
rofl was that post even serious? How the hell could anyone post something so unintelligable and weird as that?

My favorites:
OnceWalkerr said:
Anyone Watches American George at Kilo1? If u do then watch Adam Crisp appear okay..;
OnceWalkerr said:
so yeah here is something for everybody which i think the Black scary brain which thinks nothing except banning the brain of none other than Y2Jake..

I haven't even the slightest fucking clue what this guy is saying....Jake has a black scary brain, brain must be banned, OnceWalkerr is gay and something about Coco Crisp on American Gladiators?
Tell you what if he agrees to eat a piece of my shit, I will let him out... I think thats a good deal. He has to send me his address I will then shit in a envelope and send it to him, I then expect a picture of him eating said shit. If he does that, I'll let him out... I think thats fair.
I think we should allow him to post in the Bar Room. Or we should have at least An Evening With OnceWalkerr where he give's his opinions on the war in Iraq, Cheetos and the films of Disney.
He has split personalities, one involves them being a gay. Perhaps in the happy sense, seeing as it adheres to his posting.

He has two lives, one where he rapes peoples' dead mothers and the other where he's a nice guy.

He is a repressed gay and wants to come out of the closet, ergo closet gay. He doesn't think we're assholes, but even though he thinks that, he doesn't think he would be let even if he kissed our asses.

He can't afford the airplane ticket.

He wants to know if we know him.

This one remains a mystery to me.

He doesn't think we understand what he's saying. The only time he has been right in his posting...

He thinks that Jake only thinks of banning, and apparently has a black scary brain. He must think you're the antichrist, or something...

He says fuck you to the moderators and administrators, as well as anyone...which is pretty much everyone who has been an asshole.

He thanks the people who like him and people who think the rules are strict, and restrict freedom. Sounds like he's talking to himself again.

He's no longer a closet gay. He's come out of the closest. He doesn't care that we think he's missing a few screws.

He's going to get banned somewhere else and he'd thought he'd say goodbye. How thoughtful...

Fuck you admins and moderators. He would have been good if he wasn't banned. Good forum, strict rules. Going somewhere else. Nice meeting you all, you jackasses. Seriously, bye. Remember to fuck (how perverse) Y2Jake, because he sucks. Bye!

Fuck Jake. Now I'm finished, goodbye mother fuckers who banned me and goodbye old people of Wrestlezone. He thinks we're all old people. He's just waiting for us to die, dirty necrophiliac.

He corrects us on his name. He will be remembered as a fucking ****** for a long time, but apparently we will find someone else soon. Bye!

Finally he leaves an (x) at the end, perhaps he is embracing his new found gay identity, it's pretty ambiguous.

OnceWalkerr is a real poster at WrestleZone Forums... to help tell his story, we hired someone with a lot of time on their hands.
Im G@y
G@y G@y
i ate my own penis two days ago...
now i have nothing ... i will have a sex operation soon...
Thanku very much Cyric for Actually making everyone understand what the fuck i was saying half of it was wrong but yeah then again fucku.

"THE GAY SONG" ------- Written by OnceWalker

My PEnis dEep DoWn Y2Jake's hole... oh yeah oh yeah...
My Penis deep down y2jake's hole
i pluck it out and then insert it in..
oh yeah.,,
Im Gay Gay on the Bay ...cmon say that im G@y...
i eat the admin's peice of shit..
i eat the admin's peice of shit..
so cmon eveyone say tht im Gay...
Gay Gay Gay..
yeah yeah yeah...
The G@y lil song...
My Fancy new Vagina coming in two days..
Thats actually some funny shit, but not for the reason you probably think. Anyway I thought you were leaving? Had a change of heart?
Ummm.... Because i can not change my Sig i would request one of the Fucking Mod's to do so.

Change my Sig to:

or atleast add it..
and if you can add a naked picture of a hot sexy girl.. if you can..from google images or something... or no no... maybe u search penis on Wikipedia and have a Penis put on as my Sig,,
how do u like the Idea?
yeah jhny... i can never leave this place..
i have registered on another forum... but the Admin of tht forum will first activate my account nd send me a maill...
pretty much lyk wot u ppl did..
oh well it sucks u knw its more of an insult to u ppl..
anyways a name change?
i feel very gay rite now jhnny so i wanna hav a gay name or a gay sig..
Probably less...

You're on Shadowmancer, if he lasts a week or less you change your name to Jonny's Bitch... if he lasts more than a week then I'll change mine to Shadowmancer's Bitch (for a week)

Oncewalkerr you better tell us if you get banned or not
by the way if you dont remember or if u dont know,,,

I was a member of WrestleZone Forums under the name
HollywoodhulkHogan111 back in August last year...
and i had 428 posts and you banned me for flaming,,,]
because i said some bad words on some mod so yeah..
i didnt get banned so easily last time.. i was considered a good poster maybe..
but now im gay atleast on these forums im gay
and since when are u the Admin?
i remember some years ago tht u ppl closed down the forums and then relaunched it in some months..
and u were not the mod before..
no the staff back then were good who really respected their posters and didnt ban somebody forever like u ppl do ..
so strict man how do u keep up wid it?
arent other ppl pissed off at u guys or wot?

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