Please bring back the six sided ring to Lockdown!

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JC CooL 420
I know that they are probably done with the six sided ring, but the Leathal Lockdown match looked awesome in the six sides of steel and I would hate to see it look like a generic Cage match or Hell in a Cell match... I really think Lockdown should be the only night we see the six sided ring, it would also make the PPV stand out more...

What do you guys think? Will Leathel Lockdown be the same in a normal squared circle or should they bring out the six sides of steel???
No, no, no, a thousand times hotter than hell no.

As Hogan said on January 4th, "play time is over", and bringing back that stupid six-sided ring just because it has two extra sides of chained fence would be a monumental mistake seeing as TNA is desperately trying to reinvent themselves right now. Talk about short-term thinking.

Would the jackasses in the front row love it for the three hour show? Absolutely. Would the fans TNA is trying to actually gain like it? Hard to say, but I can tell you that they'd certainly be confused as fuck as to why the hell the four-sided ring magically vanished and then re-appeared the next night on iMPACT!

Six-sides is deader than dead. Deal with it and move on already!
The six-sided ring is gone and it's time to accept it and move on. Far too many fans put too much emphasis on the importance of the shape of TNA's ring. I don't know if I could care less about it really. TNA iMPACT! is on Monday nights now, they're getting killed by Raw in the ratings and they're drawing some of the worst numbers they've literally had in years. TNA has much bigger and more important things on its plate right now than catering to the nostalgia the six-sided ring represents for some.
The four sided ring is the one thing TNA is doing right.

Now when I flip to TNA during RAW commercials the first thought that goes through my head isn't "God damn that ring is fucking stupid." Usually now it's "Hey look, it's Eric Bischoff - again." *click*
I see where what you're aiming for, but I'm not too good on more change, right now. Although I will admit, the six-sided ring could become a gimmick reserved ONLY for a specific PPV (i.e. probably Lockdown). One Pay-Per-View with a particular, even unique, ring. How's that for a gimmick?? Don't necessarily make it about the matches but maybe a bit more about the venue. They happen to have twelve damn PPVs in a year, so what's to stop them from making a few of them different? An opportunity to differentiate their PPVs in a unique way. That could make TNA special in comparison to the E. A match format doesn't suffice, let's just go further. A new fucking ring to give one Pay-per-View a special attitude/look/meaning!! Think about it, people!
Man what are you on right about now???

The six-sided ring is long gone and is never coming back! Let it go and live with it! I agree that the traditional ring in TNA is the only real good that TNA has done in a long while. Hulk has his wrestling business smarts when it comes down to it.

So if you love wrestling matches that take place in six-sided rings some much. Go down to AAA in Mexico man.
While I didn't mind 6 sides, I much rather prefer 4 sides for this reason: camera angles/issues.

With 6 sides TNA would miss so many spots that it ruined alot of matches/PPVs. For the very second the went back to 4-sides, they hadn't missed anything worth watching. If you really want to enjoy TNA shows on TV, it has to be with a 4-sided ring because the angles just don't work well with 6-sides.
Poɘt;1914990 said:
While I didn't mind 6 sides, I much rather prefer 4 sides for this reason: camera angles/issues.

With 6 sides TNA would miss so many spots that it ruined alot of matches/PPVs. For the very second the went back to 4-sides, they hadn't missed anything worth watching. If you really want to enjoy TNA shows on TV, it has to be with a 4-sided ring because the angles just don't work well with 6-sides.

totally agree, to add to it, i'd really get annoyed with the 6 sided ring on irish whips. sometimes the guy getting whipped didn't know what side to go to and would stop his momentum a bit and look confused. i'm thankful it's gone, that's one of the things the Hogan/Bischoff regime has done right.

we don't need 2 more turnbuckles for Flair to flip over either :lmao:
Six sides is no good. I'm glad to see it gone, it seemed very tacky and made matches boring. Not also that, but the great JR said it best... It doesn't matter kind of ring it is, it matters whats going on in the ring.

Right now, NBA has a rival company called slam ball that's out. It's fun to watch, but it will never catch on, because it's ridiculous. It has trampolines and anyone can dunk!

TNA needs to focus on whats in the ring, not the ring itself. Because if they have some more crappy PPVs like they have been having, it won't matter what ring they will have, because no one will be in it.
For Lockdown, oh yes, definitely. Lockdown was something that would look different and unique, especially when the other when 364 days of the year are occupied by the four-sided ring. But, bring it back for Lockdown only. TNA always looked like an indy promotion with a TV Deal (basically ROH on steroids. lulz, I just got the irony of that) with the six-sided ring. If they want to be big time, they gotta keep the six sided ring. It didn't set them apart from the WWE, it made them look secondhand.

Imagine that. Actual improvements in TNA. The thought of it.
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