petition to WWE

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do you think it will stand a chance or even be considerd or looked at if a petition was sent to WWE about ECW and what the fans want to see,cause i read somewhere else that its pointless.just wanted to get your opinions on this.
What do you mean?, where is this coming from?, a petition?, you mean if all the fans signed something saying they hated it?, Vince is to egotistical, he wouldn't even open the letter, he has no heart, lol. :)
yeah,if a bunch of fans sign it saying to quit screwing up ECW more than it is
No, you two must be crazy, do you even know who Vince is?, he'd never pitty the fans, everyone hates him backstage, and that is because he is a one man gang, he listens to his mind and no one elses.
Myko said:
What do you mean?, where is this coming from?, a petition?, you mean if all the fans signed something saying they hated it?, Vince is to egotistical, he wouldn't even open the letter, he has no heart, lol. :)

I'm not sure, but that could just be the way hes been portrayed on Television. I dont know otherwise, so dont bash me if I'm wrong.
Petitions almost never work.

Here are two things that people need to keep in mind about ECW:

1. Don’t expect it to be the same as the old ECW. As long as Vince McMahon is running the show, ECW will be built based on his philosophy and vision.

2. Don’t expect the new ECW to get bigger than the WWE. Vince McMahon brought back ECW in order to make money off the memory of the old ECW, but he would never allow it to become bigger than his #1 company.

Once everyone realizes these two things, then they could begin to enjoy ECW for what it is as opposed to what it is clearly not.
I won't bash you, I'm nice, but all the insiders are saying he has bad heat backstage, everyone hates him because he changes scripts at the last second, underestimates Heyman's capabilities and is on the edge with his bookings all the time, nto to mention he did not ask Angle if he wanted to go to the ECW brand, that's why Angle is suspended, Vinces stupid desision, he sent him to ECW, Angle has emotional problems because of that and he took time off, Vince then got arrogant and suspended him 30 days. :)
Try it though, what are you gonna lose except and chance to make the whole wrestling world better!
You know, he wouldn't even believe a petition, you could've just signed all the names yourself, that's what he could say, all that matters to him is ratings, and when they go down the drain, which they will, he might change his mind on controlling ECW. But I like him controlling it, it gives it good ratings, people get more into it when they hate the owner, he's arrogant, just what ECW needs, I like the guy, I change my mind.
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