[Official] VKM's War on the WWE Thread **MERGED**

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CRUSH316 said:
Joey Styles and Paul Heyman...Two men who Symbolize the old ECW..Two men who swore up and down they'd never work for Vince McMahon...Now where are they?Not only working for McMahon but REVIVING ECW..The brand they used to compete with McMahon.

I'm sorry, but where exactly did Styles and Heyman swear they would never work for the WWE? Heyman was on the WWE payroll for years before ECW folded, and shortly after it folded he signed for the WWE to do Colour Commentry. Those are not the actions of a man that "swore never to work for Vince".

And of course its an unoriginal Storyline, almost every storyline being done today has been done before in some way, shape or form. The fact is when it was done it generated Interest, and why is it so hard to believe that the reasoning behind this entire storyline is that if it drew Interest 8 years ago when it was done, why wouldnt it draw interest now?

Has anyone considered that the WWE and TNA could be working together, and that VKM could well appear at the ECW PPV? Its unlikely I'll agree, but far from impossible. People are going on about how they were released from the WWE, and they are correct, however Kip and BG were possibly one of the most over WWE Tag Teams of all time at one stage, is it not plausable that the company who effectively made them what they are wouldn't mind them doing a one off match?

Let me also point out one other thing, if this is not the WWE and TNA working together, its Vince Russo, did anyone expect anything less of him?
Actually...Joey Styles did state he would never work for WWE after ECW folded and that he was going to stay with that business of his down in Atlanta aswell as his old 1wrestling website..And several ECW Superstars were on WWE's payroll(including Taz when he was ECW Champion) but most of them still considered WWE and, more importantly, WCW the Competition.And true, The Outlaws were one of WWE's most over tag teams...They basically said on Impact that They were the reason DX was so over and that DX is sinking faster than the titanic without them...Well lets examine What each person has done since DX disbaned...Kip James..Tag Team Champion...Intercontinental Champion...King of the Ring...Almost married a ***...BG James...I THINK he was Tag Champion..Hardcore Champion..Now lets look at HHH and HBK....Shawn Michaels...Took four years off, came back, and became World Heavyweight Champion...Triple H..Intercontinental Champion...Tag Team Champion..10 time World Heavyweight Champion(I think either 1 or 2 of those reigns were in DX's final days but I can't recall if the Outlaws were apart of that)..So, for Kip James to even SUGGEST that He and BG James were the reason for DX's success is like saying Dennis Rodman made the nWo famous.The Outlaws weren't even members of DX until after HBK retired.That's why It's a joke because everyone knows VKM is not on DX's level..If you're gonna have two TNA guys declare "war" on DX and WWE, why not put Scott Hall on a diet, and Have Kevin Nash and Scott Hall do it?In my opinion, it'd be much better because atleast they're on DX's level in terms of popularity and it'd actually make sense..VKM are out of Storylines for god knows howlong and just pop back up sayin they got Creative Control and declaring War on WWE.It has no reasoning behind it other than TNA wanting to shock fans and needed two people with the most history with DX to do it, Enter the VoodooKinMafia.
If Vince did let them on the PPV i bet it will be the most successful PPV of the year(excluding WM22).Then he would have more WWE fans buying the PPV and even TNA fans buying the PPV as well but this is highly doubtful unless Jonny B's theory that WWE & TNA are in cahoots then expect anything to happen. If u check WWE.com later on it might have an article about the situation and Vince could possibly accept them in the PPV but i don't think it will happen.

VKM is obviously copying DX but it is certainly getting people interested but if they keep taking jabs at WWE they might be in for a surprise b/c Vince could only take so much of their antics before he retaliates.

Vince had a chance at taking a cheap shot at TNA during the "Send Spirit Squad members to OVW" segment, the box could of had "TNA" or "Orlando Florida" written on it LOL that would have been hilarious!
i think that trademarking VKM is ironic b/c thats vince's initals and these losers trying to feud wuth WWE they miss DX and they know it deep doen inside
Ok dboy go to the ask a question thread at the top of this forum. The answer is that no one knows for sure but it is rumored that SvR2007 is being developed for Wii but most people don't think it will work well with the controller.

3nigma: prove it. If TNA continues to move like it is (slowly but yes it is growing), the Panda Energy company has no need to sell it. Panda could buy Vince McMahon though. I am tired of WWE fans saying stupid things like that and making the rest of us WWE fans look like morons. Vince is not going to buy TNA until it is absolutely crashing and Panda desperately wants to get rid of it, but they have thus far passed on offers to buy the company.

I don't agree that they miss DX or WWE, they are simply trying to stir up controversy the best way they know how, and that obviously is DX style. Don't immediately degrade the storyline just cause it is TNA, or because it is a war with WWE, it is not going to effect your WWE programming in any ways shape or form and immediately saying things like "those morons" and stuff like that makes it sound like your scared WWE is going to crash and burn. Has TNA effected WWE yet in the 5 years theyve been around? nope. so don't fret, and give it a chance or ignore it altogether.
iamwrestling said:
It's dumb when the VKM and TNA do it to WWE, but when the DX and the WWF did it to the WCW then it was funny? Come on. It's entertainment for the TNA fans and if you actually gave TNA a chance then you'd see it's all for entertainment purposes.

Exactly..It's dumb when VKM and TNA do it to WWE for the Simple fact that WWE has already done it to WCW..I like TNA..So my disliking for this angle has nothing to do with not giving TNA a chance.If the Superstars were more high profiled, say, like, The Outsiders(minus about 50-60 pounds of Scott Hall) or adding Kurt Angle to the VKM storyline then it might gain steam...VKM cannot be taken seriously "leading" a war on a multibillion dollar company.All VKM are are a lower level tna tag team calling out the big guys(DX) in a War they have no business being in.
this is wrestling, people! i mean is there more than news network? of course there is! the reason why there are more networks is because they think that they have better quality news than the other guy. it's the same in wrestling. some people get sick of wwe and want something with better quality, thus wcw, ecw, and tna. just because they went under doesn't mean that they didn't have good quality matches, it just means that people don't want to watch a different show. really there is room for more than one wrestling program. it doesn't have to be wwe owning all or tna owning all. i mean look at it. we, as wrestling fans, now have wrestling about 4 days a week!
pod_daddy said:
Didn't WWE approach them about coming back when they cooked up the DX reunion scheme? I remember reading somewhere (on wrestlezone maybe?) they had turned them down flat at that time.

If so, why would they want to backdoor TNA and jump ship now? From a career standpoint, that wouldn't be smart. Once VKM (Vince, I mean) got tired of them, they be dumped again. And at that point their career options would be overseas or state fairs for the rest of their lives, cause their reputation would be ruined CONUS...

There was an interview on the WWE website after DX reformed in which Triple H said that he and HBK would love for the New Age Outlaws to return to the WWE and join DX, but they were turned down in a rather tastless manner saying "If I ever see them again I'll beat the crap out of them"

So unless this was a huge publicity stunt which I highly doubt, VKM are going nowhere, except maybe a downward spiral. Sure they may get a few cheap laughs for awhile, but once TNA creative team realize that WWE considers them inferior and won't have a war with them like the one with WCW, their tactics will have backfired, the only way TNA can win in this is if a storyline between the two companies is arranged, if not then TNA have lost, because an unsanctioned invasion of WWE by TNA would work in WWE's favour - as the real VKM said in regards to the war with WCW and if they launched a counter-invasion following the one by DX "Which show are people going to watch: The one with nobody on it or the one with everybody on it?"
This is just an Article Type did not get anywhere else to post so posted here! Read please and Comment and the Seniors of WZ can i know where can i post such articles?

Tna is constantly shooting Angles at World Wrestling Entertainment but the most up-to-date and most Horrifying Video seen at Thursday's Impact! was a total Disaster for the Respect of Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon.
Lets see the Story From the Start:

After a November 11 house show in Connecticut (where World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is based) was canceled, TNA filmed a promo at WWE headquarters featuring the James Gang discussing the show cancellation, posting it on their website two days later. This promo was followed with another on the November 16 iMPACT!, during which they announced that they had been given "creative control", and were changing their name to the Voodoo Kin Mafia (VKM for short, a play on Vincent Kennedy McMahon's initials) and declaring war on WWE.Later,they issued the open challenge of the Hardy Boys at ECW December to Dismember PPV although the Challenge had been accepted by MNM in a Stroyline on Monday Night Raw.In the Video shoot outside WWE Headquarters they called out the revived D-Generation X (DX) (Shawn Michaels and Triple H), addressing them by both their real names and mocking nicknames (Micheals Hickenbottom and Paul Leavsque).

Their statements implied that WWE had kept them from joining the first run of DX until their insertion was "needed" to bail both the company out of a jam, keeping the faction alive after Michaels injured his back. They further claimed that the 2006 revival of DX had been an instant failure without them -- despite the amount of merchandise being sold and money being drawn by the 2006 DX group -- leading to the TNA fans chanting "DX sucks". Later that week, at Genesis, they wrestled a match full of references to DX, including performances of DX signature maneuvers and taunts.Later after the match Tna announced that they now had the Trademarks of Voodo Kin Mafia and short name VKM.


VKM (Voodoo Kin Mafia) a play on Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon's Initials

After their Genesis match, B.G. got on the microphone and declared that the "ground games" would start on the next iMPACT!. True to his word vignettes played (also taped during TNAs previous excursion to Connecticut) of B.G. and Kip in Stamford, home of the WWE headquarters, on their way to "the target". Instead of the ending up at WWEs corporate offices, as was implied, they instead found themselves at a Target Department Store because of Kips "misunderstanding". Not until the end of the episode did they find themselves in the right place, and then "by accident".

It was then discovered that the whole thing was "work"and was a Storyline.Of Course WWE wont allow Tna Wrestlers to be in one of their PPV's however the Whole Situation worried Vince Mcmahon and lighted a fire in the WWE vs TNA Cold War.At Thursday Nights Impact! the Video shot outside the WWE Headquarters was shown on Live Television.

The future of the Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling and World Wrestling Entertainment is yet to be seen but the Cold War is getting hotter and soon we might just see the 2006 Version of the Monday night Wars.The War is Sealed what will happen?

Thank You for Reading,
Comment Please :)
Does anyone actually give a damn about Mr.Ass and Roaddogg? They come across as two jealous has beens, who are upset because HHH and HBk are still on Top and they are crap. I personally think the angle will do more harm to Tna than good.
I dont think it will help or hurt anyone except for the team of VKM. I just watched the skit on Tnawrestling.com and it was just stupid. They told Vince McMahon to let them be in the ECW tag match or else they would show that footage, but that footage wasn't anything for WWE to be scared of. It was just them standing outside yelling into a cone some gay jokes about DX, and then acting like they were sleeping. GOD I BET WWE WAS SO SCARED THAT FOOTAGE WOULD AIR!

I am all for them doing things like going to WWE, that could be entertaining, but please guys, do better than that. That was so stupid. The unreleased video of Kip and BG driving to WWE HQ was a hell of a lot funnier than the video of them actually there, and that funny video had nothing to do with their gimmick they were just making fun of each other. They better start doing intelligent things fast or bail on this gimmick.
I think a lot of you all are missing the mark here... McMahon won't respond, and I'm surprised JR was allowed to on his website... keep quiet and they'll go away... it's TNA folks... the story line will burn out in a month and we move on with the New Age Outlaws in another stupid gimmic... maybe as members of LAX? and then my ass falls off and I die bleeding out...
My point had nothing to with whether or not WWE responds. This angle can easily be entertaining without WWE responding. That is all I want them to do, otherwise this is just annoying and stupid (like the first "attack" was).
They should do a genuine "attack" that way people who have become interested by all this hysteria won't tune out because TNA's threats are futile, they need to interupt programming, even if its during matches with the WWE jobbers and lowcarders at pre-recorded shows like ECW and SmackDown they'll start to irritate WWE and force a response.

Other people might think a more direct attack at the midcarders and main eventers or at live events such as RAW and Pay Per Views would be the better option, it would definitely generate publicity and it could be unedited, but they'd have to think hard and not fuck it up, the ECW/WCW invasion wasn't thought out by WWE, so if TNA do another botched invasion it will suck as invasions have great potential if planned effectively with good storylines, even if WWE didn't collaborate TNA would then have the advantage of doing what they want.

But the real fear for TNA is that this will crash and burn or generate more publicity for WWE with the less happy TNA wrestlers such as Ron Killings and Raven who would happily job for the WWE even if it wasn't in kayfabe just to piss off TNA and maybe even get a move to WWE as a result, Ron Killings has been told he can't move so he "doesn't move to the competition", so I could see this happening.

Also I know its becoming cliche in my posts now, but Mr McMahon did say during the war with WCW "Which show are people going to watch: The one with nobody on it or the one with everybody on it?"
according to TNA's site and now verious other news sites VKM turned up at a WWE Raw show last night, entered the building also and got to the seats unchallenged, it went as far as HHH even acknowledging them with the X above the head salute, after They said they will drive around the country following WWE and even invited WWE to Florida for the Impact tapings. They left the arena again without being challenged by WWE staff, and shot another promo outside the arena
Well really it works in DX's favour, DX thrives off controversy, hype and hillarious antics, if VKM follow them all around the country then they'll be able to insult them at house shows and feed off the crowd without it being aired like the live shows or pretaped shows which is what would give TNA a serious leg to stand on as people would become curious, as some did with ECW with the Blue World Order and their invasion of WWE a few years ago which led to Jery "The King" Lawler's infamous comments.
TNA is a disgrace, the new age outlaws and vince russo were old WWE guys who couldn't get it done, and now they think they're better? russo is pulling the same crap in TNA as he did in WCW and we all know how that worked out for him
Its funny how you say that about VKM..But when DX did it no one seemed to care. They thought it was fricken awesome. I think your comment is biased. Back then did you think DX was beter then hulkester? Did you think they were better then flair? No. VKM is a better tag then DX. In singles DX is better. Thats my opinion.
That Charismatic Kid said:
Its funny how you say that about VKM..But when DX did it no one seemed to care. They thought it was fricken awesome. I think your comment is biased. Back then did you think DX was beter then hulkester? Did you think they were better then flair? No. VKM is a better tag then DX. In singles DX is better. Thats my opinion.

when dx did it they werent directin it towards any 2 individuals as this so called "VKM" aka FORMER members of Degeneration-X...the reason everyone is pissed is cuz they use to b members of this faction and now suddenly they are dissing it and its a shock how all former members of the wwe are in on it...vkm is no way a better tag then dx....dx has 2 MAIN EVENT wrestlers who have both held world titles on more than one occasion while the NEW AGE OUTLAWS as i still see them cuz i refuse to call them this act of vkm have never held world titles....dx is better in singles action then the new age outlaws and dx is better than them in tag team form....
ErkBono23 said:
when dx did it they werent directin it towards any 2 individuals .

They called out for Scott Hall and Kevin Nash saying they were here to free them as far as i recall!
yea so they werent bashing them in any form or way cuz they were all friends...new age outlaws on the other hand have made fun of dx and as stated once by gunn saying if he ever saw hhh he'd punch him in the face so that pretty much saids it all...new age outlaws are bashing dx and the wwe while when they drove to wcw they were bashing wcw not hall and nash
To me it isn't about who is better out of WWE and TNA, or DX and VKM, I just see this as a publicity stunt which so far has caught some attention for TNA, but the important thing will be how they act and if they can hold a storyline aside from just WWE bashing without substance, if this becomes an all out feud it could become interesting, but at the same time they'll need to pursue their own TNA storylines so they don't look like whining brats. I find it hypocritical that VKM call DX "Dumb to the Xtreme" but at the same time threatened WWE with posting a really insignificant segment, who really cares about their Chevrolet with SatNav or their in car insults of DX and Vince McMahon?

Okay fair enough its generated hysteria, but to issue a threat and then for the product they threatened with to be "Dumb to the Xtreme" to coin their own phrase against them is rather hypocritical. Perhaps if they'd have got into the WWE headquarters and filmed some disorder, or perhaps even went to a live WWE event, or shall do at December to Dismember they'll be taken seriously, but at the moment they're attempting to be like DX and failing, and issuing threats which aren't worrying for the WWE, if more TNA fans and wrestlers come to their shows that's more tickets sold so WWE don't mind at all.
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