Shield vs Wyatts: what needs to happen


aka JuanJuanson
So they started building this feud with The Shield vs The Wyatts. I personally am excited for the feud because both teams are very interesting, and do a lot of great work in the ring. What I'm afraid will happen, is that they will not take the feud far enough. There are a lot of good things that could happen here if they play it right.

For one, I think they are sitting on a gold mine in having Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose on opposite sides of each other. I liked the promo they cut last night on the Wyatts. Seth Rollins actually did pretty well on the promo, but I feel they need to focus on Dean Ambrose more in these promos. He's the best talker. They focus on Reigns a lot in the ring so focus on Dean Ambrose on the mic.

They need to play to each persons strong spots and really kick it up in those areas. Roman Reigns is the power house of the team. Have him really step it up by following up his spears with Triple powerbombs and such. I think Rollins' strong point is his brutality. like the kicks to the head and the curb stomp. I remember when he did it to one of the Usos at Survivor Series and I looked at my room mate and said, "We just witnessed a murder". If JR were to have been on commentary that night, it would have been great. Have Rollins become just that much more brutal in the ring. I'd even give him some sort of weapon like a baton, to start decimating the Wyatt members. Then of course with Ambrose it's his talking and his bizarreness. They really need to have him play some mind games with the Wyatts and give him 80% of The Shield's mic time.

Playing to each characters strength can really get each member of The Shield over. Bray is already over and has pinned Bryan clean and will likely feud with Cena. Harper and Rowan will likely win tag titles at some point after Mania. We can see that Reigns is getting a big push, but what about the other two? What happens to them after the split? I say keep doing what they are doing with Reigns, but like I just mentioned give Dean the mic consistently. We don't need to play "everyone gets a turn". This is his chance to really get over. Then have the feud end with Wyatts and Shield joining forces as for as some sort of conspiracy by the Authority (This would be a safe way to secure the WWEWHC on Bray). Then there is where you can have Reigns turn face which will get him pretty over and with Dean already being over at this point from his mic work, that's where you get Rollins. Give him some sort of signature weapon like I said and really have him go to work on Reigns. Then the two can feud. I think extreme rules would work great for them.

The next thing that needs to happen is more TV spots. I know they each had a match and each cut a promo after the other's match. But have more backstage things happening. Have The Shield kidnap Eric Rowan and Luke Harper and have them tied up somewhere. Then have them surround Bray in the ring with Dean Ambrose cutting a promo on him about not being a monster, an being nothing but a helpless man without his followers. Bray Wyatt does his evil laugh and takes the fight to The Shield. Lights go out and Harper and Rowan appear in the ring batterred and beaten to help the fight. Really do all kinds of stuff throughout the night with the 2 stables.

While we are doing more things, this is a solid and simple way to get significat events to happen on Smackdown. Have the Wyatts attack Shield in the crowd on the way to the ring. We get a brawl that could be edited in case a fan got stupid. You could have Shield go on a rampage through the whole backstage area attacking crew members. They can really take this all kinds of ways. But it would make people want to tune in to Smackdown. I don't watch it anymore but this would change my mind. I think pushing Smackdown as a relevant show again is important at this time. The WWE Network is going to be launching in 20 days and I'm assuming WWE wants viewership on their Network shows. Fans will watch both Raw and Smackdowns instead of just Raw. That will give em bigger numbers for their "Did You Know" moments.

I really feel that WWE can achieve a lot if they capitalize. They would establish 3 singles competitors, give us a story worth watching, get Smackdown relevant again, have a big plot line in the conspiracy for them to work with going forward.
Why are you creating expectations for something that will not really happen? You have two more Monday Night Raw and three more Friday Night SmackDown and a gigantic roster to build. This will have a brawl between the six as the top moment before the pay-per-view because WWE doesn't see them as being major draws, not while they have an Elimination Chamber to sell and a Batista v. Alberto Del Rio bout.

This is going to be one of those things that we will be talking about for years in the "what if" kind of threads. I think that it is obvious that The Shield isn't going to stay together past February 23. They will lose the match, because The Wyatts have John Cena in front of them so they need the momentum, while that's happening Roman Reigns will turn on Dean Ambrose and screw someway the finish of the match. A wrong step as far as I see, but it will happen and there's nothing we can do about it. I agree that the promos should be carried by Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose, and I think this has TONS of potential as you showed by putting together some segments that would look cool on TV, and you probably didn't even have to think that much to come up with them. But they are not the focus and it's really hard to sell a heel vs. heel match up, even when The Shield is being clearly booked as the babyface team here.

Don't over think it too much - just enjoy watching Roman Reigns spearing and punching the crap out of Eric Rowan, Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt. The promos will still be fine and will always be a "must-see" in the whole three hour shows.
I hope that this match causes the break up of the Shield, and Ambrose gets taken by Bray. Rollins and Reigns work together with each other, then, and focus on singles careers.
I think Bray needs to pick up the win over a shield member. If it is true that Bray will be facing John at Wrestle Mania, then we need to see him pushed some more. Bray and the Wyatts losing would make the match with Cena at WM look bad. The Shield needs to show more signs of miscommunication in this match. Have Roman go to spear Bray and hits Dean... Causing a Wyatt Family Win. The shield can take this lose... Bray beating Daniel and then losing to the shield makes you forget about the big win at the royal rumble.

Bray moves onto Cena and the Shield crumble at WrestleMania. I could actually see a triple threat match between them, which would be awesome!
Not much time at all to really build and what they're doing is building momentum for The Wyatt Family, disbanding The Shield and setting up Roman Reigns.

What I would do if I were creative is during the match:
1) have Ambrose get pissed off and leave the match
2) have Rollins say he's tired of being a pawn and not getting anywhere and turn on Reigns and side with The Wyatt Family
3) have The Wyatt Family/Rollins destroy Reigns (turning him face and showing that it took 4 people to take him down)
4) have The Wyatts turn on Rollins and also take him out, to further increase the heat on The Family

That's my two cents considering what the WWE is trying to do in a short window of time.
The match needs to take place in the Chamber. There has never been an Elimination Chamber Tag match, and its the most played match on WWE 13 and 14.

Give the IWC something because we all know Bryan will not win and Punk Aint coming back!
If the Shield is definitely breaking up as rumoured(and it was teased on again on RAW last night), then a Wyatt win is definite. Many of us wanted this feud and as said before me, much more can be done with it, but it will essentially be a short feud, signalling the beginning of the end for the Shield and a passing of the torch with regards to the most dominant faction/stable in the company at present.

Initially I wanted the Shield break-up to be done quickly to facilitate the Roman Reigns push. However, lately I have been thinking, what if the Shield breaks away from the Authority and becomes babyfaces?? I think the fans would get behind them like never before and it would have facilitated their "Fight for Justice" stuff that they did initially.

Just another one of my Authority angles that I thought of, which would be a vehicle to get over Superstars with the fans of the product. :)
Why are you creating expectations for something that will not really happen? You have two more Monday Night Raw and three more Friday Night SmackDown and a gigantic roster to build. This will have a brawl between the six as the top moment before the pay-per-view because WWE doesn't see them as being major draws, not while they have an Elimination Chamber to sell and a Batista v. Alberto Del Rio bout.

This is going to be one of those things that we will be talking about for years in the "what if" kind of threads. I think that it is obvious that The Shield isn't going to stay together past February 23. They will lose the match, because The Wyatts have John Cena in front of them so they need the momentum, while that's happening Roman Reigns will turn on Dean Ambrose and screw someway the finish of the match. A wrong step as far as I see, but it will happen and there's nothing we can do about it. I agree that the promos should be carried by Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose, and I think this has TONS of potential as you showed by putting together some segments that would look cool on TV, and you probably didn't even have to think that much to come up with them. But they are not the focus and it's really hard to sell a heel vs. heel match up, even when The Shield is being clearly booked as the babyface team here.

Don't over think it too much - just enjoy watching Roman Reigns spearing and punching the crap out of Eric Rowan, Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt. The promos will still be fine and will always be a "must-see" in the whole three hour shows.

You're right, I'm fairly certain that this will not happen. But this is the perfect time to capitalize on it for them, if they were smart about it. Back in the days when both shows were about equal, a lot of event could take place in a 3 weeks span. And in all actuallity this Wyatts/Shield program could still continue on if the Wyatts, Ambrose and Rollins all aligned with the Authority. This gives more backing to Bray when feuding with Cena and puts Rollins in a major roll to take down the Authority.

I do agree though, that this wouldn't really happen with the way and pace at which stories are booked these days. But you gotta admit, that with this feud alone, WWE can really capitalize, finally resurrecting Smackdown, improving Network sales/views, creating 3 big stars for the "next generation" after WM 30.
wwe have a golden opportunity regarding the shield here. Have the Wyatt family "Convert" a member of the shield (most likely Reigns) and have ambrose and rollins go after the family to reclaim their comrade only for Ambrose to turn on Reigns at the last moment on the basis that they are fine without him. This leaves Rollins torn between siding with Ambrose and abandoning his friend Reigns or turning his back on Dean and trying to save Reigns. This can then eventually lead to a face turn for Rollins where he goes after the family on his own only to be put down by a brainwashed reigns time and time again. Ambrose, annoyed that Rollins turned his back on him, attempts to destroy Rollins as well, leading to a three way dance at Mania between the three former members of the shield.
The match needs to take place in the Chamber. There has never been an Elimination Chamber Tag match, and its the most played match on WWE 13 and 14.

Give the IWC something because we all know Bryan will not win and Punk Aint coming back!

That's not going to happen. WWE wants to push all or at least half of these guys as future stars and a chamber tag match means too many guys have to get pinned.
This match will be fantastic as it is, better to sit back and enjoy the ride rather than try and brainstorm ways in which to try and make it even more golden.

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