well seing as you didnt agree with anything I stated. what do you personally think caused the death and ratings decline of WCW- let me respond to some of your responses to my comments
"No, adding people like Bubba Rodgers and Scott Norton to the fold was called "strength in number". Besides, the NWO has to look fierce but still has to look as if they have have weak points. The major players can't be those weak points. Therefore, you have men like Bubba Rodgers in the fold. Plus, you need pawns to do the dirty work. It's chess, plain and simple."
-ill agree with you somewhat on that, but that coincides with what I later say about being watered down-how the hell could it have possibly been NWO vs. WCW anymore when the only two stars still as part of "WCW" were a few jobbers and of course Ric Flair and Sting-in November of 96 Bischoff told everyone they had yay amount of time to turn their WCW contracts into NWO contracts-if this had happened how would we have ever seen another wrestling match or fued, seeing as every single person would have been in 1 faction
"No, it has to look like the NWO has an insider who wields the power to legitimize their power and to create the weak link for their fall later. It's more believable for Bischoff to be the die hard Hogan manager than for him to be the fan and supporter who got his heart broken. It helped create one of wrestling's greatest heels and most memorable personas."
-again ill agree with you somewhat on this, but even WCW employees said this was a big mistake in interviews, and in many shoots ive seen they say that in any organization its a curse for the booker to start writing himself in storylines
"I really don't see how this was a nail. They did what WWE does alot now. They had one ending and then they did something to please the crowd. The difference is that they did it on ppv rather than a dark match. Pretty much, the crowd was starting to think that WCW would never beat the NWO. This showed that was not true and gave momentum to WCW again."
-you say they did what WWE does a lot now, well WWE has been on a downward ratings slide themselves havent they, and it didnt please the crowd, it dumbfounded them, because Sting got pinned straight and simple with no fast count but then Bret Hart in his WCW debut came to the ring and declared it a fast count and order the match restarted and that the bell be rung when hogan hadnt even tapped, and where did Hart get his power to restart matches and declare champions anyway, is was politicer Hogan who wouldnt do the job cleanly, and had Sting won without controversy, many believe that the ratings slide that began in 98 wouldnt have happend
"It all depends on what your definition of "watered down" is. Do you mean that the stable got watered down with pawns or do you mean that the angle got watered down? Because pretty much, on the other side, RAW was being watered down with Stone Cold throughout the whole program. I mean I don't know about you, but I would rather see a variety of people in a stable than a whole program being dedicated to Stone Cold walking around outside someone's house trying to get in for two hours."
-there was a difference between Austin and some of the idiots that started to appear in the NWO, people actually liked Austin-had the original NWO that consisted of just Hall, Nash and Hogan been doing this things i'd sit and watch them run the show over and over again, but not people like Konnan and Big Bubba
"Actually, it's the same logic as to why a program goes from 1 hour to 2 hours. You figure that ratings are strong and you could not only feature your ratings grabber but also build up other stories with the extra time. It's not bad logic to be honest."
-i agree it looks good on paper, but on tv that was another story, add Thunder in there and then another hour to Nitro, they started running out of ideas, the 1st couple of 3 hour nitro specials were good, but the 1st 3 hour nitro that appeared after it was permanently switched to 3 hours was a horrible show, do you know how much "wrestling" was in this 3 hours, 11 minutes
"Not too long after Bret came to WCW, his brother died. If you are saying that a company should make a grieving employee work no matter what, then you are rather heartless. Sure, they were going to bring him along slowly rather than just making him a super-force, but tragedy ruined it all. And the aftermath was not going to be good either."
-Owen died in May of 1999, they didnt do shit with Bret since the start of his tenure there, and by that I mean all throughout 1998-in his debut at Starrcade 1997, he was a special referee in WCW vs. NWo match, yes not a wrestler, but a referee-yes he could have meant a whole new beginning for WCW, but he was just another pawn in the NWO storyline that wouldnt go away
"This one I don't get. So let me help you guys with this one. Wrestling is FAKE. The point of pro wrestling is for one guy to lay down for the othr. Now there are many ways that this can happen, but one still lays down for the other. The "Finger Poke Of Doom" was no different. The problem with it is that you people were salivating over seeing Hogan get his ass kicked by Nash and pretty much you got swerved. I could see if you paid good money and it happened on a ppv, which the Jarrett laying down for Hogan thing did and gets no flack for, but it was on free tv. Suck it up. It was funny. Plain and simple."
-its because this was the bait and switch routine that fans had seen so many times before and this one was the last straw-they wanted something new,but what ended up happening, yes something shocking that even hardcore internet fans didnt see coming- but all it was was another damn NWO birth
"Horrendous storyline like what? Dancing around backstage saying that he's going to take some Viagra and go "all night long"? No wait, that happened on RAW. Flair just wasn't going to be world champ. But he did still get prestige. Not sure what you mean by the storylines. You will have to elaborate before I can truly break down to you how pointless this statement was."
-this is the one i really wanted to contradict you on, that Raw storyline was absolutely nothing compared to the shit in WCW- by that i mean, lets see, oh yeah, Flair beeing beaten and left for dead in a Field while a camera man filmed his body laying there for the remainder of the show, or how about Flair in a mental institution and then Arn Anderson bailing him ouy, yes in WCW you can get out of a Mental Institution simply by posting bail- or how about him beeing buried alive in the desert outside of Las Vegas- or all the crap with his son David that is too numerous to even list
"So Goldberg should have kept going? It was about time it ended. I mean people say that Goldberg was a shit wrestler with no personality anyways. So now people are mad that his streak ended? Make up your minds."
-hey nobody else or myself ever said Goldberg was the best wrestler in the business, not by a longshot, but he was over like a son of a bitch and yes i think the time was right to end the streak, but not as part of...........you guessed it another NWO storyline, I think him losing the Sting or Flair would have been fantastic
These are my counter counter points to your counter points, and ill ask you again the enlighten me as to what you thought caused the Death of WCW, because if it wasnt at least one of this things, then I dont know what the hell it was