Eric Young Finished with TNA (For Now)

I like Eric Young a lot, but this won't affect TNA at all. He hasn't been doing anything of substance for awhile now. He is a very good in ring performer and he entertains me on the microphone as well. Unfortunately he has been stuck with another comedy routine, instead of getting any serious push. Oh well, it will be more interesting to see where Orlando Jordan goes from here seeing as he and EY were beginning to pick up a little bit of steam as a team.
Can't say much that hasn't been said. To me Eric Young was a hilarious entertainer when given the spot it made for a contrast to the seriousness going on in TNA. I would even consider EY a true loss for TNA; a performer that didn't need a ring.

But truth of the matter is Eric Young just wasn't really profittable, and TNA needed to make some space for potential future athletes. Young wasn't going anywhere with his angle other than be a part of a team that seemed more forced than actually natural.

This coming from an OJ fan too.
This is really a non-story, honestly. Young's a decent wrestler and all, but they've made it impossible to take him serious for a long time. Between the "Super Eric" gimmick and his tag team with Orlando Jordan, he really hasn't been given the chance to show anything more then bad comedy.

The fact that they low-balled him on their offer to re-sign him is something I don't blame him for turning down. They havent used him as more then comedy filler, and apparently approached his contract in a similar fashion. I dont blame for for wanting to explore other options, and I give him credit for working through the end without any fanfare or storyline, which TNA usually gives to many performers on their way out(Nash, Bashir, Petey Williams, and Roxxi come to mind). I hope Young finds somewhere where he can be successful, because he's charasmatic and a decent wrestler. But honestly, this isn't a big loss to TNA.
Sad to have read this. I love EY's antics and it made no sense to me for him to try and be a serious character and how they shuffled him around for so long. I was hoping he was getting on track again with his teaming with Orlando, but that's done.. For now? In overall TNA, it's not a "big loss", but to a fan who enjoyed him, now I have to sit thru more Immortal monologues. I need comedy bits in between "serious" storylines to keep me interested. Too much "seriousness" is both draining and boring.

As an aside, I currently love Orlando. I hated him in WWE, but I can't wait to see what he wears and does next. He's lean, not bulky like he was in WWE, his hair is fab and I love his make-up. He's like the quintessential seme, and EY was like his clueless little uke. People, in general, might not like Orlando for it or any uncomfortableness related to it, but I want to see more. :icon_razz:
I like Eric, but in a way I'm glad he's gone because it will be the end of the comedy matches. (I hope its the end) I don't like comedy matches, I think it demeans all that are involved, especially the "serious" team. Its like if the Globetrotters were a real NBA team, it would make a serious sport look like a circus. If he does come back I hope he hits his head and becomes normal again. The crazy Eric is played out and if he returns he should find another gimmick.

its been reported that he has resign with the company. I wonder how long will he stay this time. Something tells me that they gonna continue with him and Orlando Jordon segment but seriously want more can he do for the company now??
its been reported that he has resign with the company. I wonder how long will he stay this time. Something tells me that they gonna continue with him and Orlando Jordon segment but seriously want more can he do for the company now??

Actually, some sites are reporting that he's back on his own terms, choosing his bookings. Here's what PWInsider says.

The word making the rounds is that Eric Young has signed a new deal with TNA where he'll be able to take independent dates on his own for dates when the company doesn't require his services.

Basically, it seems to me that both him and TNA are well aware of the fact that, creatively, he is useless. EY wants to make the occasional buck, and TNA wants to use him for filler and comedy relief whenever they need him. They don't have to pay him all the time, only when his services are required. Win for the company, win for EY. He can work the indies and TNA when he feels like it and make some extra cash.
Thank you for explaining this to me. what you explain to me, do you think this is a good idea for him??

It apparently is as he signed a contract for it. It's good for him, good for TNA, and it's good for the people that didn't like EY that much. Personally, I like the guy. Comedy or serious, I always thought he had potential. Could've been a Benoit type of guy. He's short, but well built, but just like it was mentioned in this week's episode of "Chair Shot Reality", 95% of the guys out there have potential and very few of them make it, so that's not really a praise, it's just a fact.

It works for the fans too because he has no purpose, he doesn't need to take up TV time every week [ not that good ] and we might see him occasionally for comedic purposes. Win win for us too.
I hated the direction that they were going with Young lately, so I was kind of glad when he got future endeavoured. Now that he's back again I hope we don't see more of that terrible team of Young and Jordan. It's not funny, it's stupid! Young should not be in a comedic role he was better off being in The Band or when he held the Global Championship.... What happened to THAT Eric Young? Unless that's the Eric Young we are getting, I'm not interested in seeing him onscreen again because I have absolutely no interest in the character they turned him into.

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