R-Truth Suspended - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

R-Truth may just be the dumbest Mother fucker alive if he just got a wellness violation, like Michael Vick stupid.

The guy is enjoying the biggest push he has ever had, has been in the top feud on RAW for the past 2-3 months, just closed Survivor Series and now he gets busted for the wellness policy. Apparently he was really seeing Little Jimmy this entire time.

R-Truth will never get a push like that again, especially after doing such a dumb thing at the worst possible time for him.
Wow, he pulled a Jeff Hardy.

This is as over as Truth has been and now suspending him 30 days means he'll be out past TLC.

When he comes back, he'll probably be a face and they may drop the potential fued with Miz, altogether.
They can use this to further his character, but i doubt its anything major like class A drugs or something, im guessing it was Spice like a few of the other wrestlers in WWE.
They can use this to further his character, but i doubt its anything major like class A drugs or something, im guessing it was Spice like a few of the other wrestlers in WWE.

I think puffed the Magic Dragon. I guess all the Lil Jimmies were too much for him.

It will be interesting to see where we go from here. Will Vince choose to bury him?
There was a report out a couple days ago saying that Truth had been doing the same thing as Bourne and wasn't suspended when he got caught. So obviously they were just waiting until after Survivor Series to do it so they could get the main event out of him. I think it's now safe to say, without any argument, that WWE made the right decision in putting Rock and Cena over. Sucks for Miz, but then again he won the main event of WrestleMania so he can still brag about that all he wants.
I think Truth will end up back to his old spot. Not exactly buried, just no longer pushed.

Will probably return as a face, though. I hope they'll have some interesting kayfabe explanation for his absence.
They'll probably say the Miz injured him last night with that skull crashing finale on the ramp. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's just a mid-card guy when he gets back.
Not sure why everyone thinks Truth will be back as a face. Rated RKO broke up and they both stayed heel. I see the same thing happening here. John Cena and CM Punk are the locked-in top faces of Raw, with Rey Mysterio right behind them whenever he makes his return. The heel side is so much more wide open. You have Miz, and Del Rio hasn't done that well as a top heel champion, so Truth could stay as the number two. Just because he was suspended doesn't necessarily mean his push is over. It means it's over for 30 days.
Not sure why everyone thinks Truth will be back as a face. Rated RKO broke up and they both stayed heel. I see the same thing happening here. John Cena and CM Punk are the locked-in top faces of Raw, with Rey Mysterio right behind them whenever he makes his return. The heel side is so much more wide open. You have Miz, and Del Rio hasn't done that well as a top heel champion, so Truth could stay as the number two. Just because he was suspended doesn't necessarily mean his push is over. It means it's over for 30 days.

Good points you made. However, I think Vince will get mad that Truth did this right before Survivor Series and possibly jeopardized a continuing main event storyline between Cena and Awesome Truth. Once this happened, they were forced to fit Cena and Miz into a new storyline or chane what they had. Vince won't be happy about that.
Wow, how stupid can you get. The guy just main evented Survivor Series against John Cena and The Rock and he goes and violates the wellness policy? The guy was in the middle of the biggest push he's ever had. I was a little surprised that they were already breaking up Awesome Truth last night and how Miz left R Truth laid out, but now it makes sense. I wonder where The Miz and John Cena go from here.

And I sure as hell hope he doesn't come back as a face. He was boring until his heel turn.
Wow. Just wow. Truth is a damn fool for pulling this especially in the midst of the biggest push of his career. Damn shame because he was so enjoyable. When he gets back, I hope his push doesn't get derailed because I've been an avid R-Truth supporter for years. Would be interesting to see him feud with Miz although I personally would've much preferred them seeing them continue as a tag team. I only hope Truth stays heel because he excelled in that role and was so much more entertaining overall.
Relieving. Awesome Truth has to be one of the worst tag teams that I have ever seen in my life. Miz & R-Truth vs John Cena & Rock yesterday was disappointing, and I blame it on Awesome Truth. Rock was great and Cena was good, but Miz and R-Truth were just fucking boring. I'm just glad their hype is now over.

I never liked the Miz, he was always overrated and not suited in the main event. R-Truth is just hopeless, when did he ever make a great match in WWE? Or even a good match in WWE? Thank God this tag team is broken, and in case nobody knows it's on WWE.com. Miz beats up R-Truth backstage and says he hates it when people gets in his ways. And overall, just a relief to see this tag team gone (for good it seems like).
Kevin Kelly in his wrestlezone article said that he knew who smoked with Bourne and didn't get suspended he said something like I know it I am telling the TRUTH.

I guess that's why only Bourne got suspended they wanted Truth to "finish" the big angle before suspending him.

It's lame that Vince suspend them for that but at least now people who were saying that it wasn't fair that only Bourne got busted when he wasn't alone can rest in peace.
Who cares when he got suspended? He's still serving 30 days. Bourne will get to come back sooner now since he started it earlier. It wouldn't make any sense to have suspended Truth and completely botch one of your biggest PPV main events of the year.
R Truth did make a huge mistake. He was getting the biggest push of his WWE career and at the age of 39 (almost 40) his time is ticking and could not afford to be busted with such an offense. To any of his fans, hopefully this offense will not derail his career.
REally dumb move by R-Truth. He has had a great push since the summer and goes off and does this. He should realize there are many superstars ready to take his spot, and I think that's what happened. Promotied - Dolph Ziggler, Demoted - R-Truth and all his little jimmy's.
This does explain, possibly, why Truth & Miz didn't win at Survivor Series. According to what I've read, Truth tested positive for Spice, which I think is a slang term for synthetic marijuana. As others have pointed out, it's the same thing that Bourne was suspended for.

This is just a guess on my part, but I'm guessing the WWE wanted to wait to suspend R-Truth so that it wouldn't ultimately mess up the Survivor Series match and Rock's return to the ring. Even though Evan Bourne is one half of the tag champs, let's face it, Rock's return to the ring is a far bigger deal than the tag titles at this point in time.
well this just sucks for him first survivor series being buried and now this!! I guess Little Jimmy he really was seeing little jimmys after all!! This is just absoultely bad bad timing on Truths part!! He was enjoying the biggest push hes ever had and where does he go from here?? Back to the drawing board me thinks!!! Its a damn shame but he fucked up hes gotta own it!!!:shrug:
R-Truth may just be the dumbest Mother fucker alive if he just got a wellness violation, like Michael Vick stupid.

The guy is enjoying the biggest push he has ever had, has been in the top feud on RAW for the past 2-3 months, just closed Survivor Series and now he gets busted for the wellness policy. Apparently he was really seeing Little Jimmy this entire time.

R-Truth will never get a push like that again, especially after doing such a dumb thing at the worst possible time for him.

I completely agree w/the above comments, Truth is finished he is going to be a jobber again when he gets back & its a damn shame cause he was on such a roll. I hope he can bounce back from this but I don't think his future will be so bright on his return, what a dumb thing to do.
Its probably the same thing Bourne got busted for. If not then it was probably something that is listed on the DO NOT TAKE list that he didn't realize was. Sin Cara had the same thing happen where he was taking the same pain killers he was in Mexico and one of the ingredients was on that same list.

This isn't as bad for Truth as everyone make its out to be. WWE, for TV purposes, will probably push that Truth suffered a concussion adn will be out X amount of weeks. When he does come back he will get right back into it with Miz.

Its not like Truth was just starting tog et a push and then this happened...he has been at the top for almost a year, so WWE wont drop him like say Heath Slater or Bourne during his first push when he was injured.

I don't understand why these guys are smoking Spice when WWE only fines (and not suspends) for actual marijuana use and when they can receive medical marijuana recommendations in 16 states and still be employed by the company. Maybe it's because Spice only lasts about twenty minutes instead of having any lingering effects, but you'd think they'd be a little bit smarter about this shit.

However, while in the short-term this might affect R-Truth's push, I can see WWE still using him pretty well after he comes back, especially with their desperate need for talent. Just like how Evan Bourne is probably still gonna be tag champ when he comes back.
If this is true, then R-Truth blew it. He just completely blew it. But I have 2 key concerns/issues with this:

1st of all, why is WWE NOT doing anything to prevent these things from happening BEFORE hand? Like, having one of their top guys get suspended for a wellness violation is not only reflective of that person, but it's also reflective of the company. Sure, they can't and aren't expected to babysit these grown men & women, but take extra precautions in this case, one would assume, would be the best method. Sure, R-Truth doing whatever he did is basically career suicide, but in some ways, where were the WWE brass? Did they talk to him & say, "look, this is your big break, your big chance. It may not happen again, so don't blow it. Don't eff this moment up." If this conversation did NOT happen, it should have, and if it did, then well, it just makes it all the more sad.

My second issue/concern with this is how the WWE handled the subseqent breakup of Awesome Truth. Why in the world did they not do this better or differently? I hate these sudden break-ups, that come outta nowhere and have no reason to have ever occured. In the case of Awesome Truth, that's exactly the case. If R-Truth was going to be suspended, it should have been a situation where Cena or Rock just basically went crazy and beat the crap outta R-Truth, making an injury angle more than anything else. They took the easy road out, by simply having Miz turn on Truth. It looks more like an on-screen punishment vs. just taking him off TV for a few weeks or a month or however it takes for his suspension to end.

It made R-Truth seem weak, dumb and unable to stand in the same spotlight as Cena, Rock and Miz. It made him the fall guy, the weaklink, however you wanna spin it. The split was so unwarranted because after he came back, they could have kept the angle going. At least until Royal Rumble or Feb. But to have the turn/split happen, so quickly, the way in which it did, it fruther showed the brain-less storyline writing that has become so commonplace on Monday Night Raw. You don't just break up a hot deal because someone eff'd up. You don't. You basically gave everything away last night, letting everyone know that it's not working, when in actuality it was. The segment last night should have never happened.

Beyond that, where the hell was The Rock? You know, I'm getting sick of him. I really am. It would have been great had Cena turned heel, but no. He doesn't. He comes out, smiling as usual, giving his show-ending speech, blah-blah-blah. No Rock. Instead, the break up of the best heel team on the show happens, all because of Cena (on screen at least) and yet no sign of The Rock still. It's not cool to have Rock come when he wants to, do what he wants to and doesn't reall contribute to the building of the main event at WrestleMania. I don't like the way the angle is going and I swear I may not get the PPV. Awesome Truth could have/should have lasted. R-Truth messing it up could have been fixed properly. These quick spirited decisions are not good. It just seemed coming from Survior Series, things aren't really going the right way and this was reflective of it. SMH at what happened even if R-Tuth was suspended. Just goes to prove WWE is losing its way.
God dammit, this sucks. F**king stupid Truth, I was stoked to see what was going to happen next now that he and Miz split, and now this? He was my favorite guy in the WWE right now and now what? He's gone for a month, and if he doesn't go anywhere after he comes back... bleh. That's really disappointing to me.

Damn man... I was really looking forward to seeing Miz & R-Truth separate again, giving me 2 good segments on Raw I could enjoy instead of just 1. Miz better not do anything stupid.
Regardless of what happens to Truth, I just hope he's no longer a main-eventer. He just doesn't have it. I also agree with one of the above posters, "Awesome Truth" is one of the worst names for a tag team ever. Good riddance to this Frankenstein creation.

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