[Official] VKM's War on the WWE Thread **MERGED**

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pod_daddy said:
My question is, why is there a discussion on qualifications to write for the WWE in the TNA group???

Exactly. Conversations like this should be in the Board Room. Please get back onto topic.
jawn87 said:
come to think of it now that you mentioned it, neither do i. some of the talent probably dont have college under their belts, and i think if say, you tryed for a job, if you had like 10 pages worth of maybe 3 or 4 big storylines in your mind are very very great, and they like read over them or something that they would gladly accept you since their writers are crap and couldnt write a freakin barney show.
Lol pretty much. Those writers couldnt come up with a good storyline if their lives were on the line lol. The really should let some fans join the writing team and then it would be great! I mean I am not greddy you aint gotta pay me alot of money. At least I would get paid for something that I enjoy doing lol

And Pod-Daddy It didnt start like that. We were talking about VKM coming to the ECW PPV and then got sidetracked talking about ideas. Sorry about that
pod_daddy said:
My question is, why is there a discussion on qualifications to write for the WWE in the TNA group???

it got off topic for a lil bit. :) and it was one of those one thing leads to another deals. seriously, you dont want chives, i wont put them in. lol. sorry, um, it happens all the time. like, one minute you can be talking about the NWA world title and the next minute your talking about frogs or something crazy like bullhorns up george bushs bum.
ok, so in my idea, im sticking with the idea that vkm is just madly in love with the wwe and need their old jobs back and could have finally found a loop hole into screwing over tna or making it look like it. it could make for a good feud with wwe, i dont know. i just kinda think its fishy that they are announcing a war on wwe, or maybe triple h and vince do really hate them or something and vkm probably wept in a room and are trying to top the dx invasion of wcw.
ErkBono23 said:
i think tna is a bunch of idiots for even doin this garbage...obviously vince is not gonna say nothin about tna cuz he's more professional then to mention an opposing LOWER class wrestling brand on his show....they will never accept the challenge cuz their is no reason to....so tna is jus makin themselves look dumb as hell

This is by far the most ******ed post I ever read. Remember the cross promotion with WWE and ECW. Maybe WWE will wanna do that type of thing with TNA. TNA is not dumb for doing this. Controversy creates cash and this is quite controversial. If WWE accepts which you can never cancel out. Anything can happen. No body thought Angle would go to TNA but he did. Now if WWE accepts then TNA gets publicity by this.
WWE is obviously not going to accept the challenge or even mention it on WWE tv. It would promote TNA and give them lots of exposure, much more than some crappy VKM segment on TNA tv.
Didn't WWE approach them about coming back when they cooked up the DX reunion scheme? I remember reading somewhere (on wrestlezone maybe?) they had turned them down flat at that time.

If so, why would they want to backdoor TNA and jump ship now? From a career standpoint, that wouldn't be smart. Once VKM (Vince, I mean) got tired of them, they be dumped again. And at that point their career options would be overseas or state fairs for the rest of their lives, cause their reputation would be ruined CONUS...
That Charismatic Kid said:
This is by far the most ******ed post I ever read. Remember the cross promotion with WWE and ECW. Maybe WWE will wanna do that type of thing with TNA. TNA is not dumb for doing this. Controversy creates cash and this is quite controversial. If WWE accepts which you can never cancel out. Anything can happen. No body thought Angle would go to TNA but he did. Now if WWE accepts then TNA gets publicity by this.

seems like your the ******ed IDIOT in this situation...y the hell would wwe want to help out tna...they don't want to promote tna moron...they dont want tna to get high ratings...and they certaintly dont want to show them off on their OWN show so ur the retart here....i can gurantee u that wwe WONT accept...cuz its comin from the writers mouth of the tna show now those 2 idiiots who keep bashin wwe jus cuz they lost their jobs....and you sed it yourself if wwe accepts then tna gets publicity by this which is EXACTLY y wwe wont accept..whose the ******ed one now???????
ErkBono23 said:
i think tna is a bunch of idiots for even doin this garbage...obviously vince is not gonna say nothin about tna cuz he's more professional then to mention an opposing LOWER class wrestling brand on his show....they will never accept the challenge cuz their is no reason to....so tna is jus makin themselves look dumb as hell
It's dumb when the VKM and TNA do it to WWE, but when the DX and the WWF did it to the WCW then it was funny? Come on. It's entertainment for the TNA fans and if you actually gave TNA a chance then you'd see it's all for entertainment purposes.
i understand its for entertainment purposes i also understand they r tryin to do this to get wwe to say somthin so tna can benefit in some way or form but that isnt goin to happen...wen wwe did it to wcw it was because the monday night wars were goin on that is a diff circumstance 2 wrestling companies were goin head to head every single monday night on pretty much the same timeslot thats a position where u do what it takes to get ur ratings...but i dnt understand y tna is doin that in this situation cuz how do they plan to benefit if vince wont even mention them
How do they benefit? Because all of us are talking about, people who don't even watch TNA but are into the WWE are online hearing about these TNA yahoos who are talking about fighting a war with WWE, and suddnely people are listening and thinking about watching. They are getting their name on peoples minds. It is a win-win for TNA.

Anyways, WWE will most likely not accept this challenge. If TNA was on WWE's level they would accept it in a heart beat in order to make their rivals company look weak cause of course they would job to the Hardyz. But in this situation, WWE putting VKM on WWE programming only helps TNA, and does little for WWE. Even if VKM jobbed on PPV, TNA is getting exposure, and since most TNA fans are smarks, it won't affect VKM or TNA's status with fans no matter how bad VKM gets beaten, cause smarks would know what was going on. WWE does not benefit, so they won't accept this offer.
ErkBono23 said:
seems like your the ******ed IDIOT in this situation...y the hell would wwe want to help out tna...they don't want to promote tna moron...they dont want tna to get high ratings...and they certaintly dont want to show them off on their OWN show so ur the retart here....i can gurantee u that wwe WONT accept...cuz its comin from the writers mouth of the tna show now those 2 idiiots who keep bashin wwe jus cuz they lost their jobs....and you sed it yourself if wwe accepts then tna gets publicity by this which is EXACTLY y wwe wont accept..whose the ******ed one now???????

******, It wont only give TNA publicity. It will give WWE more publicity which Vince wants. Vince wants higher ratings and maybe he might see this as a chance to get higher ratings.
Why won't TNA stop trying to leech off the popularity of the WWE? If they are ever going to be big, they need to stop being Anti-WWE as most of the fans are. This is just a joke that will go nowhere, and whoever VKM are will never get on a WWE PPV if they are on TNA. I have never heard the letters TNA on WWE Programming, and they shouldn't have WWE on TNA shows. The WWE are smarter than TNA are and would never accept some crap like this. They're not desperate to have WWE wrestlers on TNA, and TNA should take the same approach. This is exactly the reason I would never consider TNA to be a completely original show, they use the legacies of other companies to further their popularity. And to that Charismatic Kid, how would it get ratings, if half the people have no idea who VKM or even TNA are?
First of all, you're not allowed to have your own video cameras inside of the arena so if VKM were to actually go to ECW and bring it in, they would have it confiscated. Second off, if they appeared on WWE television....they wouldn't be allowed to show any of it on TNA because they'd be using copyrighted material and would open themselves up to being sued by the WWE. VKM could "accept" the Hardy Boyz challenge if they want to, sure....and they could even appear on WWE television but if you think they'd allow anything about TNA to get mentioned, you're nuts. If they were to actually compete in a match on WWE television, they wouldn't be wearing TNA merchandise, they wouldn't be allowed to say anything about it on television. All that it would be known as is that the New Age Outlaws(Road Dogg Jesse James and Billy Gunn) are returning to the WWE to face the Hardy Boyz....and if it were a match, it'd be one that the Outlaws would obviously be scripted to lose. If anything does happen and they try something, it'll be stupid because it won't have the effect that they'll want it to have.
TNA is a fuckin joke they have bn in business for 4 or 5 years now n there still nothin they cant even afford to travel on the road to do there tv tapings or PPV there ratings sux this past thrusday night they scored a 0.9 cable rating thats sad REALLY sad RAW a.m. that airs on saturday mornings scored a higher cable rating then that n RAW n SMACK DOWN n ECW score twice that much so as i c it TNA will never EEVVVVEEEERRRRR b on WWE's level and if n its a BIG IF WWE lets those 2 cracker jacks on there ECW ppv do believe they'll have sum thing planed 4 KVM n sure TNA is just tryin to start some thing with WWE so they will say some thing on the air about it TNA is just makin there own fans turn it to WWE every monday night to c if DX will say sum thing n theres WWE even more ratings
lol it wasnt at 2 n the mornin u jackass 9p.m. , but n e ways it dont matter if it was thanksgiving or not they still score that low o they might get a 1. sum thing
WWE was set to make the outlaws an offer that the outlaws were ready to accept, but Vince and HHH became aware of a shoot interview from a year ago when gunn said he would punch HHH in the face if he saw him again. At that point HHH and Vince said screw it and never made the offer. Ever since then VKM has been pissed and bitter hence this "attepmt" at revenge. Vince is showing how minute the outlaws and TNA are by ignoring them. TNA/Outlaws just got ECW a bunch more PPV buys for sunday, good job morons.
Not gonna happen. Vince just wouldnt do it. Here is a man who only started even recognizing other promotions back in 1993 with Smoky Mountain. So there is no way that he'll let them on his PPV. Would be nice ti see though.
:headbanger: Its not goin to happen...i have nothing against tna but i belive this is a desperate attempt to get some more fans from the wwe i know people will have a go at me for saying that but hell i dont care its my opinion:headbanger:

Dave Scherer is reporting that TNA has trademarked the terms "Voodoo Kin Mafia" and "VKM".

Now this gets u thinkin if TNA is just doing this to copy WWE cause they trademark all there stuff or r they just doin it so the WWE cant use it on there show 1 way or another they did it cause of the WWE
i think that TNA should Invade the ECW ppv...They should buy tickets for the WHOLE roster at tna and they should all show up...The ecw ppv isnt far away from florida...just one state over...so im sure most people would go...And they cant get kicked out either because they bought tickets...Though this whole plan i think vince likes it...it brings MORE ratings to WWE. People from tna will now start watching wwe to see what goes on...so vince is :)
Yeah I doubt any of that would make Vince happy. A bunch of douchebags from a rival company sabotaging his pay-per-view must make him jump in the air with glee.
oo man l hop etna invadeswwe but you now vince will make sure it doesnt happen

its just like when eric was in wcw and wanted to fight vince and vince said no
av u ever thought that vince myt of bought TNA and this myt setup an invasion style thing again and really he owned it all along.

jus imagine

highley unlikely even tho it wud explain the vast amount of wwe guys goin there

but ne way jus imagine
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