Orlando Jordan Released from TNA Contract

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According to numerous dirt sheet reports and his updated Wikipedia account, TNA has released Orlando Jordan from his contract.

I'd imagine he'll be hard-pressed to find any sympathy from the users here, eh?
Yeah I don't care. The guy hasn't been on TV other than in random comedy spot for months so it's not like this is some top contender leaving. He hasn't done a thing in TNA in the year and a half or so that he's been there. Also it's not like Jordan is anything special in the first place. I don't remember him ever doing anything worthy of earning a spot on a roster in 2011. Not a loss at all and one less paycheck/roster spot TNA has to deal with.
This guy made a colossal mistake; not knowing his audience. Trying to push his personal lifestyle into the product was a dumb move. I know you can look at Goldust and say it had been done before, but there's a big difference between Goldust's headgames in the 90s and the much more graphic stuff Jordan was trying to pull off. Plus, and we know it's true, people knew deep down that Dustin Rhodes was NOT a homosexual and he was playing a character. Knowing that Orlando is actually bisexual made his stuff even worse to Joe Wrestling Fan.

He actually had some credibility he could have cashed in on briefly in TNA, but he was D.O.A. with that gimmick. Ah well.
If he was released, I'm would not be surprised at all.

He's hardly ever used, if at all. He's really just there, and the only time he was remotely a character on TNA was when he squirted cream on himself.
I agree with klunder. Neither a loss for TNA nor for it's roster. OJ was a waste of a spot and a push at a time when those were sorely needed for several young talents in the company today. Out of the two releases today, this is the far, far less worse one, IMO.
I actually quit watching TNA for a little bit over his escapades. I'm not homophobic or anything of the like, but he legitimately made me a little sick to my stomach with a few of his performances. In the ring, he wasn't anything special, so I don't see this being negative at all for TNA.
Meh, who cares ? Look, Orlando Jordan may be a good wrestler but he wasn't used on tv, so why keep him if you won't use him? Oh and for the guy that complained about his gimmick, well yeah i might have been a bad move but this 2011 so i don't really think that "Joe the wrestling fan" would be too upset by this.
" Sorry about your damn luck!!!" - James Storm
I'm not surprised to be honest, what surprises me is that TNA kept him for so long. I guess they thought he could actually do something along the lines like what was done for him in WWE. His gimmick was bogus, way too over-the-top and it wasn't entertaining, every time I saw him, he did nothing interesting or impressive. So I agree TNA gained a lot, lost nothing.
Phasing Orlando Jordan out was probably the best move that Impact could make regarding him. Let us face it, playing headgames is one thing, but his stuff wasn't even entertaining. Furthermore, it didn't accomplish any purpose within the context of any ultimate goals he had. I mean, if he was trying to "raise awareness" or win championships by making his opponents uncomfortable by flirting with them or somesuch, then his antics might have had a purpose, but they didn't. They were a background quality to his gimmick that, quite frankly, Jordan hid behind. He made his bisexuality the only aspect of his character, and that was his major mistake (or the mistake of the creative team, which ever ones were in charge of that.)

I think Jordan could bounce back in a heavily repackaged state, but not as the character we've seen lately. At this point, he was just dead wood, and we all know what to do with dead wood...
It's not surprising seeing how he's only used for comedy spots and Xplosion. Even though Hogan was really high on him back when he debuted and said he was a talented wrestler. But it's not a real loss.
i hated his stereotype gimmick and was glad they didn't waste more tv time with it. It just wasn't neccassary other than to "push the boundaries".
And the pairing with EY could have been something better if they weren't used as the b/w Santino and Kozlov.
Well this is no loss for TNA he was rarely used and when he was no one gave a shit either way. Maybe this is TNA trying to clear up some money so they can sign more of the guys that they brought in for Destination x or maybe a bigger star, who knows.
Hmm, so the bi-guy is gone. All I can say to this, without being offensive to actual bisexuals, is good riddance.

I never understood why he had a job in the company anyway, his matches were as boring as a cup of coffee being made, and his entire gimmick felt stupid.

At the end of the day, where will OJ go from here.
I'm happy that Orlando Jordan is gone from TNA. Although its going to sound weird, but I believe that WWE used him a little better than TNA. At least in the WWE, they had Orlando in storylines, where as in TNA they put him in a gimmick that got him nowhere and fans weren't interested in.
I guess I was the only idiot to like some of his antics. As a face, he probably could've been a mainstay on a secondary TV show. Too bad TNA doesn't have one of those. Some of his later stuff with Eric Young were somewhat entertaining.

Though he'll always be remembered as the weirdo who squirted "man-juice" over himself while a confused 'roid abuser looked on blankly.
This was a cut a lot of people were asking for when OJ showed up last January. I thought he signed a 2 year deal with TNA, along with GenMe. I'm either mistaken or those contracts are a joke. The mainstream wrestling world just doesn't care about a gay character. Androgoynous characters like Adrian Adonis and Goldust were more appealing. OJ never really connected with anyone in TNA.
Orlando Jordan is a talented athlete but he was never going to get over with the fans with that gimmick. It was obvious from day one, and should never have been introduced.

He could have done ok in TNA if he had been packaged right and could show off his skills, but it was never going to work out for him in that creepy gimmick, so I am really no bothered at all by this release.

It was a waste of money even paying the guy, so its good he is no longer on the payroll and TNA can use the money on a more worthy talent, like Low-Ki, Kid Kash or ODB.
This explains why Eric Young needed a tag team partner at Destination X. Jordan was a decent talent and all, but he didnt play to his strengths, which is wrestling. Instead, he got caught up in the same campy comedy that Eric Young does, only moreso due to him pushing his sexual preferences into it. This release, unlike that of GenMe, is a step in the right direction to truly push the idea that "Wrestling Matters." The OJ character is the antithesis of that belief, and letting him go was a smart move on TNA's part. WIth the signings of Aeries and Kid Kash, TNA actuaally invested into two people who have the right kind of charisma and talent to actually make a difference, Jordan doesn't. Smart move here.

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