Randy Orton Fails Wellness test?

If this is ture;

I'd say firing him would benifit in the long run rather than covering it up. The government is watching WWE with a microscope, and if they got caught covering it up with an injury? It would literally be game over for the company

and Vince McMahon is not an idiot, he understands he can't afford to be caught in a scandal like this if he really failed that test.

Hopefully the injury is a coincedince and not a cover up by WWE
It's not true. The WWE has to put the people who failed a drug test on their corporate website. I don't believe this at all.
It's not true. The WWE has to put the people who failed a drug test on their corporate website. I don't believe this at all.

But it's also a matter of timing as well. A couple months ago, Truth got booked for the same reason as Bourne and at the same time, but since he was doing the match with The Rock, he served his suspension about 3 weeks later than Bourne did.
If it is true, I think they should book him, especially now since he's apparently injured. They don't have to fire him, but put him on a 60 day suspension if that's the case. Look how long it's been since his 2nd infraction anyway. And besides, we don't even know what it's for (I personally think that the whole suspension for Spice thing was stupid, but if it's something like that, they can go with suspension, not firing.) One thing they shouldn't do is cover it up, though. Just because he's a top star doesn't mean he should get a blind eye. That kind of favoritism affects backstage morale, and if I recall correctly, many superstars have left the company because of issues like that (for example: a notorious case would be Booker T's leave in 2007)

I doubt it's true though.
But it's also a matter of timing as well. A couple months ago, Truth got booked for the same reason as Bourne and at the same time, but since he was doing the match with The Rock, he served his suspension about 3 weeks later than Bourne did.

But wouldn't it have made more sense for Barrett to take him out at the TLC PPV? The WWE hasnt reported this on corporate. I would believe this if this was a few years ago when he was a problem but I think he cleaned up his act. Also the source is not reliable at all.
Even if he failed a Wellness test, you'd imagine they'd have him back before Wrestlemania. Read a report on here that he'll be out for Wrestlemania, and another report on here claiming "If you're reading elsewhere that Orton "will be back for WrestleMania," or that Orton "will miss WrestleMania," both of those reports are premature. Orton's status for WrestleMania is unknown."

There's clearly a lot of shit flying around the room, I'm just not going to care and wait a few days for things to clear up, THEN I'll have an opinion on this. Right now I don't think anybody here knows the real deal.

Put it this way. WWE is in a very tough position right now regardless of the violation. Orton will be out for 6 months. This mean you lose another star. This also means you need to somehow create some new stars. Easier said then done.

The shows have been terrible and the ratings are finally starting to show. So where does WWE go from here, well here is what my solution would be.

Ok first of all, quit this brand stuff. It's really pointless at this point just because you already have a Raw Supershow, just combine both Raw and Smackdown now.

Look at the talent, utilize it in the best possible way. Quite frankly I'm tired of seeing two actual matches on Raw every week while we get like a million promos. Promo's are good, but not in every other segment, gets old after a while. The talent you see on tv, you can our boy Johnny Ace for that.

Lastly, make some changes to the roster. I hate to say it, but now isn't the time to turn Cena heel especially with Orton out. I say turn Miz face, make HHH return to a semi-regular schedule. That right there creates some star power. Keep Punk and Ryder going with there pushes, turn Daniel Bryan Heel. If Jericho comes in, use him as much as you can. Push Sheamus as much as possible.

They should change the policy so that it only applies to jobbers. Why bind your own hands on decisions like this with blanket policies? If Orton were a junkie like Jeff Hardy, then yeah, fire him. Otherwise you're just handing one of your top guys to the competition for no real reason.
if this is true...WWE is will be in a tale spin.....they but hope this is false and that cover this up...becuz if Randy was to end up in TNA or ROH thats a big blow...it would be like losing brock all over again
Even if there was any truth to this story, wouldn't WWE only have to fire him for like 90 days, then they could re-hire him? WM is 94 days away, theoretically they could fire him, work out an agreement to re-hire him after 90 days and have him back just in time for WM.

Either way it really doesn't matter since this story is complete bullshit anyway.
iI think wwe covered for cena when he had the in n out neck injury. Everyone in wwe goes to dr andrews, including vincve , hhh but cena who is wwe's biggest draw at the time goes to THE HEAD OF THE WELLNESS POLICY IN PA? LOL that in itself is a red flag. If that docter was so great why would every other wrestler n staff go to andrews? Then cena shows up at an even t that night with a bandade on . They (wwe) doesn't seem to be straight up with this wellness policy.

With the million dollar tough enough guy, skip sheffield I think they released him after a couple failures then hired him back later
He didn't fail any drug test is just someone throwing shit against a wall, he legitimately hurt his back, its a herniated disc of some sorts, and he's apparently missing mania

EVERY single wrestler, especially those with ten or more years has MULTIPLE bulging or herniated disks. That is a sham as any single guy can be taken off the road to go in to get scoped or fixed up at any point... having a herniation does not mean he did not fail a test. Mind you , I don't know if he did either.
wow if orton did indeed fail a third time according to the policy set fourth by WWE orton should be fired!! To cover it up with a fake injury if indeed thats what happened would put the E in a tight bind you think? So if this is true this fake injury is a last ditch effort to get Orton the help he needs!! Orton is a talent no doubt a what nine time champion its like football people you dont cut or fire your top talent no matter what!! What policy is set fourth and what is done is two different animals. Right or wrong thats how it is
I believe he has only been suspended once for the wellness policy. Anyway, if you watch his dvd he talks about how he got help and cleaned up his life (drug wise) when his daughter was born.

Its not a legit source either. Looks like someone just made it up on a forum. So I doubt its true.
I don't think this news is true. This is probably a hoax created by one of the dirt sheets. The reason is clear but I don't want to spoil your experience. He's been suffering from back issues in the last few weeks and they will show you why he's injured this Friday.He's been written out for healing his back issues.
I really do think this is a work for Orton to never be considered winning the Rumble. Here is your suprise entrant winner folks.
If it is true, and they do fire him, he'll be in TNA/IW within the week. Ok, probably not, but it seem thats where all the WWE addicts go to continue their downward spiral.

Not so true. If he does get fired, TNA will not even be allowed to touch him for atleast 90 days.
Guys, this is a nothing story, I'd be shocked if he was stupid enough to fail...even he is not that dumb to be the first high profile guy fired for it... But just as WWE rotated Kane and Big Show out for a period, they are now doing so with Orton... He'll be back by Mania no doubt.
Surely if its been a certain ammount of time between Policy breaks. They could find a loophole in their own policy that means Orton gets another chance.
They are just rotating... although Cena's absence from the PPV was a bit more suspect than this... They took Kane and Show out and pushed Henry in their place... Orton will do the same now for Barrett... It means instead of a D Bryan heel turn against Orton we get Barrett v Bryan which does make sense as a Title match for WM...

Orton is "well liked" but not untouchable... some of his antics in the past have really damaged WWE's rep so IF he did fail again, I think they would nuke him to make the point... They did it with Kurt... after all TNA hiring him then would only make themselves look bad after the Hardy stuff...
I have yet to see a single legitimate source that can prove Randy Orton has failed a wellness test. Hell, I have yet to see ANY real source even CLAIM that he has failed any sort of test, for any reason. So far as I know, his injury is legitimate. Normally, even if they cover it up with some sort of angle, their corporate website is required to post something about a violation. As of right now...nothing.

Let's live in a hypothetical world where Orton did fail a third violation and was on the chopping block. It would completely depend on what he was doing... I guess by their own standards, he'd have to be fired. WOuld they pull the trigger, especially considering how important the McMahon name is right now...? That's a whole 'nother discussion that might be worth having! But I would be really annoyed if they fired a man because of some bullshit like synthetic pot. But if they find Orton shooting up in the back, or doing lines before a match...send him packing. Somehow I don't think that's going to be an issue. Ever.
I really do think this is a work for Orton to never be considered winning the Rumble. Here is your suprise entrant winner folks.

It makes a lot of sense, it's in his hometown for christ's sake. If he were to, the pop would be huge. So yeah, this is a very good possibility.
going by this :

"» Randy Orton is sitting on one strike. In August 2006, he was quietly suspended for 30 days for his first violation of the company's drug testing policy — reportedly due to a drug test failure. Starting in September 2004 through February 2007, Orton received somatropin, nandrolone and stanozolol. In August 2007, company officials reasoned that Orton had already served his punishment due to his drug policy violation from the prior year — thus he was not suspended. However, Orton continued receiving pharmaceuticals through February 2007 — well past the date of his initial drug test failure."

Which i pulled from wrestlezone archive he only got done once and not twice i searched to see if i could find a 3nd but i couldnt .

But if it was true they could release him 90days no compete do rehab for 90days rehire day 91
I don't trust this at all. NO way in hell Orton failed a test. And of course WWE wouldn't lie about it either. WWE has gone to great lengths to improve its "image" since deaths in the sport. The political and long term damage of getting caught lying about a failed test would be far to damaging. I don't think WWE would want to risk that.

Again, I call bull. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but I do firmly believe WWE has made strides to improve its image and getting caught in a lie like this would do more harm than good.

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