
Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, I didn't notice a thread on Randy, so apologies if this is already in here.

I keep seeing all these names in this HOF forum, and have been completely puzzled as to why I haven't been seeing any mention of this true legend.... Why exactly is this??? This man deserves to be in any sort of HOF that has to do with professional wrestling, PERIOD!!!! He is one of the biggest names and most charismatic people EVER in the history of this business. Some say his program with Hulk Hogan back in the 80s when the mega powers exploded was one of if not the best ever angles in ALL of wrestling. He was a larger than life character, and known worldwide. He was most def a household name, all you have to do is see all the attn his passing got. How many other wrestlers that didn't go nuts and kill their families or fall from the rafters get so much attn? For that matter, when is the last time you saw a pro wrestler get so much attn that didn't pass away in a neg light that could be used as ammo against wrestling? Why is that you ask? Simply put, he is one of the greatest EVER is why. I can guarantee you right now, there are only 2-3 names that will be so heavily talked about when they pass from "normal" reasons and not ods or suicide. There are only 2-3 other wrestlers that even espn will cut into programming to talk about to show respect for their lives, (and we all kno how espn truly feels towards wrestling, u HAVE to have been huge for them to report respectfully) one being hulk hogan, the other being, that's right you saw who, none other than THE MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE! OOOOOOHH YEEEAAAAHH!!!!!!!

Hell, I would say he is the most well known wrestler outside of possibly hogan, and really they go hand in hand, when I think of one, I almost automatically think of the other.
Everything you said about Savage is true. If I were to guess, I'd say WWE doesn't want to put anyone in HOF who might decline the invitation because of bad feelings that exist between the performer and the company.

For instance, I can think of no one who belongs in the WWE HOF more than Bruno Sammartino, after all he's meant to pro wrestling. Yet, he's spent over 20 years criticizing the company at every opportunity and would certainly refuse the nomination if it were offered.....and he sure as hell isn't gonna show up for the ceremony.

Could the company induct him without his permission? Sure, I guess they could, but if he starts bad-mouthing them all over again after his nomination, the company would look foolish for trying to honor him.

The same seems to apply to Randy Savage. No one claims to know the full story behind the bad feelings that stemmed from Savage deserting McMahon to join WCW, but it must have been pretty ugly. Yes, Savage agreed to an action figure deal in the recent past that nominally involved WWE, but that's a far cry from agreeing to show up at his HOF induction.

With Macho Man's demise, however, the problem has apparently solved itself. Unless Leaping Lanny has any objections, Savage can go in this coming year, or maybe the next.

WWE can honor him without getting bashed in return. Time & fate have a way of taking care of everything, huh?
Randy Savage cost Vince McMahon millions and left for WCW after everything Vince had done for him. Vince felt like he'd been slapped in the face and reportedly barely even acknowledged Savage as a person; not just a performer. When they released the Randy Savage DVD around '08, Vince supposedly didn't even watch it. He allowed his advisors review the final product.

With Randy passed, his brother put it best. Randy Savage has been asked into the Hall of Fame before, everybody knows this. Randy Savage told the WWE that seeing as the Von Erich's were all inducted he wanted the same type of induction for the Poffo family, not just himself. He wanted it to be about him, his brother, his father; he just wanted it to be about his family. WWE declined and Randy said he never wanted to be inducted unless he was involved in the family induction.

The article can be found, here.

Randy Savage may never be inducted into the Hall of Fame. WWE Commentators said the RAW after Savage died that there will never be a complete Hall of Fame without Randy Savage, and when you take into account whose on the other side of their head-sets; Vince McMahon. You have to wonder if maybe Vince just didn't care. Even though Savage brought the Slim Jim deal and his marketable image to WCW when Vince needed it, maybe he just didn't care in the end and maybe Savage's absent spot in the Hall of Fame is down to the condition Savage requested.

Personally, I see nothing wrong in, inducting the Poffo family. Lanny is someone I'm not the most familiar with and neither is their father, but for the sake of Randy Savage maybe WWE should bite the bullet because Randy Savage obviously deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. But again, all comes down to this condition, and the truth behind it.
you think hes long past do u should of been in hall of fame years ago maybe next year who knows i hope so but fact is if Randy Savage does not go in hall of fame it is a pat on the bag for what he done for the wwf and vince savage should be more respected.
I have been waiting years to see Macho Man in the Hall Of Fame when it will happen, I don't know, I am hoping it does, if what Lanny says is true about Randy's wishes about The Poffos being inducted as a family that might cause a little bit of a hang up from a legal standpoint, for those that think Lanny might be lying about that, who knows? I have heard stories that Macho Man was adamant about his family getting taken care of, i.e. Angelo Poffo's WCW Hall Of Fame Induction, therefore it's possible that Randy could have made that known before his death and put it in writing, I don't really know.

I would love to see Macho Man get that Hall Of Fame nod though, it just has to happen at some point and one can hope that it will be sooner rather than later. Time will tell on the matter but let's hold out hope. I mean guys like Hogan, Hart, Gagne have all gotten the nod, I believe Macho Man can and will as well.
I did a post about Randy Savage last month about peoples favorite moments and matches of Macho Man, And as a hugh fan of Randy Savage I want and I hope he gets in to the WWE Hall Of Fame but nothing would be more fitting for his family including Miss Elizabeth to be all put in the Hall Of Fame the same year it would just be a great sight to see.

RIP Randy and Miss Elizabeth you two were an amazing couple and now your both with each other once again.
There's no question that Randy Savage belongs in the Hall of Fame. In fact, I'm one of the believers that he should be inducted with Miss Elizabeth as opposed to being inducted with his father and brother. I really don't understand the comparison between the Poffos and the Von Erichs.

Savage was the only Poffo to really make it. The other two had marginal - at best - roles in the history of pro wrestling. The Von Erichs, on the other hand, ran one of the most successful territories in pro wrestling history. Though the casual fan only knows Kerry Von Erich, his family had a huge impact on the industry - and that's why they all went in together. The same can't be said for the Poffos.

My hope is that the WWE waits until WrestleMania returns to Chicago in a few years before inducting Savage. Though he was billed from Sarasota, Florida -Savage was from Chicago ...
I think considering his passing this year that he should be the headliner for next years Hall of Fame class. I don't think there is a bigger name left than Savage that has not been inducted as of yet. It would be fitting for Savage and Elizabeth to be inducted together, and I would get his brother to do the actual inducting but by no means do I think Lanny Poffo deserves to be inducted himself. I barely even remember anything he ever did in the wrestling business. Savage deserves to be in the Hall more than just about any other wrestler from WWF glory days and it will be truly sad if he never makes it.
i think macho man randy savage is dead just like elizabeth, remember they had a wedding play in the wrestling ring during the 90's. they will be missed much. i think he deserved to be regarded as a hall famer in this forum.
No one, not even Vince, now denies that Savage should be in. The issue is that since his death, Lanny says he won't allow it to happen unless the whole family goes in, which is clearly self serving. Angelo I can see, but Lanny belongs in the same wing as Drew Carrey, Koko B Ware and a few other 'HoFamers'.

If you look at some of the joker's that are in, it would seem that with every day that Savage is not in, the credibility of Hall is in question. But, I think they need to do this right.

Why not wait until Mania goes back to Florida and put Savage in as a headliner, induct Liz the same year,and throw in Angelo and Lanny separately? Build the year around them.
WWE's HOF will never be legit until guys left out like Macho Man and Owen Hart are inducted. Of course, they are not currently in because of circumstances relating to their exits from the company. Owen dying of course and Savage leaving. If it weren't for these issues, I could see both already being HOF'ers by now.
WWE's HOF will never be legit until guys left out like Macho Man and Owen Hart are inducted. Of course, they are not currently in because of circumstances relating to their exits from the company. Owen dying of course and Savage leaving. If it weren't for these issues, I could see both already being HOF'ers by now.

Is it just me or does bold seem like someone is yelling their post at the computer? That's just the funny visual I imagine. Sorry, back on post here....

That's quite the ultimatum you put towards the WWE. They will *never* be legitimate until Owen and Savage are in?

OK let's just take a closer look at that. First off wrestling is a work, so the word "legitimate" in relation to wrestling is always a little funny. Owen isn't in because his ex-wife owns his estate etc and won't allow it. But if I read your post correctly... you blame this on WWE and hold it against them. That makes zero sense.

Savage not being in? Savage is awesome, and of course he should be in but I find it funny that his absence takes away legitimacy. Back to that word again. Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Bruno Sammartino, Ric Flair, The Four Horsemen .... on and on and on. It's still not legitimate huh?

To each their own.
Back to that word again. Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Bruno Sammartino, Ric Flair, The Four Horsemen .... on and on and on. It's still not legitimate huh?

Well put. Of course, it's tough to measure legitimacy by the number of people who aren't in there, especially since the reasons for their exclusion have to be figured in.

Now that Bruno Sammartino has gone in, a circle has been completed, because if there's anyone who has to be in a wrestling organization's hall of fame, it's him. Keeping him out is like having an NBA Hall of Fame and excluding Michael Jordan. Of course, in Bruno's case, he kept himself out......but in Randy Savage's case, it might be the same. Despite speculation over the years, no one appears to truly know what happened that caused Macho Man to desert WWE. If it was just money....then, okay.....but it seemed as if Savage and Vince McMahon were tied at the hip back then and that his leaving was even more surprising than the three guys who formed the original NWO.

Through the years, Savage and McMahon were so close-mouthed about their parting that it was impossible to say whether Savage was refusing any attempt to induct him, or whether McMahon wouldn't allow it.

Yes, the Wrestlezone Hall of Fame is different than the WWE version, but it seems the reason for Savage being omitted are the same.....that is, when a performer of his magnitude is excluded, the factors we don't know might be more pertinent than what we do know.

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