Rhino Finished with TNA (for now...)

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According to various dirt sheet reports, Rhino and TNA Wrestling couldn't agree to new terms on a new deal to re-sign him with the company (as he wanted guaranteed money that they weren't willing to pay him), so his contract was not renewed, though it's been noted that his status with the company is still open in the sense that he could still be brought back if the two sides agree to terms.

With this move, EV2 continues to dissolve, as Rhino now becomes the latest victim to be written out of the story in some fashion, following suit with Mick Foley, Sandman, the FBI, Sabu and Raven.

Thoughts on Rhino's release? Concerns?
Aside from RVD, Rhyno was the most valuable active wrestler in the stable. That being said, does this really make a difference? He was in a midcard feud that was going absolutely nowhere and now that's all done. There's no real point to him being there now and since TNA keeps hiring more and more guys that they don't have room for, Rhyno would have more difficulties getting on television anyway. This isn't a big loss at all for them.
It isnt a major loss for TNA. I am a bit disappointed being a Rhino fan, but with the demise of EV2.0 and the end of his short lived feud with RVD, there was not much else for him to do.

He is more talented than alot of other guys they have on the roster, but he probably isnt a big enough name to warrant guaranteed money, so they are probably wise not to give it to him. I would still like to see him stick around though, I hope they can come to some sort of agreement.

I kinda liked the idea of him working for Bischoff in the hope of earning a contract. I could have seen him being employed by Immortal as someone to do their dirty work, and Rhino eventually winning a title of some kind, and being told to lie down for Abyss/Roode etc...refusing to do so and then getting beat down, turning him face and feuding with the member of Immortal over the gold. However, with the TV title already in Immortal this couldnt happen right now.
Rhino was my favourite EV2.0 member and he still could wrestle *sort of...*

TNA didn't seem to be giving much TV time to EV2.0 anyways so I wouldn't see it as a loss in that sense. EV2.0 looks finished now and good riddance, I really disliked the concept of EV2.0.
I hope they don't resign him. I am a pretty big Rhyno fan but with new signings like Tommy Mercer and Johnny Moss, it makes sense for TNA to trim the fat. Now I wouldn't be surprised if he resigns with TNA, which is a possibility considering what happend to EY a few weeks back. But I feel TNA are going to have to make roster space for Tommy Mercer and Johnny Moss.
Its amazing how he was TNA world Champion only once. After that he was never giving a main event spot in TNA. I don't see this a loss for TNA because lately he hadn't been use like he was used in the past. Something tells me that he gonna come back when the time is right.
Its amazing how he was TNA world Champion only once. After that he was never giving a main event spot in TNA. I don't see this a loss for TNA because lately he hadn't been use like he was used in the past. Something tells me that he gonna come back when the time is right.

Rhino was never TNA World Champion, dude. Never. He was the NWA-TNA World Champion at one point, but that is not the same title as the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The only men to have held the TNA World Heavyweight Championship are AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Sting, RVD, Jeff Hardy and Mick Foley, and Rhino could only ever dream of being on the same plateau as those men.

As for the rest of your post, I agree to an extent. Frankly, Rhino will be of little loss to the company, especially if the recent talents they've signed are expected to debut relatively soon, but the one thing Rhino was capable of doing was performing admirably in the mid-card, especially on PPV's. That's something they may miss, at least in the near future, for now.
i've always liked Rhino. he was never a huge star. at least, i never considered him to be one. but i always enjoyed him anyway.

his look is pretty unique, he's strong, got a good move set, works hard, sells well and is just a good worker in general. mic skills are a little lower than some, but all in all, he's a pretty balanced talent.

i've enjoyed a bunch of his feuds in the past, including Jericho in WWE and Styles more recently.

one thing that TNA is not short on is star power, so i doubt that this loss will really be considered one in the long term. one thing that TNA is short on is roster space and TV time. that said, i wish Rhino could have done more for TNA but i also see where he's not as necessary as some others might be.

it's not a concern, but i am curious as to what he'll do in the future? if he wants guaranteed money (understandable) i wonder if he'll go back to WWE? seems unlikely. and would they even want him back? would he re-sign with TNA? if so, under what conditions and what possible future storylines?

i wish him nothing but the best. he was a solid ring worker with a pretty long run.
I hope Rhino is eventually signed to a deal. I really think that he can be entertaining and be of some value to TNA. From what I've seen, he is better than the other EV 2.0 guys that have gone away.

If I had to guess, Rhino is going to come home to good old Dearborn/Dearborn Heights, Michigan for a while before being signed to a deal for less money than he originally wanted. He will help coach the Annapolis Cougar wrestling team (his alma mater) during his down time, beef up at the Powerhouse gym, hit up the bars, and troll for the ladies.
I think Rhino would be great to elevate talent. For instance, Rhino going against Matt Morgan when he gets out of the main event scene would be great entertainment, as well as Rhino going against Samoa Joe. They could have gotten about another four good useful months out of him, but decided to let him go.

Doesn't hurt TNA, but doesn't help TNA either.
I agree. Doesn't hurt, but doesn't help. I'm glad I wasn't alone in thinking Rhino was still a good talent. That actually makes me feel pretty good that he gets more credit than what I thought he did. At any rate, it's correct that there are so many other people in TNA he'd get lost in the shuffle, but what if they ever decided to bring back Thunder? Uh, I mean, what if they decided to make a B show? They really could have used him in that capacity. I do agree they're prob spending too much and need to trim the fat, so unfortunately Rhino had to go. Stevie will be future endeavored which I think is also a shame. He and Rhino were the two guys out of EV2 I thought were still in great shape and still could work in the ring. I mean, I kind of marked out when EV2 initially showed up on TNA, but after seeing the condition most of the guys were in I immediately re-thought my position. I mean, Raven and Sabu looked absolutely horrible. Rhino, along w/Richards, were the only two I saw that still had something going for them. Best wishes to both guys, and only time will tell if this is a short hiatus or a fond farewell.
I was sad to have read the title of this thread. I liked Rhyno, I haven't seen enough of him to talk about his "mic skills" but I always like what he added to the roster. If you don't like the sound of his voice then hire a manager. I'm not saying that alone would guarantee him a title run, but, what would be wrong with a talented wrestler with a midcard title goring everything that moved in backstage segments?
As a Rhino fan this is a bummer. Man always gave his all in his matches and I thought they were working a credible storyline with him being the 'reluctant employee'. It was going somewhere and I thought his match with RVD was pretty good and would lead to bigger things.

But that's not the issue here, it's the money, and both parties are standing firm. Do I see his future in WWE. Maybe maybe not. He can still go in the ring and can work in some capacity so who knows.
The loss of Rhyno is no big deal, I like Rhyno has a mid carder and he still can put on some decent matches like he did with RVD, but with some recent signings there is no room for Rhyno right now, I would not mind if he came back to TNA and If he did not come back I wouldn't be mad either.
I've always been a fan of Rhino. It's sad for me to see him go. I always felt like he deserved a little bit more than TNA ever really gave him (or than he was ever really given, aside from his run in the original ECW)
They weren't going to give rhyno the guarenteed money and trimmed the fat persay since another wrestler will be debuting in January and working along Jeff Hardy....

Stand Back..... The Hurricane Gregory Helms is coming to T.N.A!!

SSH announced it himself on Highway to Helms!
We knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I don't know why TNA dragged Rhino along as long as they did if they weren't going to resign him. TNA needs to make room for the stars they have now. I wish they would let Eric Young and Team 3D go that way they could have more time for other wrestlers like Magnus and Wolfe on Impact. Rhino is one of the best workers on the EV 2 faction, but there are only so many gores you can do to keep the audience interests.
I don't see this as being any big loss for TNA at all. There's just nothing there for Rhino, in my view, except probably for one meaningless mid-card feud after another depending upon how often he'd made his way onto television.

TNA keeps hiring and adding new wrestlers to its roster, which is still pretty bloated, and there's simply no place to put them all. A new wrestling show would help out a lot in my view but that doesn't seem to be on the horizon anytime soon. Rhino would probably just wind up being pushed further and further back, appearing on television rarely and probably be used as a jobber when he was used.
Rhino. That guy was the epitome of filler in TNA. If somebody couldn't wrestle, he was the substitute. If somebody needed the push and there was nobody available for the job, he got the job. I mean, the only reason he was ever a World Champion was... yup, he was filling out for someone else. Thankfully, he didn't substitute Mr. Anderson.

But yeah, no real loss with the guy. His steam ran out ages ago. Not that the train ever ran properly.

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