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Questions for wrestling fans


Occasional Pre-Show
Just curious. This is probably the first thread I post that doesn't cause a massive argument lol. I think it would be fun to get to know people on this forum better so post your responses.

1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

I'll start...

1. I'm 22

2. I've been watching for about 12 years

3. The match that got me into wrestling was Undertaker vs HBK in a casket match. My dad was never a huge fan but knew about it, and was flipping channels one time and it came on. I was instantly interested and probably asked 100 questions. Who the people were, what they were trying to do, how you win, etc etc. The Undertaker was the main guy he knew at the time, and told me he was good, so that's who I rooted for. HBK ended up winning with the help of a few guys, and I was upset thinking it was an unfair match, and that Undertaker would have won without the help. At the time I thought it was real and was instantly hooked after that.

4. My favorite moment is biased because I was at the arena. This was my first WWF event and it was at the raw before the massive hell in a cell with rock, austin, rikishi, angle, hhh, and taker. I was a huge fan at the time, never missing a raw or smackdown. When the rock did his promo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTdj-LDuwgA the crowd (as you can hear) was going crazy. The whole raw was amazing, but at the end Vince came out and said he didn't want anyone to compete in HIAC because someone could get seriously injured. Well austin's music hits and he comes out and stuns mcmahon. Everyone thought Raw was over but then the Rock's music hits and he comes out and gives the rock bottom to mcmahon. As he's walking back Undertaker's music hits and he gives the last ride to mcmahon. Best ending ever lol. The arena was literally shaking when this was going on. Something I'll definitely never forget. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-icMGmf32o

5. Favorite match is really tough. I watched Orton vs Foley and was amazed, everyone of The Rock vs Austin matches were great, but I have to give the nod to HBK vs Taker for the first time at Mania. With the storyline of HBK trying to end the streak and all the kick outs on finishers, i've never been on the edge of my seat like that. After that matches and the others I mentioned above the TLC with Hardyz, Dudleyz and Edge+Christian was absolutely crazy. Very hard to pick one match though.

6. I stopped watching before ECW invaded. Not sure an exact timeframe or what year it was, but the storylines and matches were really bad at the time and I lost interest. Eventually I started watching again and it's great to be hooked again.

7. My name and sig should say it all. The best ever, the great one.

8. I'm really hoping Rock vs Cena will be all it's hyped up to be. I know there's a chance this match goes downhill, but I can't wait to see Rock back in the ring.

Sorry for the long post, can't wait to see what people say.
1. How old are you
19 years old. Turning 20 in a few months.

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since 2001. So I'd say 10 years now.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
Stone Cold throwing Kurt Angle's gold medals down a river. Randomly saw it on TV as a kid while going through channels and I was curious to see how this is gonna end up. I was rooting for Angle to get some revenge and of course he did when he kidnapped Stone Cold and eventually Angle became my favorite wrestler of all time. I remember my cousin was always pushing for me to watch it before but I was still young about 9-10 years old and didn't think much of wrestling until I actually saw it.

4. Favorite moment
Looking back at all the classic moments I made sure I watched since getting into wrestling. I'd it's a tie between Kane's debut and Ric Flair's 1992 Royal Rumble win. Kane's debut was just so epic for so many reasons. And Flair's win was so great especially with Bobby Heenan marking out.

5. Favorite match
Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania 21. This was a five star classic and Angle was always my favorite wrestler. Seeing him go over one of the greatest if not the greatest performer of all time Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania was great. The match was a classic and it should totally get more recognition.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
I kinda took a hiatus from watching wrestling in about late 2007 - 2008. The only things I watched then are Wrestlemania 23, the HBK/Y2J feud, and Ted DiBiase Jr's debut which I was very interested in considering how great his father was. I also watched Triple H Vs John Cena at Night Of Champions 2008, Ric Flair's retirement match, and Edge Vs Undertaker Hell in a Cell but that's pretty much it.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
As I mentioned above Kurt Angle. I grew up watching him and I was always calling him the greatest wrestler alive. He was great on the mic, in the ring, and his gimmicks were great. That being his dorky gimmick when I first started watching and his transition into a bald badass was great too.

8. Match you most want to see
Shawn Michaels Vs The Rock would have been great. All the promos leading up to a match between them.. The feud would have been great. But Rock rarely makes appearances to promote his match with Cena and HBK is retired so that match will never happen unfortunately.
1. How old are you

I am the big 3-0.

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

Watched wrestling for about 23 years.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

It was a friend of mine at the time who introduced me to wrestling, don't remember much else other than it wasn't until my parents woke me up one night because they saw wrestling on tv (it was SNME) and it was the one where the mega powers exploded... from that moment on, I was hooked.

4. Favorite moment

This is very tough, there are so many. One of my favorites I'd say is watching Eddie Guerrero win the WWE title at the Cow Palace.

5. Favorite match

So many to choose from, majority of which involved Bret Hart. I think him and Roddy Piper at Mania was my favorite.

6. Have you ever stopped watching

yea stopped watching during college and law school due to time constraints and the channel wrestling was on wasn't available and this was pre-dvr and torrents etc. I still don't watch smackdown unless I read something worth watching has happened.

7. Favorite superstar of all time

The Hitman Bret Hart

8. Match you most want to see

Currently it is CM Punk vs Austin
Just curious. This is probably the first thread I post that doesn't cause a massive argument lol. I think it would be fun to get to know people on this forum better so post your responses.

1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

1. 31
2. 25 or 26 years
3. i was at my friend jimbos house and he had a vhs of snuka flying off the cage in MSG. changed my life.
4. probably hbk retiring with grace and serenity. rare in this biz.
5. without a doubt, angle vs hbk from mania.
runner up, angle vs benoit rr 03.
6. only when i had to work mondays! BAM!
7. cant pick between angle and benoit. sorry. im torn.
8. fatal four way hbk vs angle vs benoit vs danielson. (not daniel bryan- bryan danielson)
great thread thanks.
1. 16

2. On and off for about 12 years

3. I can't really remember, being 4 at the time. But I was a huge Goldberg fan, so I'd have to say Goldberg got me into watching wrestling,

4. Randy Orton punting Vince in the head. And also, when the Nexus tore up Raw last year.

5. Cm Punk vs Jeff Hardy in Jeff's last match before leaving. This was before I used to frequently visit spoiler sites like wrestlezone, so I literally had no idea How this was going down. When Jeff was dangling outside with Cm Punk trying to hold him in, I seriously thought Punk was leaving. Punk vs Cena at Money In the Bank would be a close second, and third would have to be John Morrison vs Edge on smackdown a couple of years ago. Great match.

6. For about 7 years between 01 and late 08 when I had no pay tv. And I am currently unable to watch weekly after my foxtel was downgraded, usually I watch the main segments of each show on YouTube to keep up.

7. Cm Punk. Easily. If it wasn't for Punk, I probably wouldn't have kept following wwe when my foxtel was downgraded.

8. Cm punk vs Kurt Angle. The main reason I follow WWE vs the only reason I pay attention to TNA. This match would blow the roof off the arena. Will never happen, but one can dream.

1. How old are you
2. How long have you watched wrestling for
At least 15 years
3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
In the late 90s, the rise of the NWO, everyone in jr high watched wrestling, it was at its peak. It was the IT thing
4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match
1st Rob Van Dam vs Eddie Guerrero ladder match
2nd Shawn MicheaIs vs. Triple H SummerSlam 2002
3rd Chris Jericho vs HBK at WM19

6. Have you ever stopped watching

Briefly due to the brand split and getting rid of cable completely but I usually had someone keep me informed on what was going on

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Its a tie between Eddie and Jericho. Both great all around talents in prowrestling and I can't put one over the other, but I can put them both ahead of everyone else.

8. Match you most want to see
Undertakers final match, I don't care who its against I just want him to go
1. How old are you
2. How long have you watched wrestling for
since July 25, 2002, Smackdown 2002, 8 years old, REy Mysterio debut
3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
Rey Mysterio's debut, I was a fan of power rangers, spiderman and TMNT as a kid.

4. Favorite moments
Miz winning the WWE Championship
Evan Bourne winning the tag team team championship
5. Favorite matches
Matt Sydal vs AJ Styles 2004.
FCW- Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre
Cyber Sunday 2008 Evan Bourne vs Matt Hardy
FCW Bryan Danielson vs Kaval.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
2006-2007{ I was around 10 or 12 years old I've always been a wrestling fan, I disliked the whole DX backstage stuff, Ugeune and the one legged Zack Gowen being bullied}

7. Favorite superstar of all time
I have over 120 favorite wrestlers, my top 5 though are-
Chris Jericho
Evan Bourne
Bryan Danielson
The Miz
8. Match{es} you most want to see- ALL IRONMAN MATCHES-
CM Punk vs KENTA
Kota Ibushi vs Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal
Low Ki/senshi/Kaval vs Masato Yoshino

Dragon Kid vs Aerostar vs MIstico/Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio vs Tiger mask vs Ultimo/ultimate Dragon vs Jushin Liger
Just curious. This is probably the first thread I post that doesn't cause a massive argument lol. I think it would be fun to get to know people on this forum better so post your responses.

1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

1. ill be 20 in a few monthes

2. shit id say sense...1st grade?

3. i dont really rember the exact moment but i rember my father and grandparents were watching RAW and i stayed in a room and found it to be awesome! from the first moment i was hooked for life!

4. HBK winning his very first heavyweight title it was just a great moment for him....for a more recent one id say the debut of nexus in 2010

5. favorite match for me of all-time would easily be The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz vs Edge & Christian TLC 1 it was the best match i ever saw i loved every minute of it and when E&C won at the end it made my night as i was a edgehead/peep way back then as well!

6. from like 3rd grade till 7th grade i did but not by choice i got a little too into it and well...lets just say my parents didnt like that i was doing the crotch chop to teachers :lmao:

7. without a doubt it would be shawn michaels i idolized him as a kid

8. hmm this is a tough one as i have quite a few dream matches including HBK vs the rock,stone cold vs cm punk and maybe even orton vs stone cold down the road sometime? and for a TNA dream match id say RVD vs daniels vs petey williams vs aj styles vs kazarian ultimate x match i can just picture how insane this would be!
1. I'm 19 years old.

2. I have been watching for about 7 to 8 years now.

3. When we first moved into the house that I'm living in, my father was searching through the new tv channels we had. He found one channel where they were showing Smack Down and told me about it. The first thing I remember seeing was Undertaker beating Brock Lesnar and Big Show in a triple threat match, I think. That was when he was going to face McMahon in a buried alive match. Oddly enough, my dad makes fun of wrestling and so do most people I know in real life. But I got hooked from that moment.

4. Brock Lesnar doing a super plex to BS and imploding the ring. Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE Championship. Undertaker throwing Foley off the cage. Undertaker return at Judgement Day 2001 or 2000, I can't remember. Some of these moments happened before I started watching, but I still find them some of my favorites.

5. CM Punk vs John Cena - MITB
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Mania 25,26
The Rock vs Hogan - Mania 18
Some others, but I can't remember.

6. I've stopped watching several times before. Just last year I think I skipped a good 3/4's of what ever happened on tv. Of course, I did read the results.

7. My favorite is of course the Undertaker. Eddie Guerrero is second in my list of all time. My third favorite, and current favorite since Taker is out, is CM Punk.

8. Undertaker vs Sting - will never happen IMO.
Undertaker vs Goldberg - Same as above.
Goldberg vs Austin - 1 in 1000 of this happening.
CM Punk vs Austin - This will happen IMO.
1. How old are you
39 in February years old.

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since 1984

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
None, WWF wrestling just started showing on local free to air TV in 1984 and i was hooked.

4. Favorite moment
toss up between WrestleMania 4 and WrestleMania 7 - Macho Man winning his first world title and at Mania 7 being reunited with Elizabeth after a phenomenal match.

5. Favorite match
Wow thats impossible, there was just way too many great matches over the decades.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
Not stopped watching WWF/E, i don't really watch it atm so much as i just have it on in the background while gaming. WCW and TNA i was on and off. But it's like an addiction, even though the current form sucks I can't stop atleast DVRing the shows to skip the 80% of the boredom/crap both TNA and WWE put out.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Tie between Randy Savage and Triple H. Both more then cemented themselves as legends

8. Match you most want to see.
None atm, they've all be done or will never happen
Rock, Austin, Triple H elimination match one more time would be a dream but its not gonna happen.
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since I was 4 years old so going on 23 yeas

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
Summer slamm 88 is my first memory of wrestling. From warrior winning the ic title in seconds to Elizabeth re-moving her skirt to show her red underwear..
4. Favorite moment
Too many, when HBK kicked Marty and threw him through the Barber shop window, I knew I'd be a fan of his for life. Also as I mentioned before, when Miss Elizabeth removed her skirt. HBK's entrence and match at WM12. But being there for Wrestlemania 25 is pretty high up there
5. Favorite match
Between iron man match at WM12 and Undertaker-HBK at WM25.. Also, the montreal screw job is high up there
6. Have you ever stopped watching
Nope.. Never have and never will.
7. Favorite superstar of all time
Shawn Michales hands down..
8. Match you most want to see.
At one point it was Hogan-austin, now its probably Austin-Punk or HBK-Morrison
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since I was 9, maybe 10 years old? Something like that. I remember, vividly watching the old HHH/Rock/Austin rivalries when Smackdown just started.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
A friend of mine got me into it, he was an HHH guy, I became a fan of The Rock - was so much fun arguing xD

4. Favorite moment

Kurt Angle hitting Austin with the belt, and The Rock finishing it up with a Rock Bottom to win the WCW v. WWF Survivor Series 5-man tag battle. I will never forget that. Ever.

I'll never really understand why this one hit me so hard, I think it was just so captivating, everyone from Taker to Booker in one ring, all my favourites in a epic match.

5. Favorite match

Dudleyz v. Edge and Christian v. The Hardyz (The First TLC)

6. Have you ever stopped watching

I current don't watch it, once Edge left I don't really have a reason to watch anymore. I thought CM Punk's speech was going to change everything, sadly it didn't.

7. Favorite superstar of all time


8. Match you most want to see

Sting v. The Rock
Great Thread

1.Just turned 24

2. been watching since 1991-1992 almost 20 years

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
No real moment, just Hulkamania running wild got me.

4. Favorite moment
Bret Hart winning the WWF title at Wrestlemania X

5. Favorite match
Wow tough choice but a few of them are Bret vs Owen in all of 94, the first Elimination chamber and HBK vs HHH vs Benoit at Wrestlemania 20

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Bret Hart and The Undertaker

8. Match you most want to see.
HBK vs The Rock would be huge
or a Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle would have been good
I'm 26

Been watching for 24 yrs. WrestleMania III was my first show

My mom got me into it. She ordered WM III on March 29, 1987 and its been full speed ahead.

I have too many moments. Here is one of hundreds off the top of my head:
The night the Dangerous Alliance formed. (Stunning Steve Austin, Ravishing Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Larry Zbyszko, and Beautiful Bobby Eaton)

Too many... Here's three of thousands of matches.
-Great American Bash 1988
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Nikita Koloff Tag Title Match
-Beach Blast 1992
Ravishing Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat in a 30 min Iron Man Match
-WrestleMania X
Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

Never stopped watching wrestling since March 29, 1987. Not once

I have a top 100 list.... Shawn Michaels is my # 1

The dream match that will never happen... for me is:
Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart 60 Minute Iron Man Match (both men in there prime)
1. How old are you
18 years old.

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since I was four, so around 14 years.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
My Dad watched it. So I kinda grew up with it.

4. Favorite moment
That's pretty hard but I think Kane removing his mask was one of my favorite moments during wrestling. Back then, I really didn't know a World Championship hardly ever changed hands on Raw or Smackdown. I remember being so mad at Triple H for beating Kane. Not only was it a great match/moment, what followed with the Kane character was amazing.

5. Favorite match
Holy shit, impossible to answer. One that sticks out is Shawn Michaels vs. Shelton Benjamin in the Gold Rsh Tournament. Fanfuckingtastic match with a fanfuckingtastic way to end the match. Wrestlemania 25 with Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker for obvious reasons. Edge vs. Undertaker was probably Edge's best match and he's my favorite wrestler.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
After WCW was bought out I did for about six months because I was a huge WCW fan.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Edge. Definitely Edge. He's been my favorite since around 2004. I've always dug his character no matter what role he played. In the ring he always grew and expanded and I loved that. Eddie Guerrero was another huge favorite of mine. Mostly in his later days because of the gimmick he had. He had some awesome talent which he displayed whichever company he wrestled for. Undertaker is another favorite of mine. I've always ben a fan of his whether he was playing the Biker badass or the deadman. Awesome wrestler.

8. Match you most want to see
Want to see? CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan on a big stage like main eventing a PPV. The WWE should give these guys 20 minutes to do whatever they want; no restrictions.
Just curious. This is probably the first thread I post that doesn't cause a massive argument lol. I think it would be fun to get to know people on this forum better so post your responses.

1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

1. 25

2. Oh boy. I don't remember the exact year. But late 80's early 90's. So about 18 or so years?

3. My older brother & cousins used to watch it when we were little. They were older than me, so when your little & there's not much to do but either watch tv or go outside, yeah. I stayed inside & watched wrestling. No exact moment got me hooked though.

4. Favorite Moment- I have a few, actually. Sting's return as The Crow Sting. Sting beating Hollywood Hogan at Starrcade to be WCW champ. Kane's debut. Kane's return with the half mask on RAW when he fought off the Un-Americans & did the "Kane-A-Rooni". Chris Beniot, Eddie Guerrero & (I know the IWC might give me a hard time with this) Jeff Hardy becoming champions. I also have countless others.

5. Favorite Match - Again. I have a few. But if I had to choose one. Definitely Bret Hart vs. Austin at WM 13 in the submission match.

6. Yes. I would say, probably right after the Lesnar era. I haven't got back into until about last year, 2 years ago. When Jeff Hardy was a contender for the title. I kept up with talent, but not storylines & I bought every Smackdown game each year.

7. Favorite All-Time - Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

8. Dream Match - Velvet Sky vs. Trish Stratus. Just kidding. With the current roster, it's hard to actually decide. But if we're talking about anyone, anytime. I would say I would've loved to see Bret Hart (in his prime, obviously) & Kurt Angle go at it.
1. How old are you
24 about to turn 25

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
First started before i can remember, I would say about 19-20 years

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
Ok this is a 2 parter, when I was a kid it was Warrior vs Hogan at WM, but what re-ignited my wrestling love was a random WCW Saturday night match between La Parka and Psichosis

4. Favorite moment
Chris Hero vs B-Boy at IWA:MS in about 2003. My first exposure to Indipendant wrestling, They used to run shows at the Highland Armory in Highland, Indiana. From there I was hooked on Independent wrestling, and it continues to be my favorite part of wrestling.

5. Favorite match
This sort of contradicts my last post, As much as I love the Indi scene, Rock vs Hogan is still my all time favorite match. Sure it wasn't a technical classic, but it told a story that very little matches can do today...I still re watch it every few months.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
From about 1992 to about 1996, No cable, no wrestling. I also regularly lose interest in the major promotions for months at a time(but I still read the results)

7. Favorite superstar of all time
If Hogan and Flair didn't crap on their legacies they would be up there, but honest It's most likely either Colt Cabana or Chris Jericho
Cabana holds a soft spot in my heart because he represents everything good about wrestling, I am a stand-up comic and love his integration of light-hardedness comedy with the British "catch" style of wrestling. First time I saw hime was about 8 years ago and I have been hooked since.
Jericho is special because I have been such a fan of him since his heel run in WCW. He basically gets a nod do to longevity.

8. Match you most want to see
Michaels vs Danielson. Student vs Teacher, The "Best" of their time battle. This match would blow me away with the right story behind it.
1. how old r u?
im turning 20 next week
how long have you been watching wrestling?
since 1998 about 14 years
match that got me into wrestling
undertaker vs mankind hiac
favorite moment
undertaker returns at judgement day 2000
favorite match
-undertaker v mankind hiac
-kurt angle v chris benoit RR03
-undertaker vs shawn miacheals WM25
have you ever stopped watching?
no altough i despise cena and am tired of seeing him on top all the time i think hes overrated
favorite superstar of all time
-cm punk
match you most wanna see
-cm punk vs steve austin
-kurt angle vs cm punk
-undertaker vs mankind one more match
1. How old are you?
I'm just 21.

2. How long have you watched wrestling for?
Since 2003. Although I'm planning to watch WWF tapes from 1996 to see what I have missed.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling?
My uncle had that rubber Hogan action figure. I didn't know him at that time until I've saw him at television getting stabbed by a pen by Vince McMahon and in my mind I've said "wow this is awesome" :lmao:

4. Favorite moment
Triple H tapping at Chris Benoit's crossface at Wrestlemania XX

5. Favorite match
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXV

6. Have you ever stopped watching
Yes, around 2007 or 2008 because our cable was cut.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
The showstopper. The headliner. The main event. The icon. The heart break kid Shawn Michaels.

8. Match you most want to see
Right now? Honestly I want to see an Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Brock Lesnar looks like a huge threath at Undertaker's streak with his beardy look and freak athleticism.
1. How old are you
I'm 15, soon to be 16
2. How long have you watched wrestling for
For about 4 years now
3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
nothing really special... I was on holiday with a friend who brought a portable DVD and a lot of WWE with him...
4. Favorite moment
When I look back now, I would want to say something else, but I think it's both the Miz and Edge winning MITB for the first time.
5. Favorite match
Punk -Cena MITB
Austin - Bret (I quit match, i think it was...)
6. Have you ever stopped watching
7. Favorite superstar of all time
Edge and The Undertaker from the guys I saw in the time I'm watching... Adore SCSA and The Rock too.
8. Match you most want to see
Undertaker in a gauntlet match at wrestlemania against all the upper midcard in the current WWE. would be a good way to retire the undertaker and push a lot of guys. Of course, there could also be some guys he has faced before (throw a mankind in or something) and Wade Barett as the last one.
How old are you
27 at the end of the month

How long have you watched wrestling for
guessing around twenty years

What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
I always had friends into wrestling and school and although there was no particular matches/moments I was immediately captivated by the characters and storylines.

Favourite moment
I'm all about Wrestlemania moments. The intro videos at the beginning are my favourite part of the PPV! Here are a few:
- Benoit and Guerrero at the end of WMXX
- Bret Hart at the end of WMX
- Shawn Michaels and the boyhood dream WMXII
- The start of the Austin Era WMXIV
- Randy Savage winning the title at WMIV
- The Rock/Austin trilogy WMXV/WM-17/WMXIX

Favourite match
Follows on from the the WrestleMania theme but it was at my first (any only) WWE PPV I was lucky to attend at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania where Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker tore the roof of the Astrodome and I lost my voice for three days after as a result.

Have you ever stopped watching
Strangely I stopped watching during the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars time where wrestling was at its peak mainly down to not having the channels in the UK that carried it. As soon as Channel four picked it up I was hooked again.

Favourite superstar of all time
anyone from Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Edge or Triple H.

Match you most want to see
Have a few here:
Austin v CM Punk
Rock v HBK
Undertaker v Andre the Giant
Y2J v Mr Perfect
Bret Hart v Kurt Angle
HHH v Macho Man
Hogan v Cena
Eddie Guerrero v Alberto Del Rio
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
12 years

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
The fact that WWE was everywhere.

4. Favorite moment
The long belated return of The Rock.

5. Favorite match
HHH vs Cactus Jack - Royal Rumble (the year eludes me)

6. Have you ever stopped watching
For about 2-3 years around the beginning of the PG era.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Kane, with a heel HHH running a close second.

8. Match you most want to see
CM Punk vs Austin or CM Punk vs The Rock
The build-up would be awesome.
1. How old are you
I'm 19.. :)

2. How long have you watched wrestling for.
Well, I started watching WCW first back in 95' yes, I was about 3 years old, used to watch it with my brother, a few relatives and my old man(God bless his soul).. Just when Nitro kicked off.

I got into WWE in 97', I never knew which one to watch because in the UK, you had Raw and Nitro on Friday nights, Raw on Sky Sports and Nitro on TNT.. So I used to watch Nitro more..

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
I would have to say as a whole, all my elder relatives who used to watch wrestling..

4. Favorite moment(s)
1. Has to be from WCW, when NWO started to run the show, it was just amazing, and also because I believed everything that was going on at the time.

2. Benoit/Guererro moment at the end of WMXX..

Honourable Mention
Taker throwing Mankind off and through the cell
Triple H pedigree Cactus Jack on thumbtacks!

5. Favorite match
Has to be, Triple H vs. Cactus Jack from Royal Rumble 2000.. I love this match and still in 11 years, it's my favourite match! I watched it live in the UK on Channel 4 lol Ahh, to go back to them simpler times..

Honourable Mention
Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith - SummerSlam 1992
Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - SummerSlam 1994 - I prefer this to their Mania match!

6. Have you ever stopped watching
I stopped watching WCW because they went bust! lol Erm, I stopped watching WWE from 2005 to mid-2007, So just when Cena won the WWE title and started ruling WWE, I stopped watching..

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Bret Hart! The only guy that wore pink.. I just loved how he wrestled and made others look good..

8. Match you most want to see
Kurt Angle (2003) vs. Bret Hart (early 90's)
1. How old are you

I am 21.

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

I started watching wrestling around 1999, so twelve years.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

I wouldn't cite a particular moment or match as what got me into wrestling. Honestly, I loved the atmosphere of the Attitude Era. Everything about it basically got me hooked.

4. Favorite moment

Like many wrestling fans, I would say that my favorite moment was when Taker threw Mankind off of the cell at King of the King 1998.

5. Favorite match

I have a few favorite matches.
1. Rock vs Mankind - I Quit Match (Royal Rumble 1999)
2. HHH vs Cactus Jack - Street Fight (Royal Rumble 2000)
3. Rock vs HHH - Ladder Match (Summerslam 1998)

6. Have you ever stopped watching
Yes, I have. I stopped watching WWE close to the end of 2006, and I was never a big TNA fan. It wasn't until 2009 that I began watching WWE again.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Again, I have quite a few. Off of the top of my head, I would say that Austin, Rock and Taker are my absolute favorites.

8. Match you most want to see
Simply for the nostalgia factor, I would love for both Rock N' Sock Connection and the team of Booker T and Goldust to reunite and face each other in a one-off tag team match.

Great thread, by the way!
Just curious. This is probably the first thread I post that doesn't cause a massive argument lol. I think it would be fun to get to know people on this forum better so post your responses.

1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

1. 19.

2. Since I was 9,so 10 years.I think they call it A Decade of Destruction.

3. The kid who sat next to me in school introduced me to wrestling.

4. When Undertaker threw Mankind off the top of the Cell.

5. There are many contenders. I liked Austin vs. Rock at WrestleMania 17.The first two TLC matches. Triple H vs. Cactus Jack at the 2000 Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart in the Iron Man match.Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25. Too many to pick,but if you put a gun to my head,then TLC 2.

6. I stopped watching for a year or two after Survivor Series 2007.

7. Shawn Michaels.

8. I'd like to see Undertaker vs. Stone Cold at WrestleMania. I don't think Rock vs. Cena would be a classic,more like the Lesnar vs. Goldberg match,just my opinion.I hope they prove me wrong though.

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