Pokémon GO

Caught Cubone/Bayleaf/Dunsparce/Polywhirl, evolved Eevee to Flareon and Oddish to Gloom, hatched Drowzee/Psyduck.

Finally reached level 20.
Water event has started apparently. Toronto is drowning in Squirtles and other water type Pokemon. Also you can now get Makicarp shiny's and some sort of hat.
Navi how common in Toronto are Tauros'?

Baylee and Meganium get!

Caught 219, seen 224 with 76 of Johto.
Got Remoraid and Chinchou for new things during this event so far. And then I've gotten the candies to evolve Wartortle and Slowpoke (including catching a 729 CP one today which is my best one). Also been racking up candies for Magikarp and Poliwag. Hoping to at least be able to evolve Poliwhirl by time this event ends, but preferably evolve Poliwag and then a Poliwhirl since my Poliwag is better than my Poliwhirl.
Navi how common in Toronto are Tauros'?

Baylee and Meganium get!

Caught 219, seen 224 with 76 of Johto.

Haven't seen one Tauros since Gen 2 was released.

EDIT: Water event ends on Wednesday. Apparently shiny Magikarp's will stay in the game and if you evolve one you get a red Gyarados. More shiny's are supposed to be released as well. No idea of which one's though.

My son has caught over 150 Magikarp's not one shiny yet.
Yeah I've been fucking racking up Magikarp candies and still no shiny ones. Motherfuckers.

I evolved my Scizor today. Up to 200/206. Lee left me in the fucking dust.
Navi how common in Toronto are Tauros'?

Oh sorry but to answer the question, they were everywhere before, common as mud, but since the gen 2 release, they've all but disappeared. My son said a few of his friends have commented on the fact that Tauros is now rare.
Ah thanks, there for a wedding in a few months and was hoping to catch one.
Have been enjoying the water Pokemon event. Caught Slowpoke/Psyduck/Tentacool/Tentacruel/Magikarp/Omanyte/Mantine/Seel/Qwilfish. Evolved Wopper/Marill/Eevee (to Espeon).
2 Poliwag catches away from Poliwrath. And 2 Squirtle catches away from being able to evolve my Squirtle and the better Warturtle.
Can now evolve Poliwhirl, also over the half way point now to evolving Magikarp. Too bad after this event is over they'll go back to hardly ever popping up again.

My evolution item for a 7 day streak was a sun stone, does that evolve anything but Sunkern?
Sudowoodo caught. Only a 25 CP but I've never seen one before today and I wasn't gonna miss my chance to get it. Also got the candies to evolve Skiploom, 18 of 19 things I plan to evolve soon I now have the candies for.
Well I had a good egg hatching day, hatched Doduo this afternoon and now I can evolve it and a few minutes ago I hatched Porygon, my first one. Of course who knows how long it'll take me to get the candies to evolve it but I do have the item at least.

Up to 145 caught.

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