1387. Getting close....113 I think? I don't know...I'm in sped math. I'm getting out next year though. Teachar sayz I rilly improvinggg on my works. I getz to bee in nomal clazzes now! Ya!
Only reason I got in Sped Math is because I didn't do any homework in 4th grade. Well...I still don't do any homework..but now I have study hall and shit to make that up in. But I think 5 years of dealing with all the other speds is enough for me.
A lot of the kids in my grade who are sped...are all normal...they just either have...ADD...which a lot of kids have and still do good...or they're just lazy. But they are pretty stupid too. I'm not in any advanced classes (on the reason of me..still being sort of lazy..and some classes not having a 92% (I had a fucking 91%...I really wanted Advanced English..but I was one fucking percent off...that's bullshit) so I had to deal with stupid kids all day.
In my sped math class...two things piss me off. When kids ask the teacher how to do something, and don't even look in their notes, or their study guide or whatever, they just automatically look at it without trying. And this..this really get's me fired up..but I..me personally..forced them to fix this one. When kids go "Do we plus it?" "Do we times it?" NO! It's fucking add, and multiply! It's not too fucking difficult you ******s!
But oddly enough..the sped teachers could never figure out why I'm so good at English (Yea.. believe it or not...I am....I have a 12th grade reading level...(Would be higher if it could go higher

) but I was shitty at math. I would have gotten probably gotten out back in 7th grade (I'm currently in 9th grade) but I personally blame it on the teachers. The 7th grade teacher messed around the whole time, and the 8th grade bitch (she still haunts me to this day) was ******ed herself.
I finally get somebody normal, and look at that...I get out.
ANYWAY. My rep is at 1387. In that time that I typed that. I did that calculations..so yes..it is 113. Yay! Good thing my iPod has a calculator.