[Official] VKM's War on the WWE Thread **MERGED**

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VKM vs VKM has to be one of the worst storylines in wrestling history.

actually I think is pretty interesting...yeah its been played before but its something that hasnt been done in a while and it presents the atmosphere that anything can happen next so you better tune in.....

I'm not sure how much longevity it has but for now it is kinda of fun to sit back and watch....I do however think that these guys are full of cr@p and the same thing that they are crying about now, how wwe threw them to the side once the dx angle played its course will happen to them again in tna. once this "war" is over so will there little gimmick that has refreshed their careers.

Brian:suckit: :suckit:
Wrestling as a whole fell on its ass in the last five years because Vince McMahon ended up as the sole wheelman steering everything and he crashed the business into a tree (along with the XFL). He devoured his competition and squandered the entire manuever, which could've instead been an entire stabilizing monopoly of the American wrestling industry and a benchmark of his unopposable dominance. In the end, he got sloppy, lazy, and worst of all comfortable with no one to fight him each week. ECW was running it's show (which workrate wise is very similar to TNA) in the hind end of the 90's and it was pulling in what TNA pulls at present, so I don't think TNA would fare much better in those days, either. Turner had a one-up because WCW/NWA was always well-received in the South and had a legacy there. Even though they use the NWA belts, the company is still wet behind the ears in that respect.

your a tna homer if i ever met one. I'm not a big fan of vince but wrestling goes in cycles. In 3-5 years there will be another upswing and ratings will again be higher then they are now. The WWE was not going to be pulling ratings in the 7-8 range forever.....thats not the way the business works. :shit:

for you to blame it all on vince really shows that you really do have tna's balls on your chin.
your a tna homer if i ever met one. I'm not a big fan of vince but wrestling goes in cycles. In 3-5 years there will be another upswing and ratings will again be higher then they are now. The WWE was not going to be pulling ratings in the 7-8 range forever.....thats not the way the business works. :shit:

for you to blame it all on vince really shows that you really do have tna's balls on your chin.
And with a Hogan avatar you obviously have the intellect of someone in the fourth grade, go figure. The downswings are and have been due to mismanagement, plain and simple. WWF ruled NBC during the 80's, but Vince bled that entire movement (particularly Hulkamania) to death instead of changing with the times, thus they shitcanned SNME. He gets something that works, and then he rides it into the ground like a tent spike because he doesn't think to adapt until he falls on his face (hence Nitro tearing him a new a$$hole for over a year and a half). He posessed ALL THREE of the major American wrestling companies at one point with no competition to speak of stateside and wrestling talent to spare. He had the opportunity of doing the biggest interpromotional angle EVER and found a way to cosmically f**k it up.

WCW is another one in the list of failed dominations. A promotion that was taken from being a backwoods write-off that was tailored for hicks and winos into being the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet inside of four years. Yet Bischoff handed the reigns over to some questionable individuals and the product went perpetually downward and was irretrievable until it was sold for scrap by TW.

You're basing the "cycles" theorem on the last two decades when in fact wrestling had been nothing to write home about for much longer stretches than we've recently seen, business-wise. Everything that perpetuated those upswings you're expecting occurred because someone did something amazing and unique and drew people in. Wrestling has been stagnant (with the exception of TNA's workrate in most cases) since the turn of the millenium. So when is this new movement supposed to hit? Maybe I can disengage my WWE Tivo timers until then so I don't have to keep watching in hopes that the episodes won't be mostly $hit. This is by no way me saying that all of Russo's TNA maneuvers are the best thing since sliced bread, as I prefer wrestling over "crash" TV, but at least the limited wrestling on TNA is worth spending the hour. I usually can't say the same for the big "E."
Vince's ass isn't wrinkled, haven't you seen it? He shows it all the time. Hell, it even has its own cartoon!
I'm unsure of whether to applaud your knowledge or scream in terror. Either way, the man showing his ass is wrong on many, many levels.:)
And with a Hogan avatar you obviously have the intellect of someone in the fourth grade, go figure. The downswings are and have been due to mismanagement, plain and simple. WWF ruled NBC during the 80's, but Vince bled that entire movement (particularly Hulkamania) to death instead of changing with the times, thus they shitcanned SNME. He gets something that works, and then he rides it into the ground like a tent spike because he doesn't think to adapt until he falls on his face (hence Nitro tearing him a new a$$hole for over a year and a half). He posessed ALL THREE of the major American wrestling companies at one point with no competition to speak of stateside and wrestling talent to spare. He had the opportunity of doing the biggest interpromotional angle EVER and found a way to cosmically f**k it up.

WCW is another one in the list of failed dominations. A promotion that was taken from being a backwoods write-off that was tailored for hicks and winos into being the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet inside of four years. Yet Bischoff handed the reigns over to some questionable individuals and the product went perpetually downward and was irretrievable until it was sold for scrap by TW.

You're basing the "cycles" theorem on the last two decades when in fact wrestling had been nothing to write home about for much longer stretches than we've recently seen, business-wise. Everything that perpetuated those upswings you're expecting occurred because someone did something amazing and unique and drew people in. Wrestling has been stagnant (with the exception of TNA's workrate in most cases) since the turn of the millenium. So when is this new movement supposed to hit? Maybe I can disengage my WWE Tivo timers until then so I don't have to keep watching in hopes that the episodes won't be mostly $hit. This is by no way me saying that all of Russo's TNA maneuvers are the best thing since sliced bread, as I prefer wrestling over "crash" TV, but at least the limited wrestling on TNA is worth spending the hour. I usually can't say the same for the big "E."

i see.....lol, you talk sh!t about my avatar with Bruce Lee as yours....lol...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. i see your all over Russo's nuts as well...hmmmmmm. I am indeed basing my theorem on the popularity comming and going in cycles the last few decades. Wrestleing prior to the 80's was more sport then show and entertainment.....since the 80's it has been about entertainment....it comes and goes....if i were you i'd cancel your wwe season pass for tivo, you clearly do nothing but b!tch about the product. You make your little comments of Vince not knowing what to do without having competition, HELLO.....other then the 4 years that you state WCW became the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet Vince hasnt had much competition....EVER.... I love the way that an 8 sided ring is put up and a promotion who doesnt know how to write a damn storyline to save their lives gets a t.v. deal and people like you have little chubs over it.....You talk about bleeding something to death, wouldn't you say that Sting (40+ years old) dressing up like the crow is a little played out.....do i even need to bring up the fact that all Russo is doing is re-hashing old story lines from the WWE yet because your the homer you are just focus on trashing Vince for beating things to death and playing things out......lol.....pretty funny if you ask me. :fuckoff:
i see.....lol, you talk sh!t about my avatar with Bruce Lee as yours....lol...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. i see your all over Russo's nuts as well...hmmmmmm. I am indeed basing my theorem on the popularity comming and going in cycles the last few decades. Wrestleing prior to the 80's was more sport then show and entertainment.....since the 80's it has been about entertainment....it comes and goes....if i were you i'd cancel your wwe season pass for tivo, you clearly do nothing but b!tch about the product. You make your little comments of Vince not knowing what to do without having competition, HELLO.....other then the 4 years that you state WCW became the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet Vince hasnt had much competition....EVER.... I love the way that an 8 sided ring is put up and a promotion who doesnt know how to write a damn storyline to save their lives gets a t.v. deal and people like you have little chubs over it.....You talk about bleeding something to death, wouldn't you say that Sting (40+ years old) dressing up like the crow is a little played out.....do i even need to bring up the fact that all Russo is doing is re-hashing old story lines from the WWE yet because your the homer you are just focus on trashing Vince for beating things to death and playing things out......lol.....pretty funny if you ask me. :fuckoff:
Sure, wrestling didn't have the same kinds of basic theatrics like it has in recent years. Gorgeous George, Fred Blassie, and The Nature Boy Buddy Rogers were over strictly because people were fans of the "sport" aspect of pro wrestling involving guys like this. You know nothing in regards to which parts of the shows that I like and dislike. I watch because if I'm going to be posting on this place in regards to a discussion about which product is better, I'd better know why I dislike/like a certain product and the reasons for it. Yammering on about how a show sucks and not even having the sense to watch it is f***ing stupid beyond belief.

How do you know what I think of everything Russo has done? He's about 50/50 in my book considering he was one of the prime guys who masterminded WWE's last heyday (even if the product was lifted from ECW's style), and then promptly went down to Atlanta and helped WCW sink faster than a rock in a pond. Your knowledge of TNA product is astounding considering the ring is 6 sided, thus helping your arguments fall apart like a house of cards. Vince hasn't had much competition because he purchased an already working wrestling promotion from his daddy and just applied his business degree to the product and stole talent from all over the US. He didn't build anything from the ground up like a lot of clueless nitwits like to think. Notice that Sting only had a one-year contract and isn't wrestling on every episode of Impact, but has only appeared sparsely in the year he's "been back?"

As opposed to Vince's groundbreaking idea of pulling another faction off the shelf from 1997 and having two near-middle aged men act like retarted teenagers while fighting a gang of male cheerleaders over and over again when the two guys should be saving his pathetic Heavyweight title scene. One day hopefully, you'll realize that Vince McMahon didn't necessarily do anything revolutionary for wrestling except add in a bigger entertainment spectacle and entrance music (1980's), and have his two lead writers use a watered-down version of ECW's product (1990's). For every good move he's made, there have been some frightening f***ups that preceeded or followed them. Oh, and my avatar is from someone respectable that has done way more in his lifetime than taking his "vitamins" and calling everyone "brother." Bruce Lee denotes respect. Hogan sure as hell doesn't...but that's another story.
I think this storyline is a great idea, considering TNA has given VKM permission to work a WWE taping. Now, there's NOTHING stopping Vince from responding back to VKM. Unless he's just a little pussy
Vince had good reasons for not fighting Bischoff, imagine the ratings WCW would have gotten - they would have hit sky high and for what? I don't think either of them would have jobbed for the other due to their stubborness and zest to the the best man in the business in a economic perspective, so it would probably have ended up as a pure unscripted fight or a DX vs NWO showdown since Vince McMahon would have needed to watch his back, plus DX had connections at WCW - therefore Vince McMahon can't be called a pussy for being economically logical. Imagine the propaganda usage WCW would have had if they'd have left Vince McMahon in a bloody mess "the hard way" is it stupid to think of your company's survival?

Though I agree with Kasey's point that Vince McMahon has had his fair share of good ideas but that he tends to milk the product until it rots like stale bread, and that he has his equal share of terrible ideas. Nobody's going to do anything completely perfect, and that's the best thing about a "war" in wrestling, when one company messes up, another should be prepared to capitalise on the other one's mistake.
I think this storyline is a great idea, considering TNA has given VKM permission to work a WWE taping. Now, there's NOTHING stopping Vince from responding back to VKM. Unless he's just a little pussy

Vince does have reason's VKM/TNA r not even on WWE's level yet they cant even compete with WWE right now so y reply to them givin TNA more ratings n every thing else that comes along with it now if TNA gets bigger like WCW was n starts competeing with WWE they MIGHT consider replyin to them or w/e but until then nothin is going to happen out of this is has nothin to do with vince being a pussy its him being smart
Here's the thing, McMahon knows not to respond to VKM an TNA the way that WCW responded to DX and WWE years ago. Vince Knows that because he's not stupid like WCW was. However, VKM knows that they can continue to take shot after shot at WWE and McMahon can't do a darn thing about it. And personally, I think that VKM resembles DX more than Triple H and Shawn Michaels do nowadays. I mean, VKM is actually breaking rules while "DX" just comes out there every week and does the same line every week and then tells a quick joke and leave. VKM on the other hand actually have a purpose of being together. That's to break moral rules and attack their old employer. And personally, I just don't find Michaels and Triple H funny at all and find VKM to be hilarious. Especially that joke about the Marine being compared to Ernest saves christmas. That was hilarious.
i think VKM is a joke they are nothin close to a dx...they r jus two wwe rejects who hate to c the gimmick they were once part of being able to thrive without them...and there is no reason for vince to respond to these guys unless tna becomes real competition..and judging from the ratings unless tna starts getting ratings similar to wwe's then wwe will never respond and wwe will never use their full potential until a so called "war" actually starts
i think VKM is a joke they are nothin close to a dx...they r jus two wwe rejects who hate to c the gimmick they were once part of being able to thrive without them...and there is no reason for vince to respond to these guys unless tna becomes real competition..and judging from the ratings unless tna starts getting ratings similar to wwe's then wwe will never respond and wwe will never use their full potential until a so called "war" actually starts
I hardly consider what they're doing to be thriving. We're talking about two of the WWE's premier singles workers of the last decade being completely wasted in a pointless angle while one of them is in the twilight of his ability and should be used in something meaningful (Michaels). And as it stands, WWE should be focusing on getting the title on Raw over with credible stars continuing the feuds instead of a wonder like Cena and a one-dimensional waste of talent like Umaga. This VKM angle isn't the complete axis on which TNA swings, like some would believe. The other angles involving the titles are the ones that actually have weight with TNA's direction. I mean, VKM haven't wrestled a match in weeks and are not even in contention for the belts at this point. They're a side attraction in a tag division that is doing fine without them, so it's not that important that they're being used in a comedy angle ala DX. I'd expect more from HBK and Hunter. That's why I think VKM is funny. Two or three years ago, they couldn't have done this angle and had any relevance in terms of making fun of HBK and HHH because those two were involved in a relevant situation around WMXX putting on one hell of a main event with Benoit.
An open letter to VKM:

Hello "Gentlemen",

I have seen some bitter scorned people in my day but you two jack ass's take the cake. You're little company imposed "war" is a joke just like your two careers. I mean like the father of the business is supposed to be afraid of "Rockabilly" and some over rated, no talent ex-druggie. Lets be honest boys you both suck donkey balls. Boo hoo hoo D-X came back without you two. THANK GOD!!! And if I recall Vince and Paul were gonna be kind and offer to rescue you from the dump in Orlando until they saw an interview where "the one" tried to be tough. If you matter the way WCW did, or Phil Muschnick did you would have been addressed, however you DONT matter. I hope you have the balls to show up in Atlanta on Sunday, so you two jackass's get your ass's handed to you by the locker room that you couldn't even hold a candle to. Wow you went to Titan when noone was there, at least Vince sent you guys to WCW when he knew they were there. I guess this is my challenge to you two, I dare you to address this email. I know you wont though, I wouldn't expect anything else from the Roadie and Chuck Polumbo's biaotch.
Hello "VKM",

I have seen some bitter scorned people in my day but you two jack ass's take the cake. You're little company imposed "war" is a joke just like your two careers. I mean like the father of the business is supposed to be afraid of "Rockabilly" and some over rated, no talent ex-druggie. Lets be honest boys you both suck donkey balls. Boo hoo hoo D-X came back without you two. THANK GOD!!! And if I recall Vince and Paul were gonna be kind and offer to rescue you from the dump in Orlando until they saw an interview where "the one" tried to be tough. If you matter the way WCW did, or Phil Muschnick did you would have been addressed, however you DONT matter. I hope you have the balls to show up in Atlanta on Sunday, so you two jackass's get your ass's handed to you by the locker room that you couldn't even hold a candle to. Wow you went to Titan when noone was there, at least Vince sent you guys to WCW when he knew they were there. I guess this is my challenge to you two, I dare you to address this email. I know you wont though, I wouldn't expect anything else from the Roadie and Chuck Polumbo's bitch.
lol...They challenged DX to a tag match anytime anywhere tonight...Pathetic.

I really hope WWE or DX never even mentions this and just totally ignores it. Cuz all TNA wants is attention from this, and they are trying to do everything possible to make WWE respond.
I hardly consider what they're doing to be thriving. We're talking about two of the WWE's premier singles workers of the last decade being completely wasted in a pointless angle while one of them is in the twilight of his ability and should be used in something meaningful (Michaels). And as it stands, WWE should be focusing on getting the title on Raw over with credible stars continuing the feuds instead of a wonder like Cena and a one-dimensional waste of talent like Umaga. This VKM angle isn't the complete axis on which TNA swings, like some would believe. The other angles involving the titles are the ones that actually have weight with TNA's direction. I mean, VKM haven't wrestled a match in weeks and are not even in contention for the belts at this point. They're a side attraction in a tag division that is doing fine without them, so it's not that important that they're being used in a comedy angle ala DX. I'd expect more from HBK and Hunter. That's why I think VKM is funny. Two or three years ago, they couldn't have done this angle and had any relevance in terms of making fun of HBK and HHH because those two were involved in a relevant situation around WMXX putting on one hell of a main event with Benoit.

hhh and shawn both have carried the main event status plenty of times within the years...it isnt a wasteful gimmick...atleast others r being given a chance at the belt....and it doesnt really matter what wwe does as they willl STILL be at the top..so while you diss dx and say its a disgrace and all this nonsense WHICH COMPANY IS AT THE TOP....and whose BITCHING about an angle they use to be a part of....MIDCARD losers who could only be something useful wen they were a tag team otherwise they were JUNK...unless hhh and shawn who could main event ON THEIR OWN...and still be great as a TAG TEAM..but "road dogg and billy are shit alone
you should've ended it with " in closeing I've just got two words for ya... PLEASE STOP", i like TNA but these two dumbasses are just waste valuable air time with this stupid shit, They only have 1 hour and they decided to waste a chunk of it on this?
hhh and shawn both have carried the main event status plenty of times within the years...it isnt a wasteful gimmick...atleast others r being given a chance at the belt....and it doesnt really matter what wwe does as they willl STILL be at the top..so while you diss dx and say its a disgrace and all this nonsense WHICH COMPANY IS AT THE TOP....and whose BITCHING about an angle they use to be a part of....MIDCARD losers who could only be something useful wen they were a tag team otherwise they were JUNK...unless hhh and shawn who could main event ON THEIR OWN...and still be great as a TAG TEAM..but "road dogg and billy are shit alone
It is when you take one of the top heels/faces that the company still has possession of and use them in a gag routine for cheap laughs. It's also a disgrace when you sabotage HHH's heel character that they spent years wasting other talent for. You're making my points for me, thanks. They're letting losers take the top spots. Cena? Umaga? If this is the future of the company, get me a friggin' puke bag. Being winner by default isn't the biggest thing to brag about. Especially from a company who would've had an uncontested monopoly of the ENTIRE American wrestling business, but instead pissed that chance down the drain. I wouldn't expect TNA to be at the top at this stage of the game, business-wise. However, even with Russo's interference into the length of matches and the writing schemes, I'd still stand by TNA versus the shit WWE product that stinks up airwaves each week. Fiscal success and quality are separate entities. It's kind of hard to get a push when you're never given one. HHH and HBK both started out as midcard wonders who were given a slow-burn rise to the top. They weren't shit when they started. Either of 'em. That's what most of you fail to remember. Nearly anyone can be established if they're pushed enough. Hell, Batista's the top guy on Smackdown and he can't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag. If this were 1999, all of the marks on this page would be bending over backwards to kiss DOA's collective asses, but since they're not working for the lousy company you still champion, you forget about things.
you should've ended it with " in closeing I've just got two words for ya... PLEASE STOP", i like TNA but these two dumbasses are just waste valuable air time with this stupid shit, They only have 1 hour and they decided to waste a chunk of it on this?
It's working, isn't it? It may be pissing off a contingent of the TNA fanbase, but in the end it's rubbing a hell of a lot of WWE fans the wrong way. This is why I find it very funny. Not because the skits are any more genius than any of the dumb shit DX has done over the years, but because it irritates those who actually like DX.
It doesn't irratate me because I like DX, it irrates me because TNA is supposedly "All about Wrestling"... Way to controdict yourselves guys, I must say.. See, atleast the last few DX skits were funny, but these guys are just straight up jokes...

How is it working? Is it drawing them more ratings? Is it making WWE give them publicity? Didnt think soo...

Try building up your promotion, before even trying to fight a promotional phenomnum (sp) like the WWE... This is imo, taking away viewers from TNA, and digging them an early grave.
It doesn't irratate me because I like DX, it irrates me because TNA is supposedly "All about Wrestling"... Way to controdict yourselves guys, I must say.. See, atleast the last few DX skits were funny, but these guys are just straight up jokes...

How is it working? Is it drawing them more ratings? Is it making WWE give them publicity? Didnt think soo...

Try building up your promotion, before even trying to fight a promotional phenomnum (sp) like the WWE... This is imo, taking away viewers from TNA, and digging them an early grave.
Depends on how you look at it. Those who find DX's skits funny and who like DX will probably not get down on seeing the VKM stuff. I'm in the group that hates DX. Not because the premise of the group isn't worthy, but the two guys running in it are WAY too old to do it, and are better used elevating WWE's World Title division (which needs some serious assistance at this rate). TNA's "all about wrestling" mentality went out the window the second Russo was hired, so I have no idea why people are still expecting that from them at this rate. It's not like he was going to come in and turn TNA into NJPW or something. He functions on crash TV and always has. I don't expect a "purists" promotion out of TNA anymore. In the last month, I've mainly been frequenting youtube in search of import matches and other classics to watch in place of what TNA normally provided me with regards to wrestling. I haven't had the money to burn with Christmas coming so I haven't been able to buy any PPV's. TNA has to try something to garner ratings, as the old formula wasn't doing what they felt it should in that department. The ratings aren't good, but then again, they're not dropping horrendously like ECW's have been over the past six months. You might think it's taking viewers from TNA, and that's cool, but most TNA viewers probably already still watch WWE programming because they're diehard wrestling fans to begin with. Hell, wrestling hogs up around eight hours of weekly storage on my Tivo.
this is wat VKM said on TNA website........>“This has become a very personal issue for the both of us because we believe they are destroying a legacy we helped build,” James said. “So to show you how serious we are about this fight and how much TNA knows it means to us, we’re putting up a million dollars. If we win, McMahon, Hickenbottom and Levesque must stop the actions we believe are damaging the group we helped build. If they win, not only do they get the million dollars, but we will end our mission. Gentlemen, the ball is in your court.”..................a legacy they helped build?? sure in some way i agree to that but they didnt come up with it nor do they own it WWE does so they can do any thing they dam well please with it!!! this war crap is going to go no where i wounder how long VKM or should i say TNA keep this going cause every body knows that VINCE will not respond to any thing unless TNA gets REAL BIG like WCW was back then but i dont c TNA blowin up over night so i dont c WWE respondin any time soon
this is wat JR said on his web site about VKM's Million Dollar Challenge....> Uh, no I don’t think the “Million Dollar Challenge” will be accepted or even acknowledged...... so that goes to show u that VKM/TNA is wasting there time n should worry bout there own shit n worry bout buildin there company cause WWE will not respond to any thing that they do
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