Pick One: A Returning Poster

Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.
It's simple.

Choose one poster you would like to see return here to these forums. Perhaps they left long ago, a little more recently or still stop in on occasion and you would like to see them here more.

My choice would be whoever that goth chick with big tits was.
I would say Echelon. Granted he's not actually gone, but he doesn't stop in here nearly as much as he used to.
Shocky. The f'ing original Shockmaster.

The fact that he's gone MIA crushes me. And then the tag tournament...

Oh man... I have a bunch of 'em. Prax, AE, Tex, Josh, AJ- all of them were great posters and cool to talk to.
Shango was the first person that came to mind. I'm sure their are others. Monkey as well, though he seems to be on, just when I'm not.
Jake is, was and always will be my all time favorite poster.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Sidious back...
Papa Shango...former non-wrestling sections moderator. Also, I think his love of film surpasses mine and xfearbefore's combined (although he was never very big on foreign films :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:).

I'm a big foreign movie fan, i love all the big hollywood blockbusters.
NSL. I miss him. When he was here, I would actually post non-spam, or even start the occasional thread in Music.

M_F: Who doesn't miss him?!

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