Putting some gold on the Wyatts

So the world title picture is pretty much tied up for the next year or so with Reigns-Rollins-Sheamus.

With the Wyatts looking to be elevated i would have them dominate the mid-card scene. I would have Bray win the IC first and then on Raw or the next PPV have the rest of the family take over. Luke takes the US title and Rowan and Braun take the tag titles from the New Day.

I still feel Wyatt needs to go over clean over a upper tier or main eventer to create some momentum. That's why I'd rather him go over on Undertaker if this is his last WM. Wyatt needs this match and victory over Undertaker more than Cena. Cena cemented his legacy already by defeating The Rock. Defeating Undertaker gives Bray Wyatt a year worth of bragging rights especially if he never competes again.
Which feud are you alluding to? He went over Daniel Bryan clean at Royal Rumble '14. Which was during a time that Bryan at his hottest. After that he was Bryan subsequently went on to win at WM that year.

For some reason, I thought Bryan won that match. Thanks for the clarification.
I still feel Wyatt needs to go over clean over a upper tier or main eventer to create some momentum. That's why I'd rather him go over on Undertaker if this is his last WM. Wyatt needs this match and victory over Undertaker more than Cena. Cena cemented his legacy already by defeating The Rock. Defeating Undertaker gives Bray Wyatt a year worth of bragging rights especially if he never competes again.

I would not be against that at all. I totally agree. I just feel that the probability is higher and more realistic.
I don't think they need to win a title to gain momentum or even win a feud against a top star. I think they need to ruin someone, or cost someone a title. Actually do something that has a lasting effect. Even in Kayfabe if they went around taking people out.

I noticed Darren Young wasn't with Titus on SD, time off maybe? Why not in his last appearance have the Wyatt's take him out. "Now Titus, you are all alone...welcome to the darkness". The Wyatt's come off looking like badasses cause it's completely random, has no discernible reason and they took someone out, PTP get a pop when Darren Young comes back.

Okay, that was just an example and it doesn't have to be Darren Young but the WWE could use things like that to their advantage and they seem to miss these opportunities with alarming regularity.
The Wyatts should have won the Tag Team Championship at least once by now. It's an absolute shame that they never defeated The Usos during the lengthy feud they had with them. Sometime in the future it could be cool to see all of them holding onto a title. Harper and Rowan should win the Tag Team Championship, Strowman could win the US Championship or Intercontinental Championship, while Bray would win the World Heavyweight Championship. We haven't had a faction for a while where this would be possible, and The Wyatts should be the next to pull it off. They need to be built up more first. You need more than a cool entrance and a bunch of cryptic promos before you will be viewed as a serious threat. Bray himself in particular needs to win a couple more feuds before he should contend for a title. There's no reason why Harper and Rowan can't feud with New Day over the Tag Team Championship as early as the Royal Rumble PPV cycle though. Strowman VS Ambrose for the Intercontinental Championship isn't entirely out of the question either, but I'd rather see the Ambrose VS Owens feud finish first. Maybe in a year from now we could see all Wyatts holding a title at once!
The Wyatts are currently in an unbeatable storyline with The Dudley Boys where they are winning all of the matches and seem to be a force to be reckoned with. IMO this seems like a transitional stage for The Wyatt family. They are now being built up like a force that can't be stopped and I'm super curious to see where they head with this when the little stint with Team 3D is over. The end game is murky to me because Bray Wyatt is the leader and the obvious goal for him is the WWE Heavyweight Championship. But we've already seen Bray vs Roman for a fairly long feud earlier in 2015. Perhaps Bray can still feud with Roman if it involves another wrestler in the feud who is also targeting Roman...like a Brock Lesnar or John Cena.

You could have a scenario where Brock Lesnar wins The Royal Rumble but is attacked post Rumble by The Wyatts. Bray and company then attack the Authority the next night and hold WWE television hostage until HHH declares Bray Wyatt a participant in the WHC at Mania. Vince McMahon tells HHH that he doesn't want the company represented by Bray Wyatt and to make sure he doesn't win it at WM. Then you have Bray vs Brock vs Roman at WrestleMania with multiple storylines attached to it.

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