People are too hard on John Cena

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I wanna know seriously, why the Smark community is so hard on John Cena, his ring skills are not that bad, if you looked at his set list of moves, he is just as versatile has Batista (who I think is overated anyways) in the ring. I can understand you bashing him, because of his stupid Babyface story turn, but bashing the cat for his ring skills is a little harsh. He is not as bad as you guys make him out to be. I wanna know seriously, with valid points why you guys bash him so much
People boo him cause everyone is sick of him and he's had the title for more than a year
OK mr. Benjamin, I shall give you about 5 reasons.

1: He "Neva backs down, he neva quits" Story is getting old. Anyone know where "Westnewberry, MA" is, its a nice place, no crime or street thugs that he claims to be.

2: He held the WWE title from April to January, droped it for 2 weeks to Edge, then, like the belt hog he is, got it back from late January to now (early June)

3: At Mania, he put on the worst show I've ever seen. His entrance was gay as fuck (Mr. Benjamin is more than likely a "Chain gang member'', so look to him to deny that point) and he punched Trips like a thousand times, did that gay slam that i call the "Cena slam", then does the worst rendition of the STF i have ever seen. The name is even gay being it is the STFU. Which is what i would love to say to Cena's face if i ever saw him.

4: He has horrible mic skills, and looks like a fucking ****** when he gets his hair cut, practically bald on the back and sides and very little on the top, wtf kind of hair style is that?

5: He has everyone thinkin he is a good wrestler just cause he holds the title, need i remind you, Rey gay holds the WHC and he sucks just as bad as Cena.

That is actually like 7 reasons rolled into 5, I dare anyone to deny any of those, cause I will prove your ass wrong. "Cause i got husle, loyalty, and respek" Fuckin gay ass sayings, which is #8, his gay sayings.
FLUFF said:
OK mr. Benjamin, I shall give you about 5 reasons.

1: He "Neva backs down, he neva quits" Story is getting old. Anyone know where "Westnewberry, MA" is, its a nice place, no crime or street thugs that he claims to be.
So blaim the WWE for giving him that "never back down" gimmick. No need to have personal hate against him for it.

FLUFF said:
2: He held the WWE title from April to January, droped it for 2 weeks to Edge, then, like the belt hog he is, got it back from late January to now (early June)
That's a valid point, as its a very long reign. Although are you doing to deny the fact that however long and "annoying" his reign has been, its been very enjoyable. He had a good I Quit match with JBL, then a really good feud with Jericho, leading up to a great match at Summerslam. After that he had a really good feud with Angle, with some good matches, and Angle entertaining with his new-found intensity. The Elimination Chamber aftermath was a great swerve and unexpected. Then leading up to Wrestlemania he had a good feud with Triple H, and leading to Backlash the three-way promos with him Trips and Edge were priceless. We then at Backlash have a damn good match, and now its looking he could have a decent fued with RVD. I don't like him, but you can't surely argue the fact that love him or hate him, Cena has held that title through some good feuds with awesome crowd reaction.

FLUFF said:
3: At Mania, he put on the worst show I've ever seen. His entrance was gay as fuck (Mr. Benjamin is more than likely a "Chain gang member'', so look to him to deny that point) and he punched Trips like a thousand times, did that gay slam that i call the "Cena slam", then does the worst rendition of the STF i have ever seen. The name is even gay being it is the STFU. Which is what i would love to say to Cena's face if i ever saw him.
The majority of people enjoyed that match. Can I ask why it's the worst rendition of the STF? I think its most likely the fact Cena is doing it, therefore you're obviously biased against him and everything he does.

FLUFF said:
4: He has horrible mic skills, and looks like a fucking ****** when he gets his hair cut, practically bald on the back and sides and very little on the top, wtf kind of hair style is that?
It's the hair that matches the gimmick, and the hair that sells the merchandise and tickets. As for his mic skills, I don't see how you can call them horrible at all... He's very capable on the mic, when not given some cheesey script, which seem to have died down since all the booing and controversy.

FLUFF said:
5: He has everyone thinkin he is a good wrestler just cause he holds the title, need i remind you, Rey gay holds the WHC and he sucks just as bad as Cena.
He doesn't have everyone thinking he's a good wrestler, can you not hear the boos? Or do you just want to be the one that hates Cena against everyone else? It's not gonna happen, he's probably the most hated on the IWC right now. His gimmick has held him back in terms of the ring. Sure, he's no Benoit or Angle, but neither are Triple H, The Rock or Steve Austin. Cena in his early days was a much better wrestler, and clearly he is doing much more moves since his ring ability started being questioned. The gimmick is what caused his ring work to suffer. They wanted him to be beaten up, then at the end beat all the odds and win the heroic victory. Don't blame Cena for that.

FLUFF said:
"Cause i got husle, loyalty, and respek" Fuckin gay ass sayings, which is #8, his gay sayings.
The sayings are cheesy yeah, but they sell merchandise. From a business point of view, his "Fuckin gay ass sayings" are worth a lot of money for Vince.

Prove my ass wrong now please
^STFU, and no, I don't mean the shitty rendition that Cena does to the STF. I never fucking blamed Cena, never once. I didn't place the blame on anyone matter of fact. Quit tryin to be the little Cena mark in desguise takin up for him on all accounts. His fued with JBL sucked, he went up and beat a fat man who never shoulda had the title. Then, his fued with Jericho was even worse seeing as Jericho is a much better wrestler than Cena. And how the fuck can you say the leading up to WM 22 this year with Trips was good? All that happened was at SNME he pedigreed Cena. They barely even fought each other before the PPV. Then, the match at Backlash sucked, not gonna give any reasons, it just did, and I blame Edge AND Cena for that. And yes, i heard the boos, he sucked, he still does. I still heard and saw "CHAIN GANG MEMBERS" cheering him and whatnot. So he still has the majority fooled.

btw, if Cena wanted to be such a badass rebel, then he wouldn't use those cheesy ass sayings the WWE place on his head. He would come up with his own and demand that he get to say them. Or not, he could just be a corporate pushover and puppet and do exactly as Vince tells him to do. idk, but just stfu you fucking Cena mark, you mark out for the worst wrestler and you know it, which is why you're trying to defend him. so just stfu.
FLUFF said:

Mature, I can tell you're going to be a real asset to these forums :)

FLUFF said:
and no, I don't mean the shitty rendition that Cena does to the STF. I never fucking blamed Cena, never once. I didn't place the blame on anyone matter of fact. Quit tryin to be the little Cena mark in desguise takin up for him on all accounts.

I don't like him... I'm just not so blinded by my hate that I refuse to see that he is not as horrific as made out to be.

FLUFF said:
His fued with JBL sucked, he went up and beat a fat man who never shoulda had the title.

Haha, JBL should never have had the title? He was the best thing to happen to Smackdown since Lesnar, and everyone knows it. JBL is gold on the mic, and underrated in the ring. JBL carried Smackdown like no other imo, I hated him all through his reign, but then i saw what he'd done. A whole year of off the seat entertainment, the biggest heel since Triple H. JBL had the greatest title reign in years

FLUFF said:
Then, his fued with Jericho was even worse seeing as Jericho is a much better wrestler than Cena.

No, in your opinion the feud sucked because Cena came out on top. The feud was good, and the match was the best of Cena's career, all because Jericho is awesome. He carried Cena's ass and created an enjoyable feud, with some good matches.

FLUFF said:
And how the fuck can you say the leading up to WM 22 this year with Trips was good? All that happened was at SNME he pedigreed Cena. They barely even fought each other before the PPV. Then, the match at Backlash sucked, not gonna give any reasons, it just did, and I blame Edge AND Cena for that. And yes, i heard the boos, he sucked, he still does. I still heard and saw "CHAIN GANG MEMBERS" cheering him and whatnot. So he still has the majority fooled.

The feud leading up to Wrestlemania was good considering there was not a lot of time. Should they fight before Wrestlemania? I thought the whole idea was that they have the match at Mania... but what do I know... I'm just a Cena mark :icon_rolleyes:

FLUFF said:
btw, if Cena wanted to be such a badass rebel, then he wouldn't use those cheesy ass sayings the WWE place on his head. He would come up with his own and demand that he get to say them. Or not, he could just be a corporate pushover and puppet and do exactly as Vince tells him to do.

Yeah, because all employees have that power. I doubt you're old enough to have a job, due to your obvious ignorance and immaturity, but I don't think you could go up to your boss and demand more pay, less hours, where you sit, your lunch hours and your car parking space. It doesn't work like that in WWE either, they're given scripts, and they follow them. His crappy sayings and crappy gimmick have been the biggest draw since God knows when. We may not like them, but the merchandise buyers do, and that ultimately is what matters.

FLUFF said:
idk, but just stfu you fucking Cena mark, you mark out for the worst wrestler and you know it, which is why you're trying to defend him. so just stfu.

Can't someone ban him for doing this? how about you rebut, but this time with no "stfu" and "you're a Cena mark" comments. I don't like Cena, I can just see what he's doing is okay.
OK, I know I'm older than you, I have had 2 jobs in the past year. And that isn't the point. The point is, Cena is a big man, he can intimidate anyone on the creative staff. Lets say he does this telling them he wants to say better, cooler things. They turn him into Vince's office and he has a little "pow wow" with Cena. Cena then threatens to quit WWE cause he knows he could find work at TNA (or for that matter, the UFC since he's such a great "Fighter") and will walk out of WWE with the title. So yeah, it can be done. In fact, I don't know why he hasn't done it yet, cause not a lot of people like him anymore, TNA would know how to use him, and know to turn him heel as soon as he got there. Look what it did to Christian Cage, heel in WWE, no one liked him. Face in TNA, everyone is all over him. Maybe all Cena needs is to turn Heel, idk, get caught raping Trish Stratus or somthing, just anything to turn him heel.
FLUFF said:
OK, I know I'm older than you, I have had 2 jobs in the past year. And that isn't the point. The point is, Cena is a big man, he can intimidate anyone on the creative staff. Lets say he does this telling them he wants to say better, cooler things. They turn him into Vince's office and he has a little "pow wow" with Cena. Cena then threatens to quit WWE cause he knows he could find work at TNA (or for that matter, the UFC since he's such a great "Fighter") and will walk out of WWE with the title. So yeah, it can be done. In fact, I don't know why he hasn't done it yet, cause not a lot of people like him anymore, TNA would know how to use him, and know to turn him heel as soon as he got there. Look what it did to Christian Cage, heel in WWE, no one liked him. Face in TNA, everyone is all over him. Maybe all Cena needs is to turn Heel, idk, get caught raping Trish Stratus or somthing, just anything to turn him heel.

lmao, you're proposing Cena intimidate and threaten the WWE into getting what he wants? Ha! No offence, but no wonder you've had two jobs in the past year...
FLUFF said:
OK mr. Benjamin, I shall give you about 5 reasons.

1: He "Neva backs down, he neva quits" Story is getting old. Anyone know where "Westnewberry, MA" is, its a nice place, no crime or street thugs that he claims to be.

2: He held the WWE title from April to January, droped it for 2 weeks to Edge, then, like the belt hog he is, got it back from late January to now (early June)

3: At Mania, he put on the worst show I've ever seen. His entrance was gay as fuck (Mr. Benjamin is more than likely a "Chain gang member'', so look to him to deny that point) and he punched Trips like a thousand times, did that gay slam that i call the "Cena slam", then does the worst rendition of the STF i have ever seen. The name is even gay being it is the STFU. Which is what i would love to say to Cena's face if i ever saw him.

4: He has horrible mic skills, and looks like a fucking ****** when he gets his hair cut, practically bald on the back and sides and very little on the top, wtf kind of hair style is that?

5: He has everyone thinkin he is a good wrestler just cause he holds the title, need i remind you, Rey gay holds the WHC and he sucks just as bad as Cena.

That is actually like 7 reasons rolled into 5, I dare anyone to deny any of those, cause I will prove your ass wrong. "Cause i got husle, loyalty, and respek" Fuckin gay ass sayings, which is #8, his gay sayings.

This Guy Is The FUCKING MAN!!!
Wow Fluff, your support for your opinions sucked. And to whoever said "no wonder you've had two jobs in the past year, good one. So how's about you stop being such a hater and deal witht the fact that Cena is one of WWE's best at the moment. Heck, you could be like all the normal people who hate someone on WWE, and you know what you do then?? You turn off the TV or change the channel when someone you do not like comes on.
Treason said:
lmao, you're proposing Cena intimidate and threaten the WWE into getting what he wants? Ha! No offence, but no wonder you've had two jobs in the past year...

Nuff said,:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Whoa whoa whoa, look at the three Cena marks here. All they can say is that my opinions aren't backed up enough? That's hilarious, yep, you got me. And btw, I am currently still at those two jobs numb nuts. I am a part time "wrestler" how you say. I work at a pretty secure job and on Weekends am a "wrestler" for UCW (our local federation). I am a pretty straight forward, high flyer. Maybe, I judge Cena on the fact that he could be a high flyer, idk, but I can tell I have more legit fan base than Cena does.
well, I hope that makes you feel well, I really hope it does.... But ummm, your "resume" doesn't exactly back up your opinions, c'mon all you are saying is that Cena sucks and bashing the cena marks, go ahead and call us marks, your opinion still sucks
FLUFF said:
Whoa whoa whoa, look at the three Cena marks here. All they can say is that my opinions aren't backed up enough? That's hilarious, yep, you got me. And btw, I am currently still at those two jobs numb nuts. I am a part time "wrestler" how you say. I work at a pretty secure job and on Weekends am a "wrestler" for UCW (our local federation). I am a pretty straight forward, high flyer. Maybe, I judge Cena on the fact that he could be a high flyer, idk, but I can tell I have more legit fan base than Cena does.

LMFAO your only arguement is the fact you think we're Cena marks. "stfu, you're a Cena hater". See how pathetic it is? And as for you having a more legit fan base than Cena? That's almost as funny as Vito winning the World title. Do you sell millions of dollars worth of merchandise? Do you main event global pay per views? Does anyone chant your name (Mom and Dad no included soz)... That's the most riduculous statement I have ever heard.
^No, i don't sell millions of dollars worth of merchandise, but neither does Cena. WWE sells it with his stupid ass coined terms he says. (There, that isn't bashing Cena marks or saying he can't wrestle) And when was the last time a crowd of 255 people chanted Holy Shit, holy shit, holy shit after a move Cena did. The last time they did that, was last night when I did two 450's off the top rope onto the same person. I nearly broke my neck doin that, but the whole audience was chanting. I am loved by 94% of our audience, be that a small ass audience, its more legit fan base than Cena because he couldn't have near as much fan support as I do. So yeah, I have more fan base than Cena. (another reason he sucks)

Edit: Why don't we talk about how you were wrong about me. How your little "well no wonder you had two jobs in a year" joke didn't work? Huh, cause you don't know me, you tried to judge someone you just met today and crack a joke about the fact that he is living in his parents basement and unemployed loser. So, you were wrong. HAHAHAHAHA, funny funny funny. I make more in a month than I suppose you make in 2 months? HAHAHAHAHAHA, I make fun of you even though i don't know you HAHAHAHA
Alright w/e, although I think VERY differently from you Fluff, you are entitiled to your opinion and I'll respect it. Let's just call it truce, I was being hot-headed (I was actually wondering why because cena is'nt even one of my favorites, mine are actually Randy Orton and Edge)
FLUFF said:
^No, i don't sell millions of dollars worth of merchandise, but neither does Cena. WWE sells it with his stupid ass coined terms he says.

If Val Venis went round saying the same thing, he wouldn't sell nearly as much. To an extent yes it's WWE, but a lot of it is down to Cena

FLUFF said:
(There, that isn't bashing Cena marks or saying he can't wrestle) And when was the last time a crowd of 255 people chanted Holy Shit, holy shit, holy shit after a move Cena did.

When was the last time a crowd of 225 people chanted the same for The Rock? Or Austin? Or Hogan? You're a highflyer, that's your style. Just because its not the style of someone else doesn't mean you're better than them.

FLUFF said:
its more legit fan base than Cena because he couldn't have near as much fan support as I do. So yeah, I have more fan base than Cena. (another reason he sucks)

Erm, he has millions more fans than you... His fan base is the kids and women (with exceptions), and they buy his shirts, they wave his banners, they buy his spinning belt and they cheer him. I'm sorry, but whatever you say, you do not have a better fan base than Cena, it's just bullshit
^Fine, its bullshit, I think Axl has a good idea. That was my opinions, you ripped em apart, and that was what you wanted to do. Great. I'm a high flyer (who has a title match this week to which i am stoked about btw) and Cena's a brawler. Lets leave it at that and call a friggin truce.
Yea, can we just all handle this like mature ppl?? forget all this damn bs, this is what this forum is for, to state opinions, I guess we just forgot about that for a minute there
These are discussion forums... Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't we supposed to discuss and debate here? That's what we were doing as far as I can see......
^No, not really, we were just pickin apart each of our posts over and over again. Were this actually a legit debate, then yeh, we should continue, but no one is getting anywhere with this.
In my opinion, John Cena is decent at best. Although he was able to showcase much more in OVW as the Prototype, if we're talking about him in his current state, he's decent. His mic skills are pretty much his strongest asset, and even though his moveset was made to fit with his 'brawler' wrestling style, it's not really all that 'entertaining' to me. I mean, I do like his kill switch (spinning out powerbomb), but that's about it. The five knuckle shuffle, the FU and the STFU just don't do it for me. In fact, I think he had better matches against Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar BEFORE he ever became the WWE Champion or let alone, U.S Champion. He wasn't WWE Champion material back then and I don't think he is WWE Champion material right now. But, whatever. If the WWE decides to push him, there's really nothing we can do to stop it. I'm not a fan of Cena, but he has had some good matches, even if half were carried by his opponent.

If there's anything else about Cena that is's probably his rap skills.
has john cena had the belt longer then Jbl now? I would rather have John cena have the wwe belt rather then that jackass JBL for 1 year. Jbl is good heel but he didnt desrve to have the title for 1 year when there were wrestlers like Eddie G., Booker T, the Undertaker who should of got the belt. I personally think vince should of given the belt back to eddie from Jbl after a few month cause eddie was better then Jbl. Back to cena. now that cena is on raw cena sh ould drop the title and/or turn heel. I like cena but he is getting boring more and more. Its like he is doing the samething over and over again. The only reason vince doesnt want to turn cena is because mr.jackass is doesnt wont to lose money.
Well, part of the reason why Eddie Guerrero dropped the title in the first place was because he was under a lot of pressure and expectations. I think that's what I read from him in an interview. He said something about how he was prepared to become the WWE Champion, but he wasn't prepared to hold onto the WWE Championship.

But yeah, Eddie Guerrero was waaaaaaaaaaaay better than both JBL and Cena.
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