Semi-Finals: Ric Flair vs. Steve Austin

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Ric Flair

  • Steve Austin

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This match has standard rules and a 45 minute time limit. All matches from this point forward take place in a single night which is one week after the previous round.

Location: University of Phoenix Stadium, Phoenix, Arizona


Ric Flair



Steve Austin


Voting is open for 5 days after a two day discussion period.

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This is a tough one (although that would be given since its the semi-finals), but I think my vote goes for Steve Austin. Austin has a very high pain threshold and doesn't give in so easily. Even though Ric Flair is "the dirtiest player in the game", Austin is just as resourceful, where do you think he found a beer truck with a hose attached?? Or a cement mixer?

Also Austin in his prime was a lot more technical before he injured his neck which ruled that out. But with his technicality he would be able to out manoeuvre Flair and go toe-to-toe with the styling and profiling man.
give me stone cold. they are both legends they can both dish it out and take it to me there is no sense in trying to downplay ric flair since we all know what he can do. personally i like stone cold more i think at the end of the day hes just a little bit tougher then flair plus i think the quick strike ability of the stunner plays a huge role in his victory. it requires less set up and is less predictable then the figure four is. stone cold moves on in a brutal match that uses every bit of that 45minute time limit
Voting Steve Austin here, this is a tough call though. Both men did alot for the business, both men are in the final four of this tournement for a reason, they are both greats.

I voted Austin because the whole reason I began watching wrestling was because of him.
Austin wins here, but man do I feel for Slick Ric. The career with 35 plus years of longevity and 16 world titles at a time where wrestling was a territorial system and successful against the career that gave us the most important 5 year span in pro wrestling history, a time where the WWE was truly mainstream and it's ratings rivaled most competitive sports.

Flair ruled in a time where wrestling was more legitimate to a segment of the country. Austin brought the industry to the mainstream and plastered it everywhere from TV Guide, to Rolling Stone, and every other pop culture icon of the time.

In a kayfabe sense I don't think Austin was as technical as Flair, but Austin can out brawl Flair. Flair's dirtiest player in the game mantra is all for naught against the Rattlesnake as Austin would probably beat Flair to the punch in underhanded tactics. Expect Flair to work on the leg of Austin through out the match, get a bit too cocky, and turn around right into a Stunner for the win.
I'm guessing this goes solely on write-in votes.

Either way, I'm gonna throw my vote on Ric Flair.
Ric has beaten the best of the best in the world during his prime, he held more world championships than Stone Cold did, and he held them for longer than Stone Cold did.

Stone Cold was booked as quite a tough guy to beat, Ric has defeated tough guys before, and defeated them in tough situations like Steel Cages, regular matches etc.

I think this match will be very back and forth, and I think it could really go for a win for both, but in the end I think Ric in his prime, vs Austin in his prime, Ric was just more dominant in his prime.

In case this is not through a poll, this is my vote for Ric WOOO stylin and profilin custom made from head to toe Flair
This match has "replay of Wrestlemania 13" written all over it. Flair locks on the Figure Four, and Austin refuses to tap out, eventually passing out from the pain. Both men covered in blood.

Very close match, kayfabe wise. I think Flair has the advantage because while both guys rarely lost, Austin still lost more often.

Historically, I think it's a virtual dead heat, with a slight advantage to Austin do to his being the forerunner of the uberpopular Attitude Era. Ric Flair cut a better promo and was a better worker.

My vote goes to Ric Flair, but very narrowly.
In Stone Cold's prime he was not only able to beat some of the best men in the business, he was able to beat them cleanly (Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Mankind, The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Benoit, HHH etc.). During Ric's prime and most of his title matches he used underhanded tactics to get ahead. They don't call him "the dirtiest player in the game" for nothing. The problem with this though, is that Stone Cold can nullify most of these tactics. Stone Cold is no stranger to breaking the rules and has had to overcome hellacious obstacles in the past.

Vince McMahon used every dirty and underhanded tactic in the book to try and take out Stone Cold and he was never consistently successful (he had his moments here and there), but usually Stone Cold always prevailed. So if you take away Ric's dirty wins and you compare Steve to Ric, Steve holds the obvious advantage in my opinion. Stone Cold would walk away with the win.
I'm voting Austin. This is a tough one, career wise, because Flair is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time (along with Austin). But in a one-on-one match, in this tournament-style setting, I don't see Steve Austin losing to Flair.

Flair is clever, and knows how to win in just about any circumstance..but so does Steve Austin. These two do not mesh well together, style wise, but I just see Austin being too tough for Flair. I don't think there is anything Flair could do to keep Austin down, while I see Flair being pinned after one Stunner (late in the match). Some people might say Austin could pass out in the figure four, etc., but how often has that happened? There have been guys a lot less tough than Austin who haven't tapped, nor passed out due to the figure four.

These are two of the top 5 wrestlers of all time, but I just can't see Flair being able to do enough damage to Austin to get the win. Austin wins.
This match has "replay of Wrestlemania 13" written all over it. Flair locks on the Figure Four, and Austin refuses to tap out, eventually passing out from the pain. Both men covered in blood.

Very close match, kayfabe wise. I think Flair has the advantage because while both guys rarely lost, Austin still lost more often.

Historically, I think it's a virtual dead heat, with a slight advantage to Austin do to his being the forerunner of the uberpopular Attitude Era. Ric Flair cut a better promo and was a better worker.

My vote goes to Ric Flair, but very narrowly.

I have not decided which way I am voting yet but that bolded statement simply could not be less true. Flair definitely lost his fair share and often it was not a rare occurrence while once Austin got going he rarely lost. Now that was due to many things that if you are not looking at kayfabe would become less relevant. Kayfabe I think Austin wins but I will look at arguments and the whole picture before choosing. I know I want whichever guy survives this one to win it all for sure though. They both had something special on the mic that was very important to wrestling history in different ways. That Flair kept it working as long as he did is pretty amazing but it is hard to take away from how integral Austin's mic work was to the attitude era. To say Ric had a longer career is an understatement although you could make a solid case he never had a run quite like Austin did when Stone Cold took everything to new heights. Which is more impressive? I am leaning towards Austin because it is who would win the match. If it was which is all-around greater I would probably be swayed to Flair. That is what makes this one tricky.
This match has "replay of Wrestlemania 13" written all over it. Flair locks on the Figure Four, and Austin refuses to tap out, eventually passing out from the pain. Both men covered in blood.

Very close match, kayfabe wise. I think Flair has the advantage because while both guys rarely lost, Austin still lost more often.

Historically, I think it's a virtual dead heat, with a slight advantage to Austin do to his being the forerunner of the uberpopular Attitude Era. Ric Flair cut a better promo and was a better worker.

My vote goes to Ric Flair, but very narrowly.

Replay of Mania 13?...huh? The submission match at Mania 13 was great because you had two of the most aggressive men in the history of pro wrestling beating the absolute hell out of one another. Flair wasn't the aggressive type. He was clever, sneaky and cruel, but he wasn't Bret Hart. Bret Hart was far more aggressive, and intense, than Flair ever was. Austin didn't just pass out due to being in the sharpshooter, he passed out because they beat the hell out of each other for about 20 minutes. Flair doesn't bring that kind of intensity to the table.

I'm not buying into the "Austin lost more often" argument. Flair lost A LOT over the years, and he could, because he was a top heel. Maybe I'm wrong, but I need to see proof to believe that.

I agree Flair was probably the better worker, but not by much. He put on longer matches, for a lot of years, with some really talented guys (Terry Funk, Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, etc.). I think Austins in-ring ability has been trashed in this tournament, and I'm not sure why. The guy was a GREAT worker before Owen broke his neck, and was above average after.

But mic skills? Austin gets the edge there. Austin was golden on the mic, as was Flair. But Stone Cold was the best "character" of the 90's. While his character always stayed the same, he had great range. He could make you laugh, pump you up, or make you cringe. The guy could do it all. As a heel, there has never been a better talker than Flair, I'll give you that. But as a face, Flair was nothing special on the mic, minus stripping down to his boxers.
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Ric Flair in a 5 Star Classic. I've gone down the road numerous times about how Flair can win under any circumstance and how he's the master of capitalizing on a huge mistake. Austin's prone to making mistakes and with his bad knees, a figure four could do Stone Cold in. Austin passed out from the Sharpshooter, and to me, will have the same fate with Flair's Figure Four.

Also, Austin hits a stunner, but if Flair is around the ropes, a foot on the bottom rope's all you need to avoid a loss. Austin's a great wrestler, but even Stone Cold himself would say Ric Flair's the best to ever lace up the wrestling boots. And the Nature Boy STYLES AND PROFILES to a hard fought win.
Ric Flair in a 5 Star Classic. I've gone down the road numerous times about how Flair can win under any circumstance and how he's the master of capitalizing on a huge mistake. Austin's prone to making mistakes and with his bad knees, a figure four could do Stone Cold in. Austin passed out from the Sharpshooter, and to me, will have the same fate with Flair's Figure Four.

Also, Austin hits a stunner, but if Flair is around the ropes, a foot on the bottom rope's all you need to avoid a loss. Austin's a great wrestler, but even Stone Cold himself would say Ric Flair's the best to ever lace up the wrestling boots. And the Nature Boy STYLES AND PROFILES to a hard fought win.

I doubt the Figure Four will cause the same amount of pain as a Sharpshooter. If HHH with a history of quadricep tears didn't tap out to the Figure Four, why would I expect Austin to. The Figure Four is one of the least impressive submission manuevers there is. All Austin has to do is reverse the move which countless wrestlers have done in the past.
I doubt the Figure Four will cause the same amount of pain as a Sharpshooter. If HHH with a history of quadricep tears didn't tap out to the Figure Four, why would I expect Austin to. The Figure Four is one of the least impressive submission manuevers there is. All Austin has to do is reverse the move which countless wrestlers have done in the past.

People need to stop bringing up 50+ year old WWE Ric Flair and what he did. This is 1980's, early 90's Flair were talking about. And that Flair used the figure four to beat countless opponents including the likes of Vader and Terry Funk.

I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet but let's not forget that this is the second match in the same night for both of these guys and Flair has the edge when it comes to stamina.
I doubt the Figure Four will cause the same amount of pain as a Sharpshooter. If HHH with a history of quadricep tears didn't tap out to the Figure Four, why would I expect Austin to. The Figure Four is one of the least impressive submission manuevers there is. All Austin has to do is reverse the move which countless wrestlers have done in the past.

They have... but they've also been nearly immobile after it was applied. Austin, with bad wheels, is in dire straits, even if he doesn't tap or pass out. It's tough to do a Stunner when you can't even stand on two legs. And it's extremely easy to get rolled up and a handful of trunks on Austin to pin him.

And in it's heyday, The Figure Four finished off the best in the business. Do research before making statements that suck.
I normally steer clear on personal preference on these things, but I'm gonna have to on this one. It's a dead heat in my mind, both men are equally superb, but Austin's getting the nod from me.

Truth be told, I've never been a fan of Flair's in ring work. I'm not into the old style of wrestling at all, I was way more into the brawling style Austin brought to the table. But despite that, from a kayfabe point of view, Flair has had just as much of an impact on the business as Austin. In reality however, the comparison isn't even close. Sure as wrestling fans we think of Flair as a god, but from a casual fan standpoint, the only time wrestling was good was when Stone Cold was there. Austin was pretty much responsible for the demise of WCW, the company that Flair was in.

I kind of feel like I'm just rambling, so I'll leave it with this. Austin may very well be one of the most popular and significant wrestlers in the history of the business, and while Flair has been around forever and has had some of the most memorable feuds and matches of all time, his impact on the business doesn't even come close.

Vote Austin.
They have... but they've also been nearly immobile after it was applied. Austin, with bad wheels, is in dire straits, even if he doesn't tap or pass out. It's tough to do a Stunner when you can't even stand on two legs. And it's extremely easy to get rolled up and a handful of trunks on Austin to pin him.

And in it's heyday, The Figure Four finished off the best in the business. Do research before making statements that suck.

All Austin needs is one leg to kick Flair in the gut and hit the Stunner. It's also extremely easy to get rolled up and a handful of trunks on Flair to pin him. I don't see Austin tapping to the Figure Four but I do see Flair getting a Stunner for the Stone cold victory.
If this was the first match of the night then I would go for Flair, but since it isn't I am going for Austin.

The reasons behind this are Austin has won the King of the Ring tournament by winning multiple matches in one night and that was before his prime was in full flow.

Where as Ric Flair was at his prime in late 80's/ early 90's. He was in a one night at Starcade 89 where he won his first match but won neither of his two matches wich followed.

So therefore I will vote for Austin as he has proven he can win multiple matches in one nigth where as Flair couldn't do it at the height of his career.
I've voting for Austin as well (because of his superior hair cut), but I can't abide by the logic used above me. It's a quality of opposition thing. Austin didn't have to contend with anyone at the level Luger and Sting were at in late 1989.

I want Steve Austin to win, but such weak logic isn't how you get it done on the kayfabe front.
Austin, for me anyways. Why the hell not? For the record, Austin beat Flair in their only one on one match on Raw a few years back. No reason to push this though as the whole "Flair being over 50" thing causes it to lose some of it's luster.

Also, to whoever said Austin loses more often than Flair, you couldn't be more wrong. Flair won less than half his matches throughout his career, while Austin was pretty dominant, for a guy named Steve.

Anyway, Austin in most every fashion for me. Prefer him more, he won more, attitude era and all that jazz, the Condemned, and so forth. And that's all I have to say about that.
I've voting for Austin as well (because of his superior hair cut), but I can't abide by the logic used above me. It's a quality of opposition thing. Austin didn't have to contend with anyone at the level Luger and Sting were at in late 1989.

I want Steve Austin to win, but such weak logic isn't how you get it done on the kayfabe front.

For me the logic in this is Austin won a tournament with people who werew at his level at the time, which launchend him onto super stardom.
Where as Flair could only win one match against people who were below him at the time.
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Really tough for me to answer this, but I came up with some scenarios in my head. This is one of them:

If this tournament had a storyline and followed, I could see Jericho, frustrated because of his DQ loss, interrupting and pulling the ref away before he counts the three. With a tired and distracted Rattlesnake, The Dirtiest Player in the Game hits a low blow and locks in the figure four. With Austin being the tough S.O.B. he is won't tap as like he did in WM13, but is loses consciousness by the last minute and the ref having to stop the fight.

With having this being a clean match, im still torn on who to pick. Sure Steve Austin won the king of the ring by winning 4 matches in one night, but Flair has been in many matches that lasted more longer than the 4 matches combined.

If this mattch ends to a draw, and had to use write-in votes, know that I'm leaning towards Flair here.
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For me the logic in this is Austin won a tournament with people who werew at his level at the time, which launchend him onto super stardom.
Where as Flair could only win one match against people who were below him at the time.
I'm not buying this. Sting and Luger really becoming stars at the time. They weren't exactly miles beneath Flair at this point in time. Meanwhile, Austin was miles above the two men he beat on that night. He was about two months away from beating Yokozuna and would be taking Bret Hart to his limit by year's end. Everyone Austin beat that night was a useless scrub compared to him, even at that point.

Once again, I think Austin is the right choice, but your argument doesn't ring true for me.
Austin everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

You won't find a tougher competitor than Steve Austin. Ric as someone else has said cheated to win most of the time. Where as Austin just beat the holy hell out of people. If this thing went the entire 45 minutes you would have to cart Flair out in a box because he will have bled out by then. He has always been a bleeder. Might as well make it a casket match. Ric's strengths were in his submission moves. If he could lock on the figure four early and hold it for 20 minutes or so he might get Austin to pass out because Austin wouldn't tap.

My Vote Austin in about 25-30 minutes.
Despite voting for Jericho over Austin in the last round, and voting Flair over Benoit, in this match up I have to go with Stone Cold Steve Austin. To be completly honest, while I do enjoy watching both men, I think they are both overratted. I think the biggest irony of this whole tournement are the people who support Ric Flair, yet in other matches, i.e., Austin/Jericho complained that Jericho only beat Austin in their real matches by cheating, when Ric Flair made pretty much his whole Career out of winning by cheating, but I digress.
To me, this boils down to Kayfabe, and Austin in his prime is the face in this match and made his whole career out of overcoming rediculous amounts of cheating by Vince McMahon and still coming through with the win. Flair's style is the very essence of what Austin was up againist in 98-99 and Austin almost always was victorious and I see it being no different here.
So my vote goes Stone Cold Steve Austin.

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