Pathetic, Slobbering Mess of Pro Wrestler Released From Jail, Likely To Die Soon

The concise version is if you are big Cena mark that spends most of their day disrespecting and hating on people on the internet then I find that to be an odd combination of ideals.
And you aren't already by posting about how much of a waste it would be to provide substance several times?

Right, because the ten seconds it takes to call you an idiot is equal to the several minutes I would spend writing a full rebuttal.

Seriously, were you dropped on your head as a child?
The concise version is if you are big Cena mark that spends most of their day disrespecting and hating on people on the internet then I find that to be an odd combination of ideals.

So, what you're saying is personal preference of a character should have a direct influence on all facets of your lifestyle? Only you would make a discussion about that.

Please come down from planet Vulcan.
All facets? No. However, polar opposite behavior is not what I would expect. You have the order of the effect backwards anyway. It isn't how should Cena influence your life, it is how do you end up liking Cena if that is how you live your life? The point of this so called reality era I would assume is that you can relate to the people that you cheer. Just doesn't make sense to me unless this means that many adult Cena marks are self-loathing individuals. Actually that does make some sense.
All facets? No. However, polar opposite behavior is not what I would expect. You have the order of the effect backwards anyway. It isn't how should Cena influence your life, it is how do you end up liking Cena if that is how you live your life? The point of this so called reality era I would assume is that you can relate to the people that you cheer. Just doesn't make sense to me unless this means that many adult Cena marks are self-loathing individuals. Actually that does make some sense.

No.. sorry. Liking a character in a television show has nothing to do with your personality. I'm as nice and passive of a guy as you'll ever know and I think John Cena is annoying as fuck.
It isn't about comparing the two. It is about the whole premise of the Cena character. Loyalty. Respect. Whatever the new thing is about not hating.

So... I like classic storytelling and I also have a fucked up sense of humor. So? If Cena was spiraling out of control in his personal life, I'd rip on him too. Hell, a guy cut me off in traffic this morning and I screamed to him, "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER!" I honest to God do not give a fuck about other people and I'm not going to pretend I do on the internet. Matt Hardy is a fucking waste of life and I hope he dies. Hilariously.

I have no problem with people acting like an asshole but if that is who you are then why do you circle jerk to wholesome family entertainment?

I *********e alone, thank you very much.
The concise version is if you are big Cena mark that spends most of their day disrespecting and hating on people on the internet then I find that to be an odd combination of ideals.

Just to join the crowd here. If you really think this, will you let us know who your favorite superstar is? Because after all, you MUST have the same ideals as that character, right?
Matt Hardy Released From Jail (WZ Article)

Apparently someone decided to bail Matt Hardy out, which is just dandy for him. Shall we recite Matt Hardy's utterly disgraceful descent?

1. Uses series of youtube videos to get fired from WWE
2. Joins TNA, immediately sucks
3. Gets fired from TNA (note: this is nigh on impossible)
4. Gives Internet brief hope that he might kill himself
5. Lied about it
6. Arrested for mutliple DUIs
7. Checks into rehab
8. Gets kicked out of rehab (note: this is less likely than being fired from TNA)
9. Arrested (again)

But, no, hey, this time, guys, he's going to get his life back together.

Fixed it, because he proved that he is able to so it just makes it nearly impossible.
Just to join the crowd here. If you really think this, will you let us know who your favorite superstar is? Because after all, you MUST have the same ideals as that character, right?

I think IDR had a thread along these lines a long time ago. Most of us ended up agreeing that our personalities effected who we liked rather heavily. No one called any of us the height of stupidity then.

I am not claiming this is some perfect science by any means because there are many factors in play but I can honestly say I never recall being much of a fan of a face that had an entirely different way of doing things compared too what I do. Which basically translates to I do not like babyfaces much when they don't have an attitude.

Based on what little I know of wrestlezone personalities it makes perfect sense to me that Sly likes Cena, if Doc does then that would make sense to me as well. Now Nate and Dirtyjose? I just don't understand that.

Does it really matter? I'm not here for psychotherapy. Especially from you.

Another cop out. I must really be on to something.
I think it's easy to sit there and judge Matt, but when you look at his life, it's not really surprising he is the way he is.

I mean... his mother died at an early age, his father was hardly home and when he was he wasn't the most caring individual (not saying he was a bad guy, he most certainly wasn't, but he was a blue collar man who felt his only duty was to provide for his children, while never connecting emotionally with them), he hits big early in his career, gets outshined by his younger brother who doesn't love the job half as much as he does, gets fucked over by the love of his life with one of his best friends, loses dream job, gets dream job back, dream job doesn't use him, brother continues to outshine him despite being the fuck-up in the family, loses dream job again... it was only a matter of time before he went down a slippery slope. And now with all the DUIs and public humiliations on top of that, he must be in a living hell. I'm sorry, but I find nothing about this situation that's worth ridiculing.
I think it's easy to sit there and judge Matt, but when you look at his life, it's not really surprising he is the way he is.

I mean... his mother died at an early age, his father was hardly home and when he was he wasn't the most caring individual (not saying he was a bad guy, he most certainly wasn't, but he was a blue collar man who felt his only duty was to provide for his children, while never connecting emotionally with them), he hits big early in his career, gets outshined by his younger brother who doesn't love the job half as much as he does, gets fucked over by the love of his life with one of his best friends, loses dream job, gets dream job back, dream job doesn't use him, brother continues to outshine him despite being the fuck-up in the family, loses dream job again... it was only a matter of time before he went down a slippery slope. And now with all the DUIs and public humiliations on top of that, he must be in a living hell. I'm sorry, but I find nothing about this situation that's worth ridiculing.

Think of it like making a 9/11 joke. Yes, it's horrible, and everyone knows it, but sometimes you just have to laugh about shit.
If you made repeated, public 9/11 jokes whilst 9/11 was happening then you are a total cunt.

Scales aren't equal, just an example. Scale is perhaps a bit more like mocking Heath Ledger or Michael Jackson in the wake of their deaths, which happened quite a lot.

They're jokes. You're meant to laugh at them. It'll be okay, trust me. Just the teeniest snicker. Then we can all go back to being dour all the time.

EDIT: Look, here's a better example, it's like John Stewart, alright? The US and the world at large is pretty much a giant mess, and it deserves serious attention. But John makes fun of it all and it's alright. It relieves tension, it's funny. Yes, we all know it's quite the serious issue and we'll deal with it, but it's not hurting anything to laugh at it.
Except you're not making jokes. The people posting about cheese burger sales are making jokes... they aren't funny jokes, but they at least exist. You're just celebrating a man's life going to shit, which I'm sorry to say I think is pretty sad.
Except you're not making jokes. The people posting about cheese burger sales are making jokes... they aren't funny jokes, but they at least exist. You're just celebrating a man's life going to shit, which I'm sorry to say I think is pretty sad.

What? It's all clearly very facetious. Again, the John Stewart comparison.
While the jokes are rather tasteless, they don't really bother me, since they just disrepect life, but don't wish suffering upon others. What I can't understand are the sadistic things that say a lot about people's characters, like:

Now, I hope he falls in a deep hole where cannot get out.
Matt Hardy is a fat piece of shit, and I hope his drug addict ass dies...
I honest to God do not give a fuck about other people and I'm not going to pretend I do on the internet. Matt Hardy is a fucking waste of life and I hope he dies.

It's okay to think like that, it just gets hypocritical when you grouch when something horrible happens in your life or those you love, or at least when you think it's unfair that others ridicule you for your misfortune.
I think it's easy to sit there and judge Matt, but when you look at his life, it's not really surprising he is the way he is.

I mean... his mother died at an early age, his father was hardly home and when he was he wasn't the most caring individual (not saying he was a bad guy, he most certainly wasn't, but he was a blue collar man who felt his only duty was to provide for his children, while never connecting emotionally with them), he hits big early in his career, gets outshined by his younger brother who doesn't love the job half as much as he does, gets fucked over by the love of his life with one of his best friends, loses dream job, gets dream job back, dream job doesn't use him, brother continues to outshine him despite being the fuck-up in the family, loses dream job again... it was only a matter of time before he went down a slippery slope. And now with all the DUIs and public humiliations on top of that, he must be in a living hell. I'm sorry, but I find nothing about this situation that's worth ridiculing.

Bullshit. Matt Hardy is still entirely responsible for his life, for the decisions he made. All you are doing is making excuses for him. I don't give a shit what has happened to him before, none of those things forced the alcohol into his bloodstream. He made a conscious choice to deal with his issues that way. And he didn't lose his dream job the second time, he actively campaigned to be fired from it. You can't control everything that happens to you, but you damn well can control how you react to it. Matt Hardy deliberately chose to react by engaging in self-destructive behavior. Yeah, some shitty stuff has happened to him...but he made it worse than it needed to be by his own behavior. I don't feel sympathy for him.
Pathetic, Slobbering Mess of Pro Wrestler Released From Jail, Likely to Die Soon

Did anyone honestly think there would be hugs and kisses coming from a thread with that title? You should kind of know what you're getting into when you click a link like that.
Bullshit. Matt Hardy is still entirely responsible for his life, for the decisions he made. All you are doing is making excuses for him. I don't give a shit what has happened to him before, none of those things forced the alcohol into his bloodstream. He made a conscious choice to deal with his issues that way. And he didn't lose his dream job the second time, he actively campaigned to be fired from it. You can't control everything that happens to you, but you damn well can control how you react to it. Matt Hardy deliberately chose to react by engaging in self-destructive behavior. Yeah, some shitty stuff has happened to him...but he made it worse than it needed to be by his own behavior. I don't feel sympathy for him.

This is one of the most callous things I've ever read. You actually want to sit there and say that his childhood and upbringing has nothing to do with the bad decisions he's made as an adult? Especially when his brother is in the same situation? Watch the A&E show Intervention... you'll learn.

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