Pathetic, Slobbering Mess of Pro Wrestler Released From Jail, Likely To Die Soon

I think people love to make excuses for everything they do rather than accept responsibility for their actions. If that is callous, then it is callous. Matt Hardy's mom dying when he was a kid had nothing to do with him and Jeff being drunk/hopped up on drugs in a diner in the middle of the night posting videos where they bash CM Punk for not being truly straight edge, that's just their own stupidity. There are people that have a shitstorm of problems that turn to alcohol, and there are people that have a shitstorm of problems that don't. They find their inner strength doing something constructive instead of destructive. It's all about choices.

You can't control what has happened to you in the past, but you can control what you do now, you can make an active choice to make good decisions, or you can make an active choice to make bad ones. If you choose to continue down a path of self destruction, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If Matt Hardy is that fucked up, he needs therapy, not booze. If he doesn't want to take the steps necessary to fix his problems, then fuck him.
I think people love to make excuses for everything they do rather than accept responsibility for their actions. If that is callous, then it is callous. Matt Hardy's mom dying when he was a kid had nothing to do with him and Jeff being drunk/hopped up on drugs in a diner in the middle of the night posting videos where they bash CM Punk for not being truly straight edge, that's just their own stupidity. There are people that have a shitstorm of problems that turn to alcohol, and there are people that have a shitstorm of problems that don't. They find their inner strength doing something constructive instead of destructive. It's all about choices.

You can't control what has happened to you in the past, but you can control what you do now, you can make an active choice to make good decisions, or you can make an active choice to make bad ones. If you choose to continue down a path of self destruction, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If Matt Hardy is that fucked up, he needs therapy, not booze. If he doesn't want to take the steps necessary to fix his problems, then fuck him.

With all due respect, life is a series of learning experiences. Have you ever heard the phrase, "They don't know any better"? This statement is very true.

The situation with Matt Hardy is not subjective. Facts support that traumatizing childhood experiences cause dysfunctionality, later in life. Whether you feel it's a matter of "choices" or not is irrelevant and, quite frankly, ignorant. You don't have to be a psych major to know this. Like I already said, Jeff's dysfuntionality is a perfect example of this. It's not coincidence that BOTH brothers are equally as fucked up as the other. They both followed the same path, they both make the same mistakes, they both lived parallel lives. Both of their shitty childhoods were the causes and their current troubles are the effect.
Who the fuck has Matt Hardy hurt for you to have such disdain for him, Davi? He's only hurt himself. Yeah, he's put other people at risk by drinking and driving, but still... nothing happened. Again, why such hatred for a guy who only hurts himself? I have sympathy for people like that. It's when they hurt other people where the sympathy fades away for me, but Matt has no children and has not once, that we know of, cause serious harm to another human being. All he's done is provide thousands of hours of entertainment for US, and deeply hurt himself personally and professionally in the process. That's it.

Also, those "excuses" are legitimate, bottom line. Yeah, some people are able to overcome trauma, but MOST aren't. And sadly Matt Hardy is someone who has never been able to get over his demons at this point.
Look, here's the thing. I don't hope Matt Hardy dies, and I don't agree with people saying that.

But when you act like you're going to kill yourself on the internet just to get people to care about you, you're a piece of crap. That was the point where I was like, "This guy is a dumbass and he deserves what's coming to him." If we're gonna get mad at anyone for things being in "bad taste," it should be Matt himself. Our jokes don't hurt anyone, they only make people laugh. Some of you need to stop being so damn sensitive and whining when someone says something you don't agree with.
Some of you need to stop being so damn sensitive and whining when someone says something you don't agree with.

Come on... this clearly isn't the case. You're knocking us for having sympathy? We're not sensitive but we don't want to see someone that we used to respect (and whose life is in dire straits right now) fall from grace so quickly and hard. And all of you that pretty much "support" that are just in bad form.

Instead of calling us "sensitive", maybe you should think that you guys are being too abrasive. It's so easy to point a finger, man.
A traumatic childhood is not a free pass for a person to fuck up their own, or other people's, lives. There is still a certain extent to which Matt Hardy has to own his recent behaviour. Let us not forget that this is not exactly a uneducated, homeless man sleeping rough on the streets of Chicago. This is a comparatively intelligent, potential millionaire celebrity who sleeps next to Reby Sky (a woman I am assured is attractive). As traumatic existences go, Hardy's is one of the weaker cases I've encountered.
Based on what we know, that past year or so Matt Hardy has essentially behaved like a dick, hurting himself and those close to him with his stunts and mistakes. If I owned a car and a vagina then they would both be covered with liberal bumper stickers, but personal responsibility still exists. Did Matt Hardy's history and circumstances contribute to his fall? Absolutely, but the buck still ultimately stops with him, and to pretend otherwise is unfair on every other person who suffers setbacks in their life.

Fundamentally we must admit that Hardy's behaviour of late has been pretty disgusting. Like the man, hate him, forgive him or harbour grudges, the man put other people's lives repeatedly in danger when he chose to drive under the influence, and that is disgusting.

But you know what else is disgusting?

You. Those of you who sit there and smugly judge the man, who laugh at his collapse, who say he is getting what he deserves, and most importantly, who say that he does not deserve your sympathy.

Matt Hardy deserves sympathy. Any man struggling with addiction deserves sympathy, and those who sit there and say "well I've never taken drugs, therefore I don't have to feel sorry for those who do", you may be the most insidious people of all.

What I can't stand is that people are legitimately unable to separate judging a person, and holding them responsible for their actions. Has Matt Hardy behaved like a cunt? yes. Is matt Hardy responsible for his own actions? Yes. Does that give you a right a judge him? Paragon of virtue as you no doubt are, it does not.

To deal with Matt Hardy in the specific, He spent years in a profession that entirely depends around entertaining other people, for decades his life's work was making people happy - as it happens through participating in some of the greatest matches of all time. Matt Hardy's contributions to the wrestling world extend far beyond his own career though, let us not forget that without his work in Carolina the industry would very possibly not have seen Jeff Hardy, Joey Matthews, Christian York, CW Anderson, Shannon More or Shane Helms. At least half a dozen guys broke into the industry because of Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy was one of the first superstars to embrace the internet as a way to communicate with his fan base, and for years was notorious for devoting more time to communicating with his followers than any other star in the WWE. Matt Hardy also spent a very long time doing a job that by all accounts forces the majority of people doing it to depend on pain medication or other drugs. It still amazes me to this day that people can act shocked that a pro wrestler might get hooked on drink or pills. Matt Hardy spent decades entertaining people, had a huge amount of time for his fans, helped dozens of other men break into the industry or get over... and this is a man who does not deserve your sympathy? Answer me this. Matt Hardy entertained millions of people for years... what exactly have you done?

People will seriously sit there are say that we should feel no sympathy, hold no compassion, for people who make mistakes. Right now we have no evidence that Hardy has ever done anything to deliberately try and hurt anybody.

Matt Hardy is a fool, and you may not be.
Matt Hardy has made mistakes that you may never have made.
Matt Hardy may be weak willed or overcome by poor judgement that you are immune to.

But right now Matt Hardy is suffering, and if you consider yourself above feeling sympathy for a person suffering, if you're too good to feel compassion for a person is pain... despite all he has done wrong Matt Hardy may still be a good person, but you aren't.
Don't group me in with the people who want him to die or never recover. I think he deserves a nice jail stint to think long and hard on what he's done and what he's put everyone through. Then, hopefully he can come out better.

Not being able to take jokes about it comes off as sensitive to me, when we as wrestling fans have seen a lot worse. I don't know how it was around here, but I saw Benoit jokes everywhere on the internet that were really terrible. People make jokes about every tragedy, in the wrestling world and outside it. It's just how some people deal with these types of things.

Having sympathy is fine, but I think the guy has done enough stupid things to earn a few jokes at his expense.
Who the fuck has Matt Hardy hurt for you to have such disdain for him, Davi? He's only hurt himself. Yeah, he's put other people at risk by drinking and driving, but still... nothing happened.

Stop right there. The fact that he hasn't hurt anyone else is blind luck. You even acknowledge that he did put other people at risk. Just because he didn't kill anyone (yet) doesn't excuse the behavior in the slightest. Do you know anyone who has ever been killed by a drunk driver? I do. I lost three classmates in high school because of one. If someone is willing to put the lives of everyone on the road at risk because they are too fucking stupid to call a taxi or have someone else drive, then they can go to fucking hell for all I care.

Also, those "excuses" are legitimate, bottom line. Yeah, some people are able to overcome trauma, but MOST aren't. And sadly Matt Hardy is someone who has never been able to get over his demons at this point.

When Matt Hardy grows the fuck up, and says enough is enough, I need help (and actually means it, meaning he doesn't intentionally get himself kicked out of rehab), I will cut him some slack. I just have a hard time sympathizing with a guy who is 37, and refuses to grow up. I respect people who confront their demons. I don't respect people that hide from them.

Let me tell you a little about my ex wife. When she was 6 months old, her 4 year old sister was murdered, shot in the face. Growing up, she was always being compared to her unfavorably. No matter what she did, she could not compare to her sister in her father's eyes. Her mom abandoned her and her dad. When she was 12, she lost her virginity to her cousin, who decided to rape her. When she told her family, she was beaten for lying about it. He continued to do it for over a year, because nobody believed her. As a teen, she had at minimum, 20 different lovers, as she searched for something to give her life any meaning at all. She did drugs, she got drunk, she ****ed herself out because she didn't have a job, even sleeping with a teacher or two. Dropped out of High School. She was as fucked up as Matt Hardy, if not more. And then, in her early 20s, before I met her, she had an epiphany. She basically said


She acknowledged her problems. Then, instead of hiding behind anything that allowed her to escape from them for a little while, she confronted them head on. While we are no longer married, now, in her mid 30s, she is in a stable marriage with a kid, has a job, not only got her GED but is going to college, and is far and away happier than she ever was when she allowed her problems to rule her life. I am incredibly proud of her for having the guts to confront her problems rather than hide from them. I am proud of the woman she is now, not the girl she was then. I didn't break up with her while we were dating because of who she was as a girl in the past before I ever knew her, I married her for being the woman she was in the present.

When Matt Hardy takes on some personal responsibility, rather than hide from it, I will blunt my criticism of him. The key is acknowledging that responsibility, and taking the steps to correct the problems. If he checks himself back into rehab, acknowledges his issues, takes the appropriate steps to handle those issues, quits taking drugs, quits drinking alcohol (because it is enabling his behavior, not because I am opposed to drinking in general) and turns his life around, I will be glad to root for him again in the ring. It's never too late to begin making good choices instead of bad ones. Right now, Matt Hardy is on the path to self-destruction. He is on the path that leads to suicide. I would much rather see Matt Hardy be reborn, then dead. Right now, the second option is much closer to being reality. I want Matt Hardy to prove me wrong. I want him to do what it takes to turn his life around. Whether that's counseling, joining AA, going back to rehab, finding God, whatever it takes. I want to be a fan of the Hardy boys, but their actions outside of the ring prevent me from doing so. I don't even really care if either Hardy boy even fully succeeds in exorcising their demons. I just want to see a genuine effort. I don't believe that Matt Hardy has shown that he wants to change yet. He has to want to change for himself, not because it's court ordered. Until that happens, yeah, I am going to be on his case.

Life isn't about all the bad choices you made in the past, it's about taking responsibility for those choices, and the choices you make now and in the future.
Not being able to take jokes about it comes off as sensitive to me, when we as wrestling fans have seen a lot worse. I don't know how it was around here, but I saw Benoit jokes everywhere on the internet that were really terrible. People make jokes about every tragedy, in the wrestling world and outside it. It's just how some people deal with these types of things.

Having sympathy is fine, but I think the guy has done enough stupid things to earn a few jokes at his expense.

He's a celebrity... of course jokes will fly around. But there is a difference between a statement like this:

"Matt Hardy should just continue to eat and gain weight while doing the drugs. Then we can blame the weight gain on him just having a severe case of the munchies."

...and a statement like this:

"I have no sympathy for Matt Hardy. I could care less if he dies or rots in hell. He made his bed... let him lie in it."

You're telling me THIS statement is a joke? How fucking stupid do we look to all of you? If you wish to defend yourself, call a spade a spade. Take a step back, look at what you're talking about, and make a level-headed analysis. The statements you fucking ass holes toss out there are not jokes; they're offensive, biased opinions that are a depiction of your true way of thinking. To sit there, insult my intelligence, and tell me otherwise just makes you look like a bigger fool than your original, opinionated statement did.

Everyone needs to read what Gelgarin just wrote. Thankfully, he's better at articulating his feelings and opinions on paper than we are. The only thing I disagree with is that he thinks some of our opinions are that Hardy's childhood is a "free pass" for fucking up later in life. Like I said in my earlier post, although we are capable of making decisions on our own, not "knowing any better" is something that not even we can judge and a traumatizing childhood, like it or not, is a direct factor in mistakes we make in our lives. It shouldn't take 100% of the blame but it needs to be added as a contributing factor.
Let me tell you a little about my ex wife. When she was 6 months old, her 4 year old sister was murdered, shot in the face. Growing up, she was always being compared to her unfavorably. No matter what she did, she could not compare to her sister in her father's eyes. Her mom abandoned her and her dad. When she was 12, she lost her virginity to her cousin, who decided to rape her. When she told her family, she was beaten for lying about it. He continued to do it for over a year, because nobody believed her. As a teen, she had at minimum, 20 different lovers, as she searched for something to give her life any meaning at all. She did drugs, she got drunk, she ****ed herself out because she didn't have a job, even sleeping with a teacher or two. Dropped out of High School. She was as fucked up as Matt Hardy, if not more. And then, in her early 20s, before I met her, she had an epiphany. She basically said


She acknowledged her problems. Then, instead of hiding behind anything that allowed her to escape from them for a little while, she confronted them head on. While we are no longer married, now, in her mid 30s, she is in a stable marriage with a kid, has a job, not only got her GED but is going to college, and is far and away happier than she ever was when she allowed her problems to rule her life. I am incredibly proud of her for having the guts to confront her problems rather than hide from them. I am proud of the woman she is now, not the girl she was then. I didn't break up with her while we were dating because of who she was as a girl in the past before I ever knew her, I married her for being the woman she was in the present.

Why, oh why, do people over-share personal things like this on a professional wrestling forum is just beyond me.

He's a celebrity... of course jokes will fly around. But there is a difference between a statement like this:

"Matt Hardy should just continue to eat and gain weight while doing the drugs. Then we can blame the weight gain on him just having a severe case of the munchies."

...and a statement like this:

"I have no sympathy for Matt Hardy. I could care less if he dies or rots in hell. He made his bed... let him lie in it."

You're telling me THIS statement is a joke? How fucking stupid do we look to all of you? If you wish to defend yourself, call a spade a spade. Take a step back, look at what you're talking about, and make a level-headed analysis. The statements you fucking ass holes toss out there are not jokes; they're offensive, biased opinions that are a depiction of your true way of thinking. To sit there, insult my intelligence, and tell me otherwise just makes you look like a bigger fool than your original, opinionated statement did.

Everyone needs to read what Gelgarin just wrote. Thankfully, he's better at articulating his feelings and opinions on paper than we are. The only thing I disagree with is that he thinks some of our opinions are that Hardy's childhood is a "free pass" for fucking up later in life. Like I said in my earlier post, although we are capable of making decisions on our own, not "knowing any better" is something that not even we can judge and a traumatizing childhood, like it or not, is a direct factor in mistakes we make in our lives. It shouldn't take 100% of the blame but it needs to be added as a contributing factor.
I think you completely misunderstood what I meant when I said, "He deserves what's coming to him." And if that was unclear, I apologize.

Death is not "what's coming to him." But he DOES deserve jail time, he DOES deserve fines and penalties on his license, he DOES deserve rehab and he deserves every other punishment he's either already gotten or should get. I hope he gets himself together, but I'm just not going to sit here and say "Poor Matt Hardy" when he's endangering other people on the road and worrying his family and friends. It's like Matt Hardy is the only person in this situation for some people. Like it or not, the guy deserves to suffer a little bit for what he's done to others.

I've never once wished death on anyone and I never will.

Some people in here are coming off like everyone should sob for poor Matt and hope to god he gets better. I'm not going to be like that because I don't feel he deserves that level of sympathy. If other people think he does, more power to them. But the generalization of, "Anyone who says 'Fuck Matt' is a ********" is going a little too far here.
Why, oh why, do people over-share personal things like this on a professional wrestling forum is just beyond me.


Obviously you missed the point. She overcame all of the bullshit excuses she could have used. Matt Hardy has not. Oh wait, according to you, they aren't just excuses, they are a perfectly valid rationale, giving permission to people to continue to make horrible choices instead of having to accept any goddamned personal responsibility for their lives. It's not MY fault I do drugs, its the death of my mom over 30 years ago! MADE ME DO IT! It's not MY fault I drive drunk, its because my ex-girlfriend cheated on me years ago! MADE ME DO IT! It's not my fault, it's because I am jealous of my brother's success! MADE ME DO IT!

LULZ indeed.
I think you completely misunderstood what I meant when I said, "He deserves what's coming to him." And if that was unclear, I apologize.

Death is not "what's coming to him." But he DOES deserve jail time, he DOES deserve fines and penalties on his license, he DOES deserve rehab and he deserves every other punishment he's either already gotten or should get. I hope he gets himself together, but I'm just not going to sit here and say "Poor Matt Hardy" when he's endangering other people on the road and worrying his family and friends. It's like Matt Hardy is the only person in this situation for some people. Like it or not, the guy deserves to suffer a little bit for what he's done to others.

I've never once wished death on anyone and I never will.

Some people in here are coming off like everyone should sob for poor Matt and hope to god he gets better. I'm not going to be like that because I don't feel he deserves that level of sympathy. If other people think he does, more power to them. But the generalization of, "Anyone who says 'Fuck Matt' is a ********" is going a little too far here.

No, I did understand you. And I would never say anything against someone who gives their analysis of what should be done in terms of jailing someone for wrong doing or sending them to rehab if they do drugs. My argument is that you all come out and say that your statements are "jokes" when they're nowhere near that. It's not a "joke" to say Matt deserves this and that and he's a fuck-up so fuck him. That's a statement and obviously your opinion ("your" is referring to everyone, not just singling you out.)
Obviously you missed the point. She overcame all of the bullshit excuses she could have used. Matt Hardy has not.


Nah, I got it. Trust me. But the same point could have been made without the oversharing. :shrug:
Nah, I got it. Trust me. But the same point could have been made without the oversharing. :shrug:

Actually, I don't think it could have. If I had just said "my ex-wife had problems too", you wouldn't have grasped just how deep you can be and still crawl out of the hole you dig yourself in. It's the difference between just saying something trite, like "everyone has issues", something that is completely meaningless on it's own, and revealing something incredibly personal to show how strongly I feel about the situation. Besides, for all you know, the whole thing could be a completely fabricated tale constructed by me. Maybe I have never been married, and any references on Wrestlezone that indicate the contrary were just part of an online persona I have been constructing for myself for years. You simply have no way of knowing whether it's real or not. If you accept my description of my ex-wife's problems as real, then you know that my feelings on the subject are real, and that my feelings on Matt Hardy are based on deeply personal emotions and how I choose to live my life...if you believe it is a just a tall tale, then you know that I am just full of shit and am just trying to provoke you like a troll. The choice is yours.

I don't hate Matt Hardy. I hate who Matt Hardy is, who he let himself become.
The fact that anyone close to Hardy would let him continue down this road makes them all morons.

You clearly o not know what it's like to have someone with a serious addiction or problems that is close to you. You can do everything in your power to help that person, but unless they really really want to help themselves and get better, it's never going. Also his family can not sit there & babysit him 24/7 & slap his hand every time he starts to do something bad, he's not a fucking toddler, he's a grown fucking man, the only person that can really help Matt is Matt. If he ever really gets serious about wanting to get help then maybe his friends (assuming he has any left) & family can help & support him. Nobody is is letting Matt do this, Matt is doing this to himself, Matt is making his own decision, & very poor ones at that. I've been through this shit with people I'm close to 3 times, & I assure if Matt wants to continue down this dark path it's gonna happen no matter how much the people close to him try and stop him from doing so.
If you accept my description of my ex-wife's problems as real, then you know that my feelings on the subject are real, and that my feelings on Matt Hardy are based on deeply personal emotions and how I choose to live my life...if you believe it is a just a tall tale, then you know that I am just full of shit and am just trying to provoke you like a troll. The choice is yours.

Actually, if what you say potentially is true, then I "potentially" think you have a sick, twisted mind to make up such a story. And if I'm wrong, then you simply just overshare. So I guess the choice is yours, not mine.
It's only oversharing if it served no purpose. She freely accepts her past for what it was, and is open and candid about it. I needed to go into that level of detail to give the comparison meaning. If simply saying that "my ex-wife had a lot of shit in her life too", its hollow, because you don't know what that shit was, or how it might compare to Matt Hardy's situation. leaving it vague, shit could have just meant her parents got divorced or they moved around a lot or something that doesn't even come close to the level of shit in Matt Hardy's life.

Shit happens to everyone. Nobody is excluded from that. It's how you handle it when it does happen that defines your character, makes you who you are, not the shit itself. Your perspective is that the shit itself is what defines you, something I fundamentally disagree with.
It's only oversharing if it served no purpose. She freely accepts her past for what it was, and is open and candid about it. I needed to go into that level of detail to give the comparison meaning. If simply saying that "my ex-wife had a lot of shit in her life too", its hollow, because you don't know what that shit was, or how it might compare to Matt Hardy's situation. leaving it vague, shit could have just meant her parents got divorced or they moved around a lot or something that doesn't even come close to the level of shit in Matt Hardy's life.

Shit happens to everyone. Nobody is excluded from that. It's how you handle it when it does happen that defines your character, makes you who you are, not the shit itself. Your perspective is that the shit itself is what defines you, something I fundamentally disagree with.

Then there you go. You overshared.

We should also remember Eddie Guerrero and why he is lauded and remembered as a hero.

Had he died in that car accident or of an overdose, he would have gotten a memory screen at the beginning of a show and nothing else. And WWE certainly wouldn't be going out of its way to mention him in the future.

Instead, he will be loved forever because he overcame his issues and became a better person for it.
Exactly. Even though Eddie's issues did eventually catch up to him, he made the effort to correct them while he still could. He made the most out of what was left of his life. Once it sustained that abuse, Eddie's heart was living on borrowed time. Straightened out or not, he was going to die young, even if he didn't know that. His life is defined by what he did during that borrowed time, not by his past.

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