[Official] VKM's War on the WWE Thread **MERGED**

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babinko said:
i think that TNA should Invade the ECW ppv...They should buy tickets for the WHOLE roster at tna and they should all show up...The ecw ppv isnt far away from florida...just one state over...so im sure most people would go...And they cant get kicked out either because they bought tickets...Though this whole plan i think vince likes it...it brings MORE ratings to WWE. People from tna will now start watching wwe to see what goes on...so vince is :)

You have it extremely twisted.
TNA is praying for WWE to mention them on their programming so that WWE viewers will learn about TNA. I promise that 99.9% of TNA viewers are well aware of WWE, and have most likely watched it before. So how the heck does WWE benefit from guys from a smaller company being on their own show, when people buying the PPV obviously know about WWE already?

The general transition of fans is to go from WWE to TNA, not the other way around. Vince acknowledging them in any way shape of form only helps TNA, and quite possibly hurts WWE.

By the way, he could very easily have the TNA roster removed from the crowd if they in any way interfered with the show, or he felt that they had the potential to interfere with the show.

Vince does not like your plan.
jcdrules said:
WWE was set to make the outlaws an offer that the outlaws were ready to accept, but Vince and HHH became aware of a shoot interview from a year ago when gunn said he would punch HHH in the face if he saw him again. At that point HHH and Vince said screw it and never made the offer. Ever since then VKM has been pissed and bitter hence this "attepmt" at revenge. Vince is showing how minute the outlaws and TNA are by ignoring them. TNA/Outlaws just got ECW a bunch more PPV buys for sunday, good job morons.

There is no evidence/proof that the Outlaws "Were ready to accept." We can assume that they would have because of the money, or we could say they wouldnt because of personal issues. I dont really think it is an attempt at revenge as much as it is a publicity stunt. These guys know how the industry works, so they know that Vince is going to cave in and give them publicity, but by doing all this they get people talking about it and it gets people curious, even if WWE never acknowledges their existance. This acceptance of a challenge didnt do jack shit for PPV buys because TNA fans will not be buying until its confirmed that VKM will be there, and WWE fans aren't going to buy it with their fingers crossed saying "I hope those guys from TNA are on this show!!!"
jcdrules said:
WWE was set to make the outlaws an offer that the outlaws were ready to accept, but Vince and HHH became aware of a shoot interview from a year ago when gunn said he would punch HHH in the face if he saw him again. At that point HHH and Vince said screw it and never made the offer. Ever since then VKM has been pissed and bitter hence this "attepmt" at revenge. Vince is showing how minute the outlaws and TNA are by ignoring them. TNA/Outlaws just got ECW a bunch more PPV buys for sunday, good job morons.
Actually, they shitcanned Kip because the mental giants in the WWE creative department "didn't have anything for him" which was very true as they have zero clue what to do with the rest of the guys they have, even now. The best gimmick that Kip and BG had was their DX stint, which was something they created. The other gimmicks were some of the biggest pieces of creative dung ever to stink up Monday nights. If Vince ever had any intention of bringing those two back in, then I seriously doubt they'd go film a shoot interview to badmouth someone they still wanted to work for. In that interview, they both pulled no punches and I don't work for NASA, but neither one of them wanted to work for Titan at that point, and I seriously doubt the sentiment has changed since then because three of the guys they hate are still up there in the driver's seat. The shoot was done knowing full well that RF video would probably end up having some of the shoot posted online (which it promptly was on youtube immediately after filming) and would have a DVD available with the entire interview as well. BG was still under contract to TNA at that time, and as soon as the coast was feasibly clear, Kip was headed for Orlando to sign with his buddy's promotion. After being led along with a string of boring storylines, Russo allowed them to do something they wanted to do for a while, plain and simple.
jefferson411 said:
There is no evidence/proof that the Outlaws "Were ready to accept." We can assume that they would have because of the money, or we could say they wouldnt because of personal issues. I dont really think it is an attempt at revenge as much as it is a publicity stunt. These guys know how the industry works, so they know that Vince is going to cave in and give them publicity, but by doing all this they get people talking about it and it gets people curious, even if WWE never acknowledges their existance. This acceptance of a challenge didnt do jack shit for PPV buys because TNA fans will not be buying until its confirmed that VKM will be there, and WWE fans aren't going to buy it with their fingers crossed saying "I hope those guys from TNA are on this show!!!"
Like I said before, I seriously doubt they were gung-ho for working in a promotion they were both miserable in during their last runs. WWE creative's best effort for Kip was to saddle him with Palumbo in the gay angle that did nothing to help either of their credibility as wrestlers or personalities, but was instead used as a cheap headline/ratings grab and ended up burying both wrestlers in the end. I wouldn't give McMahon the pleasure of knowing he got a cheap buyrate off of me for a pile-of-$hit abomination that damn sure isn't worth the ECW namesake. I still feel like I should be due a refund for watching the show on Tuesday...and that $hit's free.
i think some people are home sick. Vkm is doing nothing but showing that TNA wresters are watching wwe product kinda ass bacwards if you ask me. There, as vince would say, NO CHANCE IN HELL that is going to happen.
Both promotions watch each other. It's part of the business. Even though WWE makes no "official" statements on their prime American competition, JR and Heyman both knocked the TNA product in interviews. As much as most WWE faithful don't want to admit, ECW was restarted stricly for the purpose of oversaturating the market so that TNA can' gain a foothold. The really sad thing is that ECW sucks ass. Hell, I see stolen moves end up on WWE TV all the time. Especially stuff like the Tower of Doom. Funny that the audience at a Raw is so amazed at the groundbreaking offense they see in the ring, even though TNA's boys have been doing $hit like that for years now.
And WWE was doing it for years before them? And ECW, WCW, every promotion has had ground breaking offense, and many promotions are older than TNA. Now WWE's wrestling is less high risk than TNA but someday TNA could be right there if they go through the lawsuits that WWE has had to go through. They limit the move set to lower chances of injury so they don't get in trouble.Wait until a TNA guy breaks his neck and sues them and see what they do with their moveset.

Yes both promotions watch each other, of course TNA watched WWE because they're trying to catch WWE. YES THEY ARE TRYING TO CATCH WWE you cannot deny that. WWE watched TNA because they see them as up coming competition. WWE also watches UFC. I read this on Wrestlezone.com earlier today, those are the two shows they keep tabs on.
the VoodooKinMafia has invaded WWE and Titan Towers declaring war on WWE...Nothing like rehashing an eight year old storyline that was used by the company you're invading...And yet the two people involved in both the WCW and WWE Invasions?VKM....And you can't honestly tell me BG and Kip James actually thought Vince would let them wrestle on the ECW PPV..How would they decide a winner?VKM wouldn't want to job to a WWE team and Vince would slit his throat before letting two guys he released that work for TNA come in and beat his freshly reunited Hardy Boyz...BG and Kip James knew that going in.Now don't get me wrong..I'm big fans of BG and Kip, probably one of the few they have left..I have been fans of theirs since they first formed the New Age Outlaws...But this Invasion reeks of Vince Russo it's not even funny...TNA is expecting to gain fame and recognition off of WWE and Vince isn't going to give them the satisfaction...Just like Vince didn't give Eric Bischoff and WCW the Satisfaction back when Bischoff challenged Vince on a live PPV.Today's November the 30th 2006...By November the 30th 2007, The "VoodooKinMafia" will either be back in WWE or without a job altogether.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest as it's been eating at me since they first declared war on WWE lol.
Don't you realize this, of course the VKM knew that McMahon wouldn't let them fight. They're just trying to get under McMahon's skin and make him finally crack so he gives them publicity. So far it's not working and I don't think it will work ever just because McMahon knows that the longer he stays quiet, the longer VKM look like fools. VKM's plan will backfire on them.
babinko said:
i think that TNA should Invade the ECW ppv...They should buy tickets for the WHOLE roster at tna and they should all show up...The ecw ppv isnt far away from florida...just one state over...so im sure most people would go...And they cant get kicked out either because they bought tickets...Though this whole plan i think vince likes it...it brings MORE ratings to WWE. People from tna will now start watching wwe to see what goes on...so vince is :)
Not necessarily. See, TNA knew when they were coming in they can't lose. Most people who are already watching TNA already hated the VKM before this nonsense so they're not going to stop watching TNA. All this can do is get fans from WWE to start watching TNA IF (and only IF) McMahon responds to them, which he won't. On the other side of things, TNA can mention, with no fear, WWE's name as much as they want because everyone knows what the WWE is. WWE on the other hand can't mention TNA because some people don't know what TNA is. All TNA can do is gain ratings. All WWE can do is lose ratings. TNA's ratings are already low compared to any WWE show, so they have nothing to lose. This is a win or don't win situation. The don't win means that the plan doesn't work, but they won't lose any ratings nor will anyone start watching WWE.
If Vincent K. McMahon won't answer an Eric Bischoff Open Challenge, a man he despised more than life itself, why would he bother giving publicity to a couple of guys HE Cut?Some things TNA does don't even begin to make sense..I mean, i'm not one of these WWE marks that says TNA sucks just for the hell of it...I WANT Tna to succeed..I WANT another WWE/WCW like war..I want that, I do..But TNA is making it harder for themselves by doing stupid bs like that..The only ones buying in to it are the TNA fans...Theres been Zero crossover appeal..They've gotten zero publicity for it other than Impact which fails to score above 1.0 on a consistent basis.The only thing they're accomplishing out of all this is feeding their own ego as well as Russo's because odds are, this whole angle may not even last in to 2007 that's how weak it is right now..They have nothing to do with VKM so they figured they'd stick them with this "Invade WWE" angle so they'll stay interested enough to stay in TNA and not go back to WWE because you know as well as I do, if TNA ever released BG James and Kip James, or they ever requested a release, they'd be back in WWE within 2 or 3 months after...Everyone does it... Test verbally bashed WWE on multiple occasions over their use of Eddie's name..Few months later and he's in ECW.Matt Hardy, Joey Styles, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Eric Bischoff, all bashed WWE and said they'd never go there or go back there...

Eric Bischoff ran WCW and tried to put WWE out of business..He challenged McMahon to a fight on live PPV..But when WCW folded and WWE came calling, Bischoff signed a Contract faster than WCW's downfall.

Joey Styles and Paul Heyman...Two men who Symbolize the old ECW..Two men who swore up and down they'd never work for Vince McMahon...Now where are they?Not only working for McMahon but REVIVING ECW..The brand they used to compete with McMahon.

Matt Hardy...The man was screwed out of his job by Edge and Lita...Swore to hell and back that He'd never use that personal angle to make money..Swore he'd never go back to WWE...Even talked to TNA...What happens...The Day his No Compete clause expires, he's attacking Edge backstage on Raw, not only resigning with WWE, but USING that personal angle to make money.

Scott Steiner and Goldberg...Both stated publicly they couldn't stand Vince McMahon..Goldberg even said he'd rather retire than work for WWE..So much for that as BOTH of them signed with WWE..Goldberg became World Champion while Steiner was cast off as the loser he is.

It happens all the time...So anytime you see guys like Rhino and The Dudleyz bashing ECW, Ron Killings calling out John Cena, Kurt Angle bashing McMahon and HHH, Christian bashing WWE or VKM declaring war on WWE and DX, just remember...They're only doing it because TNA tells them too and It creates Controversy and what's the title of Bischoff's book?Exactly...Controversy creates cash...If Vince McMahon was to offer any of the above guys(Dudleyz,Rhino,Killings,Christian,VKM) contracts for Raw,SD,or ECW, their tune would change like night and day because, aside from Christian, what's the common theme with all those guys?They were RELEASED by the WWE..Case closed.
Put it this way...Vince can let them in no problem.The Whole TNA Roster buying tickets means ECW PPV increases ticket sales..Increased ticket sales equals increased revenue and increased revenue equals a very happy Vincent Kennedy McMahon.So Vince could careless one way or another.
I personally would love to see VKM turn up at December to Dismember, come out for their match..... DX hit's the ring looking ready for a good ol brawl... and then VKM and DX hug.....wow that would be a moment especially if DX and VKM turned around and told TNA to SUCK IT. I personally don't think that will ever happen but it would be cool... I just don't think WWE or Vince would waste their time with this.
personally i think TNA is trash and its only a matter of time before they crumble just like WCW did. They can exxagerate all they want and cause as much controversey as they want, the fact of the matter is that they simply will not be as good as WWE. They can try any "new style" gimmicks they want...new ring, new rules, old washed up wrestlers with more drugs pumpin thru their veins than ozzy himself. Face it, the only reason ppl sign with TNA is so that they can continue their destructive lifestyle and not have to hear shit from Vince about it. As far a VKM saying that they "carried" DX, I don't think they should talk, considering they were pretty much unknown until they joined up with HHH and HBK. Dont get me wrong, I loved when they were all together, the chemistry was great. But after hearing how they said that they would love to punch HHH in the face if they got a chance, I pretty much lost all respect I had. I think for TNA to have any credibility at all they should protest for a move to monday nights, only then will the real comparison be able to take place..but if WCW had bigger balls then TNA does now, I guess we'll never really no.
I actually can see a benefit for Vince if he WERE to cooperate more with TNA; I just don't see Mr. Tunnel Vision getting the word.

What is Vince's reputation to anyone who's been a wrestling fan for more than 5 years or so? Everyone knows he's a small man, afraid of competition. He struck when WCW was weak, bought them out so they couldn't compete anymore. He bought out ECW after Paul ran it into the ground so it couldn't compete anymore. He threw FAT money at every wrestler worth a crap in other federations to come work for him so the competition would be weakened. Ask Verne Gagne what destroyed AWA; it was that very tactic.

I think Vince's reputation could use the boost he'd get from playing along with the upstart, giving them a little help, let them get bigger. He know they're years away from actual competition, with his help or without. And like I said, cross-promotion cooperation is good for the business all around. I remember how we were all foaming at the mouth at the idea of a Ric Flair v. Hulk Hogan, champion v. champion, match in the 80's. Who wouldn't like to see, say, Abyss vs. Sabu? Or Christopher Daniels against Shelton Benjamin? Or Christian Cage vs. Edge... oh, wait a minute...

Do you see my point?
i know this is of the topic but how do you start a thread or can some one post this thread

Day of reckoning wii?

is their going to be a third installment in this series or will smackdown vs. raw come over?
If this is going to happen when?
I don't get what the big deal is. The fans want a war, it is still too early for one, coz WWE will not acknowledge TNA - and so they are creating some storylines to provide the fans with some good weekly TV. Instead of being boring and playing it safe like they have for the last 4 years, they are actually ackowledging the WWE and are having some fun with it.

Of course Vince wasn't going to answer, like DUH!!!! Who needed more than a tenth of a second to figure that out?? But it was an opportunity to call out the WWE and add some more depth to this VKM story. In reality its all about providing a good weekly TV show. And this was a way to get people talking, get people excited about the VKM segment and to provide TNA with some free advertising.

People get to cut and take this shit to serious. Just sit back, relax and enjoy what they put up on Impact! Why bitch about it, good or bad?? Just take it all lightly and enjoy it. We all know Vince couldn't give a fucck about any of it. That doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it.
it only is digging tna a bigger hole
while they be coming up with interesting storylines(which they never have)
they bring back story lines from 8 years ago.
tna doesn't understand that if vince wanted to he could buy out tna put people from the indies in it and still get a better rateing
tna cant draw and that is a fact
people watch wwe because of the name and that is a fact
jeff jarret is a ****** and that is a fact
those are the facts and if you can't handle the truth
don't read this
dboy1373 said:
it only is digging tna a bigger hole
while they be coming up with interesting storylines(which they never have)
they bring back story lines from 8 years ago.
tna doesn't understand that if vince wanted to he could buy out tna put people from the indies in it and still get a better rateing
tna cant draw and that is a fact
people watch wwe because of the name and that is a fact
jeff jarret is a ****** and that is a fact
those are the facts and if you can't handle the truth
don't read this

Nowhere in this incoherent, non-sensical rant did you exhibit rational thought or make any valid point. Anybody who read this is now dumber for having tried to make sense of it.

Well actually, the part about Vince putting indy guys in TNA and pulling a better rating is true. Which just goes to show the lack of exposure that TNA has. Again, what is the issue with these skits? Its a storyline with real life emotional ties - which is why I don't get people saying VKM are the wrong ones for this story, sure some younger guys would be good, but it doesn't have the same effect. There is a history here. And most of all its some free advertising and exposure for TNA. There is no loss here. For TNA its win win regardless of what response they get from WWE.

Vince is a dick and that is a fact. That is the only fact you need to know. And if u can't handle the truth...
attila said:
Nowhere in this incoherent, non-sensical rant did you exhibit rational thought or make any valid point. Anybody who read this is now dumber for having tried to make sense of it.

Well actually, the part about Vince putting indy guys in TNA and pulling a better rating is true. Which just goes to show the lack of exposure that TNA has. Again, what is the issue with these skits? Its a storyline with real life emotional ties - which is why I don't get people saying VKM are the wrong ones for this story, sure some younger guys would be good, but it doesn't have the same effect. There is a history here. And most of all its some free advertising and exposure for TNA. There is no loss here. For TNA its win win regardless of what response they get from WWE.

Vince is a dick and that is a fact. That is the only fact you need to know. And if u can't handle the truth...

they can't even pull in 1.0 rattings
fuck tna
attila said:
Nowhere in this incoherent, non-sensical rant did you exhibit rational thought or make any valid point. Anybody who read this is now dumber for having tried to make sense of it.

Well actually, the part about Vince putting indy guys in TNA and pulling a better rating is true. Which just goes to show the lack of exposure that TNA has. Again, what is the issue with these skits? Its a storyline with real life emotional ties - which is why I don't get people saying VKM are the wrong ones for this story, sure some younger guys would be good, but it doesn't have the same effect. There is a history here. And most of all its some free advertising and exposure for TNA. There is no loss here. For TNA its win win regardless of what response they get from WWE.

Vince is a dick and that is a fact. That is the only fact you need to know. And if u can't handle the truth...

oh yeah and i had no idea of where i was going whith that either
iamwrestling said:
Don't you realize this, of course the VKM knew that McMahon wouldn't let them fight. They're just trying to get under McMahon's skin and make him finally crack so he gives them publicity. So far it's not working and I don't think it will work ever just because McMahon knows that the longer he stays quiet, the longer VKM look like fools. VKM's plan will backfire on them.

but what if they are working with mcmahon? like kurt angle was with tna? lie and say hes taking time off for family, then joining the MMA or whatever, and what do ya know, he turns up on TNA. what if they just randomly show up at the ecw ppv and get in the ring and like others have stated on these forums wherever, dx comes out and both teams dx and vkm get in each others faces and then comes a welcome hug?
The fact is....If this was an original Storyline, I'd be all for it..And someone said it's not like 8 years ago because TNA isn't as far as WCW was...That's true...But TNA here, is playing the part WWE played 8 years ago with WWE playing the part of WCW.TNA should be worried about their OWN product and not making their name off Someoneelse's, even if half their roster is made up of guys released from that company.When DX invaded WCW, I was entertained...Why?Because I'd never seen it before!WWE degrading WCW on their show, DX calling for WCW to let Hall and Nash go, it was entertaining television because it was original...But who's the one who made that segment?Triple H...Why?Because he was DX's leader, The Outlaws were just playing a supporting role in the invasion..Now, 8 years later, It's the Outlaws trying to play a lead role in leading an invasion, something they're really not made for...Now If Kurt Angle was to lead the Invasion with VKM following suit, then It might gain steam...But now it's just too lower mid card Superstars trying to InVade a company that had no room for them...Noone takes VKM seriously in an invasion against WWE because all they are are a lower level tag team in TNA that havn't had a decent storyline put together since they reunited after that year long 3LK/Kip James angle and they needed something for them to do.That's all it is...WWE could careless and to be honest, I don't think TNA cares either...They know WWE won't acknowledge them or let TNA gain fame off of them..It's just something for VKM to do so they won't ask for a release.
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