Punk Rock (The Rock and CM Punk as a tag team?)


Championship Contender
Would you like to see it?

Could you see them having great chemistry being that both are great talkers. What about in-ring chemistry?

Do you just hate this idea for the fact that it was based upon the name combo of two guys that just happens to be a genre of music?
(and if so) If they sang a Punk Rock song together would that sway you?

CM Punk vs The Rock at Royal Rumble... then what if it was CM Punk teaming with The Rock by SummerSlam 2013?
So really you have just pulled this out of your hat because the name Punk-Rock comes to mind?
I can see it happening as a one time only kind of thing, Rock-Cena Survivor series esque. But not as a regular tag team, and I doubt they would name the team in this way unless in jestful passing commentairy.

As far as their Mic skills coming into play, they would just clash and it would not be great chemistry, better as oponents.
As far as In-Ring chemistry goes, as a tag team NO...the only real way a tag team ever seem to have "chemistry" between each other is when they have double team moves...which I doubt would come into play.
Real chemisry comes from a 1 on 1 situation when you do the move, the other guy sells the move, in which case only time will tell. It should be a much better match than Rock, Cena was....but less hyped and less of a big deal.
I hate it when people come up with these "mash-up" tag team names for 2 singles wrestlers working as a tag team. "Jeri-Show", "Show-Miz", "Air-Boom", etc., are tag team names that take little effort to come up with. Where's the creativity and originality? These type of names is just a lazy way of coming up with something.

It's just a peeve I have. Now we have "Punk-Rock". It makes no sense. Both guys are different from the other. It's also sucks that tag team wrestling in the WWE has come to merging names, personalities, etc., in order to create a credible tag team or division. It's just a gripe I have..
As far as In-Ring chemistry goes, as a tag team NO...the only real way a tag team ever seem to have "chemistry" between each other is when they have double team moves...which I doubt would come into play.

Tag Team finisher: GTS into a Rock Bottom.

as they fall back off the GTS impact Rock catches them before they fall and plants them to the mat with authority making everything from the time they are on Punk's shoulders to the time they hit the mat, action packed!

BTW, like what I did there? Combining names and finishers?

We'd call it the GTS on the Bottom Bunk

and it makes sense, you're taking them from the top bunk (Punk's shoulders) to the bottom bunk (the mat)

I think we have a tem here guys!


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No- its a horrible idea- why would the Rock wanna tag with anyone? Obviously Punk would benefit from tagging with the Rock- but really why would one of the biggest names in the history want to tag with anyone that isn't going to further is exposure? Cena is a pretty big star- so it made sense- CM PUNK- not so much.
Cute idea to put the names together but neither guy feels much like a punk rocker. Maybe it works for a night but the team itself has no business lasting longer than that.

Where you nailed it is with the finisher. I'd love to see a GTS in to a Rock Bottom. It sounds like it would transition nicely and make for a cool spot. The victim would have to remember to stay pretty out of it as they went up for the Rock Bottom as opposed to showing a ton of fear for what is about to happen since they were already kicked in the head. The next question is who would get the pinfall.

Overall though, I am happy and really hoping Punk can get to be a hated heel. No more face Punk and definitely no tweener smark loved Punk.
No I would not like to see this. Your idea is to team them up and fight who? Let’s just destroy what’s left of the tag division. I mean who would they face that would be challenging and entertaining. Now if you’re talking a one or two night deal then sure. Other than that, then no.
In real life CM Punk does not like The Rock. He talked bad about The Rock during the WM 28 build up. I don't see them having good chemistry at all.
Firstly, punk rock isn't popular in 2012. CM Punk referring to himself as such shows his age, as punk had a huge resurgence during his teen years in the 1990's. Having CM Punk team up with The Rock in 2012 and sing a punk rock song (like what, "I Wanna Be Sedated" or "California Uber Alles" perhaps?) sounds like a perfect moment for Ron Simmons to walk on screen, give a puzzled look and say his catchphrase.

So in summary, this is a horrible, horrible idea but considering we just met May Young's grown up son on Raw, it's probably going to happen.
Oh please NO Let Rock's legacy be preserved as being part of NOD and the Rock & Sock connection (maybe the Corporation too) but not Punk & Rock.

1. Punk doesnt deserve the opportunity to compete against the Rock let alone tag with the Rock. The guy badmouthed the Rock when Rock returned for his match against Cena, talking shit about taking a current guy's place blah blah blah while he was pushing for a match against SCSA. Hypocritical much?

2. Rock is not the old school Rock we saw in R&S connection anymore. now he's Dawyne 'Rock' Johnson, an established movie star and a legend in WWE. Let him compete individually since he only makes sporadic appearances. We saw what happened when he last teamed up with someone and believe me Cena is 10x bigger and draws 10x more than Punk.

3. IF Rock is gonna team up with someone let it be a younger guy (No, not the overhyped Ziggler whose in his 30's) but a 20 someone which great charisma so that the young guy can get a good rub off it.

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