Pick your Crap: Khali or Batista

Pick your crap: Who do you prefer?

  • The Great Khali

  • Batista

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What's Batista's gimmick? Big roided babyface? Hogan did that so much better. And somehow he's a better worker. Khali's gimmick is as a monster. And he does pretty much what he's supposed to do. He cant sell? He's not supposed to.
I'm going to have to say Khali, and not just because I hate Batista, its also because the man has already had 3 championship title runs and I'm sick off seeing him as the champ every damn time I go to watch Smackdown. At least Khali was a fresh face in the title picture and really, at this point, Khali is the only big monster WWE has (unless you want to count Big Daddy V as well) and he played the part of the monster really well. I often had to put away my feelings when Kane was squashed by Khali, but at least I got some joy in watching Batista get crushed by Khali, causing WWE to kill the often tireless and unstoppable "Animal" gimmick that Batista had.
So if they are both bad in the ring which they are what else do we have to go off but there mic skills and lets see Batista who knows English and a little bit about grammar or Khali who knows nothing about either. I am going to have to go with Batista just by the fact that i give him a slight edge in mic skills.
Hands down, Batista. Khali is slow and sloppy in the ring. One match it was him and Rey one on one. I'm surprised he didn't hurt Rey badly. memo to the WWE, STOP TRYING TO CREATE A NEW ANDRE!!!!! There is not going to be another Andre the Giant so stop trying to make one. Hell if this was a thing of picking between John Cena or Batista, I'd still take Batista because nobody's started to boo at Batista yet. And it's got nothing to do with race with Khali, he has poor skills in the ring and for the most part he just stands there. He's a bad wrestler, period.
Batista is much better than Khali. While I agree that both are horrible, the cicher for me is one simple thing...Khali can't even bend his knees. How does WWE expect him to be able to wrestle? His matches suck because he can't take a bump. If you look at the great big men of all time (Andre, Undertaker, Yokozuna, Vader), they could all move very well for a big guy. Khali is too slow, has limited mobility, and honestly, is a risk to the health of everyone he works with. Batista is bad, but not nearly as bad as alot of people here think. He is a typical musclebound meathead wrestler, in the mold of Sid Vicious. He doesn't do anything original, he doesn't do anything complicated, but the things he does do, he does well. He doesn't have the ability to carry a match, but, as has been mentioned, he has the tools to be in one if someone else is calling the shots. Khali simply can't.
The Great Khali was the tallest wrestler in history. 7ft 4in. All you ppl can go with each other but The Great Khali is a monster to be feared. He beat Kane at his first WrestleMaine, that cool....ok Kane suck ballz. wait til WM24
Hands down, Batista. Khali is slow and sloppy in the ring. One match it was him and Rey one on one. I'm surprised he didn't hurt Rey badly. memo to the WWE, STOP TRYING TO CREATE A NEW ANDRE!!!!! There is not going to be another Andre the Giant so stop trying to make one. Hell if this was a thing of picking between John Cena or Batista, I'd still take Batista because nobody's started to boo at Batista yet. And it's got nothing to do with race with Khali, he has poor skills in the ring and for the most part he just stands there. He's a bad wrestler, period.

Andre was a crap wrestler. You're just blinded by hype.

How does WWE expect him to be able to wrestle? His matches suck because he can't take a bump.

He doesn't need to bump.

If you look at the great big men of all time (Andre, Undertaker, Yokozuna, Vader), they could all move very well for a big guy.

The only one I agree with is Vader. brillaint wrestler for a fat bastard. Andre and 'Zuna sucked. Neither could wrestle. 'Zuna could run and bump into people. So can Viscer. Does that make him a great big man? Nope.

Khali is too slow, has limited mobility, and honestly, is a risk to the health of everyone he works with.

He hasn't injured anybody yet. That's Batista & Henrys job. Khlai hasn't nearly crippled himself by landing on his back or running into a turnbuckle. Those two have.

Batista is bad, but not nearly as bad as alot of people here think. He is a typical musclebound meathead wrestler, in the mold of Sid Vicious.

Who was also shit, and pushed beyond his means.

He doesn't do anything original, he doesn't do anything complicated, but the things he does do, he does well.

He's excellent at shaking the ropes, Warrior style.

He doesn't have the ability to carry a match, but, as has been mentioned, he has the tools to be in one if someone else is calling the shots.

Most wrestlers can be carried. Applaud the wrestlers he's wrestling.
wrong on the tallest wrester in history have you for got about the big show @ 7 ft 5 inch or andre the giant ... 7 feet 4 inches

Both of you are wrong.

Andre was billed as 7ft but was more like 6'10'' (Kevin Nash is the same size) and the Big Show is legit 7ft. Khali is 7'3'' and a quarter.

Things in wrestling are usually exagerated. Do you honestly believe Rey Mysterio is 5'6'' or that Vince McMahons testicles are the size of grapefruits?
Khali is tall that in itself is an acheivment, because Batista cant be 7 ft even tho he tries by taking roids i choose Khali.

I only think Khali is better because he actually does his job good, just molesting people with his hands and being evil, trying to take the belt and staying 7ft.

Khali isnt great but God Batista has ruined himself, first Batista used to be able to do wrestling moves now he can only walk into people (spear) and punch. Second Batista cant draw, he is boring, cuts crap promos and is to roided up to be real.

At least Khali learned a new move even if it is and excuse to molest people.
At least Khali can be a great heel and hes 7ft, well Batista cant be 7ft.
Khali if he had someone decent to feud could be a good heel champion because all he has to do is dominate in a matchup and try get the uperhand, hes already done the job of getting us to hate him very well indeed.
Batista. At least he can cut and audible promo, albeit a crap one but the fact it's in English definitely helps. Plus he at least has some sort of Arsenal of moves.
I would have to chose Batista.
At least he can speak English and do a few good moves in the ring, he may not be the best at cutting promo's but he can become better over time. The crowd absoloutley love him! I wouldn't like him become the next John Cena though or fans will turn on him...
Khali, I can name all the moves he does on one hand. All he does is walk with his stupid little sidekick. He probaly don't even understand what his little right hand man is saying half the time when he goes "Khali says..." He is not a "wrestler" but I have to admit he does really well at getting good crowd heat.
Batista, hands down though!
I say Batista.

He is deff the better of two evils. While neither have the greatest moveset at least Batista can have a good Match. Batista's Promo skills arent that bad when he is calm and cool he can actually pull off a decent promo but when he gets mad and starts shouting thats when things go south. Kahli's promos are funny but thats only cuz you cant understand him, it sounds like he's got a mouth full of marbles.

So it's gotta be Batista BY FAR
Khali simply because he is unique. How hard would it be to find a 7 foot 3 inches man who weighs upwards of 400 pounds compared to find a 6 foot 2 inches who is around 300 pounds. Khali plays his monster heel gimmick perfectly. Batista on the other hand is much smaller with another limited moveset always thrust into the spotlight when he can barely wrestle. Batista is the smackdown equilavent of John Cena.
If Vince wanted a giant in the WWE he should have got Paul Wight(Big Show) that man was the best giant inthe WWF/E ever he weighed more than bascially everybody and he could at least move.

You do know Big Show has signed with the WWE, right? I just want to know if you keep up on the news.

As for your subject, I'd take Batista over Khali anyday because if Batista is working with the right guy, like the Undertaker, he can put up a pretty good match (@ WrestleMania, Backlash). Khali, on the otherhand, isn't what I'd call the WWE's "Best Big Man" because he's terrible on the mic, and has less moves then John Cena.
I think Batista sucks big time but at least he draws, unlike Khali. The roided up jackass has somehow managed to get over and is one of the biggest baby faces in WWE today. As for Khali, nobody likes him. The fans hate him but its not the good kind of hate. Good hate would be how the fans hate Edge. This is good because a lot of people watch Smackdown hoping to see Edge lose or get his ass kicked. Fans hate Khali in a way that they change the channel when he shows up. This guy doesn't do anything good. He is the most un-entertaining wrestler probably ever and most of the wrestlers hate to work with him. The worst part of all is he is not at all over. I would not watch Smackdown when he was champion. When ROidista was champ I would at least watch to hopefully see someone beat him. They both suck ass in the ring but at least Roidista has gotten over and sells tickets and merchandise. Khali is just worthless.
Batista is definetly better that Khali by far at least Batista can do an actual move on someone.Batista does have his five moves like John Cena but if I knew that Khali was going to be in the main event match at a show and I was going to that show I wouldn't pay my money to go and watch him.Batista can at least entertain the crowd.Where Khali just comes in the ring slaps a guy in the head and hopes to get over the opponent so people can boo him, but almost half the time the crowd doesn't care unless your five years old.
I cant stand either they both never deserved winning the championship, But i would have to say batista simply becouse he has had some ok matches, or matches that have been better then the great khali anyway. like the batista and undertaker fued that was better then the undertaker and great khali fued. or the batista tripple H fued was better then the john cena great Khali. the only reason the great khali is even employed by the wwe is becouse of his size wow look at me im tall hire me. that seems to be the way you get hired now, not by being a good wrestler but looking big and or scary.
Batista is alot better than khali. Batista had one of the best rivalries in 2007 with the Undertaker all of those matches were entertaining. On the other hand you have Khali who greatest match was probably against John Cena in that falls count anywhere match which was boring as hell!!
Batista is alot better than khali. Batista had one of the best rivalries in 2007 with the Undertaker all of those matches were entertaining. On the other hand you have Khali who greatest match was probably against John Cena in that falls count anywhere match which was boring as hell!!

Now I cant stand both superstars but the only reason Batista had a good rivalry was because he was fueding with the best in the business The Undertaker. Batista is terrorble there is nothing that could possible make him a deserving champion he has nothing except the body which really doesn't matter as much as it used to, Kahli on the other hand has the size which again isn't much but it's kind of hard to make an Animalistic face. Batistas gimmick worked better in evolution and I blame that on Triple H himself the only reason Batista was pushed was because of the Game. Pick Your Crap I Pick Batista, Kahli has more potential on account of his size.
Batista by far. His promos are alright and so are his in-ring abilities. He can even put on a decent match when paired with the right people, such as Edge and Undertaker.

Khali just sucks. Period. His promos suck because he can't even speak English, he only has like 5 moves, and he can barely walk faster than a snail.
anyone can put on a good match when paired with the right people. it's nothing to do with the wrestler, more the opponent.

batista's replaceable - anyone of average ability and steroids could replace him. khali, as slow as he is, is a giant and that's hard to replace. batista's over with the crowd and that's y he gets a push, just like cena, rey and jeff hardy. and the whole english thing... HE'S INDIAN!!! big deal if he can't speak great english.
anyone can put on a good match when paired with the right people. it's nothing to do with the wrestler, more the opponent.

batista's replaceable - anyone of average ability and steroids could replace him. khali, as slow as he is, is a giant and that's hard to replace. batista's over with the crowd and that's y he gets a push, just like cena, rey and jeff hardy. and the whole english thing... HE'S INDIAN!!! big deal if he can't speak great english.

The thing is, WWE has too many monsters. Umaga, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, and Snitsky.all have the same purpose. All of them, especially Umaga, are better than Khali. Plus, Big Show is due to return anytime soon, and he makes Khali completely obsolete. They're both about the same size, yet Big Show can cut a decent promo and he has a great moveset for a man his size.

Great WWE stars have great mic and in-ring abilities. Khali lacks both. At least Batista can do both decently. Batista's opponents usually make him look good, but Khali can't even allow his opponents to do that. Remember his encounter with Hogan? If these two ever had a match, it'll be one of the VERY RARE cases in which Hogan has to carry his opponent through the match.
The thing is, WWE has too many monsters. Umaga, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, and Snitsky.all have the same purpose. All of them, especially Umaga, are better than Khali. Plus, Big Show is due to return anytime soon, and he makes Khali completely obsolete. They're both about the same size, yet Big Show can cut a decent promo and he has a great moveset for a man his size..

But even Big Show would have to be considered an underdog in a match with Khali. And that's what Khali's appeal is. He is THE ultimate challenge. Umaga, Snitsky, those guys have been beaten so much, they've lost the credibility. And even though they are big, you could still roll them up for the pin. Mark Henry is a filler, who squashes jobbers but jobs to the big guys like Batista and Undertaker. Big Daddy V is a monster, but he still looks like a guy like Taker or Batista or Kane could put up an even bout. Khali completely overshadows anyone else in the WWE. Khali makes Henry, V, Snitsky, Umaga, Big Show, Batista, and Taker look small. That in itself is an impressive feat. Plus, idk if this is just me, but Khali looks like he could make a fun monster face turn. I think I'm just having another Oddities flashback.
i'm aware of all that, in fact read the master debater section and you'll see i made the same points. and with all that you said, i would strongly disagree that snitsky or mark henry are btr than khali. umaga yes.

he's not an athletic guy, but he's there because he makes Taker and Batista look small which as, Albert has pointed out, takes a lot.
I prefer Batista and that's saying something because I aren't a big Batista fan at all. If anything his personal life interfered with what I thought about him. I never liked him before, but after seeing an extract of the mans autobiography I felt hatred for him. In the ring he can perform when he is in a tag team match, or a faction, or anything that isn't just him. He himself is bland. His wrestling skill isn't good, and he can hardly move an audience either way.

The Great Khali I just hate. His best match was with Cena definately. However if that match was between any other two wrestlers we would probably have not noticed it, or said 'Meh, ok'. Cena deserves a lot of credit for this, as KHali just doesn't have good matches. Umaga is also big, but he has skill and uses his size to his advantage. Khali just can't do anything. He is hard to move, and it so stiff he is boring.

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