Old School Tag Teams

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Does anyone else think that WWE should bring back some old school tag teams to fill up the tag divisions? The tag divisions suck. And it's hard for fans to get behind combos that dont have much personality (Majors), shit gimmicks (D & D, The Highlanders), and are glorified jobbers ( Cade & Murdcock, London & Kendrick, WGTT etc). Who are in line to recieve a title shot against Deuce & Domino? The Majors are pretty much it. There's apparently going to be a ECW tag tivision. Why? And nobody really gives a fuck about Cade & Murdock.

If WWE brought back certain teams. Even if it was just for a few dates it would really help the divisons out. This isn't like TNA bringing back The Steiners and Team 3D. Because they push them like there the newest, hottest things in wrestling. If WWE brought them back it would to put new talent over. Old school teams like The Nasty Boys, The Eliminators, The Gangstas etc might not be able to work. But the fact that they were entertaining teams would help them get teams that wouls otherwise struggle to get over. You cant say thet The Majors wouldn't benefit from defeating The Nasty Boys.
I would love to see WWE bring back the Nasty Boys. After watching there RF shoot interview, they even said near the end that they more healthy now than they have both ever been. and both are 100% And they even talked about having 1 more long run in the WWE. having them back would be great
The most excited I have been since Chris Jericho left was the one night return of The Rockers. I would love to see Marty Jannetty get his head out of his ass (or the strippers ass) and focus on making something out of what was a very promising, quasi-wasted career. Think Survivor Series - The Rockers and The Hardys vs WGTT and Cade & Murdoch.
how can you call london and kendrick glorified jobbers.... granted they didnt have much opposition throughout their lengthy reign but they are awesome to watch and bring great shows to the main stage.
yeh bring back the oldies they were great but jus cant help loving the time where we had edge and christian, hardys (when they good), dudleys, benoit and guerrero (RIP) etc ... some awesome matches then too
how can you call london and kendrick glorified jobbers.... granted they didnt have much opposition throughout their lengthy reign but they are awesome to watch and bring great shows to the main stage.
yeh bring back the oldies they were great but jus cant help loving the time where we had edge and christian, hardys (when they good), dudleys, benoit and guerrero (RIP) etc ... some awesome matches then too

You don't get the concept of a jobber. It's not that they suck, not at all. It's that they're only there to fill a spot on the roster and job to higher-mid card and main event wrestler when the time calls for a main event tag team push (a la the John Cena/HBK tag title reign). We know it needs to happen about once every year or two and anything the tag team division has done between those reigns is basically reset when it happens, making any good tag team a pair of jobbers.

It doesn't mean they suck in the slightest.
wwe does not need to bring back "old school" tag teams, they just need to spend more time gettin the tag teams they have now to get over, or pair two wrestlers up who have a better chemistory, then the tag team division will be better, either that, or scrap raws or sd's tag title, an make the last one tri-brand. that would make things better i think
Woah woah woah, when did the WWE get a tag team Division???

If I can be serious for a minute...I like the idea. Hell, they fed Mick Foley to John Cena and made him tap out in the WTFU? I don't see any difference between Foley and a glorified older tag team doing this. I don't see the nasty's though, because Knobbs is too busy doing what the name implies, and that's knobbing up and down on Hogan.
no i wasnt saying that i thought you said they sucked (work that one out lol) no i must have got tongue tied... "they didnt have much opposition" - that was me trying to say they werent given the major opponents to make more of themselves.... sorry i was misconstrued... :>
No I don’t think so, as much as I liked some of the older tag teams it’s 2007 and I don’t think they could work as well or even half as well as they used to just look at some Legends WWE have on TV most of them can barely speak now. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t mind seeing them as a one off. Of course they are some older but still active tag teams that would probably help the division i.e. Team 3D and VKM, but I don’t think that is the answer.

I think they defiantly need to do something to make the Tag division better but I think they will get a better result from making new tag teams rather than bringing old ones back.

Also I think London and Kendrick are a pretty solid tag team, they’re both very similar wrestlers, have the same high flying ability and have very good chemistry in the ring. I wouldn’t call them glorified jobbers how long did they old them titles? 331 days..:scratchchin:
The WWE has a rather large tag team division to work with, it's that they're to busy with other people to care. Why have an exiting tag team rivalry when you can just have two half as long matches each night where one guy beats the crap outta another (Kahli, Umaga, Snitsky), just so that somewheres, all that work they put into those bigger guys get wasted by Cena.

Back at Armageddon, the WWE made Londrick look like the next big tteam in the WWE, they revived the Hardys, and MNM got pretty over too. That one match created 3 teams to work with, hell 4 if you include Regal and Taylor. But what did they do right after the PPV? Nothing, as far as the Tag Team division. They have great tag teams, they just don't know what to do with em, and we don't need anyone older to help fix them. Look what happened with the Hardys when they reunited. It lasted a few months, but it didn't get the tag division over. Yeah, they had an actual rivalry with Cade and Murdock, lost the titles, and now where have the titles gone? I can't see them anymore!
I think after seeing Superfly and Sarg a couple of months a go i can honestly say! NO NONONONONONONONONO. GOD NO!

They need to just give more hype to the tag-teams, how about actually having the champs on a episode of raw or smackdown. Or having Lon/Ken or WGTT or Major Brothers got on for 3 months without loosing, only to have the champs take them out and create some awesome heat from there.

To be honest they need to build up 4 big tag teams that could fued with each other... and they need to beg the Dudleys to come back to WWE. Biggest mistake ever.

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