Pokémon GO

Sweet, looks like I'm waiting on using my lucky egg until I can get 10 more candies so I can evolve that Tyrouge as well.
Just nabbed Chikorita with a pineapple that was nice. But now I think it'll evolve to be better than both of my Bayleef's and kind of wanna get the candies to evolve that first so I can evolve the best Bayleef. The struggle is real.
Entei's a dick. Weird pattern but I think my phone was also lagging. 2/10 which is awful.
Caught my first Entei today. 1 from 3, so not a bad ratio really. Still need a Lugia but that ship may have sailed now. I hope not.
3/11 foor Entei now. Had a good hour out that included a Togepei hatch, a Dragonair, Entei and Misdreavus.
It was shit but pinapped and transferred for 11 candies.

I pinap shit Dragonites all the time to get 20 candies. Also, consider that I've evolved 3 Dragonites.
My Facebook pokemon go group is so fucked. Some dude last night hatched a 100% IV Snorlax and posted it. Another guy (who always has to compare with what he's got to what you've got... he's the highest level in the group so no one beats him) was like " The problem is Snorlax isn't that good in battle, id prefer my 100% IV Lapras". STFU dude hahaha, I haven't got any 100% IV pokemon and this dude won't even praise someone else on a 100% IV Snorlax.
Finally found a Bayleef raid and now I have the candies to evolve it. Still planning to evolve a Chikorita first. Also 9 candies away from evolving a 2nd Tyrouge now.
Yo slags I'm level 35 now.

I'm 200k from 36. Fuck this grind is tiring.

I did manage to get all 10k eggs, finally. And I had about 2000 coins saved up so I bought 8 incubators. I'm at 7.5 right now.

If nothing else, I'm about to get a gang of stardust.
Our local raid group have started doing socials with lures/pub and tons of xp/stardust so that's helping. The fact I'm now on the same level as Nate fills me with pride!
Results: Mareep, Miltank, Skarmory, Dratini, 2 Larvitar, and 3 Porygon. Meh. However, I got 21,000 stardust and 9000xp out if it. So, well fucking worth it.
Ended up hatching another 6 5k eggs for another 9000 stardust. Finished the day a cunt hair short of 400k stardust. Nothing notable hatched except a 100% Hoppip.

But I got a CP 711 93% Larvitar in the wild. That's my catch of the day.

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