Daniel Bryan. Orton will always be thought of as one of the top contenders for a World Championship in WWE so with him out of the picture for a while, coupled with the talk that it's going to be Shaq vs. Big Show at WrestleMania, it makes things look brighter for right now for Bryan's title run.
Well, this is a bummer I've always been a fan of Orton, even got his DVD. So to hear that he got injured puts gives me a sad face. There's gonna be NO living with my sister until he gets back too, since Orton is her favorite wrestler and she's gonne be bugging me until he shows up again.

Now, onto less depressing matters. This could be exactly what Daniel Bryan and Sheamus need to solidify themselves as top faces. With Orton gone the risk of Bryan losing his championship drops, as it's a likely possibility that WWE was going to have DBD drop the title to Big Show only to have show lose it to Orton for mania. Now he might be free to actually have a legitimate reign. And Sheamus... well, Sheamus just needs to keep doing what he's doing, maybe with Barrett or possibly Cody when his Booker feud is done.
Things aren't looking very good for the WWE right now with all these injured stars they must be panicking.

Sin Cara
Rey Mysterio
Mark Henry
Alberto Del Rio
and now Orton

I'm really hoping they bring Christian back asap now that Orton is out.But what's most likely going to happen is Sheamus will take over Orton's spot as top face now of SD.Sheamus hasn't lost a match by pinfall in the longest time.

I actually just uploaded a vid a few minutes ago about this lol
I've never really been a fan of Orton, but it does suck he's injured and I hope he comes back soon. At first when I heard this, I thought it was a work for RR, since it's in his hometown and all. He comes back at maybe N. 29 and wins it like Edge. Now that we know it's real, hope he makes a full recovery.
Wow Henry injured, Christian injured and now Orton. Bad luck for Smackdown. Hope it isn't too serious. Orton had a great year. Good thing they are doing supershows right now.
Orton is in a complete need for repackaging. I dont like that he might be out for a while but this could really help him. Gives him some time off to make him seem fresh again. Hope he would come back as a heel
!st Christian, than Henry, now Orton.

Its the SS sinking Smackdown.

Oh who am I kidding its already sunk.

Seriously who`s left on the SD ME. . . .
Anyone that thinks Orton is SuperOrton like Cena over on RAW needs their head checked. Orton himself puts over alot more talent than Cena himself, I am actually sad that Orton is injured and cannot continue to carry the Smackdown brand.
According to the report I read a few minutes ago, Randy Orton is going to be out of action for the next 6 months. There was a SD! house show in Detroit earlier today and it was announced to the live crowd that Orton's going to be out. As a result, it's probably that Orton is going to miss out on the WrestleMania payday.
If there wasn't any indication to the WWE that they need to make new stars before, this certainly is. Veterans have been dropping like flies over the past few years, and if WWE dosen't do anything soon they may been in trouble. I also hope Randy a speedy and healthful recovery.
smackdown superstars are dropping like flies.. i really hope that this could leave for a better comeback for orton
Yep, six months. I hope he gets well.

I'm looking forward to how it affects SmackDown and who gets their opportunity to shine as a result. But so help me God if WWE is just pulling our leg and he comes back as no. 40 at the Rumble in his hometown.
Looks like Orton is not going to miss Wrestlemania. Right now WWE is saying a "few weeks".

Barrett cut a promo at the detroit house show claiming he knocked Orton out of action for 6 months. Which had a bunch of websites saying he is out for that long.

“Randy suffered a herniated disc on the L4-L5 level on the left side, and that’s resulting in pain and weakness down his leg.” Dr. Sampson explained. “He’s going to need some time off for rehab, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy.”

It's going to hurt Smackdowns star power, but at the same time it could be a good thing in the long run. Especially for Wade Barret, this injury is what could propell him right into the World Championship picture.
Hasnt Randy said on his twitter he is pain free but doing rehab? He also laughed at the 6 month rumours.

I wouldnt be surprised if this was a work, well the 6 months thing was. He will probably return at the Rumble and win it in his hometown. Tickets to the event already bought and his injury wont harm PPV buys. Its the Rumble afterall.

If he is legit injured...Henry, Christian, Sin Cara and now Orton. Thats 4 big names there.
Hasnt Randy said on his twitter he is pain free but doing rehab? He also laughed at the 6 month rumours.

I wouldnt be surprised if this was a work, well the 6 months thing was. He will probably return at the Rumble and win it in his hometown. Tickets to the event already bought and his injury wont harm PPV buys. Its the Rumble afterall.

If he is legit injured...Henry, Christian, Sin Cara and now Orton. Thats 4 big names there.

That's been my thought as well since I saw how he was "written off" last week on SmackDown. I really hope that's not the case. It's going to make the Rumble VERY underwhelming. The fact that it was a month away from last Friday's SmackDown and the story could that predictable, it's... Well, it's just pathetic. I don't want Orton to be seriously hurt, but I also don't want this angle to be one big work that leads to him wining the Rumble in his hometown as a surprise entrant. Uncreative story if it turns out that way, in my opinion.
Update on Randys Twitter. Seems to me he will be back ALOT sooner than WWE want you to believe....

"I'm getting alot of q's bout my back. What happened is I herniated a disc (leaked disc fluid) between my L4-L5 in my lower back.

"Had som estrength loss in my left lower leg. Time off is to let the inflammation go down, and try and strengthen the muscles int lower back"

"The Barrett barrage should have picked a steeper flight of stairs."
That's been my thought as well since I saw how he was "written off" last week on SmackDown. I really hope that's not the case. It's going to make the Rumble VERY underwhelming. The fact that it was a month away from last Friday's SmackDown and the story could that predictable, it's... Well, it's just pathetic. I don't want Orton to be seriously hurt, but I also don't want this angle to be one big work that leads to him wining the Rumble in his hometown as a surprise entrant. Uncreative story if it turns out that way, in my opinion.

You are correct. It is very uncreative and has been done before. If he is legit injured then how about Barrett and someone else are the last 2 in The Rumble. Barrett is toying with his opponent (Sheamus maybe) when Ortons music hits. He comes out to a huge pop, stands on the stage, Barrett has his attention on Orton and Sheamus eliminates him. Orton gets his redemption and Sheamus/Barrett fued has a fire lit under it until Randy is ready to return. Plus the fans get to see Orton...

A tad uncreative aswell but I can't remember this direction ending a Rumble in the 20 odd years it has been going?

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