Who Are HOF Worthy Tag Teams???

There really are so many great teams. In order:

- British Bulldogs: The set the trend for the Power guy partnered up with the flier. Their feud with the Hart Foundation had fans in the palm of their hand at a time where singles wrestling was the 'norm'
- Demolition: While some see them simply as a counter programming for WCW/NWA's LOD, these guys went beyond the gimmick to become stars. In the same breathe, however, I would put them as the original Axe and Smash, not with Crush.
- Freebirds: With the Von Erichs in, I think that the next logical step is to put in their heel counter parts. The Freebirds were the original cool heel tag team.
- Rock and Roll Express: One of the original high flier teams that are truly the groundwork for future teams like the Hardys.
- Steiners: Their run in the WWF wasn't great, but their overall time as a team certainly makes them deserving of the HOF.
- Harlem Heat: Based on sheer number of tag titles reigns, you have to figure there will be a place for HH. I was never a huge fan, but I do respect the work that they did in the 90's.
- Natural Disasters: While they seemed to be the early epitome of 'take two guys who we have nothing for and put them together', they took the ball and ran with it. They were 2 agile guys who intimidated fans as heels, but then shortly after, had kids loving them.
- New Age Outlaws: When you consider the concept of Attitude era and the success that existed, you have to remember these 2. The problem with them was the end of their run. The whole feud of who owns the DX name etc really hurt, IMO, their legacy.
- Money Inc: I really think that this has more to do with Rotunda. I know that Barry is getting in as a Horseman, and don't think he needs to go in as US Express as well, since, they are largly, to me, forgettable. Rotunda's run with Dibiase, other than the old Varsity Club, is really what I'd remember him for.
- Bushwackers: great comedy team when WWF wanted the product to be taken as 'serious wrestling'. This was a great example of a team that was able to get over regardless of the belts.
- Killer Bees: Another example of a team that didn't need belts to be over. Fans loved these 2 and their 'old tricks' are still being used today.

Also, now with Flair going in twice, technically, I'd see them throwing in:

- DX: WWE/F's answer to the 4 Horsemen, if you will. They have always been the dominante faction of the E since their inception and have propelled some fairly good names, no?
- Rockers: Given that thei was yet another team that was over even without the tag titles, and that the team gave HBK his start, I could see the E putting them in soon.
- Hart Foundation: See British Bulldogs and Rockers. While the Harts got the straps a couple of times, the main thing here is that every feud they had seemed ultra important, and well, consider that Bret got his start as part of the team, it makes sense.
- NWO: This faction changed the face of wrestling forever. That isn't hyperbole, it is fact. It was THE INVASION angle that worked. Truth be told, not many had before and none will again. Plus, it would get Vince's creation, Hulkamania, acknowledged again, and it would get Hall and Nash in without Hall and nash going in.

I'd obviously like to see the Hardys, Dudleys and E & C go in, but not for a few years. I'd almost want these 3 teams to go in in the same year since they really are a package deal. the matches and feud between them made the Hardys and E&C. The Dudleys had a following prior to the feud but it was the big time for them as well.
There really are so many great teams. In order:

- British Bulldogs: The set the trend for the Power guy partnered up with the flier. Their feud with the Hart Foundation had fans in the palm of their hand at a time where singles wrestling was the 'norm'
- Demolition: While some see them simply as a counter programming for WCW/NWA's LOD, these guys went beyond the gimmick to become stars. In the same breathe, however, I would put them as the original Axe and Smash, not with Crush.
- Freebirds: With the Von Erichs in, I think that the next logical step is to put in their heel counter parts. The Freebirds were the original cool heel tag team.
- Rock and Roll Express: One of the original high flier teams that are truly the groundwork for future teams like the Hardys.
- Steiners: Their run in the WWF wasn't great, but their overall time as a team certainly makes them deserving of the HOF.
- Harlem Heat: Based on sheer number of tag titles reigns, you have to figure there will be a place for HH. I was never a huge fan, but I do respect the work that they did in the 90's.
- Natural Disasters: While they seemed to be the early epitome of 'take two guys who we have nothing for and put them together', they took the ball and ran with it. They were 2 agile guys who intimidated fans as heels, but then shortly after, had kids loving them.
- New Age Outlaws: When you consider the concept of Attitude era and the success that existed, you have to remember these 2. The problem with them was the end of their run. The whole feud of who owns the DX name etc really hurt, IMO, their legacy.
- Money Inc: I really think that this has more to do with Rotunda. I know that Barry is getting in as a Horseman, and don't think he needs to go in as US Express as well, since, they are largly, to me, forgettable. Rotunda's run with Dibiase, other than the old Varsity Club, is really what I'd remember him for.
- Bushwackers: great comedy team when WWF wanted the product to be taken as 'serious wrestling'. This was a great example of a team that was able to get over regardless of the belts.
- Killer Bees: Another example of a team that didn't need belts to be over. Fans loved these 2 and their 'old tricks' are still being used today.

Also, now with Flair going in twice, technically, I'd see them throwing in:

- DX: WWE/F's answer to the 4 Horsemen, if you will. They have always been the dominante faction of the E since their inception and have propelled some fairly good names, no?
- Rockers: Given that thei was yet another team that was over even without the tag titles, and that the team gave HBK his start, I could see the E putting them in soon.
- Hart Foundation: See British Bulldogs and Rockers. While the Harts got the straps a couple of times, the main thing here is that every feud they had seemed ultra important, and well, consider that Bret got his start as part of the team, it makes sense.
- NWO: This faction changed the face of wrestling forever. That isn't hyperbole, it is fact. It was THE INVASION angle that worked. Truth be told, not many had before and none will again. Plus, it would get Vince's creation, Hulkamania, acknowledged again, and it would get Hall and Nash in without Hall and nash going in.

I'd obviously like to see the Hardys, Dudleys and E & C go in, but not for a few years. I'd almost want these 3 teams to go in in the same year since they really are a package deal. the matches and feud between them made the Hardys and E&C. The Dudleys had a following prior to the feud but it was the big time for them as well.

I would agree with you on everyone except the Bushwhackers, Money Inc., and the Killer Bees. And I think that the New Age Outlaws should be separate from DX, but I think there's a good chance they all get inducted together. Which would be seriously wrong, IMO but I just see that happening. Good list though! I'm actually kinda surprised you didn't mention Strike Force. I think their more deserving than the 3 aforementioned teams I have doubts about.
The Fabulosu freebirds definately b/c they had numerous tag team and 6 man tag team championships throughout the faction!
i cant believe that no one has mentioned the outsiders, 7x tag champs and more importantly they revolutionized the business by ushering the nWo and with it being one of the miajor catalysts for the attitude era, i could see them doing it as the nWo however seing as how the 4 horsemen have been inducted this year which would be fine as well :)
Personally I'd like to see these two teams get Inducted at some point;

The British Bulldogs - Im british so abit selfish but you cant deny that this team is legendary. Big fan of them both in singles competition aswell so seeing these two legends inducted together would be pretty sweet

The New Age Outlaws -

Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn, the duo achieved high levels of success and became extremely popular in the late 1990s as members of the second incarnation of the professional wrestling stable D-Generation X. In the same time period, the New Age Outlaws had the third highest merchandise sales in the WWF after Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock (Straight from wikipedia :lmao:)

Plus they are one of my all time fav's
Rock and Roll Express deserve to be entered. Nobody does the face in peril better than Ricky Morton!

Demolition definitely deserve entered for their dominance of the tag team division until LOD arrived. It'd have to be Ax and Smash though, not Crush.
New Age Outlaws
The Rockers
Hardy Boys
Dudley Boys
The Outsiders
Legion of Doom

Just a few off the top of my head

Side note and a personal one I would like to see but don't think will get in would be 2 Cool. Guys where fun to watch but I just don't see them going into the HoF as they where always over shadowed by E&C, Hardy's and Dudleys.
The British Bulldogs
Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo
The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff
The Nasty Boys
The Headshrinkers
The Rougeaus Brothers
There are a ton of legit Hall of Fame tag teams. Hell ... it could be its own wing.

Ones that stick out right away:
Legion of Doom/The Road Warriors
The New Age Outlaws
Edge and Christian
Rock n Roll Express
The Hardy Boyz
The Dudley Boys
The Steiner Brothers
Harlem Heat
The Rock n Sock Connection
The Midnight Express
Mr. Fuji and Professor Tanaka
The Blackjacks
Kronik (just seeing if anyone is actually paying attention)
The Wild Samoans
The Hart Foundation
The British Bulldogs
Money, Inc.
The Nasty Boys
The Outsiders
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew
And probably a few I left out.

Would be nice to see Tag Team wrestling rise again. Seems like it is on the outs in both WWE and TNA right now.
Legion of Doom really stand out the most to me. They just worked so well as a tag team. And they had that look that everyone wanted to have. I still want some of those shoulder pads they wore to the ring!

Dudley Boys would be a great team to induct as well. Because they did bring something different to the table...pardon the pun. You look and think there's no way these two guys should work together, but they did. They won championships everywhere, and definitely should get inducted.
New Age Outlaws When you consider the concept of Attitude era and the success that existed, you have to remember these 2. The problem with them was the end of their run. The whole feud of who owns the DX name etc really hurt their legacy. <<True
The Headshrinkers
The Bulldogs
Hart Foundation
The Hardys
The Dudleys
Harlem Heat
Edge and Christian
The Steiner Brothers

*Just off the top of my head, there are plenty more too.
also I think LOD are in the HOF already
There have been very few tag-team inducted together in the WWE Hall Of Fame. Fact is, WWE doesn't like tag teams. That's been obvious for years. I don't know why. The boom period in the 80's there were lots of great tag teams and same in the late 90's early 00's. Ugh.
I'll keep it simple and name just one team: The British Bulldogs!

Great combination of speed and power.... Dynamite remains one of the greatest high flyers ever... and some people often forget that Smith too was a high flyer at this point in his career. In was his time as a solo star where Davey added on the excess bulk to his frame. However he still possessed that phenomenal strength...even when he weighed 245!

The matches with the Hart Foundation remain classics... and people still talk about those bouts 25 years later
It was the era where tag team wrestlling was at its peak... so many teams these days consist of 2 underachieving solo guys 'thrown together' ... and title reigns are so short they're meaningless
I'm gonna go with Harlem Heat, ;) theywere very consistent and along with scary Sherry they made a great impact on tag team wrestling.
I'd put the Midnight Riders (Dusty Rhodes and Magnum T.A.) on that list too. Oh yeah, and what about The Hollywood Blondes. Austin and Pillman put asses in the seats with that tag team for a nice while.
I'm pulling for the New Age Outlaws to make it. They were so over and charismatic it just didn't last as long as it could have.
BadSTreet USA, The Fabulous Freebirds....they invented the 6 man tag criteria and were better at it than anyone. They didn't make it so big in WWF/WWE, but as Wrestling fan, I enjoyed watching them everytime they came on TV. Since we are on the genre/era, let's not forget the Midnight Express Stan Lane and Beautiful Bobby.

I agree though that the LOD, British Bulldogs, Steiners, Harlem Heat, Dudley's all deserve the same recognition....
Edge and Christian I agree with this They rule!!! Now I have to look for some wigs . I have been using wigs for two years now and I bought it from http://www.for-wigs.com. I'm very satisfied on it it is very durable and cheap and now I will buy a new HH wig I found one and it is very beautiful and affordable
Currently we have (in the WWE hall of fame)

The Valiants
The Blackjacks
The Briscos
The Funks
The Von Erichs
The Wild Samoans
The Legion of Doom
The Four Horsemen (though as a stable and not a tag team).

To me, the ones that need induction:

The Bulldogs. The greatest tag team I've ever seen. In their prime, pure unadulterated awesome to watch. They elevated tag wrestling.

The Freebirds. As a stable, they were innovators on so many levels, and Hayes was an unadulterated heat magnet.

The Midnight Express. The second incarnation, with Bobby Eaton, was absolutely fantastic to watch.

Demolition. Yeah, they were LOD ripoffs. But they were as good at ripping off the Warriors as the Rockers were at ripping off the R 'n R express, forging enough of their own identity to coexist when the Warriors jumped to the WWE. And who can forget #1 and #2 at the first Royal Rumble?

The Steiners. If you took the Bulldogs and combined them with the Warriors, you got the Steiners. Fantastic in ring performers.

The Fabulous Kangaroos. They were arguably the first great tag team in this business, the personification of tag team teamwork in the old school era.

Good cases can be made for about twenty other teams (from the Vachons to Beer Money), and I suspect a lot will depend on what were the best teams when you became a wrestling fan. But these are the ones I like.
If they ever leave TNA, or when they retire, I would absolutely LOVE to see the Dudley Boyz enter the WWE Hall of Fame. You can make the argument that they are the greatest tag team of all time. Though I would agree with that statement, I'm not here to argue it, just to insist they enter the hall one day.

I'm not too sure how I feel about WWE making too many people, "Two-time Hall of Famers". I'm absolutely fine with Flair going twice, and probably won't even mind if HBK goes in twice due to his association with DX. Hell, they could even put Hogan in again if they wanted as part of nWo. But idk about Edge and Christian. I love both individually and as a tag team, Edge is actually one of my all time favorites.. I just don't want them to start ****ing out the honor. If Jeff Hardy ends up on good terms with WWE in few years, and say Matt Hardy isn't.. I hope they just wait and induct them as a team, and not Jeff by himself, then the pair a few years later. Just an example.

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