Orton Fails Drug Test

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so orton gets away with a $2000 fine when rvd gets a suspension, didnt WWE policy state wrestlers were allowed pot aslong as it was not 24hours b4 a show? if orton as reported was on steroids, he should be suspended also, double standards because he has a match against hogan coming up!!
hothead25 said:
Exactly..and he's doing a very good job.

Add these to the list(these are only famous wrestlers):

Chris Von Erich - 21
Mike Von Erich - 23
The Renegade - 23
Gino Hernandez - 29
Jay Youngblood - 30
Crash Holly - 32
Eddie Gilbert - 33
Adrian Adonis - 34
Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34
Yokozuna - 34
Big Dick Dudley - 34
Pitbull #2 - 36
Davey Boy Smith - 39
Johnny Grunge - 39
Terry Gordy - 40
Bertha Faye - 40
Rick Rude - 41
Bruiser Brody - 42
Miss Elizabeth - 42
Big Boss Man - 42
Earthquake - 42
Dino Bravo - 44
Curt Hennig - 44
Junkyard Dog - 45
Hercules - 45
Andre The Giant - 46
Big John Studd - 46
Chris Adams - 46
Hawk - 46
I assume your making the point that these people used pain killers and are now dead(if this is incorrect I apoligise in advance). However not all of them died as a result of this. Dino Bravo was shot. Yoko/Andre were too big which put a strain on thier hearts and Big John Stud died of hodgekinsons I believe.Also I don't believe anything that I don't read on WWE.com. They normally will say when something like this happens as it puts the company in a good light by showing they are dealing with the problem.
Heh, it sucks that Orton is positive for the stuff cuz he's my favorite ever. But OK, I doubt they will release him because they want to give him a push. I doubt they will want to suspend him because "supposedly" Hogan's "One Last Match" brings in money and boosts the ratings. Either way they probalby don't know what to do with Orton other than The Legend Killer, and that gimmick is getting stale, they need to push it a bit. Regardless, unfortunately, i do not have the proof, nor do I remember where I saw it, so it would be quite difficult for one to believe me, but I read somewhere that Randy Orton is supposed to be getting a huge push after Summerslam and go for the WWE title, whoever may hold it at the time. So I think Orton will be fined majorly because right about now he's too valuable to lose in Vince's eyes.
I hate orton, he gets special treatment just to bring hogan back, that is SOOOOO fucking gay, RVD gets stripped of TWO belts and 30 days suspen. RVD was so much more important than orton, and if orton had a prior thing for him not being there he should definetely get fired.
gamehead said:
Don't mean to go off topic but why was Randy suspended earlier on this year?
If I remember right it was for breaking dress code at the mania 22 weekend. However that was just the latest in a long line of problems with his attitude. BTW still nothing on wwe.com about the drugs story why is everyone speculating on the rights/wrongs of Orton being punished before they even know if it's true? Just wondering.:wwf:
rkolover09 said:
that has to be a lie b/c i bet over half the superstars use painkillers...

Its one thing to use painkillers, but its another to have eight bottle is your bag. Yes most superstars probably do use them, but there is a line to draw.
gamehead said:
Don't mean to go off topic but why was Randy suspended earlier on this year?
He was harassing women back stage, but I think Orton should be gone just because his last name is Orton doesn't mean that they have to keep him, kick him off and start showing the new talent Harry Smith his tv debut is way over due and he is way better than Orton, come on now this is wrestling not a fasion show=Orton.:blink:
BigShot said:
Its one thing to use painkillers, but its another to have eight bottle is your bag. Yes most superstars probably do use them, but there is a line to draw.

You have to remember this has not been comfired by the WWE so until it is it will just be a rumor. I really don't believe it.
You guys seem to think that Orton is getting off lightly, but what you're failing to realize is that he must face the universe's greatest punshment...Hulkamania and the millions of hulkamaniacs. He will soon feel the greatest sequence of moves in the business..The "hulk-up", the 3-punches, the big boot, and the Immortal leg drop. "What you gonna do Orton...when you're lying flat of your back looking up at the lights, knowing you just felt the greatest force in the Universe? This is where the power lies brother!" That my friends is the greatest punishment of all.

hothead25 said:
You guys seem to think that Orton is getting off lightly, but what you're failing to realize is that he must face the universe's greatest punshment...Hulkamania and the millions of hulkamaniacs. He will soon feel the greatest sequence of moves in the business..The "hulk-up", the 3-punches, the big boot, and the Immortal leg drop. "What you gonna do Orton...when you're lying flat of your back looking up at the lights, knowing you just felt the greatest force in the Universe? This is where the power lies brother!" That my friends is the greatest punishment of all.

LMFAO! Kudos:wwf:
Orton fails more than the drug test. Orton is going nowhere, just like his father. Especially because hes such an asshole.
roadkill said:
Orton fails more than the drug test. Orton is going nowhere, just like his father. Especially because hes such an asshole.

What are you talking about!?!?!?! Him and Edge are the top two heels in WWE right now. And a lot of people like him because he's such an a-hole. It's called FACE and HEEL.
BretHartfan82 said:
He was harassing women back stage, but I think Orton should be gone just because his last name is Orton doesn't mean that they have to keep him, kick him off and start showing the new talent Harry Smith his tv debut is way over due and he is way better than Orton, come on now this is wrestling not a fasion show=Orton.:blink:

First who in the Blue hell is Harry Smith

Second If he is so much better than orton why hasnt he had his National Debut and why hasnt he had a world match, or why hasnt he wrestled at or headlined Wrestlemania.

just askin
TerrellCow said:
First who in the Blue hell is Harry Smith

Second If he is so much better than orton why hasnt he had his National Debut and why hasnt he had a world match, or why hasnt he wrestled at or headlined Wrestlemania.

just askin
Harry Smith is the 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith's son. You know how those Canadians are..:weird:
TerrellCow said:
First who in the Blue hell is Harry Smith

Second If he is so much better than orton why hasnt he had his National Debut and why hasnt he had a world match, or why hasnt he wrestled at or headlined Wrestlemania.

just askin
He started in june of this years that's why he wasn't at Wrestlemania and if you remember The Britishbulldog Davy Boy Smith it's his son, also if you know anything about stampede wrestling you would also know where alot of the best wrestlers came from, that's where Harry is from, they are having him wrestle dark matches and that to me is crap because not everyone gets to see it only the people at the live show, so far I've heard he has wrestled Rob Conway,Shelton,and a few more people but I forgot what their names were.
Obbie said:
I think this Drug thing is getting out of hand. Not saying its a bad thing, what i'm saying is the wrestling sites are having a ball with it. How do they know who's passed and who's failed it?

I quoted my quote because I was right a long. Not only are wrestling sites getting out of control, but also the fans. Let WWE and Vince handle it. The policy is there for them to use, not for us to use.
BretHartfan82 said:
He started in june of this years that's why he wasn't at Wrestlemania and if you remember The Britishbulldog Davy Boy Smith it's his son, also if you know anything about stampede wrestling you would also know where alot of the best wrestlers came from, that's where Harry is from, they are having him wrestle dark matches and that to me is crap because not everyone gets to see it only the people at the live show, so far I've heard he has wrestled Rob Conway,Shelton,and a few more people but I forgot what their names were.

Well im sorry i dont get to keep up with any other wrestling promotion except for OVW and DSW so I dont know any other underground wrestler besides the ones that wrestle there. But let me ask you this do you really think that he is that much better than Randy or even has the potential to be.
TerrellCow said:
Well im sorry i dont get to keep up with any other wrestling promotion except for OVW and DSW so I dont know any other underground wrestler besides the ones that wrestle there. But let me ask you this do you really think that he is that much better than Randy or even has the potential to be.

Randy Orton is above average in the ring, average on the mic, and terrible backstage. A bunch of people are better than Randy Orton.
gamehead said:
This is from Wrestling Observer Newsletter, I never believe them. I have a feeling it's a lie. We will see next week, if he shows up to Raw it's a lie and if he does not it's a possibly the truth

Why don't you ever believe the Observer? It's only right 99.9% of the time. It wasn't right about the Orton thing because they never reported this bogus Orton story. Where do you think this cut and paste site gets all its news?

Also everyone who bought into this bogus Orton story should be ashamed of themselves for believing such a thing without seeing it posted on a credible website like pwinsider, wrestlingobserver, f4wonline etc.

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