Orton's Comments On Mr Kennedy/Anderson

Well, rumor has it that it was Orton who was the sole reason Kennedy was fired. It was Randy who complained to management after Kennedy's return to Raw that Kennedy was a "loose cannon" in the ring, and that he would be unable to work with someone like him. And after reading this interview, I have come to the conclusion that Orton needs to man up.

the left side of my neck down to my trap was sore all week in Mexico.

Well, thats the price you pay being a pro wrestler. Nobody's perfect. People take hard bumps all the time. Why should Randy be any different, you know? I don't know. I just thought the whole interview was really unprofessional and rookie like, which is surprising given Orton's ability to really step up ever since top stars have gone to injury, or in HBK's case, retirement.
Ortons words are a bit snarky and maybe a tad dramatic, but he's not a politician whose responsible for making choices that impact the US, he's an entertainer, and a damn good one. If you want a childish rant, just re-listen to those Gibson tapes, now that's childish behavior.

Kennedy talks of karma but if you ask me, it was karma that bit him in the ass. It isn't Orton working for the third rate wrestling promotion.

And I apologize to those that tna comment offends but facts are facts, TNA's numbers are in the toilet.
I agree with Orton, but in a way he is obviously dissin' Kennedy saying he can't wrestle and he should find something else to do for the sake of his family...

They both have their own sides of the story, what I am waiting for now is to see if Kennedy knows about this and whether he is going to share what he thinks!
Im siding with Anderson. Only people that had a problem with Ken was Orton, Cena, and HHH. We all know all 3 men have say say in the world of backstage politics. Randy Orton came off as a smug douche in this interview and didnt help his cause at all.

And for the record, id rather watch Anderson anyday of the week than Randy Orton. Anderson has better charisma, look, and his Match with Angle at Lockdown is a MOY candidate.
Time for the tri-monthly Orton vs Kennedy thread I see.

These comments fro Randy are old aren't they? I remember reading about them like a month after Kennedy was fired. Oh well.

I'll say the same thing I've been saying since the first Orton vs Kennedy thread. I think Orton is a liar. I think he has shown what a douchebag he can be when he flipped out on Kofi on live TV.

He got angry, yep. But some people simply can't control their temper, it doesn't make them a "douchebag". There's a good few people who would've flipped out out Kofi and Kennedy for what they did, because there's a good few people out there who can't control their temper sometimes, especially when it comes to their own safety. Who's to say you wouldn't lose your temper if someone almost seriously hurt you doing something they supposedly do professionally for a living? You can hardly judge Orton for that.

As for Kennedy being unsafe in the ring. It's fucking ridiculous.

Shawn Michaels, Bob Holly and John Cena would disagree with you there. And I'm pretty sure their opinion on the subect would be a lot more relevant than yours.

Orton claims to be ALMOST injured, so he figured the responsible thing to do was to then legit try to injure Anderson with his RKO right afterwards (rumors, but then again all the anti-kennedy 'facts' are rumors as well, so shove it). Which, AGAIN, he did the same thing to Kofi after the botch on RAW (again, rumors but nobody on here seems to care about that as long as you are defending Randy).

There's a difference between trying to injure someone and potatoing them as punishment. Being stiff with someone as punishment or to teach them a lesson has been around in wrestling for decades.

Besides all that, after Kennedy was released didn't Bobby Lashley say in an interview that he thought Orton was talking BS and that he didn't think Kennedy was unsafe? Of course nobody ever can seem to remember that and so it is convieniently never brought up.

Oh yes, Bobby Lashley, the respected veteran who was always safe in the ring, right? His opinion clearly means as much as Cena or Orton's... But obviously Lashley would say that, Kennedy never injured him. Yet, by my count, there's still more WWE guys speaking out against Kennedy than defending him...

You talk about Kennedy being injury prone and then completely ignore Randy's shoulder that had been injured by himself HITTING THE MAT WITH HIS HANDS during his taunt.

Orton has hyper-mobile shoulders. He cause them to dislocate once. What's Kennedy's excuse for the 3 injuries he suffered and the 3 injuries he caused during his 4 years or so in WWE?

I still believe that Orton is just super-protective of that shoulder because he's knows it's weak, and he completely overreacted to an almost-could-have-been-maybe injury.

"You almost broke my neck and denied it despite video evidence, but don't worry about it, everything's cool."

What sane person would say that?
Even if he's right or wrong, Orton is deffo one of my favourtie WWE wrestlers when it comes to interviews. He'll quite happily say what he likes about who he likes and to hell with the company line. For that alone I doff my cap to him.

And, Reddannihilation, saying Randy sucked up his way into the main event, surely that's what Kennedy was doing? Between those complete bollocks steroid interviews he did and making sure he always asked the right veterans for advice all the time. It's good career moves that back-fired on him. Hard to say Orton sucked up to get to the main event as, let's face it, only Jeff Hardy has ever done more to self-sabotage his own push then Randy Orton has. The fact is Orton got there because, for some strange reason, he's got something that people like. I can't see the big deal personally, but clearly most can.

WWE's choice came down to siding with one of their top stars or someone that had caused their biggest name to miss months injured (Cena) and could've easily injured another one of their biggest names. I know what side I'd pick as well
You know, the reality of the matter is Kennedy really did hurt Orton. Generally in any line of business if you hurt one of your co workers there are going to be some issues. I think it's hard not to agree with Orton. He's right. No one wants to work with a wrestler who is injury prone and prone to injure others. And yes, I saw someone said only Cena and Orton complained.. well lets be honest here, how many matches have Cena and Orton wrestled with other wrestlers.. They haven't complained. Kennedy, in WWE was an awful "business product" due to all of his injuries.. Not everyone that botches things with Orton gets fired "ie" Kofi Kingston... Kennedy got fired for the sole reason that because of his of injuries and injuries he'd caused he was not a marketable product.. So does that change how I think about him?? No.. Not really. I always knew that if he was going to succeed in the business he would need to stop getting injured. The end.
I don't know if anyone remembers but all the BS and politics didn't start happening until Kennedy moved over to Raw. I listened to his shoot interview and he said Undertaker thought Kennedy was the best they had as far as all around talent at the time. Let's face it, Smackdown locker room is run by 'taker. He's more of a leader. Raw was filled with guys who were always worried about their spot. HHH, Michaels, Batista, Cena, Orton. A lot of backstabbing if you weren't friends with those guys. And if you need proof, listen to Kennedy's shoot as he goes into great detail about them all protecting each other.

Kennedy had gained the ultimate respect of the Undertaker by working a different style of match that 'taker preferred. Meaning Kennedy never "worked" a match like it was a smooth dance like Cena always does. Kennedy actually worked 'jerky' by some people's standards because he always wanted to make it look like more of a fight. EXAMPLE: if Taker would grab Kennedy's arm, Kennedy wouldn't give Taker his body immediately and would try to fight him off. That is what happens in a real fight. According to Kennedy, taker pulled him aside and said he loved that different way of working because it set Kennedy apart from other guys. He then reminded Kennedy that guys on Raw in particular Cena and Michaels are so used to everything looking smooth and that Kennedy would get a lot of heat backstage because he worked that way. So what did Kennedy do, being the asshole he is.....kept working 'jerky'.

If you all remember, Austin worked that way back in the day. He was constantly fighting the guy off and working a very "brawl" type style. Kennedy took advice from Austin a lot and it was obvious that fact alone gave Kennedy a lot of heat.

Well as the story goes, Kennedy moves to Raw...."injures" Cena. While any person with a brain should have been able to figure out that Cena injured himself on that. How can the person TAKING a hip toss rip the guy's bicep who is giving it? We all know Cena's history of tearing muscles. So figure that one out on your own. The other incident on Smackdown where Paul London injured him was London's fault. Kennedy said that London was supposed to give him a forearm on the apron. Instead he gave him a dropkick and Kennedy was not ready for it and flew back and hit the barracade.

Also, I've watched the tape several times and I STILL don't think Orton was dropped on his head. He landed on his back and sold the bump by flipping over on his stomach. As for Bob Holly, according to Kennedy he never ribbed him and got him fired. Holly just blamed him because he was known as an asshole. So with no proof he was just accused Kennedy of taping up his bag with duct tape.

Granted, there are 3 sides to a story. But all this evidence point towards a plan to throw Kennedy under the bus. Sheamus is tossing HHH's salad, Drew McIntyre was blowing Vince. If you don't make friends with the top guys, you'll never make it anywhere in the WWE. It was ultimately Kennedy's fate. Remember, Smackdown is a place where everybody gets a chance if your talented. RAW is politics. That is ultimately the cause of all that drama.

Finally, calling Kennedy injury prone is ridiculous. Cena, Batista and HHH are injury prone. mostly the injuries Kennedy sustained were not his fault. Those three guys above seemed to tear something every 6 months.

According to Miz, he gets ridiculous heat backstage from all those guys I mentioned. It's no wonder he stayed US champ while Sheamus was pushed to the moon. I mean frickin' Sheamus? A 2 time world champion already?
I don't know if anyone remembers but all the BS and politics didn't start happening until Kennedy moved over to Raw. I listened to his shoot interview and he said Undertaker thought Kennedy was the best they had as far as all around talent at the time. Let's face it, Smackdown locker room is run by 'taker. He's more of a leader. Raw was filled with guys who were always worried about their spot. HHH, Michaels, Batista, Cena, Orton. A lot of backstabbing if you weren't friends with those guys. And if you need proof, listen to Kennedy's shoot as he goes into great detail about them all protecting each other.

Kennedy had gained the ultimate respect of the Undertaker by working a different style of match that 'taker preferred. Meaning Kennedy never "worked" a match like it was a smooth dance like Cena always does. Kennedy actually worked 'jerky' by some people's standards because he always wanted to make it look like more of a fight. EXAMPLE: if Taker would grab Kennedy's arm, Kennedy wouldn't give Taker his body immediately and would try to fight him off. That is what happens in a real fight. According to Kennedy, taker pulled him aside and said he loved that different way of working because it set Kennedy apart from other guys. He then reminded Kennedy that guys on Raw in particular Cena and Michaels are so used to everything looking smooth and that Kennedy would get a lot of heat backstage because he worked that way. So what did Kennedy do, being the asshole he is.....kept working 'jerky'.

If you all remember, Austin worked that way back in the day. He was constantly fighting the guy off and working a very "brawl" type style. Kennedy took advice from Austin a lot and it was obvious that fact alone gave Kennedy a lot of heat.

Well as the story goes, Kennedy moves to Raw...."injures" Cena. While any person with a brain should have been able to figure out that Cena injured himself on that. How can the person TAKING a hip toss rip the guy's bicep who is giving it? We all know Cena's history of tearing muscles. So figure that one out on your own. The other incident on Smackdown where Paul London injured him was London's fault. Kennedy said that London was supposed to give him a forearm on the apron. Instead he gave him a dropkick and Kennedy was not ready for it and flew back and hit the barracade.

Also, I've watched the tape several times and I STILL don't think Orton was dropped on his head. He landed on his back and sold the bump by flipping over on his stomach. As for Bob Holly, according to Kennedy he never ribbed him and got him fired. Holly just blamed him because he was known as an asshole. So with no proof he was just accused Kennedy of taping up his bag with duct tape.

Granted, there are 3 sides to a story. But all this evidence point towards a plan to throw Kennedy under the bus. Sheamus is tossing HHH's salad, Drew McIntyre was blowing Vince. If you don't make friends with the top guys, you'll never make it anywhere in the WWE. It was ultimately Kennedy's fate. Remember, Smackdown is a place where everybody gets a chance if your talented. RAW is politics. That is ultimately the cause of all that drama.

Finally, calling Kennedy injury prone is ridiculous. Cena, Batista and HHH are injury prone. mostly the injuries Kennedy sustained were not his fault. Those three guys above seemed to tear something every 6 months.

According to Miz, he gets ridiculous heat backstage from all those guys I mentioned. It's no wonder he stayed US champ while Sheamus was pushed to the moon. I mean frickin' Sheamus? A 2 time world champion already?
I would say that my view of Orton has changed somewhat by reading that article. Orton really comes of being cold and calculating but by having that article published, I think he seems a lot more human and I liked seeing that side to him. It was very candid and whilst he could have stayed silent on the whole matter, I am glad that he has given us his side of the story, which I am intending to believe. Throughout the interview, I don’t think he was too disrespectful to Kennedy and although he said he was “marginally good” at wrestling, it is better than nothing and probably a fair reflection of Kennedy’s skills in the ring if I am honest.

My opinion of Kennedy hasn’t changed that much at all, to be honest. I always thought he was a cunt and this basically just reinforces that view. He just seems like he doesn’t care about anyone apart from himself which might be wise in wrestling but isn’t a desirable trait in my opinion.

As for the subject matter. We have now had both sides and I would hope that this is the end of the story. Both men have said their piece and it is down to the fans to formulate their own opinions on the matter now. In my mind, Orton was correct. If Kennedy was going to be performing on the same level as the likes of Orton and Cena continually, he needed to be a reliable worker and dropping people on their heads is not being reliable. Good riddance I say.
Shawn Michaels, Bob Holly and John Cena would disagree with you there. And I'm pretty sure their opinion on the subect would be a lot more relevant than yours.
I'll take Kurt Angle's opinion of Anderson over 3 guys who can't hold a candle to Kurt in the ring.

There's a difference between trying to injure someone and potatoing them as punishment. Being stiff with someone as punishment or to teach them a lesson has been around in wrestling for decades.
So when you hurt someone by accident it's a bad thing, but when you deliberately set out to hurt someone to "teach them a lesson" it's ok? That's the mentality Bob Holly was using when he sandbagged Brock Lesnar and wound up with a broken neck. Good stuff.

Oh yes, Bobby Lashley, the respected veteran who was always safe in the ring, right? His opinion clearly means as much as Cena or Orton's... But obviously Lashley would say that, Kennedy never injured him. Yet, by my count, there's still more WWE guys speaking out against Kennedy than defending him...
Probably has something to do with those guys currently in the WWE not wanting to find themselve on the receiving end of a future endeavour. Lashely's got less reason to lie than anyone currently employed by the WWE.

Orton has hyper-mobile shoulders. He cause them to dislocate once. What's Kennedy's excuse for the 3 injuries he suffered and the 3 injuries he caused during his 4 years or so in WWE?
Orton's been injured a lot more than once in his career. When Orton debuted in the WWE he lasted 2 months before he injured himself and was out for nearly half the year. A little less bias might help you out.

And, Reddannihilation, saying Randy sucked up his way into the main event, surely that's what Kennedy was doing?
No you misunderstand, I was saying that Randy Orton took HHH's dick and firmly jammed it down his own throat to make it to the top.

Between those complete bollocks steroid interviews he did and making sure he always asked the right veterans for advice all the time.
You mean when he said he used steroids then decided to quit? And asking people for advice =/= politics.

Hard to say Orton sucked up to get to the main event as, let's face it, only Jeff Hardy has ever done more to self-sabotage his own push then Randy Orton has.
Bullshit, Orton was one of HHH's boys, so was Batista. HBK and HHH have a habit of picking untalented douchebags and demanding they be pushed, case in point Drew McIntyre.

The fact is Orton got there because, for some strange reason, he's got something that people like. I can't see the big deal personally, but clearly most can.
Orton got to where he is by forging alliances with the folks in charge, he was one of HHH's boys, because of these advantages he got to manipulate himself into being in the main event all the time. And when guys like Anderson came a long and he saw they had potential to make a connection with the fans and outdo him he had them cast aside.

WWE's choice came down to siding with one of their top stars or someone that had caused their biggest name to miss months injured (Cena) and could've easily injured another one of their biggest names. I know what side I'd pick as well
Last I checked the WWE didn't give two shits when Dave Batista injured people and that guys was far more injury prone than Anderson. Anderson injured a few people, so what. Brock Lesnar nearly killed Albert, yet they let him continue as if nothing had happened. D'lo Brown made a guy a quadriplegic and they still let him use his finisher. I find it difficult to believe that Ken Anderson is the only person in WWE to have caused someone harm and be fired over it.
I don't know which one of them is right or wrong and, quite frankly, I don't care. Everybody just needs to get the fuck over this thing and move on with their lives. Anderson was fired from the WWE well over a year ago, he's in TNA where he can say asshole as much as he wants so be happy for the guy.

As far the argument itself goes, it's just more of the same. You'll have those that think Anderson is somewhat overrated, like me, and you'll have those that think he's the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. Whatever. You'll also have those that like Randy Orton and those that think he's a talentless hack that got a better talent fired. Also, as I said, whatever. Now Orton and Anderson have basically called one another a sack of crap, so maybe they can both get on with their lives.
If Anderson did drop Orton on his head then Anderson should apologize, he should man up about it.

The last paragraph of the interview made me SICK, is he denying that Anderson isnt entertaining. He must be sticking to the WWE kool-Aid formula of just dissing people just because they joined another promotion.

Once Randy Orton has a match like Anderson vs Angle (Lockdown 2010) then Orton should come and talk about entertainment andwrestling. Otherwise he should keep his comments and crappy matches and borefests to himself.
Orton comes across as such a precious little bitch it ain't even funny man. So he almost got injured? I'm sorry, but am I watching pro wrestling or what? Anderson is just another victim of backstage politics and as good as Orton may be, it just shows how insecure these guys really are.

But on the flip side, if not for Orton having a little hissy fit and getting Anderson fired he probaly wouldn't have the spot he does now. So maybe it was right for him to do at the time, but Anderson has proved, without doubt, that he is a GREAT worker and he has what it takes to make it in pro wrestling. Hopefully Anderson doesn't ever try to "call" Orton out on TNA programming, cause that always comes across as really lame.
Reddannihilation is right on the money. In fact, Kennedy was floundering around the mid card until Undertaker actually came to HIM and told him he wanted to work with Kennedy. Who's side would you rather be on? A professional that rewards your hard work by working with you in a main event program or 3 guys that will make damn sure you'll never make it up to their level because you don't workout with them at Gold's Gym?
Randy orton to vince mcmahon = " WAAAAAH!!!! he plays ruff daddy" seriously wtf did randy orton think he was going to prove whining about anderson and saying that ANDERSON should hope he has back-up work... UMMM hate him or not, hogan at his HoF induction said anderson was the future of wrestling, he is now the "ass-hole" we all knew him to be. no he's not a great wrestler if you want a dance, however if you like WRESTLING, then I'll take my chances with him...

Anderson causes injuries... OH MY GOD NO!!! there shouldn't be any injuries on dancing with the st.... oh, right, this is wrestling. If Orton can't take a bump, which Anderson isn't the only one that has ever sidelined him or the you can't c me chump, then maybe he's the one that should find a back-up job and leave the hard stuff to real men

Love ortons style in the ring, but if you gonna whine like a lil b**** then expect to get looked at like one, didn't hear anderson say s*** after angle's moonsault.... and that could've KILLED him.. hell, could've killed angle too.... I don't know, maybe they jus LIKE what they do and aren't suckin d*** 4 cash, not that orton is... oh F no heh
He got angry, yep. But some people simply can't control their temper, it doesn't make them a "douchebag". There's a good few people who would've flipped out out Kofi and Kennedy for what they did, because there's a good few people out there who can't control their temper sometimes, especially when it comes to their own safety. Who's to say you wouldn't lose your temper if someone almost seriously hurt you doing something they supposedly do professionally for a living? You can hardly judge Orton for that.

Orton started swearing on live TV and having a fit in the middle of the fucking ring because Kofi screwed up in match, that was what I was saying. That was a douchebag thing to do, I don't care how many Orton fans tell me he was justified in doing so. Kofi didn't put his 'safety in danger'. He just forgot to stay on the floor of the ring to dodge a punt. People who seriously defend that shit are ridiculous, had anyone not named Orton Cena HHH or Taker pulled that stunt they would be suspended or fired or de-pushed.

Shawn Michaels, Bob Holly and John Cena would disagree with you there. And I'm pretty sure their opinion on the subect would be a lot more relevant than yours.

Bob Holly hates Kennedy and I am pretty sure he has threatened him and his wife in an interview so I don't listen to a word he says. I have NEVER heard the HBK rumors before I read this thread so I would appreciate if somebody could tell me when in the blue hell Kennedy amost hurt him. The only thing I can imagine you people are talking about is during a tag match when HBK botched a move on Kennedy and Kennedy sold it anyway, making it look worse.

And of course the Cena injury. Half the sites I go on claim it's common knowledge that Cena hurt himself in that match. This is the only forum I go on where people actually think Kennedy injured him. Besides I don't trust Cena at all after he signed that petition to bring back Danielson and it was then later revealed that Cena was a two-faced prick who actually had a hand in getting him fired in the first place.

There's a difference between trying to injure someone and potatoing them as punishment. Being stiff with someone as punishment or to teach them a lesson has been around in wrestling for decades.

I don't care how you spin it. I don't think anybody is justified in trying to hurt somebody else because they messed up. I don't know the term 'potatoing'. But if that is just a nicer way to say "trying to legit injure opponent with finisher move" - since that is what Orton did - then yeah I still don't think he's justified.

Oh yes, Bobby Lashley, the respected veteran who was always safe in the ring, right? His opinion clearly means as much as Cena or Orton's... But obviously Lashley would say that, Kennedy never injured him. Yet, by my count, there's still more WWE guys speaking out against Kennedy than defending him...

I only listed one example cause I don't feel like digging through the archives of this site. The reason I mentioned that thing in the first place is because, like you told me earlier in your post, people who have actually been in the ring with Anderson would know better than I ever could whether or not he is dangerous. So I thought, you know, it would be smart to provide an example of somebody who said he wasn't. But I guess my example wasn't good enough because Lashley isn't a veteran? Fine, he isn't the only person who thouht he wasn't 'dangerous', like other people on here have said. Go dig up an interview where Undertaker was praising Kennedy.

Orton has hyper-mobile shoulders. He cause them to dislocate once. What's Kennedy's excuse for the 3 injuries he suffered and the 3 injuries he caused during his 4 years or so in WWE?

How the heck should I know. Maybe they brought him up from OVW too fast like somebody said. All I know that is Kennedy claims he has never been injured when he wrestled before WWE, and that he hasn't been injured since leaving the company. Blame it on the reduced schedule if you want. I don't know.

If Orton has hyper-mobile shoulders then why the hell does he continue to do that RKO taunt thingy after it has already injured him? If he gets hurt again from the taunt, are you seriously going to say that he is not to blame because he has a shoulder problem, even though he is knowingly putting himself in danger every time he does that taunt?

"You almost broke my neck and denied it despite video evidence, but don't worry about it, everything's cool."

What sane person would say that?

I don't think he almost broke his neck. I have not seen this "video evidence" of his neck almost breaking. And Kennedy said in the interview thing that after the match he went and watched the fucking footage of the botch and then saw that he didn't mess up like Orton claimed so of course he would deny it.
And the forum explodes once again. Do you recall the time that Ken Anderson expressed sarcastic comments towards Randy on Twitter? This is the exact same thing. A lash back. And I don't blame him. Randy was in his full right to express anger and annoyance with Ken due to what happened.

The fact that Anderson dropped Randy on his neck. That's not exactly the greatest thing you can do. Much less around someone who you're considered good friends with backstage.

This doesn't change any of the opinions I have on either of the talent. They say what they want. They're welcome to do that. I don't interfere in the fact that someone said something to another as long as it doesn't affect me. And I find it ridiculous for others to jump up and complain or praise Randy or Anderson for any of their comments.
Kennedy is a guy who got over on his mic skills. He was inferior in the ring and he tried to make it up by doing rolling sentons and flips, even if it really shouldn't have been his style. The result? Not only did he become injury prone, but he became a risk to the people he was working with.

I don't watch TNA so I can't comment on his work with the company and if he's improved or not, but what I remember from WWE, I knew he had potential (especially considering you don't need ring skills to make it), but he wasn't willing to listen to guys who knew better than him and adjust his style, and whether it was specifically because of Orton getting into Vince's ear or not, looking back at it, his release was probably a long time coming.

I'm with Orton on this one.
This really doesn't affect my look on either superstar. Although, as far as the "dropping Randy on his head thing" to me at least it was pretty clear that it was a botch by one or both of them. I've only seen it once when it happened with my friend and we were both pretty sure something screwed up there.

Oh slightly off topic but regarding Randy and Kofi. If you remember there was stuff going wrong left and right with that feud, remember MSG when the Sound Guy flobbed on Kofi's music...yeah as much as I loved that rivalry, there was just something out to ruin it.

And regarding everyone bashing the top superstars for sucking up to the boss. Um...this happens in every other business out there. All the top people in every company suck up to the top people before them to get where they are. However, the top people wouldn't want them to anywhere near them if they didn't have something they interested them. The best example of this is Cena and The Miz who both did not impress the management. So what did they do? Bitch and moan? No. They worked there ass off to get recognized. They constantly did signings and events and what happened they were rewarded for there desire to prove themselves with massive opportunities.

Although, I do think that the last comment by Randy was a bit harsh. I agree with the above that it was probably a "he went to TNA so #$*% him."
I think Orton should have chose his words more carefully "Ken didn't say sorry, Ken is a liar' That sounds something like what a 2 year old would say. If Orton wants people to believe him, I do think he need's to speak like an adult.

and who knows if Orton is even telling the truth. What makes you all think that Orton isn't covering up his ass and he was the one that screwed up?

I think WWE will go that road, considering Kennedy wasn't all that big in WWE, Orton flat out knew WWE would keep him instead of Kennedy.

Please read carefully before you post. Randy didn't call Ken a liar. Ken called Randy a liar.

Anyway, the fact that Mr. Anderson has made so many snide comments and gestures and talked this issue to death since its happened, and this being, Randy's, what, first(?) input on the incident kind of shows who's bitter and who the fault probably lies on.

I'm not saying Randy Orton is an angel and has done nothing wrong, but in this specific case, Kennedy may have been a little too trigger happy to be back in the ring. Kennedy probably has a huge ego of his own in my opinion. Don't drop people on their heads next time Kennedy.
I liked Kennedy when he was in WWE, not so much now that he is in TNA. He did drop Orton on his neck, I saw it, so I understand why Orton was/is pissed. But if he had to quit wrestling for any reason, I could see him being a color commentator easily, as he has the voice for it. The loud....obnoxious voice.
Orton started swearing on live TV and having a fit in the middle of the fucking ring because Kofi screwed up in match, that was what I was saying. That was a douchebag thing to do, I don't care how many Orton fans tell me he was justified in doing so. Kofi didn't put his 'safety in danger'. He just forgot to stay on the floor of the ring to dodge a punt. People who seriously defend that shit are ridiculous, had anyone not named Orton Cena HHH or Taker pulled that stunt they would be suspended or fired or de-pushed.

Orton didn't swear, not out loud anyway. He called Kofi stupid a few times. Oh no! And how do you know what went wrong in the match? By reading the ever credible posts on here? No one knows for sure what went wrong in that match other than the people who were involved in the match, there are all kinds of comflicting reports on what happened, you don't know if Kofi was meant to take the punt or not. So for all you know, it could've been something Kofi did dangerously to Orton, in the corner or whatever. And again, you can't possibly know if others would get punished for it. Are you some kind of WWE insider or something?

Bob Holly hates Kennedy and I am pretty sure he has threatened him and his wife in an interview so I don't listen to a word he says.

Yeah, Bob Holly hates Kennedy for injuring his ribs and elbow botching his Kenton Bomb. You say that as if Holly hates Kennedy for no reason.

I have NEVER heard the HBK rumors before I read this thread so I would appreciate if somebody could tell me when in the blue hell Kennedy amost hurt him. The only thing I can imagine you people are talking about is during a tag match when HBK botched a move on Kennedy and Kennedy sold it anyway, making it look worse.

I've heard reports that Michaels had his knee injured by Kennedy. It was a long time ago obviously, so I don't remember the details clearly, but I'm pretty sure that's what the reports said. Although, I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed, so meh.

And of course the Cena injury. Half the sites I go on claim it's common knowledge that Cena hurt himself in that match.

Which means, if my mathematics are correct, the other half of the sites claim that it was Kennedy's fault?

This is the only forum I go on where people actually think Kennedy injured him.

Hatred of Cena and support of Kennedy on the internet of all places? What madness is this?

Besides I don't trust Cena at all after he signed that petition to bring back Danielson and it was then later revealed that Cena was a two-faced prick who actually had a hand in getting him fired in the first place.

Again, you're basing rumours on fact. Although, if you're talking about the report I'm thinking of, it said that Cena didn't like that Danielson spit on him. The report said nothing about Cena wanting him fired. So perhaps he never meant for Danielson to get fired and then backed the petition because he felt bad?

I don't care how you spin it. I don't think anybody is justified in trying to hurt somebody else because they messed up.

It's not how I'm spinning, it's tradition. And it's make them feel some pain, not actually hurt them.

I don't know the term 'potatoing'. But if that is just a nicer way to say "trying to legit injure opponent with finisher move" - since that is what Orton did - then yeah I still don't think he's justified.

Again, Orton wasn't trying to "legit injure" Kofi. Of course he would never do that. He was just being stiff with him. It causes some pain, but it never injures someone if the move is still done safely.

I only listed one example cause I don't feel like digging through the archives of this site. The reason I mentioned that thing in the first place is because, like you told me earlier in your post, people who have actually been in the ring with Anderson would know better than I ever could whether or not he is dangerous. So I thought, you know, it would be smart to provide an example of somebody who said he wasn't. But I guess my example wasn't good enough because Lashley isn't a veteran? Fine, he isn't the only person who thouht he wasn't 'dangerous', like other people on here have said. Go dig up an interview where Undertaker was praising Kennedy.

No, the Lashley example wasn't good enough because Lashley himself looked sloppy and dangerous in the ring at the best of times. I haven't seen this Undertaker interview, and I don't know if it exists, but Undertaker has done basically no interviews since going back to the deadman gimmick. But I shouldn't have to dig up an interview that may or may not exist for your argument.

How the heck should I know. Maybe they brought him up from OVW too fast like somebody said. All I know that is Kennedy claims he has never been injured when he wrestled before WWE, and that he hasn't been injured since leaving the company. Blame it on the reduced schedule if you want. I don't know.

That sounds like you're actually blaming WWE for Kennedy's injuries... But not much is known about Kennedy pre-WWE, he could be lying for all we know about him never having an injury before WWE. You don't mind thinking Orton and Cena are liars, but not Kennedy?

If Orton has hyper-mobile shoulders then why the hell does he continue to do that RKO tanut thingy after it has alrady injured him? If he gets hurt again from the taunt, are you seriously going to say that he is not to blame because he has a shoulder problem, even though he is knowingly putting himself in danger every time he does that taunt?

It's hardly "putting himself in danger". Hyper mobility in shoulders can cause them to dislocate, but it's not a risk that every time he moves there's the chance they'll dislocate. The fact remains that even with the condition of hyper mobility in his shoulders, it's only caused 1 shoulder injury in 8 years of WWE wrestling. A third of the amount of injuries Kennedy got in 4 years of WWE wrestling.

I don't think he almost broke his neck. I have not seen this "video evidence" of his neck almost breaking.

So you haven't seen the match then? It clearly shows Kennedy dropping Orton on his neck.

And Kennedy said in the interview thing that after the match he went and watched the fucking footage of the botch and then saw that he didn't mess up like Orton claimed so of course he would deny it.

Look at the match. As soon as Kennedy lifted Orton up, Orton realised something was wrong, you can tell by the look on his face. And Orton was right to think something was wrong, cause Kennedy then dropped Orton on his neck. You can be denial all you want, but it's clear. Due to whatever Kennedy did wrong, Orton was falling backwards rather than falling downwards. He hits the mat on his neck, not on his upper back and shoulders. The evidence is in how the bump goes. If Orton had landed on his back, he wouldn't have bounced that high, like in a textbook back drop. He would've hit the match and stayed down, but he bounces and lands on his side.
Orton didn't swear, not out loud anyway. He called Kofi stupid a few times. Oh no!

He yelled "fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!" when he was slamming the ring. Don't take my word for it, watch for yourself. It starts around the 0:14 mark.

And how do you know what went wrong in the match? By reading the ever credible posts on here? No one knows for sure what went wrong in that match other than the people who were involved in the match, there are all kinds of comflicting reports on what happened, you don't know if Kofi was meant to take the punt or not.

Don't call me out on using rumors as facts when just about every single post defending Orton in this thread does the same thing. I came to that conclusion myself because it is logical. I might be wrong but nobody knows now do they.

So for all you know, it could've been something Kofi did dangerously to Orton, in the corner or whatever. And again, you can't possibly know if others would get punished for it. Are you some kind of WWE insider or something?

I am no insider. I watched the match. Orton CLEARLY gets upset because Kofi does not stay down on the ring and keeps getting back up. That is a pretty big mess up but I fail to see how he can possibly be endangering Orton by that.

Yeah, Bob Holly hates Kennedy for injuring his ribs and elbow botching his Kenton Bomb. You say that as if Holly hates Kennedy for no reason.

Pretty sure somebody in this thread already adressed why Holly blaming Kennedy is bs. Oh and when did he injure him? When was this match? (I'm not trying to be a smartass I just really have no idea what you're talking about)

I've heard reports that Michaels had his knee injured by Kennedy. It was a long time ago obviously, so I don't remember the details clearly, but I'm pretty sure that's what the reports said. Although, I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed, so meh.

Yeah and I heard uncomfirmed reports that Orton was responsible for both Eugene and Manu getting fired.

Which means, if my mathematics are correct, the other half of the sites claim that it was Kennedy's fault?

Well I'm failing math so I probably worded that sentence wrong. The point is that this is the ONLY site I go on where people genuinely believe Cena did not injure himself and they shift the blame onto Kennedy.

Hatred of Cena and support of Kennedy on the internet of all places? What madness is this?

You don't have to hate Cena to think that he injured himself. That's stupid to imply.

Again, you're basing rumours on fact. Although, if you're talking about the report I'm thinking of, it said that Cena didn't like that Danielson spit on him. The report said nothing about Cena wanting him fired. So perhaps he never meant for Danielson to get fired and then backed the petition because he felt bad?

I said in my original post that I will be basing all rumors that are pro-kennedy as fact since most of the anti-kennedy 'facts' that are brought up are rumors as well.For example, you did the same damn thing with the HBK rumor until I pointed it out.

And no. I actually read a report that Cena was personally upset at the spitting incident. That could be complete BS, but you know what? So can the theory that Cena didn't really injure himself.

It's not how I'm spinning, it's tradition. And it's make them feel some pain, not actually hurt them.

Again, Orton wasn't trying to "legit injure" Kofi. Of course he would never do that. He was just being stiff with him. It causes some pain, but it never injures someone if the move is still done safely.

You said yourself that Orton has a temper. I really doubt Orton wasn't trying to get payback. My mind is set on that.

No, the Lashley example wasn't good enough because Lashley himself looked sloppy and dangerous in the ring at the best of times. I haven't seen this Undertaker interview, and I don't know if it exists, but Undertaker has done basically no interviews since going back to the deadman gimmick. But I shouldn't have to dig up an interview that may or may not exist for your argument.

Exactly. I didn't feel like digging up anything either. Because this is the fourth fucking Orton vs Kennedy thread I have posted in. Ridiculous.

I don't know why you think Lashley looked sloppy. I thought he was okay, and I think the impression you have of him being sloppy is just kind of stems from the stereotypical idea that "if you are a big guy, then you can't wrestle". But anyway this is getting incredibly off topic. I just wanted to give an example of a wrestler who disagreed with the idea that Kennedy was sloppy/dangerous/too stiff/whatever.

That sounds like you're actually blaming WWE for Kennedy's injuries...

No, you misunderstood me. I was trying to imply that maybe Kennedy can not handle the WWE scedule and needs a lighter one like TNA offers or like he probably had when working indy feds

But not much is known about Kennedy pre-WWE, he could be lying for all we know about him never having an injury before WWE.

This is why I said he CLAIMED to have not been injured.

You don't mind thinking Orton and Cena are liars, but not Kennedy?

Orton has not given me any reason to believe a word he says. And honestly (I know I'm gonna get a lot of fucking heat for this) I think Cena is a tool who would never speak what he thinks, he only says what WWE wants him to say.

It's hardly "putting himself in danger". Hyper mobility in shoulders can cause them to dislocate, but it's not a risk that every time he moves there's the chance they'll dislocate. The fact remains that even with the condition of hyper mobility in his shoulders, it's only caused 1 shoulder injury in 8 years of WWE wrestling. A third of the amount of injuries Kennedy got in 4 years of WWE wrestling.

Injured only once? What? Hasn't he been injured at least three times? There was the time a long time ago when he was growing out his hair and was doing those RNN report things. Then there was when HHH injured him by throwing him out of the ring. Then there was the recent Over The Limit incident.

How can you really sit there and say that it's smart for him to continue performing that taunt which has caused him an injury so recently???

So you haven't seen the match then? It clearly shows Kennedy dropping Orton on his neck.

I've seen the match. Ironically enough the match was on my birthday, LOL. Anyway. I don't see what you say it so clearly shows. It didn't look like it could have caused on injury. I have heard other people say the same thing. Hell even ORTON HIMSELF said that you couldn't tell there was an injury from the angle they showed it, he said you needed to see it from 4 different camera angles or some shit

Look at the match. As soon as Kennedy lifted Orton up, Orton realised something was wrong, you can tell by the look on his face. And Orton was right to think something was wrong, cause Kennedy then dropped Orton on his neck. You can be denial all you want, but it's clear. Due to whatever Kennedy did wrong, Orton was falling backwards rather than falling downwards. He hits the mat on his neck, not on his upper back and shoulders. The evidence is in how the bump goes. If Orton had landed on his back, he wouldn't have bounced that high, like in a textbook back drop. He would've hit the match and stayed down, but he bounces and lands on his side.

This is going nowhere. I think Orton is a liar and you believe him, I don't think we are going to change our minds. I respect your opinion even though I pretty much disagree with everything you say.

Every single Orton vs Kennedy thread is filled with posts based on nothing but bias and speculation, and I'm not going to deny that I am biased and speculating just as much as everybody else in this thread. I doubt we are ever going to know what really happened and which one of them is really lying (honestly they probably both are) but that won't stop this damn thread from popping up every 3 months.
I think this was a silly in ring accident that got blown way out of proportion. Anderson was probably in the wrong for causing the accident and not apologizing for it, and Orton may have been in the wrong for telling management causing Anderson to be fired. I think when you have two egos the size of these 2 men in the ring, something bad is going to happen. If this would have been Orton and Cena or Orton and Triple H, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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