Quarter Finals: Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin - Austin Wins

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Chris Jericho

  • Steve Austin

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And some people actually question why Chris Jericho is overrated? :lmao: If anyone ever needed proof of how overrated he is, this is it. He has more blind fans than anyone currently wrestling today. Some of the arguments made by these Jericho marks are literally some of the worst arguments I've ever seen, and they have been torn to shreds by the Austin supporters.

Yes Jericho is good, blah blah blah, but he is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, compared to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin is one of the top 2 wrestlers ever, Jericho would struggle to make the top 50. Austin is better than Jericho at everything, literally everything. And Jericho being the better "wrestler" is also a joke. If he is a better "wrestler" than Austin, then why the hell hasn't he ever had a match that was even half as good as Austin vs. Hart at WM13?

When you are basing your ENTIRE argument on the fact that Jericho needed outside help EVERY time he beat Austin, that should be a clear indication that your argument is complete and utter crap. Kayfabe is not Jericho's friend, at all, and should never be used to justify a vote for him. This is the guy who has lost CLEAN to virtual nobodies such as R-Truth, JTG, MVP, Kofi Kingston and the best one of all, HEATH FUCKING SLATER. That's right, Jericho, in his prime, just weeks after one of his transitional reigns as World Champion, lost to HEATH FUCKING SLATER.

Vote for Austin. If you have anything that can be excused for a brain, vote for Austin.
And some people actually question why Chris Jericho is overrated? :lmao: If anyone ever needed proof of how overrated he is, this is it. He has more blind fans than anyone currently wrestling today. Some of the arguments made by these Jericho marks are literally some of the worst arguments I've ever seen, and they have been torn to shreds by the Austin supporters.

We're blind? Yes I'm making my first post in this tournament here, but I've had time to think, and I say the Austin marks are the ones that are blind. The only reason Austin was so great is because of the storylines his was involved in and the character he played. He was never an extremely good wrestler, he says so in his own dvd. Austin used the same moves over and over again constantly in his matches. He was like the 5 moves of doom for the attitude era.

Yes Jericho is good, blah blah blah, but he is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, compared to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin is one of the top 2 wrestlers ever, Jericho would struggle to make the top 50. Austin is better than Jericho at everything, literally everything. And Jericho being the better "wrestler" is also a joke. If he is a better "wrestler" than Austin, then why the hell hasn't he ever had a match that was even half as good as Austin vs. Hart at WM13?

The only reason Austin is on another level then Jericho is because Austin was the man that everyone loved, he played his character to a T and knew how to get the crowd going. I believe the same could be said about Chris Jericho, he knows exactly what to say and do to draw heat the same as Austin knew how to make the crowd love him, which again, was in part due to the whole angle of him against Vince. He was the anti-hero, the man going up against the evil boss, who wouldn't love that? Jericho is by far the better wrestler, as I said , Austin admitted to not being that good of a wrestler on his dvd. He knew he didn't know too many moves, but the thing that made his matches good were the stories behind them. The thing that makes Jericho's matches good are both his ring ability and the stories behind the matches. The only reason the Hart-Austin match is remembered is because of Austin passing out in his own blood and the double turn of Bret going heel and Austin going face.
When you are basing your ENTIRE argument on the fact that Jericho needed outside help EVERY time he beat Austin, that should be a clear indication that your argument is complete and utter crap. Kayfabe is not Jericho's friend, at all, and should never be used to justify a vote for him. This is the guy who has lost CLEAN to virtual nobodies such as R-Truth, JTG, MVP, Kofi Kingston and the best one of all, HEATH FUCKING SLATER. That's right, Jericho, in his prime, just weeks after one of his transitional reigns as World Champion, lost to HEATH FUCKING SLATER.

You're basing an argument on the fact that Jericho wants to help the young guys and help get them over? That's ridiculous. Stone Cold would be doing the exact same thing were he still around today. He would help put the young talent over by making them look good in matches and possibly losing to them , the same way as Jericho does now. Jericho realizes his talent and he's putting it to good use now by helping the young guys.

Vote for Austin. If you have anything that can be excused for a brain, vote for Austin.

Vote Jericho, he's obviously better then the rest of you gelatinous worms.
We're blind? Yes I'm making my first post in this tournament here, but I've had time to think, and I say the Austin marks are the ones that are blind. The only reason Austin was so great is because of the storylines his was involved in and the character he played. He was never an extremely good wrestler, he says so in his own dvd. Austin used the same moves over and over again constantly in his matches. He was like the 5 moves of doom for the attitude era.

Still won most of his matches more so than Jericho. I'm not surprised you used the 5 moves of doom argument which is a clear indication you have no idea what you're talking about. Every main eventer in recent history used the same moves over and over even Jericho. Difference is, Jericho still lost most of his matches doing the same routine. Austin didn't.

The only reason Austin is on another level then Jericho is because Austin was the man that everyone loved, he played his character to a T and knew how to get the crowd going. I believe the same could be said about Chris Jericho, he knows exactly what to say and do to draw heat the same as Austin knew how to make the crowd love him, which again, was in part due to the whole angle of him against Vince. He was the anti-hero, the man going up against the evil boss, who wouldn't love that? Jericho is by far the better wrestler, as I said , Austin admitted to not being that good of a wrestler on his dvd. He knew he didn't know too many moves, but the thing that made his matches good were the stories behind them. The thing that makes Jericho's matches good are both his ring ability and the stories behind the matches. The only reason the Hart-Austin match is remembered is because of Austin passing out in his own blood and the double turn of Bret going heel and Austin going face.

Austin was great at being a face and a heel. There's a reason why Jericho hasn't had a major title run as a face. I'll leave it for you to figure out.

You're basing an argument on the fact that Jericho wants to help the young guys and help get them over? That's ridiculous. Stone Cold would be doing the exact same thing were he still around today. He would help put the young talent over by making them look good in matches and possibly losing to them , the same way as Jericho does now. Jericho realizes his talent and he's putting it to good use now by helping the young guys.

Vote Jericho, he's obviously better then the rest of you gelatinous worms.

Austin in his prime didn't lose to nobodies like Slater, JTG, and MVP. Jericho in his prime was constantly beat by John Cena, this era's equivalent of Austin. Jericho in his prime has a couple of wins over HBK and had to resort to mask pulling to get his only win over Mysterio.
Still won most of his matches more so than Jericho. I'm not surprised you used the 5 moves of doom argument which is a clear indication you have no idea what you're talking about. Every main eventer in recent history used the same moves over and over even Jericho. Difference is, Jericho still lost most of his matches doing the same routine. Austin didn't.

I know they have, I was just pointing out that the poster said Austin was a better wrestler then Jericho, Austin was not a better wrestler then Jericho, he was a better story teller then Jericho. In my eyes, Jericho knows more moves then Austin, and to generalize as a wrestler and not entertainer, I'd say my argument is just.

Austin was great at being a face and a heel. There's a reason why Jericho hasn't had a major title run as a face. I'll leave it for you to figure out.

Jericho can't draw like Austin? I get it, wow that was so hard to figure out. But drawing power has absolutely nothing to do with who would win a match. If you were to place Jericho and Austin in a match , and Austin was in his prime, and Jericho was in his prime, which I consider to be now, I think Jericho could win. Sure he would use dirty tactics, but Jericho would win.

Austin in his prime didn't lose to nobodies like Slater, JTG, and MVP. Jericho in his prime was constantly beat by John Cena, this era's equivalent of Austin. Jericho in his prime has a couple of wins over HBK and had to resort to mask pulling to get his only win over Mysterio.

Need I say again that Jericho is helping establish the younger talent, losing to nobodies as you refer to them, does not mean he cannot hang with the big boys. He's hung with them on more then one occasion and beaten them all. If Jericho has beaten Austin once, he can do it again for damn sure.
jericho never has been injured. While SCSA broke his neck from a measly piledriver-

That "measly" piledriver you speak of is one of the most dangerous moves in wrestling. Imagine having your head pounded into the mat and the entire weight of your body comes crashing down on your spine. Still think it's measly, you ignorant piece of trash?
That "measly" piledriver you speak of is one of the most dangerous moves in wrestling. Imagine having your head pounded into the mat and the entire weight of your body comes crashing down on your spine. Still think it's measly, you ignorant piece of trash?

it is measleu. he couldnt counter it
All these people claiming Austin isn't as good a wrestler as Jericho is utterly laughable. During his WCW run he was without doubt one of the best technical wrestlers of the decade.
As for Jericho, easily the most overrated WWE champion ever. Absolutely no fucking doubt. The guy was a reasonably decent cruiserweight before he got fat and is now a reasonably decent midcarder, a position he has never, and will never escape. And you think he's going over the 1st/2nd biggest star in wrestling history? Give me a fucking break.
it is measleu. he couldnt counter it

Oh the delicious, delicious irony of a poster named "Takerfan" insulting the impact of a piledriver. Oh please, no, I couldn't have another bite of that delicious irony cake, I'm absolutely stuffed.

The piledriver, a measly move? Someone doesn't know what they're talking about. You realize the piledriver has all but been banned in almost every major wrestling promotion because of the danger of the move, right? People have died, more than once, from being given a botched piledriver.

Anyways, yeah, not sure how people are still arguing for Jericho. I fucking love Jericho and have been a huge fan of his for over a decade now, but in the grand scheme of things, Steve Austin is simply superior. Do you think Chris Jericho will recieve a hall of fame induction even half as monumental and huge as Austin's induction? They pretty much inducted him as the greatest wrestler in WWE history, like the freaking Babe Ruth of their Hall of Fame. When Jericho's day comes, I don't see them giving him even half as extravagant as an induction as they did to Austin.
We're blind? Yes I'm making my first post in this tournament here, but I've had time to think, and I say the Austin marks are the ones that are blind. The only reason Austin was so great is because of the storylines his was involved in and the character he played. He was never an extremely good wrestler, he says so in his own dvd. Austin used the same moves over and over again constantly in his matches. He was like the 5 moves of doom for the attitude era.

It's your first post in this tournament, and it's a terrible one. You should have just not posted, because your ignorance has made you look foolish. Austin was an exceptional wrestler, far better than Jericho could ever dream to be.

The only reason Austin is on another level then Jericho is because Austin was the man that everyone loved, he played his character to a T and knew how to get the crowd going. I believe the same could be said about Chris Jericho, he knows exactly what to say and do to draw heat the same as Austin knew how to make the crowd love him, which again, was in part due to the whole angle of him against Vince. He was the anti-hero, the man going up against the evil boss, who wouldn't love that? Jericho is by far the better wrestler, as I said , Austin admitted to not being that good of a wrestler on his dvd. He knew he didn't know too many moves, but the thing that made his matches good were the stories behind them. The thing that makes Jericho's matches good are both his ring ability and the stories behind the matches. The only reason the Hart-Austin match is remembered is because of Austin passing out in his own blood and the double turn of Bret going heel and Austin going face.

Are you seriously using moves as an argument for Jericho being better than Austin? Seriously? This confirms that you know nothing about what makes a wrestler "great". In case you didn't know, the "he knows lots of moves so he is good" argument is the worst argument in the history of life.

Austin/Hart was a great match for many reasons. Even without the historical significance, it's still a great match. The realism, storytelling, psychology and selling was all done perfectly, everything about the match was flawless. That's why it was a great match, not because it had "movez". Jericho has never been in a match with that kind of quality, never.

You're basing an argument on the fact that Jericho wants to help the young guys and help get them over? That's ridiculous. Stone Cold would be doing the exact same thing were he still around today. He would help put the young talent over by making them look good in matches and possibly losing to them , the same way as Jericho does now. Jericho realizes his talent and he's putting it to good use now by helping the young guys.

I'm sick of this "Jericho wants to put over talent" crap. A win against Jericho means nothing. Who has ever been elevated by beating Jericho? I can't think of anyone. Jericho loses because that is his role as an upper midcarder, not because he selflessly wants to put over young talent. If he was such a great asset that people claim him to be, then he wouldn't be made to lose to everybody.

I know they have, I was just pointing out that the poster said Austin was a better wrestler then Jericho, Austin was not a better wrestler then Jericho, he was a better story teller then Jericho. In my eyes, Jericho knows more moves then Austin, and to generalize as a wrestler and not entertainer, I'd say my argument is just.

:lmao: You just contradicted yourself in the very same sentence. Storytelling is the most important part of what makes someone great in the ring. Number of moves is the least important part. Seriously just stop posting, you are embarrassing yourself.
it is measleu. he couldnt counter it

Right about now, I am willing to bet that your IQ is less than your age. For one, if the piledriver was a measly move, then he would have been able to counter it. You contradicted yourself there, buddy. Good job. Then there is the fact that he wasn't supposed to counter it. Owen just messed up. That's all. It happens.
Austin matchs arent memorable they are all the same there is little varience in how his matchs go where with jericho you cant be sure what is going to happen in the match.
The reason he can't sustain it at the main event is because thats not where vince puts him but at the same time vince knows just how big an asset jericho is to him. Jericho wont sell as much merchandise as austin did but that would be down to the fact that jericho spent more time as a heel than as a face.
As far as carrying a company goes jericho made big show relevant again by choosing him as a tag team partner before that show was going nowhere. Jericho is building up younger talents so the company can continue when he is gone. Jericho gets a huge amount of heat from the crowd (he is arguably the top heel) vince even felt the need to have jericho on all 3 shows for a huge amount of time because jericho is hated so much that he puts asses in the seats because people want to see him get beaten all the time

Yes Austin's matches have an element of predictability that Jericho's do not, that being we know Austin is going to whoopass and win while we are never sure if Jericho is going to or not. It really is that simple. Spare us this Jericho is a selfless martyr crap. Jericho is so committed to the biz that he took two years off to play crappy music while Austin only left when he literally could not wrestle anymore due to injuries. I do not get the logic that Vince put Austin as the face of an era but then Jericho "chose" the big show as his tag partner and somehow this means he carries the company as well. Makes about as much sense as a vote for Jericho in this match.
Austin is a brawler he wouldnt wait in the ring for a countout win which is something jericho would do because its smart and he would know he doesnt need to win by pinfall.
Why wouldnt anyone pass out in the boston crab exactly? its the same as a sharpshooter excpet the leds arent crossed if you can pass out from one you can pass out from the other.
I have watched Austin pre broken neck and he wasnt bad but he just wasnt at the same level as jericho has been/is. Jericho is more intellegent, more willing to win by any means necessary and has a better in ring ability than austin ever had.
Austin was entertaining, got great reactions, could cut great promos but jericho could do all these things aswell. Jericho however had the edge in in-ring ability and would therefore pick up the win

Oh, he wouldn't wait in the ring? You know this, right? He told you? It's happened before? Austin is far more intelligent than you give him credit for. The guy held the WWF Championship 6 times, so he's obviously not some moron. You would have to be a complete moron to chase someone around the ring for ten seconds to get counted out. If Jericho hit him, it had better be with a chair, because Austin is making it back in before ten. What a TERRIBLE scenario for Jericho to win. Right there, when you believe this is a way for Jericho to win, is where you should realize you have no case.

Why wouldn't he pass out in the boston crab? Because it's weak. Jericho, as much as I love the guy, puts on a weak ass Boston Crab. The Liontamer was different, but not as effective on bigger guys. Have you seen the way Bret Hart sinks the Sharpshooter in? How much pressure he puts on someone? Jericho doesn't apply half the pressure to the Walls that Hart did to the Sharpshooter. Comparing those two holds is like comparing a BB gun to a 12 gauge.

We can go around and around all day about how much more intelligent Jericho is than Austin. He might be, I can even conceed that. But not by nearly the margin you are making it out to be. Jericho will do anything to win? And Austin won't? Stone Cold freakin' Steve Austin?? Do you have any CLUE who you are talking about? The man who has beaten the Rock within an inch of his life with a chair, just to win the title? The man who dropped HHH 20! F****** Feet, inside of a CAR! We are talking about one of the most ruthless men in the history of pro wrestling, Steve Austin. Don't try and compare who would go further to win a match/title...you'll lose.
This match would be a hard match to win from either side. Logic tells me that stone cold steve austin, being the star that he is and was would and should win if the E was going to decide the outcome. However Jericho has proved time and time again why he is a great wrestler and my love for him simply just gives him the edge over austin. Austin however deserves to win this as much as it pains me to say it. Jericho though has and always will be a better performer than austin, maybe not on the mike but in the ring 95% he can deliver a better match than austin and despite me knowing that austin will and should win, Jericho will always have my vote, his list of accomplisments speaks for why he will get my vote. Not to take anything away from austin, as i know he will always be the bigger star but jericho in my mind deserves the vote if he beat him four times in one year.

Vote Jericho.
WAIT JUST A FUCKING MINUTE NOW!!!!!!!! I do believe that just an hour ago, it was tied at 71. Or it was last night, I don't recall much when I'm tired. Now Jericho is leading up by 5? What the FUCK is that? Seriously, in what realm is Chris Jericho the Greatest Professional Wrestler of All Time? I respect him as much as the next guy but come the fuck on, people!!!!!!!

Steve Austin trumps Jericho in every category, and yet Jericho's fanboys can't think logically and vote for who the wrestler who would actually win? This is sad. Austin at the height of his popularity would not lose to some upper-midcard/transitional champion like Chris Jericho on a stage like this. Simply would never happen. Jericho is in no way, shape, or form a better professional wrestler than Stone Cold Steve Austin. If there is a reason other than "AUSTIN SUXED IN THE RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to get Jericho over that I just can't fathom, please present it, because all of the posts I have read for Jericho are crap. Austin was the undisputed leader of the WWF from 97-99, before he needed to take time off for surgery. He brought in the most money, something that Jericho can only dream of.

Jericho is great, Austin is better. Seriously folks, quit voting because you have a hard on for Chris Jericho, and vote for who would actually win a singles match in both of their primes. There is only one answer, and that is Steve Austin.
Wow, this has got to be one of the hardest matches to pick a winner in this tournament. Well I think Jericho would have the better actual wrestling ability by the tiniest margin and he would probably have the mic skills over Stone Cold aswell. But I maybe just saying that because of how much I hate Austin for starting the "what" chant. But the biggest pro Jericho point is probably the fact he beat Austin straight after beating The Rock, granted Vince interfered in both matches and Booker T nailed Austin with the title for the win. But of course Austin is one of the biggest icons in this sport and because of just that one pro he should go over Jeeicho here.
The fact that Jericho is starting to run away with this thing is a joke. 80% of the posters here have voiced their support for Austin. What I would like to know is who the hell is voting Jericho and why? Specifically, the established posters that have voted Jericho but have not voiced their opinions just yet. Someone with more then 100 posts please give me a good reason as to why Jericho should go over Austin here. Because I am just not seeing it.

Jericho never beat Austin straight up. Period. He "beat" Austin three times. Twice thanks to Booker T, and once thanks to the nWo. Immediately afterwords, he dropped the title to Triple H, and dropped to upper midcard status until 2008.

Jericho is a great great talent, but even at his best (which happens to be now and the last two years) can not hold a candle to the dominant three years of Steve Austin from 97-99. Austin didn't just beat wrestlers, he beat factions single handily. He was able to beat Farooq with no assistance despite interference from the entire Nation of Domination. He was able to beat up on the Rock despite interference from the entire Corporation. Hell, he single handily saved Stephanie McMahon from the entire Ministry, taking out The Undertaker, Viscera, Mideon and the Acolytes with nothing but a steel chair.

Even facing the man out of his prime (2002 was right about where he started to slow down) Jericho needed repeated and tremendous help to beat Austin. But considering the two men facing off in their prime, there is NO conceivable way that Jericho could beat Austin.

Someone with more then 100 posts please give me a good reason as to why Jericho should go over Austin here. Because I am just not seeing it.

I've restrained giving my opinion here because these two talents are too close to call. I was stuck 50/50 on talent, skill, ring-work, and everything else I would generally use to vote on matches in this tournament, but I couldn't here, so it came down to personal preference. I prefer Jericho over Austin.
I've restrained giving my opinion here because these two talents are too close to call. I was stuck 50/50 on talent, skill, ring-work, and everything else I would generally use to vote on matches in this tournament, but I couldn't here, so it came down to personal preference. I prefer Jericho over Austin.

You see, that I can absolutely respect. At least you are honest. Some matches are just too close to call for some people. For me, it is the Taker/Cena match. On a side note, I understand there is a way to see who voted for who in the actual poll, but I have no clue how to access the results. A little help?

Anyone else have any opinions on why a great worker and the top draw in pro wrestling history should lose to a great worker and someone who drew only minimally during transitional feuds with John Cena and Batista?
You see, that I can absolutely respect. At least you are honest. Some matches are just too close to call for some people. For me, it is the Taker/Cena match. On a side note, I understand there is a way to see who voted for who in the actual poll, but I have no clue how to access the results. A little help?

Thanks for the rep, yo, I appreciate it.

Basically, there's an option when you make the poll to allow whether or not to display who has voted for what. I would imagine they're turned off for the tournament, and rightfully so.
I am fan of both Stone Cold and Jericho so for me this was a little hard to decide. So I went with personal preference and voted for Jericho. Even though I could see this match really go either way. I went with Jericho instead.

But if Jericho does get past Austin depends on his next round oppent I really don't see him go past them but thats if he pass through Austin which he probably wont.
Jericho is ahead , Which may be the biggest upset in this year's tournament.

Most of arguments used against Jericho means that absolutely NO ONE can defeat Austin , including Jericho.

Yes , we know that When Austin was at his prime , even the time he was heel , he didn't lose cleanly , with a few exceptions.Does it mean that that Austin should beat everyone? NO.

I mean how can you say that interference doesn't happen in this tournament?How can you say that Jericho can't cheat in this match?Last time i checked , there was no rule that all matches ends in a clean way or without any interference.

The thing I know is that Jericho has Austin's number.He has defeated Austin in 3 different big time situations , so he can do it anytime again.You should also know that Jericho's prime time is way ahead of the time he beat Austin 3 times , which makes me vote Y2J.

I don't wanna say that Y2J is the better one.Definitely Austin has made a better career.Austin is the better one both in the ring and on the mic.He drew more money and rating than any other superstar in this or any other generation.But the fact is , It 's not a debate of who is better , who is the bigger draw and ... .What we do here is to determine if these two meet each other in a match , who can you expect to win.I can see both of them beating each other , but I see Jericho as one of the few guys who has victories over Austin more than one or two , in a 6 month period of time , so I decided to vote him.
Jericho is ahead , Which may be the biggest upset in this year's tournament.

Most of arguments used against Jericho means that absolutely NO ONE can defeat Austin , including Jericho.

Yes , we know that When Austin was at his prime , even the time he was heel , he didn't lose cleanly , with a few exceptions.Does it mean that that Austin should beat everyone? NO.

I mean how can you say that interference doesn't happen in this tournament?How can you say that Jericho can't cheat in this match?

The thing I know is that Jericho has Austin's number.He has defeated Austin in 3 different big time situations , so he can do it anytime again.You should also know that Jericho's prime time is way ahead of the time he beat Austin 3 times , which makes me vote Y2J.

I don't wanna say that Y2J is the better one.Definitely Austin has made a better career.Austin is the better one both in the ring and on the mic.He drew more money and rating than any other superstar in this or any other generation.But the fact is , It 's not a debate of who is better , who is the bigger draw and ... .What we do here is to determine if these two meet each other in a match , who can you expect to win.I can see both of them beating each other , but I see Jericho as one of the few guys who has victories over Austin more than one or two , in a 6 month period of time , so I decided to vote him.

The consensus I'm getting is that Jericho defeated Austin when Y2J was way ahead of his prime so that gives justification of him being Austin now that he is in his prime. I say that Austin was at the end of his prime. Austin defeated Jericho three times in 2001 so if Jericho can beat Austin before his prime, then Austin beating Jericho near the end of his prime should hold weight. I will take Austin in his prime every day of the week over Jericho in his prime because who has Jericho beaten in his prime? If Y2J's prime is from 2008-2010, he's been on the losing end to Cena thirteen times, seven of which he was pinned. He's also lost numerous times to HHH, HBK, and Batista. Why should I believe Jericho in his prime can beat Austin in his given Jericho's track record?
Thanks for the rep, yo, I appreciate it.

Basically, there's an option when you make the poll to allow whether or not to display who has voted for what. I would imagine they're turned off for the tournament, and rightfully so.

They're not turned off. Just click on the result numbers and it'll show the listings for all of the votes.

I voted Austin for many reasons that have already been stated. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Jericho fan. I highly enjoy his current run in the WWE and think it is probably his best work yet. However, like many others have said, all of Jericho's accomplishments still aren't enough to put him in the league of Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin is one of the toughest superstars I have ever seen in wrestling. Jericho is good, but he has never beaten Austin 1 on 1 without interference as far as I'm aware. Austin is just on another level than Y2J and has done more for this industry than most other wrestlers. I just can't give the nod to Jericho over all of Austin's accomplishments.
The consensus I'm getting is that Jericho defeated Austin when Y2J was way ahead of his prime so that gives justification of him being Austin now that he is in his prime. I say that Austin was at the end of his prime. Austin defeated Jericho three times in 2001 so if Jericho can beat Austin before his prime, then Austin beating Jericho near the end of his prime should hold weight. I will take Austin in his prime every day of the week over Jericho in his prime because who has Jericho beaten in his prime? If Y2J's prime is from 2008-2010, he's been on the losing end to Cena thirteen times, seven of which he was pinned. He's also lost numerous times to HHH, HBK, and Batista. Why should I believe Jericho in his prime can beat Austin in his given Jericho's track record?

Yes I know that Jericho loses a lot.In fact , The point i'm trying to make is that if he cheated to beat Austin 3 times , why could not him cheat in this match?

As I said , I'm sure Jericho could never beat Austin cleanly , But you have to agree that He has beaten Austin in 3 different occasions , so It means that his chances are not ZERO.And when his chances are not ZERO , I prefer to see him winning this match.
Specifically, the established posters that have voted Jericho but have not voiced their opinions just yet.

Do I need to give a reason why I voted because someone thinks it's cool to call out the established posters? No, no I do not. However just to keep you happy for a minute I shall post a reason why.

For me a wrestler who is versatile entertains me, a wrestler who can play any character at any given time, who stays in the game at all times, that is what entertains me. Out of Austin/Jericho who entertains me more? It's Jericho, whether it's his in ring work or his promos or his out of wrestling endeavours Jericho just entertains me more than Austin does.
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