I just want to say thanks to nightmare and anyone else who backed or put in a good word for me in the cage. nightmare said (in a thread that's been deleted) that some people tried to trade me for cm_punk12 (I guess it was some kind of trade negotiation in the cage) and I appreciate it.
I wouldn't feel right being let out and someone taking my spot. Every time I'd see the person's name I'd think it was my fault and that they probably hated me ("I'm in here because of you bastard!

Anyway, these are the guys on my rep page and most of them have repped me numerous times, even at times when I haven't posted something REPutable and knowing I can't rep them back so if you need to spread around some rep, hit these guys up with some of the green stuff
hatehabsforever, Enterkey, The Macios Mauler, Charlie Hedberg, Smooth Sexual Chocolate, The Best, Find'er Woo'er Ryder, Horace Sticklefish, The Big Black Crock, Gil T Azell, nightmare, Numbers, Sully, Stinger, Serious Jones, Notorious 718.