First off, I have no problem with Jeff I actually liked him in WWE and was happy they gave him the belt. Secondly, if the question was compared to other wrestlers in the WWE Hall of Fame, Do you think Jeff Hardy should be in the Hall of Fame than my answer would be yes because he has had a better career than people that are already in. Now to my point, If I didnt know who else was in the WWE Hall of Fame and strictly based this decision off of Jeff Hardy, than my answer is NO. The guy doesnt have a memorable singles match, doesnt have a memorable promo, never had a wrestlemania moment, and never been part of a memorable storyline. There is to many people that wrestle now that should go in ahead of him. Im just now accepting the fact that Punk should be in the Hall of Fame and Hardy isn't even in the same league as Punk
No memorable storylines? The feuds with: Umaga, Edge, Triple H, Orton and Punk are just a handful of the ones that spring to mind. Those are just some of the ones from his last run and, for me and MANY other people (though admittedly not many of the IWC) they were highlights of that period of time.
To be honest, the feud with Triple H was one of the best things going on in the WWE at the time for me. Fair enough parts of if were overshadowed by Jericho/HBK on Raw.
The feud with Orton was THE hottest thing going on in the WWE at the time.
Never had a memorable match? The match with Morrison on SD (while both were faces). Fairly sure that broke SD ratings records at the time on whatever channel it was on in the US.
The Undertaker ladder match. Many people regard that in the Top 10 matches to have taken place on Raw. Newer fans who watch it back can feel whatever way they want about it but at the time, watching it live, it was an extraordinary match. Hardy, more than once, made you suspend disbelief and think that, against all logic, he was leaving with the belt.
To say nothing of his tag career there's still a list of memorable matches:
Umaga at the GAB, the Judgement Day, Ladder (amazing, innovative match) and Rumble matches with Edge, the EXCELLENT No Mercy match with Triple H, the Rumble match with Orton, the TLC and Night of Champions match with Punk. The Triple Threat where he won the belt. The RVD matches. Again, these are just a handful of examples.
They might not be memorable for some people, who may not like Hardy, but for a large chunk of the audience (the non-IWC one and the VAST majority) they were very memorable. It's not an overstatement to say he was THE most over person in the company for a time and that doesn't happen without great matches, great segments and great feuds. You don't become the most over person in the company by not doing something memorable and something right. Assertions to the contrary simple aren't factual. They're opinion.
I didn't enjoy a lot of John Cena's work in 2006. That doesn't mean it wasn't memorable.
And saying Hardy never had a 'Mania moment is, quite frankly, ridiculous. The multiple Ladder Swantons, the spear in mid-air while dangling from the belts (will be voted best OMG high-spot of all time at some stage), the table splash spot from WM 25. The Legdrop through Edge on the Ladder at 23.
One doesn't have to win a 'Mania match to have a 'Mania moment. There's a reason ALL of the previously mentioned "moments" featured on the intro to all programming at one time or another. The fact that you'll remember every single one of those moments means that they WERE memorable Wrestlemenia moments.
Let's not forget that the TLC from X-Seven was PWI MOTY. Go back and look at some of the matches from that year (not just WM but the year in general) and see the calibre of match it was considered better than. Taker/HHH I, Benoit/Angle, HHH/Austin. How's that not having a memorable 'Mania moment?
In my view, the case against Hardy being a HOF candidate in his own right is simply a case of revisionist history. The assertions being made are opinion, not fact.
Before you say it yourself, yes, my view of it is also opinion. However, when that view is held by the vast majority of fans (go back and look at his reactions at the time, same for merch sales) it expresses a social trend. He was EXTREMELY over. You don't become the hottest property in the WWE by having unmemorable matches and feuds. If you did, then Evan Bourne and Zack Ryder would be WWE Champions.