Quarter Finals: The Undertaker vs. John Cena

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Undertaker

  • John Cena

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I don't care if little kids LOVE John Cena to death. His character role is way past boring. I fast forward through everything Cena says because it is always the same. He is always "Mr. Macho" who portrays a character similar to Superman. Superman always does the "right" thing and he is super strong. Plus, Cena's in ring abilities are always the same. He starts off somewhat decent, then he starts getting his brains beat in, then there is a Spin Out Powerbomb, a 5 Knuckle Shuffle, and an Attitude Adjustment (which I can't believe they had to change the name for the "PG Era"). But this is almost EVERY match of his. All I am saying is, you can't always give the fans what they want. Does every fan want to see the "Bad guys" win? No, but it happens because if the "Good guys" won every time, what would be the point of watching? In other words, the little kids might want to see John Cena the way he is, but you can't always get what you want. It is time to change John Cena's character a little bit. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a heel, but not as horrible acting as when he first came in to the WWE.
I don't care if little kids LOVE John Cena to death. His character role is way past boring. I fast forward through everything Cena says because it is always the same. He is always "Mr. Macho" who portrays a character similar to Superman. Superman always does the "right" thing and he is super strong. Plus, Cena's in ring abilities are always the same. He starts off somewhat decent, then he starts getting his brains beat in, then there is a Spin Out Powerbomb, a 5 Knuckle Shuffle, and an Attitude Adjustment (which I can't believe they had to change the name for the "PG Era"). But this is almost EVERY match of his. All I am saying is, you can't always give the fans what they want. Does every fan want to see the "Bad guys" win? No, but it happens because if the "Good guys" won every time, what would be the point of watching? In other words, the little kids might want to see John Cena the way he is, but you can't always get what you want. It is time to change John Cena's character a little bit. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a heel, but not as horrible acting as when he first came in to the WWE.

What does Undertaker say that is so breathtaking? All he talks about is taking souls and people resting in peace which is way cheesier than anything Cena's ever said. Cena puts passion and energy into his promos and other superstars can learn something from his mic skills. The thing I don't get about you people is that HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Edge, Orton, etc. do the same moves in every match but you don't criticize them but it when Cena does it, the haters come out of the woodwork. You're spewing about why you hate Cena when you have yet to tell me why does the Undertaker deserve to beat Cena in this matchup.
What does Undertaker say that is so breathtaking? All he talks about is taking souls and people resting in peace which is way cheesier than anything Cena's ever said. Cena puts passion and energy into his promos and other superstars can learn something from his mic skills. The thing I don't get about you people is that HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Edge, Orton, etc. do the same moves in every match but you don't criticize them but it when Cena does it, the haters come out of the woodwork. You're spewing about why you hate Cena when you have yet to tell me why does the Undertaker deserve to beat Cena in this matchup.

Now we're going to beat up on Taker's mic skills? You're right, all he talks about is taking people's souls, resting in peace, etc...because it's his character! I guess you can look at it as cheesy, but when is the last time you have heard a live crowd boo Taker? When is the last time you heard a live crowd chant Boring or You Can't Wrestle toward the Undertaker? You haven't. Cena is very emotional during his promo's which is good. But The Undertakers character doesn't call for him to jump around and scream, so comparing those doesn't work.

I believe the reason people bitch about Cena's "5 Moves" and not everyone else's, is due to the fact we believe those guys can execute more moves, if needed. Maybe Cena can as well, I'm not saying he can't, I just don't recall seeing a lot of different things from the guy (in the ring), especially during longer matches. I have never thought his execution was anything to jump around about either. His jumping shoulder blocks are weak, and have zero explosion. You wanna talk about cheesy? How about the 5 Knuckle Shuffle? He seems to rush everything while in the ring. He has no patience. I've been trying very hard not to bash Cena during this tournament, but you're making it very hard with how horribly you are talking about The Undertaker.

Maybe the guy in which this post was responding to hasn't given you a reason why Taker should win, but I think a lot of us have, and you are just turning a blind eye to everything we have said.
Now we're going to beat up on Taker's mic skills? You're right, all he talks about is taking people's souls, resting in peace, etc...because it's his character! I guess you can look at it as cheesy, but when is the last time you have heard a live crowd boo Taker? When is the last time you heard a live crowd chant Boring or You Can't Wrestle toward the Undertaker? You haven't. Cena is very emotional during his promo's which is good. But The Undertakers character doesn't call for him to jump around and scream, so comparing those doesn't work.

I believe the reason people bitch about Cena's "5 Moves" and not everyone else's, is due to the fact we believe those guys can execute more moves, if needed. Maybe Cena can as well, I'm not saying he can't, I just don't recall seeing a lot of different things from the guy (in the ring), especially during longer matches. I have never thought his execution was anything to jump around about either. His jumping shoulder blocks are weak, and have zero explosion. You wanna talk about cheesy? How about the 5 Knuckle Shuffle? He seems to rush everything while in the ring. He has no patience. I've been trying very hard not to bash Cena during this tournament, but you're making it very hard with how horribly you are talking about The Undertaker.

Maybe the guy in which this post was responding to hasn't given you a reason why Taker should win, but I think a lot of us have, and you are just turning a blind eye to everything we have said.

I'm not turning a blind eye. It's just nothing you or others have said makes me believe that Undertaker will win this matchup. I respect and you some of the others who have at least made decent arguments and I commend you for that.

Cena's gimmick is much similar to Hogan's and I believe we can all agree on that. Hogan used the same promos about eating your vitamins and saying your prayers. Most wrestler do promos that are suited to their gimmick. All I'm saying is that while the Undertaker's promo suit his gimmick, it doesn't stop me from thinking they get boring and overdone most of the time.

Just because Cena doesn't do any extra moves, he knows any. He's a brawler/fighter and he uses his moves to tailor that. I know he acknowledges the boos he gets from the crowd and I believe he could care less because whether they love or hate him, he gets the strongest reaction out of anybody in the WWE, including the Undertaker.
Because to imply that John Cena is the greatest professional wrestler of all time is absolutely absurd. Even his biggest marks know damn well that quite a few people rank ahead of Cena on a list of the all time greats, and the Undertaker is one of them. The man has been insanely over for nearly twenty years now. Cena hasn't even wrestled as long as the Undertaker has been over. Anything Cena has accomplished, the Undertaker can match easily and you know it.

Better rapper? Cena.

Better non-WWE commercials? Cena.

More successful actor? Cena.

But more seriously:

Cena's sold more t-shirt than Undertaker ever has. Look around an arena one of these times. Sure, that could be because almost every Taker shirt ever released has look like garbage (even by wrestling shirt standards). But the facts remain that Taker's shirts just aren't a hit like Cena's.

Also, wanna know who captivates people more consistently? That'd be Cena. While people sit on their hands during your average Undertaker match, they're live and flying their colours during your average Cena matches.

How about who is a more consistent worker? That'd be Cena. While Undertaker has spent most of his career floundering in pointless angles with Mankind and seemingly never-ending list of mediocre big men, Cena's been putting together a list of exciting matches that enthrall the live audience for most of his career and has done it at a very high level. Sure, you could argue that Taker's talent came out on those rare occasions where he had a decent opponent. But when we're talking about the reality of the situation, Cena's career averages out better and has produced a better overall body of work than Taker's.

Cena doesn't have to be the best of all time to win this match. He just has to be better than Taker. And he is, regardless of what longevity, lockerroom respect, and fancy video packages will have you believe. It's why he's the legit face of the company and not the proverbial "just another main eventer." It's why he's trusted with the big belt more consistently. He's just... better.
John Cena, one of the few wrestlers who's capable of overselling and underselling in each match he's in. Apply a choke hold to John Cena and he'll sell it like he's a member of the 3 Stooges. Give the guy a prolonged beat down and when you're done he'll beat you and show no last effects. These aren't character traits, these are just things Cena does wrong.

I could understand people voting for Cena if it was 2006 or 2007 and he was actually participating in quality matches, but it's 2010 and they're few and far between. It'd be fair to say he's had a pretty awful couple of years from an in ring perspective. Good matches hear and there, but he peaked quite some time ago. Honestly, as good as they were, you'd have expected better from his matches with Batista & Randy Orton, wouldn't you?

I'm also surprised certain healiners don't take him aside and order him to apply more pressure when they're put in the STFU. Everybody taps to it, whatever, suspension of disbelief is impossible with that move.

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